Gag order put on Trump by Judge in his fraud trial.

Yes they must operate from cover of darkness
I hope he ignores it
Should they try to scoop him up and 1/6 him to the unknown, secret service will not allow that.
If law enforcement comes to arrest Mr. Trump, the secret service will step back out of the way.
Of course you do. It is your job to rationalize and defend everything your leader does.
He bragged that his followers would still vote for him if he shot someone on 5th AVE.
He knows he has you all wrapped around his finger. No one respects someone that allows another to control them like Trump controls the MAGA minions.
Your dull is stuck.
Usually, a defendant is limited on their actions and speech on criminal cases, because the defendant is out on bail, release from jail has terms applied to the accused.

In this particular case it is a civil fraud case, not a criminal fraud case, so I do not think there is any kind of bail or arrest terms,

however, whether civil or criminal, the mob boss defendant never has free speech rights to sic his followers on to a clerk in the court just doing their job.

That's not protected free speech....
He’s not a mob boss. And he doesn’t “sic” anyone on anybody.

You’re right that this isn’t a criminal case. In fact, it’s not even a jury case. So nothing he says impacts the jury.

In short, there is absolutely zero valid legal basis for a judge to try to gag President Trump’s free speech merely because his words hurt the feelings of the judge’s law Secretary.
I am here to help you get out of the cult.
Be a Republican not a MAGA cult member.
You are here to be a dull libturd troll.

I am a Republican. Almost every person who supports the concept of “MAGA” is a Republican.

Why don’t you toddle off and worry about why your filthy political Party supports a demented pervert criminal like Potato.
Liberals are delighted with tying a guy to a chair before they fight him
I'm so glad to hear that the judge has imposed a gag order on Trump! He's been using his platform to spread misinformation and lies for far too long, and this will finally put a stop to it.

there are trolls in this board and elsewhere spreading Trump's lie that the judge "tossed 80% of the case".
I hope that this will also help to restore some faith in the justice system, which has been badly damaged by Trump's constant attacks.

This gag order is a victory for democracy and for the truth. It shows that no one is above the law, not even the former president. I hope that this will serve as a warning to other politicians who are tempted to abuse their power and spread lies.
Actually, the judge put a gag order on everyone involved with the trial, not just Trump and it only applies to comments about the judge's staff.
The gag order will incrementally tighten. What enemy democrats really want to do is stop Trump from campaigning.
The gag order will incrementally tighten. What enemy democrats really want to do is stop Trump from campaigning.
What the legal system wants to do is stop Trump from bullying those employed by the court by punblishing name and address knowing his braindead cult members know this is a dog whistle telling them to go harrass them and make their life miserable.
What the legal system wants to do is stop Trump from bullying potential witnesses making them fear for their safety if they testify.
It is a tactic used by the mafia.
Trump minions, like you, facilitate this horrific behavior.

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