Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

"to bury a child, is to see part of yourself, your eye colour, your dimple, your sense of humor, being placed in the ground. when children die, we are not only mourning them, we are also mourning that part of our own immortality that they carried" - Wacky Gabby Giffords
"to bury a child, is to see part of yourself, your eye colour, your dimple, your sense of humor, being placed in the ground. when children die, we are not only mourning them, we are also mourning that part of our own immortality that they carried" - Wacky Gabby Giffords

So, let's lock up the dangerously crazy people.

The ACLU pushed to have those repealed....and it wasn't for nuts like the guy in was for normal people who had trouble balancing their check book...doofus...

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community.

This is about more than guns.

Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.

Since you lie a lot. Tell me if your post are credible or even worth reading.

I am not a left winger, I do not lie.....facts, truth and reality are not lies......they simply expose how stupid left wing beliefs are....

Cry me river. I challenged you several times about your lies you posted on several threads and topics but you just disappear.
So tell me if I will even bother to read your post.

Have you been drinking again, this early?

What challenge are you talking about....I post in answer to most of your inane posts....with facts and truth, and then you spew your emotions all over the page....
There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements in obtaining several AR15. That bill doesn’t even meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.

Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

Yes.....the law and due process suck....don't they Mr. hitler youth.......

The failure in all of the recent mass shootings was the government background check...and the lack of police taking these guys seriously...

There are 8 million AR-15s in private hands......1 was used in a gun free zone this week.....

1 vs. 8,000,000 can you see why we don't take you seriously....?

Then you have the Vegas shooter, who used two rifles, over 1,000 rounds of ammo, firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people .....

He murdered 58 people......

A muslim terrorist, using a rental truck with no background check needed......

Murdered 86 people in 5 minutes.

And this is why we won't let you have the AR-15.......

This killer used an AR-15 in a GUN FREE ZONE to murder 17 people...

The Virginia Tech shooter used 2 pistols to murder 32 people....

So you will not stop with the AR-15 will come for all rifles, then all pistols.....

The Texas tower shooter did not use an AR-15...he used an M1 carbine......a World War 2 era rifle, and killed 12 people...

We know you want all of the will use each shooting to take a ban a new weapon.....

Even thought knives murder more people every single year than all mass shooters have murdered in 35 years.....

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total murders by mass public shooters...1982-2017


knife murders.....2009-2013.....


Rifle murder....


There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements in obtaining several AR15. That bill doesn’t even meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.

Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

The ACLU and 23 other Disability groups led the fight against obama taking Rights away from Social Security people, dumb ass....

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.
There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary you dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a piece of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks or not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?
So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary these dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a perice of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks are not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?

I would give you two Winner tabs...but we can only give one.....
Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary these dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a perice of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks are not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?

I would give you two Winner tabs...but we can only give one.....

It always amazes me how confused these stupid Moon Bats are about everything.

I am really glad that Crooked Hillary demonized the NRA and proposed taking away the right to keep and bear arms. It caused her along with some of her other stupidity to lose the election.

Trump's strong endorsement by the NRA got him a lot of votes that weak Republican candidates like Romney and McCain didn't get.
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.
Why don't any of the mass murderers use single-shot weapons?

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders

That 1% is part of slaughtering 17 kids in Parkland. And the rest of massacres.

Is that acceptable?

Never said it was but banning one type of rifle will not make it stop.

We had a ban on "assault weapons" for 10 years and it was allowed to expire because it did nothing to lower either the murder or the crime rates.

But massacres in last 5 years alone has increased using AR15 isn’t it?
Gabby G and her husband are hypocritical pos liars . Anybody dumb enough to believe the lies they were caught in as they " BOUGHT RIFLES themselves a few years ago.......... what moron believes these idiots when they said " we wanted to see how fast we could get them and the background checks done" ........ Really you are fkn politicians and you wanted to see how long lmfao.

She sure recovered real fast after being shot in the head tool

Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Democratic idiot of course.
Oh and while leftist love their abortions they scream gun control LMFAO....... as they put a gun to the head of the unborn oh wait that's just a clump of cells though.

Murders yes, but they're the number one weapon of MASS MURDERS

And only 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events.

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent them

Banning the AR won't prevent them

Then explain why all of these massacres used AR15.

