Gallup: Trump slump 1st Quarter approval right down the toilet

Obama was worse than Bush.
If you think Obama was worse than Dubya, it's because you wish 150,000 troops were still in Iraq, 20 million U.S. citizens should lose their healthcare, Muslims (including the innocent) should be demonized, and, of course, you desperately hate gay people.

If you don't support those things, then I have no fucking idea how you could think Obama was worse than Dubya.

wow, diarrhea and gonorrhea poll better than that shit, especially in the CSA

Current polls are inaccurate, are you the last person in this country to realize that? This one was taken November 7, 20016.

View attachment 123191
Yeah and it resulted in -3,000,000 for Dump
Obama was worse than Bush.
If you think Obama was worse than Dubya, it's because you wish 150,000 troops were still in Iraq, 20 million U.S. citizens should lose their healthcare, Muslims (including the innocent) should be demonized, and, of course, you desperately hate gay people.

If you don't support those things, then I have no fucking idea how you could think Obama was worse than Dubya.

That's what makes the left so funny.....

I think the bolded words pretty much describe the lot of you.....
Obama was worse than Bush.
If you think Obama was worse than Dubya, it's because you wish 150,000 troops were still in Iraq, 20 million U.S. citizens should lose their healthcare, Muslims (including the innocent) should be demonized, and, of course, you desperately hate gay people.

If you don't support those things, then I have no fucking idea how you could think Obama was worse than Dubya.

That's what makes the left so funny.....

I think the bolded words pretty much describe the lot of you.....
But you were too much of a pussy to say which of the things I listed didn't affect your opinion of Obama.

Oh... and the word I bolded pretty much describes the lot of you dumb Trump rubes.
Obama was worse than Bush.
If you think Obama was worse than Dubya, it's because you wish 150,000 troops were still in Iraq, 20 million U.S. citizens should lose their healthcare, Muslims (including the innocent) should be demonized, and, of course, you desperately hate gay people.

If you don't support those things, then I have no fucking idea how you could think Obama was worse than Dubya.

That's what makes the left so funny.....

I think the bolded words pretty much describe the lot of you.....
But you were too much of a pussy to say which of the things I listed didn't affect your opinion of Obama.

Oh... and the word I bolded pretty much describes the lot of you dumb Trump rubes.

Yes, we know that you whinny-assed has-beens can really cry up a storm from the bleachers where you are watching others run the country you desperately have tried to ruin.

Bush was a moron....threw away a great opportunity.
Bush started two wars I was against before they every launched.
Obama was a moron......pushed a lousy healthcare system on us.
He didn't do much differently than Bush.

Well, you can sit there until 2020, at the very least, and watch others take a shot at running things. You had your chance.

So, Tough Guy: You lost.

Suck on it.
Yeah, Trump sucks . . . bigly.
It's all in your mind.

Nothing has changed from when the last guy, or the guy before that was in office.

Stop believing the propaganda. Nothing for you has changed.
Trump's failures are mounting and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

And yet his one major success so far is going to confound your progressive desires for at least the next 30 years. i would say that that was a pretty damned big deal. Of course a partisan whore like you will ignore it, but facts are facts and you're going to be whining about that appointment for decades....and that makes me very happy indeed.
Trump's failures are mounting and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

And yet his one major success so far is going to confound your progressive desires for at least the next 30 years. i would say that that was a pretty damned big deal. Of course a partisan whore like you will ignore it, but facts are facts and you're going to be whining about that appointment for decades....and that makes me very happy indeed.
TheOldFool ain't gonna live that long.
Trump's failures are mounting and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

And yet his one major success so far is going to confound your progressive desires for at least the next 30 years. i would say that that was a pretty damned big deal. Of course a partisan whore like you will ignore it, but facts are facts and you're going to be whining about that appointment for decades....and that makes me very happy indeed.
TheOldFool ain't gonna live that long.

Probably not, but every day he is alive he gets to look at that trump success.... and cry.....
Gorsuch was and will be a good appointment.

He is no Scalia or Alito. He will protect business and personal liberties until they collide with the legislative interests of the feds and the states, and then he will follow precedent. ACA, for the same reason, is safe for the same reason: it was in the purview of the federal legislature.
He didn't do much differently than Bush.

He did things very much differently than Bush. You keep avoiding talking about the specifics, because you know I'm right.

Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
Dubya was a religious zealot, and most of his actions as President were based on a warped, socially conservative ideology. Your partisan hack link was only able to come up with 100 ways Obama was like Dubya. And it ignores the thousands of ways he wasn't.
Trump's failures are mounting and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

And yet his one major success so far is going to confound your progressive desires for at least the next 30 years. i would say that that was a pretty damned big deal. Of course a partisan whore like you will ignore it, but facts are facts and you're going to be whining about that appointment for decades....and that makes me very happy indeed.
TheOldFool ain't gonna live that long.

Probably not, but every day he is alive he gets to look at that trump success.... and cry.....
There is a God.
He didn't do much differently than Bush.

He did things very much differently than Bush. You keep avoiding talking about the specifics, because you know I'm right.

Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
Dubya was a religious zealot, and most of his actions as President were based on a warped, socially conservative ideology. Your partisan hack link was only able to come up with 100 ways Obama was like Dubya. And it ignores the thousands of ways he wasn't.
W was a cocaine addict whose wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't become President and make sh!tload of money.
He didn't do much differently than Bush.

He did things very much differently than Bush. You keep avoiding talking about the specifics, because you know I'm right.

Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
Dubya was a religious zealot, and most of his actions as President were based on a warped, socially conservative ideology. Your partisan hack link was only able to come up with 100 ways Obama was like Dubya. And it ignores the thousands of ways he wasn't.
W was a cocaine addict whose wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't become President and make sh!tload of money.
That's a lot nicer than what I would describe him as
He didn't do much differently than Bush.

He did things very much differently than Bush. You keep avoiding talking about the specifics, because you know I'm right.

Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
Dubya was a religious zealot, and most of his actions as President were based on a warped, socially conservative ideology. Your partisan hack link was only able to come up with 100 ways Obama was like Dubya. And it ignores the thousands of ways he wasn't.
W was a cocaine addict whose wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't become President and make sh!tload of money.
That's a lot nicer than what I would describe him as
A completely retarded, selfish, POS?
He didn't do much differently than Bush.

He did things very much differently than Bush. You keep avoiding talking about the specifics, because you know I'm right.

Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
The Humble Libertarian: Bush 2.0: 100 Ways Barack Obama Is Just Like George W. Bush
Dubya was a religious zealot, and most of his actions as President were based on a warped, socially conservative ideology. Your partisan hack link was only able to come up with 100 ways Obama was like Dubya. And it ignores the thousands of ways he wasn't.

Only the 100 most important way that the fincial elites and globalist that run the world care about.

The other 1000 piddly ass ways that don't matter, the mere cosmetic was, like how he played basketball, told jokes, was so good with celebrities and looked great on TV, etc.? The stuff that the mindless masses loved?

Yeah, you're right, the shit that doesn't matter, he was nothing like Bush. He let girls use the boys bathroom and boys use the girls bathroom, and said a bunch a nifty things to make folks happy. Big deal.

Like that brought down the CPI, raised the standard of living, or stopped the wars.


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