Game Over For Obama

The youth is going to put down their Xbox controllers and come out en masse for some of this charisma.


oo the McCain excuse....Funny how you guys are using that now.

not an excuse, McCain was a terrible choice. As would Hillary be.

sure it is. Many on the left said McCain shouldnt be elected because he is old. It was a massive talking point.
If you go down the GOP checklist Christie is a conservative on his positions. His pragmatism doesn't make him a socialist. What will be a problem is if the extreme right doesn't vote for him because they believe that he is a "socialist". In that case they will be responsible for electing another Dem to the White house.

lots of "ifs" here. If Christie is the nominee and conservatives stay home like they did in 2008 and 2012, then the dem will probably win.

personally I don't think Christie will be the nominee. Nor do I think conservatives will make the same mistake they made in 08 and 12 by staying home and helping elect radical liberals.

Extreme right conservatives never "stayed home" in 2008 and 2012. In 2008 they voted "for" Palin. They were out again in full force in 2012 voting "against" Obama and "for" Ryan.

not true :eusa_liar:
Conservatives voted in 2008 and 2012

What the far right is made about is that it will never again have the power it did in 2004 and before.

The dangerous far right reactionary agenda cannot be implemented.
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Obama is a lame duck. The concern for the dems is the NEXT presidency. It isn't looking hopeful for them.

the fuck? its three years out you moron.literally nothing has happened yet with the race and you have the balls to state this? Please never post on a politics forum again, because you are just embarrassing.

Three years, or thirty, doesn't matter. "If you like your policy, you can keep it, if you like your doctor, you get to keep them, period" will go down in history as the nail that was put into the coffin for many dumbocrats in the next two elections.
ACA is forcing the mainstream Dems and Pubs to work together, forcing the extremists of the far right and far left with their radical agendas to rage and impotence.

so jake, lets see is Landrieu and her bill and uts sppters the mainstream or extremist? are the dems who voted yes on the Upton bill mainstream or extremists?:eusa_eh:
The major question is how many Democrats are going to be affected in the 2014 elections? At the moment, more and more of them are running away from Obamacare. But, if the Lame Street Media covers it up next year and the GOP does it's usual grand bumbling, Low Information Voters just might re-elect them. Especially if the GOP local clubs put forth their usual gaggle of nobodies.
Obama is a lame duck. The concern for the dems is the NEXT presidency. It isn't looking hopeful for them.

Really? Because polls still have Hillary handily defeating anyone the GOP puts up, from Christy the Hutt to Rand the Plangerizer.

wow, already projecting out 3 years. That'll certainly stay the same in all that time...:cuckoo:
ACA is forcing the mainstream Dems and Pubs to work together, forcing the extremists of the far right and far left with their radical agendas to rage and impotence.

so jake, lets see is Landrieu and her bill and uts sppters the mainstream or extremist? are the dems who voted yes on the Upton bill mainstream or extremists?:eusa_eh:

The reform and massage of ACA is moderate, mainstream attempts to make it work.

Extreme would be to kill it or make the program a national health care socialized system.

Answer is obvious.
Ok, tell me it this is right or not, everyone is to be covered. Correct?

If the business drops hours down below 30 that only means they don't have to provide the health care. Does that then mean the person is to sign onto Obamacare? If they are only working 30 hours would that not make them low wage thus they would get subsidizes? So a place like Walmart or the other box stores, will drop people to 30 hours, pay no fine and the people will go on the government dole just like the liberals bitched about prior to Obamacare. The situation will only get worse. So what the liberals tired to fix the opposite happened once again.
The youth is going to put down their Xbox controllers and come out en masse for some of this charisma.


oo the McCain excuse....Funny how you guys are using that now.

not an excuse, McCain was a terrible choice. As would Hillary be.

The same low information voters are in love with Hillary as they are with Obama. So I don't see that changing if it has not already. She is not in position now to do anything of note except run her mouth. At least as SoS she had a vehicle to make a name for herself, she did. But the libernuts don't care Benghazi is a far away place.
Ok, tell me it this is right or not, everyone is to be covered. Correct?