Because it happens to be the most popular rifle frame in the country. The fact that there are millions of AR style rifles owned by the public and that less than 2% of all murders are committed with them should tell you that it's not the rifle that's the problem.

Can you explain why most cars have the most popular size tire?

Size of a tire has nothing to do with murdering or massacres.

The 17 people that was just slaughtered is part of that 2%. Is that acceptable?
So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary you dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a piece of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks or not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?

I have not called you STUPID yet. I know you are trying to be tough because you have a big gun. Am I right? There’s no sense of keeping this conversation if you keep this up and I don’t want to waste my time with thuggery conversation. Got that?

That said....... Explain all these massacres using AR15. Don’t blame me....... I have not done anything..... All I want is to stop these massacres.
I’m not confused....... I support background checks because I know it works.

Let me repeat it again. Grassley/Cruz does not support common sense gun laws.

I asked you an honest question. Please answer my question.
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I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary these dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a perice of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks are not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?

I would give you two Winner tabs...but we can only give one.....

It always amazes me how confused these stupid Moon Bats are about everything.

I am really glad that Crooked Hillary demonized the NRA and proposed taking away the right to keep and bear arms. It caused her along with some of her other stupidity to lose the election.

Trump's strong endorsement by the NRA got him a lot of votes that weak Republican candidates like Romney and McCain didn't get.

So......... You are telling me that Trump is part of these problem?

We have a problem.......... kids are massacred and people like you seems to just don’t care.

Hillary never said she will take your gun away. She never said that. Only Trump said that. Crooked...... really. Trump doesn’t even show how or where he gets his income hiding his tax returns. Hillary showed transparency and never been charge or indicted.
Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?

I regularly debate with Trump voters outside this sites but most are very poorly informed.

I am familiar with Grassley/Cruz bill and it’s not good enough.
It only encourage to sell more guns that is why it’s supported by NRA. That alone will tell you something is wrong.

Sens. Grassley and Cruz roll out alternative gun control bill

The National Rifle Association said it supports the bill.

The bill includes provisions making it easier to purchase and transport firearms across state lines.

The bill would allow for the interstate sale of firearms, and for the interstate transportation of firearms providing certain conditions are met. Guns transported across state lines will have to be unloaded, locked in a vehicle or kept in the trunk.

Another pro-gun provision of the bill will allow military members to buy guns in the states where they're stationed.

Grassley said the bill was the result of "the combined efforts of many members of the Senate," and called it "a sensible alternative" to Democratic gun control reform efforts that "addresses problems we've seen without burdening law

I always find you Moon Bats to be confused, dishonest and ignorant. You are no exception.

You left out that the bill also included provisions to put more money into the NICS system and to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill into the background check system. That alone could have prevented the Texas church shooter from purchasing the weapon he used to murder.

Had the bill passed and had the FBI and the Parkland police did their job properly the Grassley Cruz provisions to report the mentally ill and to increase the criminal database between agencies could have possibly prevented this wacko from purchasing the murder weapon.

The Democrats, being their normal obnoxious assholes selves, didn't support the sensible Grassley Cruz bill because they were butthurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiot Obama's universal background check.

The Democrats have the blood of the dead on their hands.

Wrong again.

That doesn’t stop the carnage using AR15. Dude Paddock passed all the requirements to obtain several AR15. That bill doesn’t meet the requirements of common sense gun laws.

Mental illness are the hardest to diagnosed and people can easily fake it. Or unless someone else will report it.

Background checks when this dude 2aguy here keep telling me background checks doesn’t work.
How about loopholes at gun shows like in Texas?
Then you have this lousy president with his EO allowing people with mental illness can buy guns...... THIS IS SUPPORTED BY NRA.

Tell me again about bill supported by NRA.

I can assure you 100% there are lots of GOPs support banning AR15 but they can’t do it because ALL of them are NRA puppets. Just like my buddy Rubio. So you cannot sit there and tell me that only the Democrats are trying to stop these massacres.

What is your suggestion in stopping this carnage?

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

2nd aguy is right. Background checks are absolutely worthless but you stupid Liberals don't think so, do you? Despite tremendous evidence to the contrary you dimwits think that a crook will be stopped by filling out a piece of paper.

