Gallup Poll on Abortion - Little Change in People's Mind


Apr 22, 2007
Legal under any circumstance nearly always beats illegal under any circumstance. And legal under some circumstances rarely dips under 50%.

Compare 1975 to the present. Today 26% think abortion should be legal in any circumstance, 20% said it should be illegal in all cases (representing the polar opposites), and 52 percent thought it should be legal in certain circumstances. In 1975, those numbers were 21, 22 and 54, respectively. If you take the extremist abortionist with the people who believe in exceptions, then you have 78% in the present and 76% in '75!

Not much has changed, more than half back then think abortion should be legal under certain circumstances and more than half do today also.

Abortion | Gallup Historical Trends

I have no doubt the fight will rage on, but it all these decades nothing has changed. Might be time for a compromise. It seems most people fall in the middle and that isn't going to change.

However, I do not think you will ever win that 3/4 who support full or exception, with stances like no abortion for rape, incest, birth defects or the mother's life is in danger (which most even extremist pro-lifers allow this exception).
Legal under any circumstance nearly always beats illegal under any circumstance. And legal under some circumstances rarely dips under 50%.

Compare 1975 to the present. Today 26% think abortion should be legal in any circumstance, 20% said it should be illegal in all cases (representing the polar opposites), and 52 percent thought it should be legal in certain circumstances. In 1975, those numbers were 21, 22 and 54, respectively. If you take the extremist abortionist with the people who believe in exceptions, then you have 78% in the present and 76% in '75!

Not much has changed, more than half back then think abortion should be legal under certain circumstances and more than half do today also.

Abortion | Gallup Historical Trends

I have no doubt the fight will rage on, but it all these decades nothing has changed. Might be time for a compromise. It seems most people fall in the middle and that isn't going to change.

However, I do not think you will ever win that 3/4 who support full or exception, with stances like no abortion for rape, incest, birth defects or the mother's life is in danger (which most even extremist pro-lifers allow this exception).

I've said for a very long time that if pro-lifers were only interested in stopping abortion within a certain time frame, I could support that. Personally, I do not see any reason that a woman should have an abortion after the first trimester. The problem is that pro-lifers would only use that as a stepping stone to ban it completely, which I do not support. I think most people feel pretty much like I do.
I'm completely in favor of contraception and the morning after pill. But if you wake up one day and oops your pregnant, or your girlfriend is pregnant, then you have some mature decisions to make. Now if you're a man then you have absolutely no say in the matter. You knew what you were doing.

If you're a girl then you can make an incredibly mature decision or you can take the cop-out and have an abortion.

I'll never judge a girl or woman who's had an abortion because God knows what they had to suffer through, and I believe that I have no right to cast the first stone. But I'll have endless respect for the woman who kept the child or who gave it a fighting chance by choosing adoption.
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I wonder what result might come from asking it this way:

Q. Would you vote for legalizing all forms of abortion up to the day of the start of labor provided it were paid for by those directly involved or by some voluntary donor?

I think the number of "Yes" responses might be impressive.
The civilized world prohibits abortion after 12 weeks. It is a fair compromise.

The civilized world also pays for the abortions, has universal health care and family and medical leave.

And even the pro-life groups admit that 90% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, and less than 1.5% are performed after 21 weeks.
Legal under any circumstance nearly always beats illegal under any circumstance. And legal under some circumstances rarely dips under 50%.

Compare 1975 to the present. Today 26% think abortion should be legal in any circumstance, 20% said it should be illegal in all cases (representing the polar opposites), and 52 percent thought it should be legal in certain circumstances. In 1975, those numbers were 21, 22 and 54, respectively. If you take the extremist abortionist with the people who believe in exceptions, then you have 78% in the present and 76% in '75!

Not much has changed, more than half back then think abortion should be legal under certain circumstances and more than half do today also.

Abortion | Gallup Historical Trends

I have no doubt the fight will rage on, but it all these decades nothing has changed. Might be time for a compromise. It seems most people fall in the middle and that isn't going to change.

However, I do not think you will ever win that 3/4 who support full or exception, with stances like no abortion for rape, incest, birth defects or the mother's life is in danger (which most even extremist pro-lifers allow this exception).

I've said for a very long time that if pro-lifers were only interested in stopping abortion within a certain time frame, I could support that. Personally, I do not see any reason that a woman should have an abortion after the first trimester. The problem is that pro-lifers would only use that as a stepping stone to ban it completely, which I do not support. I think most people feel pretty much like I do.

FACTS NOT guesses...
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control
continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.

The remaining 87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities; about
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics
Legal under any circumstance nearly always beats illegal under any circumstance. And legal under some circumstances rarely dips under 50%.

Compare 1975 to the present. Today 26% think abortion should be legal in any circumstance, 20% said it should be illegal in all cases (representing the polar opposites), and 52 percent thought it should be legal in certain circumstances. In 1975, those numbers were 21, 22 and 54, respectively. If you take the extremist abortionist with the people who believe in exceptions, then you have 78% in the present and 76% in '75!

Not much has changed, more than half back then think abortion should be legal under certain circumstances and more than half do today also.

Abortion | Gallup Historical Trends

I have no doubt the fight will rage on, but it all these decades nothing has changed. Might be time for a compromise. It seems most people fall in the middle and that isn't going to change.

