Gallup Poll: NRA more popular than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

Planned Parenthood is more favored than the NRA, which is more favored than Trump.

Yup, Planned Parenthood has 59% favorability, that tops anything related to the GOP.

Considering the propaganda that has gone in to supporting planned parent hood by murder....and the anti propaganda used against the NRA...the NRA number is far more impressive...the left can only maintain itself by constant lying about who they are and what they do....the actual civil rights organizations like the NRA have the facts, truth and reality on their side so their support is real...not fake, the way they are for any of the left wing groups like planned parenthood by murder, and black lives matter lies.........

And the pushing out of edited video isn't propaganda?
Secondly, I highly doubt that even 10% of the population knows that six states have completed investigation of PP and found nothing illegal.
The edited videos received much more media attention than the completed investigations.
I have no problem with the NRA except for their scare tactics used to attract more members and increase gun sales. However, like PP, I'm aware of all the good things the NRA does too.

Sorry...they released full versions of the videos as well.....planned parenthood by murder can do no good things when they do one overall evil thing...murdering innocent people.....the nazis did good things as well...but that is always thought to have been minor compared to their mass murder.....
Impressive only to weak minds.

The NRA is not a civil rights organization; it's a lobby to help sell a product, nothing more.

Nope...a civil rights group....keeping the Right to Keep and Bear arms alive....considering how much you anti freedom left wingers hate it..because it is successfull.....just shows how effective it really is....

Nope...The topic is you are comparing popularity of a person to an organization that sells products. We are not talking about right to bear arms and we both left and right in general support right to bear arms.

No, the left does not support the right to bear arms...that is a lie. If they did there would not be so many stupid laws aimed at normal gun owners while ignoring criminals.

Wholeheartedly agree. Liberals, by & large, do not trust individuals to make their own choices. They feel only government can do so & wish to have a structured society based on their narrow-minded views.
You extremist far right cons want to make people do what you want; you want to limit their choices.

You will continue to fail.
You extremist far right cons want to make people do what you want; you want to limit their choices.

You will continue to fail.

The ones who limit choices are the democrats....what you can eat, what fuels you can use, what toilet you can use, what speach you can use on college campuses, you must get legal permission on college campuses to date women... what firearms you can own, how much pop you can drink, wether you can put real butter on your theater popcorn, who you can serve in your privately owned buisinesses.....the list gets longer and longer... can't murder babies.....

yeah...a real party ender isn't it.......
You extremist far right cons want to make people do what you want; you want to limit their choices.

You will continue to fail.

The ones who limit choices are the democrats....what you can eat, what fuels you can use, what toilet you can use, what speach you can use on college campuses, you must get legal permission on college campuses to date women... what firearms you can own, how much pop you can drink, wether you can put real butter on your theater popcorn, who you can serve in your privately owned buisinesses.....the list gets longer and longer... can't murder babies.....

yeah...a real party ender isn't it.......
You are a progressive right winger. You want to use big government to limit American choices. In the methodology, you are no different than the left.
You extremist far right cons want to make people do what you want; you want to limit their choices.

You will continue to fail.

The ones who limit choices are the democrats....what you can eat, what fuels you can use, what toilet you can use, what speach you can use on college campuses, you must get legal permission on college campuses to date women... what firearms you can own, how much pop you can drink, wether you can put real butter on your theater popcorn, who you can serve in your privately owned buisinesses.....the list gets longer and longer... can't murder babies.....

yeah...a real party ender isn't it.......
You are a progressive right winger. You want to use big government to limit American choices. In the methodology, you are no different than the left.

No actually I am not.....I am an American Conservative who believes that government has the primary role of protecting innocent people from other violent people...and killing babies is a crime.
Impressive only to weak minds.

The NRA is not a civil rights organization; it's a lobby to help sell a product, nothing more.

Nope...a civil rights group....keeping the Right to Keep and Bear arms alive....considering how much you anti freedom left wingers hate it..because it is successfull.....just shows how effective it really is....

Nope...The topic is you are comparing popularity of a person to an organization that sells products. We are not talking about right to bear arms and we both left and right in general support right to bear arms.

No, the left does not support the right to bear arms...that is a lie. If they did there would not be so many stupid laws aimed at normal gun owners while ignoring criminals.

Why o why do you always think that only rightist have guns. Several of my liberal friends have gun collections like you are. I have conservative friends that has no guns and support gun restrictions.
Impressive only to weak minds.

The NRA is not a civil rights organization; it's a lobby to help sell a product, nothing more.

Nope...a civil rights group....keeping the Right to Keep and Bear arms alive....considering how much you anti freedom left wingers hate it..because it is successfull.....just shows how effective it really is....

Nope...The topic is you are comparing popularity of a person to an organization that sells products. We are not talking about right to bear arms and we both left and right in general support right to bear arms.

No, the left does not support the right to bear arms...that is a lie. If they did there would not be so many stupid laws aimed at normal gun owners while ignoring criminals.

Why o why do you always think that only rightist have guns. Several of my liberal friends have gun collections like you are. I have conservative friends that has no guns and support gun restrictions.

The majority of conservatives support gun rights, the majority of leftists support banning guns...and the majority of left wing politicians/democrats support banning guns.........just because there are a few that don't doesn't describe the main belief system of the party....

Remember...former Mayor Bloomberg...who fights to ban various types of guns and increase restrictions on gun surrounded by armed body guards....he just doesn't want normal people to have access to guns...dittos the famous rosie o'donnel.....she wanted the women of her audience to secretly take their husbands guns and hand them over to the same time she was arguing with her kid's school to allow the kid's bodyguards to carry guns into the building......

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