Gallup Poll: people looking to flee liberal states

I see it as a trend that people want to move out west if anything (glaring exceptions of Nevada and Arizona obviously)
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Gallup Poll: people looking to flee liberal states
It seems Rottweiler more than slightly exaggerated the very basics with his thread's title. Looking at the map, people want to escape blue and red states. But of course Rottweiler only saw what he wanted to see and then tried to con posters with his partisan baiting.
That's called intellectual dishonesty.
What sucks is that they bring their foolhardy progressive politics with them.
You can have the lower middle of the US. We'll keep the parts that can actually think.

If a liberal/socialist could actually think, he/she wouldn't be a liberal/socialist in the first place.

Did you know that if your parents didn't have children, odds are you won't have any either?

Is it possible to walk two miles South, Three miles East, then two miles North and be back where you started from?
Take your condescension and stuff it where the sun don't shine, lizard brain.
That all you got? Pathetic, but hardly unexpected.
What makes you believe that anyone should address such a supercilious jackass as yourself in a serious manner?

This is a Public Forum with god only knows how many people reading it. Just say your peace and move along. Stop treating anything here as if it's personal. It isn't, and shouldn't be.

Now, what's wrong we two nations? We can't stand each other so why not divorce?
What sucks is that they bring their foolhardy progressive politics with them.
You can have the lower middle of the US. We'll keep the parts that can actually think.

If a liberal/socialist could actually think, he/she wouldn't be a liberal/socialist in the first place.

Did you know that if your parents didn't have children, odds are you won't have any either?

Is it possible to walk two miles South, Three miles East, then two miles North and be back where you started from?
100% odds. And nope, unless you don't mind walking three miles west first.
You can have the lower middle of the US. We'll keep the parts that can actually think.

If a liberal/socialist could actually think, he/she wouldn't be a liberal/socialist in the first place.

Did you know that if your parents didn't have children, odds are you won't have any either?

Is it possible to walk two miles South, Three miles East, then two miles North and be back where you started from?
100% odds. And nope, unless you don't mind walking three miles west first.

You have to think outside the box. The North Pole.
Red States are still trying to actively recruit liberals to come to their states. They need skilled workers. If USMB Republicans are any indication, we know that you simply can't teach right wingers anything of value. They don't have the ability to learn. They still believe in "birther" stuff. The think education is indoctrination and science is a faith. All that nonsense leaves a reduced capacity for learning.
If a liberal/socialist could actually think, he/she wouldn't be a liberal/socialist in the first place.

Did you know that if your parents didn't have children, odds are you won't have any either?

Is it possible to walk two miles South, Three miles East, then two miles North and be back where you started from?
100% odds. And nope, unless you don't mind walking three miles west first.

You have to think outside the box. The North Pole.
Thought of it, it doesn't work. It would have to be magnetic north, not the same thing.
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The results are predictable - people are trying to leave the misery created by liberal policy. Meanwhile, people in flourishing conservative states are content...

According to the poll, the states most residents would be willing to leave include much of the northeast. Illinois tops the list with 50% of respondents saying they would move, followed by Connecticut (49%), Maryland (47%), Nevada (43%), Rhode Island (42%), New Jersey (41%), New York, (41%), Massachusetts (40%), Louisiana (40%), and Mississippi (39%).

Interestingly, while Illinoisans are most willing to leave their state in a general context, 20% of Nevadans said they are extremely, very, or somewhat likely to leave their state in the next 12 months. Illinois came in second on that list with 19% of respondents saying they are likely to move in the next year.

On the contrary, Montana, Hawaii, and Maine are the states where the fewest residents would leave if they could. Just 23% of residents in all three states said they would move. Oregon, New Hampshire, and Texas were close behind with just 24% of residents answering yes, followed by Colorado and Minnesota at 25%, South Dakota at 26%, and Wyoming at 27%.

What percent of residents want to move out of your state? This map gives you an idea

I'd say good riddance but the blue states would still have to support them with welfare and food stamps.
Red States are still trying to actively recruit liberals to come to their states. They need skilled workers. If USMB Republicans are any indication, we know that you simply can't teach right wingers anything of value. They don't have the ability to learn. They still believe in "birther" stuff. The think education is indoctrination and science is a faith. All that nonsense leaves a reduced capacity for learning.

You seem to be the poster boy for "stuck on stupid". Lets see if you have the ability to learn:

Red states are only red at the margins. All red states contain a sizable population of ignorant Democrats and dumbass liberal/socialists, such as yourself. A large number of those Democrats and liberal/socialists are on welfare, foodstamps, etc. Another large portion are engaged in the bureaucracy of handing out welfare, foodstamps, etc. The people who are gainfully employed in those states would not miss any of you, if you went elsewhere.

Blue states are also only blue at the margins. All blue states constain a sizable population of gainfully employed conservatives, who are being drowned by the overwhelming number of non productive liberal/socialists and ignorant Democrats who reside in those states. When the gainfully employed conservatives finally have enough of the nonsense, and leave, you liberal/socialists and ignorant Democrats will be eating each other.
100% odds. And nope, unless you don't mind walking three miles west first.

You have to think outside the box. The North Pole.
Thought of it, it doesn't work. It would have to be magnetic north, not the same thing.

No, you are wrong. The North Pole is where the longitudes meet, not magnetic North. You walk South on one longitude and you walk North on another. Of course, you would have to do a little navigating since compasses do not work very well up there.

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