Game of Thrones

Not much of a GoT watcher here, but very disappointed that Cersei was just allowed to disappear rather quickly, painlessly, and intact. She should have been flash fried and dragged face down through the streets instead of having the townspeople pay the price. Arya never got to show her stuff again. Just had her hanging around looking bored. Daenerys so quickly turning into a lunatic after displaying so much restraint and wisdom the rest of the time made no sense. Braun and John Snow, fine. The Hound was the only character I could really identify with, lol.

I agree with Grumblenuts
they didn't show enough of this other side of Daenerys
They did set it up where you didn't trust or believe her, but not the complete sociopath madness they wanted to pull off at the end.

If I had been advising on the writing and direction how to pull that off,
the motivation that COULD have been suppressed is from being raped like an object before,
and showing - from time to time - that she still had some latent compelling drive to prove herself above being used by others.
That might have made sense of where her need to exert power could have come from.

But they never showed this. I didn't even know about those scenes in her background
till I looked them up. If you missed those too, I don't think we ever saw it in her demeanor
or at least I didn't see a TRACE of it. It's like none of that ever happened.

Maybe a few flashbacks, or a few moments of hardened ugliness
and they could have captured that hidden side that was still not at peace.

Again I agree with Grumblenuts she appeared restrained and had risen above.
It should have looked like a bit more of a struggle to show some degree of "inner suppression" was going on.
They could still make the audience believe she had overcome this,
but at least SHOW that she was still carrying some drive to dominate
instead of being an object of the throne.

You didn't notice her slow descent into madness? She talked about feeling like an outsider with Jon, and after they beat the Night King, you saw her sitting by herself, and she looked like she was jealous, because everyone else was sitting in a group with friends. Then, when Tyrion went to her and talked about how Vares had betrayed her, you saw her go a bit deeper.

The real tear came when Jon was talking with her and she said that she loved him, but Jon said that she was his Queen and couldn't be anything more, meaning he wouldn't pursue a romantic relationship.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Indeed. And in earlier episodes, she had the kill them all/vengeful all attitude.

- beheading the freed slave who killed the son of the harpy
- crucifying the masters
- her threats to the masters of Qarth (with fire and blood)
- torching the Tarleys
- having to be talked out of torching Kings Landing (Jon telling her that if she does it, she's no different than the rest)

But then she had to do it anyway because she wasn't worshipped at a party.
That is why Bran was the best choice

If Bran ends up as king, what even was the point of Jon's Targaryen heritage? Dany didn't even try to have him assassinated or anything. It was ultimately pointless to even include in the story.
The point is that it doesn’t matter anymore
Bran will never have children
Every new king is a do over not a hereditary right

Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does
If Bran ends up as king, what even was the point of Jon's Targaryen heritage? Dany didn't even try to have him assassinated or anything. It was ultimately pointless to even include in the story.
The point is that it doesn’t matter anymore
Bran will never have children
Every new king is a do over not a hereditary right

Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

Judging from her mindset in the books, it's really only a matter of time til she's swept off her feet by some handsome suitor and becomes just a figurehead ruler.
Nobody knew Jon Snow stabbed Dany unless he told them.
There is that reference back to the sad fate of northern Stark men in the south. The noble honor of Ned and Jon. There is a much more hopeful future for Jon than what he sees right now, Jon has already been through all the politics of the Night's Watch and nothing can phase him now. Spring is coming! Jon has a code of honor that made him confess. Still anyone could say the queen flew back to Essos to give word that she now ruled the world. Then they could all wonder why she didn't return. Really where are the red priestesses and priests to revive Daenerys?
I think Jon was at his happiest north of the wall
If Bran ends up as king, what even was the point of Jon's Targaryen heritage? Dany didn't even try to have him assassinated or anything. It was ultimately pointless to even include in the story.
The point is that it doesn’t matter anymore
Bran will never have children
Every new king is a do over not a hereditary right

Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

So, Tyrion will run things and Bran will take the credit.

Sounds like same old same old.

Sansa has actually grown into a strong, competent woman. She'll do well.
The point is that it doesn’t matter anymore
Bran will never have children
Every new king is a do over not a hereditary right

Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

So, Tyrion will run things and Bran will take the credit.

Sounds like same old same old.

