Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $00. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Schools that lock the doors don't either

Doors have been shot open actually.

And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]
Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $00. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.

They also sprout would-be dictators like Barack Hussein.....every communist country in history took the guns.

So let our children get slaughtered cause you are scared of communists.

I used to shoot communists, missy. Bullets going the other way stops shaddup.
We sure have lots of massacres.
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Schools that lock the doors don't either

Doors have been shot open actually.

And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Schools that lock the doors don't either

Doors have been shot open actually.

And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff
And many time the shooter is a student.

It is simple.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $00. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime
Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $00. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime

It happens regularly.
Schools that lock the doors don't either

Doors have been shot open actually.

And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff
And many time the shooter is a student.

It is simple.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
And how does the student get the guns into the school?

Through an unlocked unmonitored door that's how.

Control entry and stop these school shootings. It really is that simple
Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime

It happens regularly.

and if the kids are underage it they get the guns illegally.

So when you have a plan to stop that let me know.
In the early nineties, when the Brady Bill was the big gun control issue, the NRA opposed it, but they opposed it mostly because of the waiting period;
the NRA's alternative was to support instant background checks.

Now, the NRA fights tooth and nail to keep loopholes open in the background check laws.

That is how extremist, and nuts, the NRA has become.
The reason the Pentagon will never try a coup is because we are armed to the's very simple...they're terrified of us and a government terrified of it's people won't push them too far.
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Conspiracy theorists are the worst human beings have to offer in this country. Most are completely fucking useless to society. They have the mentality of a six-year-old, are sucking of the federal teet and are usually jobless because they are severely lacking in other ways.They get their pseudo information from the blog site or YouTube video of other like minded retards and pretend their fantasy crap nooz actually has meaning beyond things that are actually newsworthy. Usually poorly concocted and produced unprofessionally, said information get passed among the chaff of society because of a clear lack of critical thinking. We really need to shun these fucking useless dickheads more often.

So, an organization dedicated to the exercise and enforcement of constitutional rights that supports and contributes to candidates who agree with their mission statement are considered to have "bought off" said candidates?

How about those organizations who support and contribute to candidates who oppose such intent? Are they "bought off" as well?

What a banana peel.
One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime

It happens regularly.

and if the kids are underage it they get the guns illegally.

So when you have a plan to stop that let me know.

School shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
The reason the Pentagon will never try a coup is because we are armed to the's very simple...they're terrified of us and a government terrified of it's people won't push them too far.

Our children die and you are worried about imaginary evil.

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