Gallup: 72% say Big Government a greater threat to the US than Big Business,Big Labor

Alas, Willy, none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Good luck though the impending minimum wage boost may make your quest more challenging.
Are you suggesting we shouldn't be afraid of big business becoming too powerful?

The only way a business can become "to powerful" is if Government is involved.... Hell, a corporation and all it's protections has nothing to do with business but Government creating a title that protects businessmen from being held accountable.

You do know what lobbyists are, right?

You do know what voters are, right?
Actually, to be honest, I see our own government as the biggest threat in my generation. This country has changed in the last 15-20 years. Government now seeks to control nearly EVERY aspect of our lives - from cradle to grave. Hell, we have a president now who believes that he is accountable to no one - who seeks to control by executive order.

My friends, we live in a very dangerous time. We have "legislators" who pass laws that they don't have a clue as to what they even are and more importantly, don't care. If they have an adverse effect on their constituencies - so be it. We have a president who is trying desperately to move this country from freedom to slavery. Slavery to a government that is growing bigger and bigger each day.

We live in dangerous times.

AMEN BROTHER !! ...................... :up:
I know I libertardians are so well versed in how to fix things it just sucks your brilliant policies have never been put into practice ANYWHERE.

Mostly they were, our policies that is... During the first 100+ years of America. Then FDR really got in there and made this country a pile of welfare loving chit.

You mean we actually started giving a shit about each other? Yeah I can see where that must suck.
Are you suggesting we shouldn't be afraid of big business becoming too powerful?

The only way a business can become "to powerful" is if Government is involved.... Hell, a corporation and all it's protections has nothing to do with business but Government creating a title that protects businessmen from being held accountable.

You do know what lobbyists are, right?

You do know who they are lobbying too.... right? Gawd this tale of pure stupidity gets old real fuckin quick yo.
Yes, I know idea of me being unemployed makes you feel superior, but, come on, that's pathetic.

Pathetic, indeed! The situation indeed suggests that Your New Messiah has failed you or, perhaps, lied about the jobs picture being so rosy. So which is more pathetic? The job situation? The lies?

Can you even come up with legitimate evidence that Obama has hindered economic growth? No you cannot.

Sure, 5 years of slowly destroying the middle class and poor while making the uber rich vastly more uber rich. Kinda simple really, that's what you get when you allow the FR to dump trillion on the rich to loan to the poor and talk about raising taxes every other day.
I know I libertardians are so well versed in how to fix things it just sucks your brilliant policies have never been put into practice ANYWHERE.

Mostly they were, our policies that is... During the first 100+ years of America. Then FDR really got in there and made this country a pile of welfare loving chit.

You mean we actually started giving a shit about each other? Yeah I can see where that must suck.

It does suck, we are in a never ending recession due to it... Thanks for that dumbass.
It's not the liberals or the so called socialists. It's Republicans. The deficit creating Bush Tax cuts. The fake wars. The downgrade (Boehner - we got 98% of everything we wanted), the Republican government shutdown costing well over 20 billion and so on.

Then there is the never ending stream of propaganda from the right wing doing everything they can to make people fear the government. Include all the failed economic policies from the right wing and it's no wonder people fear the government. They fear what Republicans will do next.
The FF described the priorities of the federal government in a couple of simple words "provide for the common defense" and "promote the general welfare". The FF created the most unique system of government ever created by mankind. For the first time in history the people would create the government. After a couple of hundred years and a civil war the politicians have corrupted the federal government and the people have gotten lazy. The federal government doesn't make a dime. It confiscates money and redistributes it in the most inefficient way possible. The public education system has created generation after generation of low information liberals and here we are in the 21st century where even elected (democrat) politicians side with anarchists and fools who think corporations are evil and capitalism is the problem. Americans are smarter than that and information has now become the enemy of the democrat party.
The FF described the priorities of the federal government in a couple of simple words "provide for the common defense" and "promote the general welfare". The FF created the most unique system of government ever created by mankind. For the first time in history the people would create the government. After a couple of hundred years and a civil war the politicians have corrupted the federal government and the people have gotten lazy. The federal government doesn't make a dime. It confiscates money and redistributes it in the most inefficient way possible. The public education system has created generation after generation of low information liberals and here we are in the 21st century where even elected (democrat) politicians side with anarchists and fools who think corporations are evil and capitalism is the problem. Americans are smarter than that and information has now become the enemy of the democrat party.

While I agree with what you have said the Republican party fits the same bill.
Yes, I know idea of me being unemployed makes you feel superior, but, come on, that's pathetic.

Pathetic, indeed! The situation indeed suggests that Your New Messiah has failed you or, perhaps, lied about the jobs picture being so rosy. So which is more pathetic? The job situation? The lies?

