Game of Drones


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
undisclosed bunker
So, the ISIS crew is busy putting into effect its long planned attempt to take-over all of Iraq (and Syria perhaps) after the President announced his time-table for the withdrawal of all of our troops from Iraq and then more or less kept those deadlines....

Now, with ISIS proving the error of Obumbler's ways, the President is contemplating the use of DRONES (among other options) to "deal with" the problem of these vile terrorist scum and the threat they pose to -- all of us.

He is ruling out air strikes for the time being.
Obama reportedly rules out immediate Iraq air strikes in favor of diplomacy and Special Forces engagement | Mail Online

He is now sending in a couple to three hundred "advisors." (Isn't that how the Vietnam war got started?)

But DRONES are on the table. Iraq crisis: Kerry says US drone strikes ?may well be important option? in combatting Isis advance - Middle East - World - The Independent

but but but aren't drones and drone strikes an evil we should be avoiding at all costs?
What was is that the progressives were saying about Beck being insane when he said the terrorist are trying to make a caliphate?

It flows naturally from the premise that the killing of Osama bin Laden somehow ended terrorism in our time.

It is supported by the additional premise that al qaeda has been "decimated."*

*Can't help but believe that President Obumbler doesn't quite appreciate that "decimate" literally only means the effective killing of one TENTH of an enemy's opposition forces.

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