Gallup Poll: people looking to flee liberal states

So why not source Gallup then Puppy? Because Gallup didn't put the nutbag spin on it. :lol:

Because Gallup isn't a news organization sweetie.... :lmao:

Neither is Glen Beck...and Gallup is certainly more respected. You don't care about respect, just coocoo spin. It works for you, stay with it.

Attacking the source is called the ad hominem fallacy. It's what people do when they don't have an actual argument.

Ya gotta look at all the data, not just the nutbaggy spin. 33% of the country wants to live somewhere else. This isn't earth shattering news.

Happiest States in America
I see it as a trend that people want to move out west if anything (glaring exceptions of Nevada and Arizona obviously)

Just look up the states that are gaining population. A simple Google search will do.
Because Gallup isn't a news organization sweetie.... :lmao:

Neither is Glen Beck...and Gallup is certainly more respected. You don't care about respect, just coocoo spin. It works for you, stay with it.

Attacking the source is called the ad hominem fallacy. It's what people do when they don't have an actual argument.

She wouldn't know Glenn Beck if he came up to her on the street and handed her a $100 bill. She's never listened to him on the radio. She's never seen his show. And she sure as hell doesn't subscribe to his webcasts.

But because her liberal sources have told her that Glenn Beck is "evil", she goes off the cliff if she sees his name in a post. It's the unfortunate reality with the left. Nothing is rooted in facts for them. Everything is rooted in propaganda from their masters.

I just find it fall down hilarious that she attacks Glenn Beck when all he did was report on the poll released by Gallup... :)

Ya gotta look at all the data, not just the nutbaggy spin. 33% of the country wants to live somewhere else. This isn't earth shattering news.

Happiest States in America

For once, I agree with you SW. So lets look at all of the data. Starting with the data from the IRS (controlled by the unhinged, radical left Marxist loon Obama):

Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, pro-growth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period.

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News
The results are predictable - people are trying to leave the misery created by liberal policy. Meanwhile, people in flourishing conservative states are content...

According to the poll, the states most residents would be willing to leave include much of the northeast. Illinois tops the list with 50% of respondents saying they would move, followed by Connecticut (49%), Maryland (47%), Nevada (43%), Rhode Island (42%), New Jersey (41%), New York, (41%), Massachusetts (40%), Louisiana (40%), and Mississippi (39%).

Interestingly, while Illinoisans are most willing to leave their state in a general context, 20% of Nevadans said they are extremely, very, or somewhat likely to leave their state in the next 12 months. Illinois came in second on that list with 19% of respondents saying they are likely to move in the next year.

On the contrary, Montana, Hawaii, and Maine are the states where the fewest residents would leave if they could. Just 23% of residents in all three states said they would move. Oregon, New Hampshire, and Texas were close behind with just 24% of residents answering yes, followed by Colorado and Minnesota at 25%, South Dakota at 26%, and Wyoming at 27%.

What percent of residents want to move out of your state? This map gives you an idea

You can see how that worked for Virginia, it changed from 'Red State' to a 'purple state', to electing Terry McAuliffe as governor and Mark Herring as Atty General. They also re-elected Warner as Senator and elected Kaine (the former Governor) as Senator.
The more and more normal people that move south, the purpler those red states get.

I can't imagine why rightwing nuts would consider that a good thing.
Too many thinking to change states are looking only at the current conditions. They need to think about their age relative to the direction the possible new location is headed.

An example would be a person thinking to move to Alaska which has no state income or sales tax and pays a small share of oil tax revenue to permanent residents.

Prices for most commodities there are high and property taxes in the largest cities are extremely high. Once away from the cities property taxes moderate and, in rural areas, there are none but commodity (food, heating fuel, clothing) have astronomical prices.

For those who are "seniors" there are benefits like free hunting/fishing licenses, weekly or monthly grocery discounts, free vehicle registration and a generous exemption from property tax where those exist.

For someone over 65 who expects to last 10 years it makes sense. For those over 65 who think they might last 20 years or for those younger it may not be the paradise it appears. Revenue from oil is falling like a stone. Most state functions are funded currently from that. Once it's gone there will inevitably be a drastic reduction in services, a state income tax, a state sales tax or some combination thereof. The senior exemptions will vanish as younger people vote them away. Sweetheart union contracts for municipal workers already have built-in multipliers so property tax is going nowhere but up.

See what I mean about timing?

Texas, on the other hand, has lower costs and taxation is moderate. It might not look like the perfect arrangement just now though it is better than most. But where is it headed? If Texas goes "purple" then you need to consider down to the county level. You can count on counties tending blue to become high cost and to drag the remaining blue counties along through impacts on the state budget.

What's the timetable for Texas? OK, with any state you need a crystal ball but there are enough signs that a prudent person can make a reasonable choice.

My lifelong belief: In work or choosing a location NEVER run from something. Run TO something but make damn sure it's not only better than what you have now but will remain so. That could be a factor of things where you are trending worse or where you're thinking to go trending better. I've always taken the time to think it through and it's paid off well. I urge you do do the same if you're thinking of a change.
Here's that map.

Toyota is moving it's North American HQ from Cali to Texas. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out why. TAXES TAXES and yes TAXES !

Here's that map.

Toyota is moving it's North American HQ from Cali to Texas. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out why. TAXES TAXES and yes TAXES !

Below average Taxes, below average IQ, above average Teen Pregnancy rates, your kind of place.

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