Sansa has actually grown into a strong, competent woman. She'll do well.
Tyrion will run the day to day government
Bran seems to be the one to make the major decisions
Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

So, Tyrion will run things and Bran will take the credit.

Sounds like same old same old.

Sansa has actually grown into a strong, competent woman. She'll do well.
Tyrion will run the day to day government
Bran seems to be the one to make the major decisions

Bran sees the past. There is nothing in his history so far that shows he knows how to make effective policy decisions for millions of people.
Nobody knew Jon Snow stabbed Dany unless he told them.
There is that reference back to the sad fate of northern Stark men in the south. The noble honor of Ned and Jon. There is a much more hopeful future for Jon than what he sees right now, Jon has already been through all the politics of the Night's Watch and nothing can phase him now. Spring is coming! Jon has a code of honor that made him confess. Still anyone could say the queen flew back to Essos to give word that she now ruled the world. Then they could all wonder why she didn't return. Really where are the red priestesses and priests to revive Daenerys?
I think Jon was at his happiest north of the wall

Yep, and he also knows that if he goes north of the Wall, he will more than likely be chosen as king of the Free Folk and the Wildlings.
Nobody knew Jon Snow stabbed Dany unless he told them.
There is that reference back to the sad fate of northern Stark men in the south. The noble honor of Ned and Jon. There is a much more hopeful future for Jon than what he sees right now, Jon has already been through all the politics of the Night's Watch and nothing can phase him now. Spring is coming! Jon has a code of honor that made him confess. Still anyone could say the queen flew back to Essos to give word that she now ruled the world. Then they could all wonder why she didn't return. Really where are the red priestesses and priests to revive Daenerys?
I think Jon was at his happiest north of the wall
The last time Jon saw his big wildling buddy (two episodes ago) he told Jon "you belong in the north", and Jon gave him an interesting look.
Nobody knew Jon Snow stabbed Dany unless he told them.
There is that reference back to the sad fate of northern Stark men in the south. The noble honor of Ned and Jon. There is a much more hopeful future for Jon than what he sees right now, Jon has already been through all the politics of the Night's Watch and nothing can phase him now. Spring is coming! Jon has a code of honor that made him confess. Still anyone could say the queen flew back to Essos to give word that she now ruled the world. Then they could all wonder why she didn't return. Really where are the red priestesses and priests to revive Daenerys?
I think Jon was at his happiest north of the wall

Yep, and he also knows that if he goes north of the Wall, he will more than likely be chosen as king of the Free Folk and the Wildlings.
Plus you know those wildling bitches put out!
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

So, Tyrion will run things and Bran will take the credit.

Sounds like same old same old.

Sansa has actually grown into a strong, competent woman. She'll do well.
Tyrion will run the day to day government
Bran seems to be the one to make the major decisions

Bran sees the past. There is nothing in his history so far that shows he knows how to make effective policy decisions for millions of people.
He has seen ALL of the past. He knows everything that ever happened, so he can see what went wrong. He knows the trickle down effect of every good and bad decision ever made and how it effected every individual person in the realm. Id say that qualifies him more than anyone.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

So, Tyrion will run things and Bran will take the credit.

Sounds like same old same old.

Sansa has actually grown into a strong, competent woman. She'll do well.
Tyrion will run the day to day government
Bran seems to be the one to make the major decisions

Bran sees the past. There is nothing in his history so far that shows he knows how to make effective policy decisions for millions of people.
And Dragon Lady Does?
I’ll take a Three Eyed Raven any day
The point is that it doesn’t matter anymore
Bran will never have children
Every new king is a do over not a hereditary right

Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

Judging from her mindset in the books, it's really only a matter of time til she's swept off her feet by some handsome suitor and becomes just a figurehead ruler.
Nothing keeping her from marrying Tyrion again.
Yeah, just like the Roman Republic ensured there would never be hereditary emperors....oh, wait.
Their emperors had ambition
Bran does not

Bran won't live forever, bub.

And that is where having a popularly elected leader will come in
Bran will set the example of how a new king acts
In reality, Tyrion will run the day to day issues of the kingdom

It is Sansa who will screw up...she always does

Judging from her mindset in the books, it's really only a matter of time til she's swept off her feet by some handsome suitor and becomes just a figurehead ruler.
Nothing keeping her from marrying Tyrion again.

The show did a terrible job conveying just how repulsed Sansa is by Tyrion. He doesn't stand a chance with her.

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