Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’


Nikolas Cruz, Who Was Too Disturbed to Carry a Backpack, Legally Bought AR-15

Everyone knew Nikolas Cruz was deeply disturbed. He'd been in and out of mental health treatment. He'd been kicked out of school. His Instagram page was full of photos of dead animals and weapons. He was so frightening to teachers that he'd been banned from even carrying a backpack into school.

So how does a guy like that get his hands on a military-style weapon capable of pumping dozens of rounds into innocent victims without even reloading? Well, this is Florida, so he just walks into a gun shop and buys one.

More: Nikolas Cruz, Who Was Too Disturbed to Carry a Backpack, Legally Bought AR-15

Wow, that is really scary. The entire article is frightening. Kids at that school were not safe.
mental illness 2.gif The same old over and over: The mass shooter has SMI _ serious mental illness. Guns or no guns: The USA has to find new effective ways to assess the mental health of school children. We always find out after the fact that there were many signs of creepy acting out with these kids... I live in Arizona and believe me the state holds both political extremes. Gabby is right to voice concern for the safety of all the nations children. The non stop bickering between left and right isn't helping the USA. Take the exampletumblr_mqik0hdYTr1qhu0myo1_1280.jpg condola-rashad-orlando-bloom-broadways-romeo-and-juliet_3802864.jpg from Romeo and Juliet:
(shouting at the rioters) You rebels! Enemies of the peace! Men who turn their weapons against their own neighbors—They won’t listen to me?—You there! You men, you beasts, who satisfy your anger with fountains of each others' blood! I’ll have you tortured if you don’t put down your swords and listen to your angry prince. (MONTAGUE, CAPULET, and their followers throw down their weapons) Three times now riots have broken out in this city, all because of a casual word from you, old Capulet and Montague.
Install metal detectors, add more security, have more parent teacher meetings about their children, limit social media at school, encourage and welcome the youth, educate against bullying AND make background checks more strict for guns.
Install metal detectors, add more security, have more parent teacher meetings about their children, limit social media at school, encourage and welcome the youth, educate against bullying AND make background checks more strict for guns.
We could do what every sane country has done and get strong gun control. Working for them.
Every country contains mentally ill and potentially violent people. Only America arms them
Install metal detectors, add more security, have more parent teacher meetings about their children, limit social media at school, encourage and welcome the youth, educate against bullying AND make background checks more strict for guns.
Yeah on security, but the school had expelled the guy. It's really up to people who interact with these folks on a daily basis to continue rigning bells. but then the guy in Las Vegas was pretty isolated.
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Conspiracy theorists are the worst human beings have to offer in this country. Most are completely fucking useless to society. They have the mentality of a six-year-old, are sucking of the federal teet and are usually jobless because they are severely lacking in other ways.They get their pseudo information from the blog site or YouTube video of other like minded retards and pretend their fantasy crap nooz actually has meaning beyond things that are actually newsworthy. Usually poorly concocted and produced unprofessionally, said information get passed among the chaff of society because of a clear lack of critical thinking. We really need to shun these fucking useless dickheads more often.

Critical thinking doesn't include buying all the bullshit this corporate entity that passes itself off as a legitimate governmental body. Have you ever heard of the Smith-Mundt Act? And that it was repealed? Only an IDIOT refuses to question what they are told by the lamestream media especially when they have been busted for lying so many times.
Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff
And many time the shooter is a student.

It is simple.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
And how does the student get the guns into the school?

Through an unlocked unmonitored door that's how.

Control entry and stop these school shootings. It really is that simple

And we should do the same for churches? Night clubs? Concerts? And who will protect the police? Even they have been the victims of mass shootings.

Of course none of these things are a problem where there is strong gun control.

Why not?

Do you lock your doors? I sure as hell lock mine.

You have such a simple mind. Again some shooters go to school there. Others shoot open doors.

No weapon anyone can get can shoot open a steel door. Even if the door wasn't steel it takes time to shoot open a door (and you have yet to give me a link to where that actually happened ) and that time can be used to shelter students and call the cops .

All that needs to be done is to have all the kids who go to the school enter via assigned doors and their bags can be checked. Once everyone is inside lock the fucking doors.

