Game of Thrones (HBO)

Great episode.

I like how Jamie is coming to the defense of his brother. I wonder who Tyrion's champion will be. From the coming attractions it appears the hero will have to go against the mountain. The obvious choice is Bron, but that would be too simple. Could Jaime's practice have gotten so well that he is ready the take on the Mountain with one hand? Maybe. I wonder what happens.

Hell knows no bound like a woman scorned. No doubt she was caught sneaking out of the city, probably tipped off by Littlefinger. Obviously she was coach by Tywin, which only strengthens my belief that Tywin was in on Joffery's murder.

Then you have poor Sansa. It appears Littlefinger left a nice trail behind for her to be linked. Smart move if you plan on making a person you want as a mistress, completely reliant on you. She can't run and can't say no. She is fucked literally! I do hope Briene saves her.

Interesting how they mentioned uping the reward on the Hound. I wonder how that story is going.

The rescue of Theion seemed just too easy. I mean, they break into son of the Keeper of the North who is at battle with them, so damn easy. Then escape without a hitch. It is nuts how much Ramsay has messed up Theion that he didn't recognize he was getting rescued and he decided to stay back. I have gone from hating Theion, to wishing he got saved.

Next Week Predictions:
(1) Tyrion's gamble pays off his champion defeats the Mountain.
(2) Sansa's Aunt (I am forgetting her name) gets jealous of Sansa and tries to toss her out the hole in the throne room (easy to see from the preview). However, I think Littlefinger ends up pushing Sansa's aunt along with her son out the hole.
(3) Cersi ends up killing Shai, since she knows that will deeply upset Tyrion.
Great episode.

I like how Jamie is coming to the defense of his brother. I wonder who Tyrion's champion will be. From the coming attractions it appears the hero will have to go against the mountain. The obvious choice is Bron, but that would be too simple. Could Jaime's practice have gotten so well that he is ready the take on the Mountain with one hand? Maybe. I wonder what happens.

Hell knows no bound like a woman scorned. No doubt she was caught sneaking out of the city, probably tipped off by Littlefinger. Obviously she was coach by Tywin, which only strengthens my belief that Tywin was in on Joffery's murder.

Then you have poor Sansa. It appears Littlefinger left a nice trail behind for her to be linked. Smart move if you plan on making a person you want as a mistress, completely reliant on you. She can't run and can't say no. She is fucked literally! I do hope Briene saves her.

Interesting how they mentioned uping the reward on the Hound. I wonder how that story is going.

The rescue of Theion seemed just too easy. I mean, they break into son of the Keeper of the North who is at battle with them, so damn easy. Then escape without a hitch. It is nuts how much Ramsay has messed up Theion that he didn't recognize he was getting rescued and he decided to stay back. I have gone from hating Theion, to wishing he got saved.

Next Week Predictions:
(1) Tyrion's gamble pays off his champion defeats the Mountain.
(2) Sansa's Aunt (I am forgetting her name) gets jealous of Sansa and tries to toss her out the hole in the throne room (easy to see from the preview). However, I think Littlefinger ends up pushing Sansa's aunt along with her son out the hole.
(3) Cersi ends up killing Shai, since she knows that will deeply upset Tyrion.

Bran sends Hodor to take out all the Stark enemies like the Corleone Baptism


The Actor who plays Tyrion is amazing. His speech at the trial was excellent. He gave the best lines of the show by far. I won't repeat them for those who haven't watched yet but I loved it!!
As evil and cruel of a character as he is, I don't hate him the way I despised Joffery and Theon (prior to him becoming Reek)! Although he is a psycho and beyond evil he has some charisma.
As evil and cruel of a character as he is, I don't hate him the way I despised Joffery and Theon (prior to him becoming Reek)! Although he is a psycho and beyond evil he has some charisma.

I can't help but think of the actor's role on the British show Misfits. Great show, and he's been good in GoT, but I can't shake that connection in my mind.

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