So the question to you stupid Moon Bats is if you morons really think that background checks will stop crime then why did the Democrats vote against the Grassley Cruz bill that not only had provisions to strengthen the NICS but to improve the reporting of the mentally ill? Do you believe in background checks or not? You can't have it both ways.

Was it because the bill also included being able to carry a legal firearms while traveling through another state without being arrested? Was it because the filthy ass Democrats were butt hurt because the Republicans didn't pass that idiotic Obama plan to have universal background checks? Was it all or nothing with those bozos?

We will never know if the Democrats had pulled their head out of their Libtard asses and done the right thing and passed Grassley Cruz if it would have prevented these lunatics from purchasing the guns. However, we do know that because the Democrats did not support the bill it didn't passed and several mass shootings occurred by people with a history of mental problems that the bill was crafted to address.

How come when we scratch the surface of any problem we always find out that the Liberals are usually the cause of the problem? . Every fucking time, isn't it?

I have not called you STUPID yet. I know you are trying to be tough because you have a big gun. Am I right? There’s no sense of keeping this conversation if you keep this up and I don’t want to waste my time with thuggery conversation. Got that?

That said....... Explain all these massacres using AR15. Don’t blame me....... I have not done anything..... All I want is to stop these massacres.
I’m not confused....... I support background checks because I know it works.

Let me repeat it again. Grassley/Cruz does not support common sense gun laws.

I asked you an honest question. Please answer my question.

You are really confused about this, aren't you?

I don't have to explain what crazy people do. Go ask them.

What I can explain to any stupid Moon Bat is that the tremendous majority of the gun crimea in this country is done with cheap hand guns among the minority and drug population in Democrat controlled shithole cities with stringent gun control laws. I can also explain to them that background checks are useless and that there is a Bill of Rights that guarantee that Americans have the right to keep and bear arms.

There are tens of millions AR-15s and other semi auto firearms in this country that are not used in crime. In fact statically (according to the FBI) they account for only a small percentage of firearms deaths. It is statistically insignificant compared to all the other ways in our society where you can die, like just having a swimming pool or a Liberal mother calling up Uber to take her to an abortion clinic.

What the stupid Moon Bats can't explain to me is why, as a law abiding responsible gun owner, why should I have my right to keep and bear arms taken away because some nutcase decides to do something illegal.

As a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and NRA Certified Range officer I have been involved with responsible gun ownership for thousands of people over the years. The NRA is the largest gun safety organization in the world, by the way.

We don't need any new gun control laws. What we need are people to take responsibly for their actions and to stop blaming innate objects for the actions of crazy people, A little additional security at soft targets wouldn't hurt either.

Moon Bats aren't big on the concept of personal responsibility, are they?

The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.

No, it isn't.

Bureaucrats have designated GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS as GUN FREE ZONES

So the criminally insane have decided that they are their favorite target.

If they manage to survive the 12 years of minimum security incarceration then the product will be a vegetable with Lakota's brain capacity .
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!

Control access by limiting the doors used for entry into the school and limit the doors people can exit from in non emergencies. Lock all other exit doors and alarm them. Have them centrally controlled so they can be unlocked from one location during emergencies.

This stuff isn't rocket science and it won't be that expensive.

How about ......... wait till all the students are dismissed from their class leaving the school?

How about just burst in to those limited access you just mentioned?

So tell me how are you going to stop a deranged individual?

Simple solution: Ban AR15.

For one you will never stop anyone hell bent on murder but you can make it impossible for some asshole to just walk into a school and start shooting.

Banning a rifle will not stop anyone either nor will it make it more difficult for someone to kill.

Then explain why these massacres used AR15.

The AR frame is the single most popular rifle in the USA today.

There are millions of them in the country. MILLIONS. Millions of people own and responsibly shoot AR type rifles every day.

The fact that a fraction of a percent of people use them to commit murders is irrelevant.

It's the same as worrying what type of tires are used on a getaway car.
Why don't any of the mass murderers use single-shot weapons?

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders

That 1% is part of slaughtering 17 kids in Parkland. And the rest of massacres.

Is that acceptable?

Never said it was but banning one type of rifle will not make it stop.

We had a ban on "assault weapons" for 10 years and it was allowed to expire because it did nothing to lower either the murder or the crime rates.

But massacres in last 5 years alone has increased using AR15 isn’t it?

1% of all murders take place in mass shooting events.

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