Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

I agree

We have too many nut jobs on the loose
We also have no way of reporting those who have serious mental issues and should not be armed

Sure we do.

This guy was treated by medical health professionals.

I'm sure they saw the signs, but did not have the authority to lock up the dangerously crazy person.

Because of civil rights lawyers.

We can't just lock up anyone who has mental health issues. Many can control themselves under the correct supervision

But what seems to happen in case after case of mass shootings is that friends and neighbors come out and say....I always knew that kid was crazy, I was afraid of him
And yet, that crazy kid has no problem going to a gun shop and buying an AR-15 with multiple 30 round magazines and a thousand rounds of ammunition and there is nothing to stop him

There has to be a better way

Sure there is.'

Profile the mentally ill so that those who are very likely to hurt themselves or others are locked up, indefinitely until real signs of long term improvement are documented.

That obviously would not be even close to "anyone who has mental health issues".

Do you really want to reduce this problem?
The school shooting. We will have gun enthusiasts tell us laws or laws would not have prevented the shooting. We will have congressmen say it is not the time for political action (Ryan). Thus, nothing will get done and we will have another school shooting. Repeat, repeat, and repeat. There will be posts defending guns as the students could have been victims with knives or cars. Given a choice, I'll go with the car or the knife over a gun.

we don't need new gun laws or gun bans we need to tell the people running the schools to lock the fucking doors and control who and what gets into the building
Not two different animals, it's the exact same scenario. Why do we have more mass shootings? that is a good question and one that you gun grabbing idiots won't even try to answer.
I did answer . No guns no deaths by guns. Lived ina gun free country and so are most of the countries. Mass shootings are an American hallmark. You probably proud of that.

No, you didn't.

So, you only care about gun deaths? You don't give a rat's ass about any other deaths? That just proves what we say about you nutters, it's all about the agenda isn't it. the other deaths don't matter to you because you can't use them as a political tool.

Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
Political ? Oh please. If you need god to live that means you still stuck in the 18th century and paranoid. You yourself can lose your temper and pick your gun. Why don't we just banned them and join the rest of the world and taste safety?

Who said anything about god you illiterate fuck?
Gun I meant...sorry Rambo.

That makes more sense but it’s still dead wrong. Those countries do not taste safety. There is still violence and death, but you don’t care about death really, you only care about winning the argument, and the argument is about guns.
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.
we don't need new gun laws or gun bans we need to tell the people running the schools to lock the fucking doors and control who and what gets into the building

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia

The perpetrators, senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 12 students and one teacher. They injured 21 additional people, and three more were injured while attempting to escape the school.

They shot the people after the got inside they didn't wait outside and shoot people as they were exiting.

The shooters walked into school hours after first bell. They walked in unnoticed by any teachers.

If those doors had been locked and entry limited to one door they never would have been able to do the damage they did
Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime

That "kid" was already kicked out of school last year.

My son was held back a year because he so small he couldn't physically handle some of the tasks required in first grade. That meant he was days away from 19 when he graduated. In Florida, you can stay until your 20th birthday unless something has changed since I left in 2006. If you are special ed, you can stay longer.

You need to do more thinking and less spouting.

There is absolutely no reason to keep 20 year olds in public HS

And how does the student get the guns into the school?

Through an unlocked unmonitored door that's how.

Control entry and stop these school shootings. It really is that simple

And we should do the same for churches? Night clubs? Concerts? And who will protect the police? Even they have been the victims of mass shootings.

Of course none of these things are a problem where there is strong gun control.

Why not?

Do you lock your doors? I sure as hell lock mine.

You have such a simple mind. Again some shooters go to school there. Others shoot open doors.

No weapon anyone can get can shoot open a steel door. Even if the door wasn't steel it takes time to shoot open a door (and you have yet to give me a link to where that actually happened ) and that time can be used to shelter students and call the cops .

All that needs to be done is to have all the kids who go to the school enter via assigned doors and their bags can be checked. Once everyone is inside lock the fucking doors.

No one get in who does not have a ligit reason to enter.

Still repeating the same claptrap. Second verse, same as the first.
YEah only a moron like you would think controlling access by locking doors is claptrap
Schools have become less safe as the Federal government has exerted more control over schools.

Coinkydink? I think not.
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

I think most schools are already doing this
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

I think most schools are already doing this
Not in FL
Why don't any of the mass murderers use single-shot weapons?

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders
YEah only a moron like you would think controlling access by locking doors is claptrap

As with Colombine, you can have more than one student involved. And like in Florida the fire alarm was pulled, which meant the school doors were flung open.

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders.

Murders yes, but they're the number one weapon of MASS MURDERS
YEah only a moron like you would think controlling access by locking doors is claptrap

As with Colombine, you can have more than one student involved. And like in Florida the fire alarm was pulled, which meant the school doors were flung open.
And again both Columbine shooters walked into the school hours after the first bell and started shooting

And the guy in FL walked into the school before he pulled the fire alarm.

What do you think would have happened if these people could not just walk into a school any time of the day?

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders.

Murders yes, but they're the number one weapon of MASS MURDERS

And only 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events.
What do you think would have happened if these people could not just walk into a school any time of the day?
They would have a co-hort pull the fire alarm, while they waited outside. This isn't rocket science, they spend weeks plotting and planning how to do it. Are going to lock down every school like the airports?

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