No one get in who does not have a ligit reason to enter.
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The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Washington redskin...
It’s all about politics with her.
Stay out of the firewater
For those who say oh I need my pistol to stop a tyrannic governent.....let me say HAHAHAHAHA. And the government has you by the balls anyway.
Thank you for clearly illustrating how the left has trampled all over our constitutional rights. If the 2nd Amendment had been protected and upheld as intended, we would be on even-footing with the U.S. government in terms of arms.
Dude wake up it's 2018 and not 1776. People are getting shot everywhere...unlike other countries. Simply because of the 2nd amendment and nothing else. The constitution isn't flawless it needs updating. If you want your kids to be safe of course, or you don't to get shot for a road rage incident or when you fire someone, or a wife that found out you cheated on her. Guns able the weak to do a massive damage.

If you feel the 2nd Amendment is outdated then you should start a movement to repeal it. Just ignoring it and pretending it is not there is not the answer.
Doing just that. So Americans stop getting shot by the thousands every year.

Don't kid yourself. Outlawing gun ownership will do nothing but increase the black market sale of guns and the violence that comes with that increase.

It happened with our "war on drugs" and it happened with our prohibition on alcohol but you think that it won't happen with guns
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Conspiracy theorists are the worst human beings have to offer in this country. Most are completely fucking useless to society. They have the mentality of a six-year-old, are sucking of the federal teet and are usually jobless because they are severely lacking in other ways.They get their pseudo information from the blog site or YouTube video of other like minded retards and pretend their fantasy crap nooz actually has meaning beyond things that are actually newsworthy. Usually poorly concocted and produced unprofessionally, said information get passed among the chaff of society because of a clear lack of critical thinking. We really need to shun these fucking useless dickheads more often.

Critical thinking doesn't include buying all the bullshit this corporate entity that passes itself off as a legitimate governmental body. Have you ever heard of the Smith-Mundt Act? And that it was repealed? Only an IDIOT refuses to question what they are told by the lamestream media especially when they have been busted for lying so many times.

Where did you get your degree in journalism?
No it is not safe to send kids to school if Democrats are loose.

Dems immediately attack guns. They ignore the real issue, which is mental illness, hatred, gang mentality, and quite possibly the after effects of people taking medications for ADHD and other conditions. So many shooters had previously been on meds for behavioral problems. And these shootings are a fairly new thing in our society. A few decades ago, most of this was unheard of. Something has changed and it's not the availability of guns. We have always had guns. Schools used to have students bring their rifles to school so they could teach them how to use them.

More people are killed by other means. The Dems don't care. No tyrant has ever felt threatened by knives, cars, or people's own hands. Armed people are the only ones who can rise up against tyranny. Disarming the people is a crucial step in ultimately controlling them. The left knows this and they continue to claim that it's about saving lives. It isn't. Governments have killed more citizens after disarming them than criminals.

If the left cared about saving lives, particularly black lives, they would have addressed the gang violence in cities years ago. They ignore it or blame guns.

The issue is people's mindsets and what causes them to kill. Laws will not affect the criminals or the crazy people. It will only stop the good people from defending themselves when a lunatic kicks down their door in the middle of the night. The left wants us to be at the mercy of government and the criminally insane. Why do you need a big gun or rifle? Well, there are more and more incidents of gangs kicking that door down and killing everyone in the house. You need more power than your enemies. If the government ever disarmed the honest people with radical laws, the criminals would quickly reduce the population across the country. Maybe that is what the leftists want.

Wrong. The gun lobby consists of people with the means to buy off Republicans to the point that those Republicans will kill a background check bill that has support from 90% of the 'citizens'.

As long as the Second Amendment remains i effect, every interference by government in the people's right to keep and bear arms is illegal, including a background check. The only way that any gun control law can ever be legitimate in this country is if the Constitution is first amended to overturn the Second Amendment. By wise design, the process of amending the Constitution is not trivial, but if there were really 90% public support for any restrictions on this right, then there would be no trouble at all in getting an amendment ratified to allow it.

