Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Why don't any of the mass murderers use single-shot weapons?

Um....snowflake....those are “single-shot” weapons. :lmao:

If you pull the trigger on an AR-15 and never release it - one round will come out and one round only. A second round will never leave the gun.

Duh, then why are they called semi-auto?
Because the next round will automatically chamber for you due to the slide recoiling and the spring in the clip pushing up the next round. But you still have to release the trigger and pull it again to fire the next shot (unlike a fully-automatic which will keep spitting out rounds as long as you have the trigger held down).

Funny. Explain that "logic" to your local gunsmith. Here is a nice single-shot rifle:


45-70 has a nice thump.

The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.

Gifford is like most liberals...

She has half a brain.....
Funny. Explain that "logic" to your local gunsmith.
Let’s see if we can dumb this down a bit for you...

When you pull the trigger on an AR-15, how many rounds leave the chamber?

A. 70
B. A single shot
C. None
D. A single shot
E. A single shot
F. B, D, and E
Funny. Explain that "logic" to your local gunsmith.
Let’s see if we can dumb this down a bit for you...

When you pull the trigger on an AR-15, how many rounds leave the chamber?

A. 70
B. A single shot
C. None
D. A single shot
E. A single shot
F. B, D, and E

Dumb it down? That's hilarious! Please stop. Also, stop trying to divert and hijack this thread with your deranged nonsense. Go back to your Romper Room threads - before I report you.
Florida may be the turning point. Maybe...
There won’t be a “turning point”. Americans outnumber anti-gun nuts. The American people have spoken. You can accept it or you can leave. Those are your only two options.

That idiot Crooked Hillary found out in 2016 what a losing issue it is to demonize the NRA and gun owners, didn't she? Just like that scumbag husband of hers found out in 1994 when he lost the Democrat Congress by imposing that stupid AWB.
Funny. Explain that "logic" to your local gunsmith.
Let’s see if we can dumb this down a bit for you...

When you pull the trigger on an AR-15, how many rounds leave the chamber?

A. 70
B. A single shot
C. None
D. A single shot
E. A single shot
F. B, D, and E

Dumb it down? That's hilarious! Please stop. Also, stop trying to divert and hijack this thread with your deranged nonsense. Go back to your Romper Room threads - before I report you.
“Hijack” it? You are the one who claimed that AR-15’s shoot multiple rounds at a time.
Funny. Explain that "logic" to your local gunsmith.
Let’s see if we can dumb this down a bit for you...

When you pull the trigger on an AR-15, how many rounds leave the chamber?

A. 70
B. A single shot
C. None
D. A single shot
E. A single shot
F. B, D, and E

Dumb it down? That's hilarious! Please stop. Also, stop trying to divert and hijack this thread with your deranged nonsense. Go back to your Romper Room threads - before I report you.
“Hijack” it? You are the one who claimed that AR-15’s shoot multiple rounds at a time.

Please quote where I ever claimed that.
Schools have become less safe as the Federal government has exerted more control over schools.

Coinkydink? I think not.

The federal government has almost zero control over schools except in paranoid minds.

You clearly have no idea how federal taxes are used to control local schools. Just ask a school psychologist who spends half of his or her time filling out federal paperwork for compliance.

Newsflash dumbass! I am a teacher and former school administrator. School psychologists do not even work in a school! They are employed by the districts, and that has no bearing on the operation of the school. Please stop talking out of your ass. You should be embarrassed.
The NRA release says that had the Obama rule been allowed to move ahead it "would have resulted in 75,000 Social Security recipients who use a representative payee losing their Second Amendment rights without due process." But in fact, the rule applied to Social Security recipients who weren't able to manage their affairs because of "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease."

all subjective criteria btw.

we have a process for the adjudication of a person to be determined mentally ill or incompetent already.
It is not working
Then change the process legally.

And the process does work it's just difficult by design as it should be.
The school shooting. We will have gun enthusiasts tell us laws or laws would not have prevented the shooting. We will have congressmen say it is not the time for political action (Ryan). Thus, nothing will get done and we will have another school shooting. Repeat, repeat, and repeat. There will be posts defending guns as the students could have been victims with knives or cars. Given a choice, I'll go with the car or the knife over a gun.

we don't need new gun laws or gun bans we need to tell the people running the schools to lock the fucking doors and control who and what gets into the building

Why do you keep harping on this? Are you even aware of what security measures were in place at that high school? Didn't think so!

Many schools already do a good job in this area, but you cannot be perfectly secure and actually function as a school.
I do know that the piece of shit killer just walked in and pulled the fire alarm.

And you can secure any building.
Why not?

Do you lock your doors? I sure as hell lock mine.

You have such a simple mind. Again some shooters go to school there. Others shoot open doors.

No weapon anyone can get can shoot open a steel door. Even if the door wasn't steel it takes time to shoot open a door (and you have yet to give me a link to where that actually happened ) and that time can be used to shelter students and call the cops .

All that needs to be done is to have all the kids who go to the school enter via assigned doors and their bags can be checked. Once everyone is inside lock the fucking doors.

No one get in who does not have a ligit reason to enter.

Still repeating the same claptrap. Second verse, same as the first.
YEah only a moron like you would think controlling access by locking doors is claptrap

What makes you think the doors are not locked, moron?

My point is you keep repeating the same ignorant statements over and over again!

The school where I am currently working locks EVERY door. If the students are accessing the building in the morning, it is manned, along with every other access point. My current assignment before school is to "guard the back door".

So you think this guy who had no business being allowed into the school knocked on the door and checked in at the front desk before he pulled the fire alarm and started shooting?

You're that fucking stupid and you're a teacher?

Well now we know why our schools are going to shit don't we?
There are approximately 74 million students in the US in the range of Pre-K through 12th grade. How many students were killed by guns in all of 2017? 20? A search turns up a few articles and one Wikipedia article that lists 9 kids killed by guns in all of 2017.

School shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

9/74,000,000 * 100 = 1.22e-06 percent of the students in our country were killed by a gun. that is 0.0000122%.

Giffords is not only wrong but a lying piece of shit. Our children are in more danger from men pretending to be women in women's bathrooms.

This entire thread, not one person lamented the 104 people who have died on our nation's roads today. Or the 104 the day before that, or the day before that, or every day for the past 10 years.

Nine kids died of guns 2017. Is that acceptable?

Also I thought the number is far higher than 7.

But the 104 death was road accident. Isn’t it?
A death is a death, road accident or otherwise. The outrage is people are being killed, but it is selective outrage because only certain types of death are the concern.

It isn't a matter of acceptable, it is a matter of; at what threshold do we start taking rights away from people who have not done a single thing wrong.

At that percentage, it is unreasonable to think that our children are being slaughtered, and our schools are unsafe. Schools may or may not be unsafe, but it isn't because of guns.

Let me get this straight.

You are telling me that people with mental illness can buy guns. Is that right?
Do you realize how easy it is to obtain AR15? Road accident is accident AR15 is made to kill people intentionally.

If you look at the previous several massacres AR15 is the favorites.

Explain this to me why killing 17 kids is acceptable.
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law
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Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.
Why don't any of the mass murderers use single-shot weapons?

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders

That 1% is part of slaughtering 17 kids in Parkland. And the rest of massacres.

Is that acceptable?
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

So if we ban them naturally it would be illegal to have one....isn't it already illegal to shoot someone that's not an imminent threat?

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