Can you even come up with legitimate evidence that Obama has hindered economic growth? No you cannot.

OH MY GOD!!!" "Can you even come up with legitimate evidence that Obama has hindered economic growth? No you cannot."

1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

1) EPA itself estimated that its ozone standard would cost $90 billion a year,
while other studies have projected that the rule could cost upwards of a trillion dollars and destroy 7.4 million jobs.
2)Boiler MACT Rule: EPA's Boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards are so strict that not even the best-performing sources can meet them, so many companies will have no choice but to shut their doors and ship manufacturing jobs overseas.
The rule has been projected to reduce US GDP by as much as 1.2 billion dollars and will destroy nearly 800,000 jobs.
Articles: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013

Scores of power plants and as many as 1.6 million jobs would be lost between 2012 and 2020
if the EPA proceeds with air- and water-quality regulations, according to a recent study by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.

"In the area of energy, EPA has been very, very aggressive, much of this based on their global-warming campaign, and the effect is troubling on the energy sector," says Diane Katz, a research fellow with the conservative Heritage Foundation. "If coal plants are closing down because they can't meet standards EPA is setting, well, those are jobs lost."
Is the EPA really a 'jobs killer'? -
The only way a business can become "to powerful" is if Government is involved.... Hell, a corporation and all it's protections has nothing to do with business but Government creating a title that protects businessmen from being held accountable.

You do know what lobbyists are, right?

You do know who they are lobbying too.... right? Gawd this tale of pure stupidity gets old real fuckin quick yo.

That would hardly make government more evil. Be realistic about this. You know how evil corporate America is. Monsanto and big tobacco may be the most evil of institutions in the developed world.
Moral of the story is.....give the left an inch and they'll try to take a mile and fall flat on their can.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Fooking lose......and Im laughing.
Pathetic, indeed! The situation indeed suggests that Your New Messiah has failed you or, perhaps, lied about the jobs picture being so rosy. So which is more pathetic? The job situation? The lies?

Can you even come up with legitimate evidence that Obama has hindered economic growth? No you cannot.

OH MY GOD!!!" "Can you even come up with legitimate evidence that Obama has hindered economic growth? No you cannot."

1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

1) EPA itself estimated that its ozone standard would cost $90 billion a year,
while other studies have projected that the rule could cost upwards of a trillion dollars and destroy 7.4 million jobs.
2)Boiler MACT Rule: EPA's Boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards are so strict that not even the best-performing sources can meet them, so many companies will have no choice but to shut their doors and ship manufacturing jobs overseas.
The rule has been projected to reduce US GDP by as much as 1.2 billion dollars and will destroy nearly 800,000 jobs.
Articles: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013

Scores of power plants and as many as 1.6 million jobs would be lost between 2012 and 2020
if the EPA proceeds with air- and water-quality regulations, according to a recent study by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.

"In the area of energy, EPA has been very, very aggressive, much of this based on their global-warming campaign, and the effect is troubling on the energy sector," says Diane Katz, a research fellow with the conservative Heritage Foundation. "If coal plants are closing down because they can't meet standards EPA is setting, well, those are jobs lost."
Is the EPA really a 'jobs killer'? -

Yeah okay you came up with some good examples. I'll admit Obama has. However I do think certain issues like the environment do come before corporate profit.

I would also like to point out also that 2.5x more private sector jobs have been created in Obama's 5 years than Bush's 8. Many of those can be attributed to his stimulus
You do know what lobbyists are, right?

You do know who they are lobbying too.... right? Gawd this tale of pure stupidity gets old real fuckin quick yo.

That would hardly make government more evil. Be realistic about this. You know how evil corporate America is. Monsanto and big tobacco may be the most evil of institutions in the developed world.

Then why didn't the great Obama and Dems do something about them? Even further, Government in the last 100 years has grown by about 6 billion times... and tobacco was around before 100 years ago so if Government is so amazing, how did this totally evil corporation (that Government created) manage to exist?
This poll really doesn't mean anything because despite this alleged apprehension towards bigger government Americans consistently vote for more of it election after election.

That was before the implementation of ovomitcare. I think you'll see a much different trend in voting come 11/2014.
Yes, I know idea of me being unemployed makes you feel superior, but, come on, that's pathetic.

Pathetic, indeed! The situation indeed suggests that Your New Messiah has failed you or, perhaps, lied about the jobs picture being so rosy. So which is more pathetic? The job situation? The lies?

Can you even come up with legitimate evidence that Obama has hindered economic growth? No you cannot.

Why yes, yes I can.

One name: John Holdren.

Warning Signs: Strangulation by Regulation

179,000 new regulations directed at business. 179,000.
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