That there is no credible effort underway to ratify such an amendment proves that your 90% claim is a flat-out lie.
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Conspiracy theorists are the worst human beings have to offer in this country. Most are completely fucking useless to society. They have the mentality of a six-year-old, are sucking of the federal teet and are usually jobless because they are severely lacking in other ways.They get their pseudo information from the blog site or YouTube video of other like minded retards and pretend their fantasy crap nooz actually has meaning beyond things that are actually newsworthy. Usually poorly concocted and produced unprofessionally, said information get passed among the chaff of society because of a clear lack of critical thinking. We really need to shun these fucking useless dickheads more often.

Critical thinking doesn't include buying all the bullshit this corporate entity that passes itself off as a legitimate governmental body. Have you ever heard of the Smith-Mundt Act? And that it was repealed? Only an IDIOT refuses to question what they are told by the lamestream media especially when they have been busted for lying so many times.

Where did you get your degree in journalism?

I don't have one but I know how to read and I do quite a bit of it. I know how to do the proper vetting of information. A lot of the things I know have come from "the powers that be" own white papers. The Reece Committee, the Church Committee hearings.....all this information is out there but it's not going to come looking for you. Have you ever heard of Carroll Quigley and his book "Tragedy And Hope"? You don't have to read the entire book. You can simply google for quotes from it.
For those who say oh I need my pistol to stop a tyrannic governent.....let me say HAHAHAHAHA. And the government has you by the balls anyway.
Thank you for clearly illustrating how the left has trampled all over our constitutional rights. If the 2nd Amendment had been protected and upheld as intended, we would be on even-footing with the U.S. government in terms of arms.
Dude wake up it's 2018 and not 1776. People are getting shot everywhere...unlike other countries. Simply because of the 2nd amendment and nothing else. The constitution isn't flawless it needs updating. If you want your kids to be safe of course, or you don't to get shot for a road rage incident or when you fire someone, or a wife that found out you cheated on her. Guns able the weak to do a massive damage.

If you feel the 2nd Amendment is outdated then you should start a movement to repeal it. Just ignoring it and pretending it is not there is not the answer.
Doing just that. So Americans stop getting shot by the thousands every year.

Don't kid yourself. Outlawing gun ownership will do nothing but increase the black market sale of guns and the violence that comes with that increase.

It happened with our "war on drugs" and it happened with our prohibition on alcohol but you think that it won't happen with guns

They know it will but the majority of people will follow the laws and that means government need not fear people rising up against tyranny. The criminals won't give a shit what politicians are doing to the country. It's the patriots they seek to disarm.
Typical lib think which solves nothing. The root of the problem is the moral rot/decay that stems directly into that kids upbringing. Has nothing to do with guns but again this is what gifford, more gun law type simpletons think. They're not capable of deeper thought.

And it is the liberals who are directly responsible for and willfully and knowingly promoting this moral rot/decay.
Dude wake up it's 2018 and not 1776.
Dude...wake up....the U.S. Constitution is in place no matter what year it is.
Dude 2nd amendment is outdated and the death toll is rising.

If it is outdated, then write your elected misrepresentatives, and ask them to initiate the process of amending the Constitution to overturn the Second Amendment. Unless and until that process is completed, the Second Amendment is the law of the land, and every act of government to interfere with the right which it affirms is an act of corruption and criminality.
"In the rest of the world, there have been 18 school shootings in the last twenty years. In the U.S., there have been 18 school shootings since January 1--35 days." - Unhinged Gabby Giffords
Bill O'Reilly said of the Sandy Hook massacre (paraphrasing), "this is the price of having our rights."

so, yeah, 17 children bleeding out, screaming for their parents one last time, is absolutely a price they're willing to pay in order to have their 7th firearm.
No, it's not safe. I won't be until we arm and train faculty.

It won't be safe until we repair our broken culture. Too large a part of our population has rejected God, devalued human life, and eschewed basic morality and common sense. Too large a portion has embraced immorality, perversion, madness, and outright evil. More guns isn't the solution. Less guns isn't the solution.

I agree that our culture breeds these people and that they will continue to kill until we identify and correct the problem in our society. However, arming and training faculty can a nd will stop schools from being targeted.

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