Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’


The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Gabby says;

I'm a fearmongering twat that wants to be President
Because of uncontrolled access to guns......she can never be President
Again, I ask the question that i asked in another post. If the government outlawed all firearms and all the law abiding citizens turned in all of their guns, would you really feel any safer?
Gabby Giffords is proof positive that you can shoot a liberal in the head and not hit anything vital.
Ronald Reagan.......our greatest modern CONSERVATIVE
Supported restrictions on assault rifles and the Brady Bill after he was shot

The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Gabby says;

I'm a fearmongering twat that wants to be President
Because of uncontrolled access to guns......she can never be President

I agree. Only a severely retarded person would think that Gabby is aspiring to be president.
Again, I ask the question that i asked in another post. If the government outlawed all firearms and all the law abiding citizens turned in all of their guns, would you really feel any safer?
Other countries who do it are safer
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

No, you haven't "seen it."
It is a lot safer for a child to go to school than it would for a child's mother to visit an abortion clinic.
Gabby Giffords is proof positive that you can shoot a liberal in the head and not hit anything vital.
Ronald Reagan.......our greatest modern CONSERVATIVE
Supported restrictions on assault rifles and the Brady Bill after he was shot
You have no idea what an so-called assault rifle is...
Ronell Reagan was 100% wrong on the issue

The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Gabby says;

I'm a fearmongering twat that wants to be President
Because of uncontrolled access to guns......she can never be President

I agree. Only a severely retarded person would think that Gabby is aspiring to be president.
Washington redskin... stay out of the fucking fire water
Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
They never will.
What's become the norm is turning our schools into literally locked prisons.
The fact we need so much security when 40 years ago it was not a factor, should automatically summon the question, what the hell happened to our society/culture?
Doing just that. So Americans stop getting shot by the thousands every year.

Don't kid yourself. Outlawing gun ownership will do nothing but increase the black market sale of guns and the violence that comes with that increase.

It happened with our "war on drugs" and it happened with our prohibition on alcohol but you think that it won't happen with guns
Australia banned guns and so did other countries none of which have regular mass shootings.

Except that only one third of the guns in the possession of Australians were turned in. So there are still a lot of people with guns there.
How many mass shootings they had after that?

I don't know. 20? 30?
Lol they had 0 mass shootings after 1996 massacre. Even accidental shots, and suicide went down....keep on living in an alternative world. You couldn't get Australians to own guns even if you paid them, they dont need them and they dont want them. That's what I hear from them all the time. But the US keep the news cycle busy with all the homicides and mass shootings.
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sandy hoax?
I thought that was created and spread by Alex Jones.
Let me get this right. A Rachel Maddow fan gets booted from a school for inappropriate threats and attempts at homosexual sex and the FBI is not notified by the school? Not that the FBI would be interested in anything other than what democrats tell them.

How many kids were killed? How many parents cried?


I would personally not be opposed to tightening background checks for guns if that would save a few lives. But the reality of today is... there are guns in circulation both legally and illegally. There are probably many questions as to why this is happening now... when we did not see school shootings back in the 70s but now its much more common. Its not about guns as much as it is about cultural death... probably has something to do with the self loathing that has seeped into todays kids.
The only thing that is going to make a quick fix until everything else can be sorted out is having armed guards at schools. We have them at airports and banks and no one really seems to mind or pay attention.. but when it comes to our little kids it gets taken off the table
People get shot in schools
Work places

You became accustomed to it you probably thing is the norm outside the US, don't you?

Yeah so lets ban guns. It'll work right? That's how we stopped people from doing drugs.
2 different animals here.
Why other countries have lower violent gun crimes and almost mass shootings please ?
Not two different animals, it's the exact same scenario. Why do we have more mass shootings? that is a good question and one that you gun grabbing idiots won't even try to answer.
I did answer . No guns no deaths by guns. Lived ina gun free country and so are most of the countries. Mass shootings are an American hallmark. You probably proud of that.

No, you didn't.

So, you only care about gun deaths? You don't give a rat's ass about any other deaths? That just proves what we say about you nutters, it's all about the agenda isn't it. the other deaths don't matter to you because you can't use them as a political tool.

Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
Political ? Oh please. If you need god to live that means you still stuck in the 18th century and paranoid. You yourself can lose your temper and pick your gun. Why don't we just banned them and join the rest of the world and taste safety?
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

You are wrong. Misconduct caused by a disability can not be used as grounds for expelling a student. It is a federal law!

Don't argue with an educator. I have forgotten more about this than you will ever know.

I stand by my statement. Teachers cannot prescribe medication. You didn't address that part either. Teachers don't expel students.

Have a nice day! :D
Hey. Allow me to say again.
I HAVE SEEN IT. Your argument is refuted.

You can't prove your bullshit!
You're a braindead libstain. Proof is irrelevant to you worthless society-suckers.

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