However, I do not think you will ever win that 3/4 who support full or exception, with stances like no abortion for rape, incest, birth defects or the mother's life is in danger (which most even extremist pro-lifers allow this exception).

I've said for a very long time that if pro-lifers were only interested in stopping abortion within a certain time frame, I could support that. Personally, I do not see any reason that a woman should have an abortion after the first trimester. The problem is that pro-lifers would only use that as a stepping stone to ban it completely, which I do not support. I think most people feel pretty much like I do.

There are really only two exceptions I can see after the 1st trimester. The obvious mother's life is in danger. Even most pro-lifers support that exception. I also see the birth defect exception as a legit reason for 2nd or even 3rd term abortion.
I'm completely in favor of contraception
As are about about 99% of pro-lifers (and the majority are fine with the morning after pill).

But if you wake up one day and oops your pregnant, or your girlfriend is pregnant, then you have some mature decisions to make.
True, but I am more sypathetic to teenagers, women in poverty and rape and incest victims. The women in her 20s or 30s I am less sypathetic too, but I am not ready to deny that person an abortion!

Now if you're a man then you have absolutely no say in the matter. You knew what you were doing.
See this is where the man gets screwed. He might say I want an abortion, I don't want this child. I don't have a relationship with the mother and I would pay for the abortion plus some. Yet the woman has the final say. If she has the child against the father's wishes, then he is on the hook for support.

If the father wants the child and would raise the child as a single parent. Allowing the mother to have no responsibility of the child both emotionally and financially, the mother could still opt to have an abortion against the father's wishes.

The father is ALWAYS screwed!

I'll never judge a girl or woman who's had an abortion because God knows what they had to suffer through, and I believe that I have no right to cast the first stone. But I'll have endless respect for the woman who kept the child or who gave it a fighting chance by choosing adoption.
That is because your a liberal scumbag. I am pro-choice, but I would judge a person if they had an abortion. A rape or incest victim. No way in hell would I judge them poorly for having an abortion. I would think that was the right choice! A teenager, same thing. A woman in poverty, ditto. But say someone in my situation. I had 3 kids and we planned to stop there. Then we had a surprise. We didn't considered abortion (even though my wife is extremely liberal - go figure, it's fun in our house during election time, because we balance eachother out). We had the baby and couldn't imagine life without her. I would judge someone poorly if they had an abortion in my situation. Same with a person in their 20s or 30s that had one to a healthy baby!
The civilized world prohibits abortion after 12 weeks. It is a fair compromise.

With exceptions in the 2nd and 3rd for birth defects and monther's life in danger (I might also put other exceptions for rape or incest victims)!
I wonder what result might come from asking it this way:

Q. Would you vote for legalizing all forms of abortion up to the day of the start of labor provided it were paid for by those directly involved or by some voluntary donor?

I think the number of "Yes" responses might be impressive.

PLEASE!!! The vast majority of Americans are against late term abortion!
The civilized world also pays for the abortions, has universal health care and family and medical leave.
We are talking about America, so take your red herring argument about what the world does and shove it up your ass!

And even the pro-life groups admit that 90% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, and less than 1.5% are performed after 21 weeks.

Since you are a big time liar, why don't you back up your claim with a source? If 90% are in the first 12 weeks, then why not make the the deadline for abortion and have narrow exceptions, like birth defects and mother's life is in danger, thereafter? I mean if you are only effecting 10%, what difference does it make?
In other words, the majority are still pro choice.

No, the majority (slightly) is for regulated abortion. A significant minority is for abortion on demand. A significant minority opposes it period.
FACTS NOT guesses...
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control
continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.
Wow I didn't realize multiple abortions were so high, but it becomes a catch-22. Are you going to limit the amount of abortions one can have?

The remaining 87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities; about
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics
I have 4 kids and I can tell you even with a $120K+ btw the wife and I, it's still a struggle. My wife can't take a regular job, because it would cost more in daycare, then it would be if she worked a job playing $50K a year! So I can sympathize with women who have to work and can afford a child.

If you are having relationship troubles, the last thing you need is a baby. Babies don't strenghten relationships, they make them 100 fold harder, both emotionally and financially. I loved when my buddies without kids were going on these trips asking why I wasn't doing the guys trip to Vegas. Then they started having kids and they didn't make it out as much and the guys trip to Vegas changed to the family trip to disney!

I can sympathize with those reasoning and many of those children put in poverty situations, with a resentful parent, no father figure and little to no parental guidance will probably become strains on society!
In other words, the majority are still pro choice.

No, the majority (slightly) is for regulated abortion. A significant minority is for abortion on demand. A significant minority opposes it period.

Just interpret the poll. Most people believe abortion should be legal with limits. roughly equal amounts a both ends of the spectrum, these that abortion rights without restrictions or no abortion no exceptions!

Again the percentages haven't changed much since 1975! Not sure why anyone in either camp things they will!
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Because the bizzaros at the far ends of the spectrum think somehow they represent the great mainstream.
That majority is for pro life 48%
Pro choice is 45%
The majority of Americans is for abortion only for health reasons

Pro life is starting to rise in our young Americans because of 3D ultrasound images.
It shows that the left has been lying all along and that it is a baby and not a blob.

3D image at 9 weeks

When you have an abortion it rips this little baby's Head, Arms and Legs off.

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