If the business drops hours down below 30 that only means they don't have to provide the health care. Does that then mean the person is to sign onto Obamacare? If they are only working 30 hours would that not make them low wage thus they would get subsidizes? So a place like Walmart or the other box stores, will drop people to 30 hours, pay no fine and the people will go on the government dole just like the liberals bitched about prior to Obamacare. The situation will only get worse. So what the liberals tired to fix the opposite happened once again.

exactly right, liberal programs never work, never have, never will. But I guess we have to destroy our economy in order to learn that simple lesson.
Hillary's problem is that she wasn't a good secretart of state. Her sole accomplishment is screwing up Benghazi.i
Obama is a lame duck. The concern for the dems is the NEXT presidency. It isn't looking hopeful for them.

the fuck? its three years out you moron.literally nothing has happened yet with the race and you have the balls to state this? Please never post on a politics forum again, because you are just embarrassing.

Three years, or thirty, doesn't matter. "If you like your policy, you can keep it, if you like your doctor, you get to keep them, period" will go down in history as the nail that was put into the coffin for many dumbocrats in the next two elections.

then you learned nothing when Romrom ran
ACA is forcing the mainstream Dems and Pubs to work together, forcing the extremists of the far right and far left with their radical agendas to rage and impotence.

so jake, lets see is Landrieu and her bill and uts sppters the mainstream or extremist? are the dems who voted yes on the Upton bill mainstream or extremists?:eusa_eh:

The reform and massage of ACA is moderate, mainstream attempts to make it work.

Extreme would be to kill it or make the program a national health care socialized system.

Answer is obvious.

the easy answer would be to repeal it and then pass a one page law that said the following:

1. insurance companies cannot deny coverage to anyone with a pre-existing condition
2. no insurance policy shall have a lifetime maximum payment
3. insurance companies may compete across state lines
4. no malpractice award may exceed $500,000
5. the loser in a malpractice suit pays all court and legal costs
6. the govt will buy a medical policy for every citizen whose AGI is less than $xxxx (pick a number)
7. drug patents shall be limited to 3 years

problem solved, cost to the taxpayer---------ZERO.
so jake, lets see is Landrieu and her bill and uts sppters the mainstream or extremist? are the dems who voted yes on the Upton bill mainstream or extremists?:eusa_eh:

The reform and massage of ACA is moderate, mainstream attempts to make it work.

Extreme would be to kill it or make the program a national health care socialized system.

Answer is obvious.

the easy answer would be to repeal it and then pass a one page law that said the following:

1. insurance companies cannot deny coverage to anyone with a pre-existing condition
2. no insurance policy shall have a lifetime maximum payment
3. insurance companies may compete across state lines
4. no malpractice award may exceed $500,000
5. the loser in a malpractice suit pays all court and legal costs
6. the govt will buy a medical policy for every citizen whose AGI is less than $xxxx (pick a number)
7. drug patents shall be limited to 3 years

problem solved, cost to the taxpayer---------ZERO.

I can agree with all of these but do you think #6 would be no cost to the taxpayer?

Wouldn't the problem of those not insured, thus using the emergency room, still exist? Or does your plan include something for everyone to have a health care plan?

On edit I think, 1,2 and 6 would be added cost to the taxpayer. Maybe not through direct tax but it would increase the cost of health care, IMO.
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Ok, tell me it this is right or not, everyone is to be covered. Correct?

If the business drops hours down below 30 that only means they don't have to provide the health care. Does that then mean the person is to sign onto Obamacare? If they are only working 30 hours would that not make them low wage thus they would get subsidizes? So a place like Walmart or the other box stores, will drop people to 30 hours, pay no fine and the people will go on the government dole just like the liberals bitched about prior to Obamacare. The situation will only get worse. So what the liberals tired to fix the opposite happened once again.

exactly right, liberal programs never work, never have, never will. But I guess we have to destroy our economy in order to learn that simple lesson.

Is that why the Tea Party tried to destroy the economy? They just wanted to teach liberals a lesson?
The reform and massage of ACA is moderate, mainstream attempts to make it work.

Extreme would be to kill it or make the program a national health care socialized system.

Answer is obvious.

the easy answer would be to repeal it and then pass a one page law that said the following:

1. insurance companies cannot deny coverage to anyone with a pre-existing condition
2. no insurance policy shall have a lifetime maximum payment
3. insurance companies may compete across state lines
4. no malpractice award may exceed $500,000
5. the loser in a malpractice suit pays all court and legal costs
6. the govt will buy a medical policy for every citizen whose AGI is less than $xxxx (pick a number)
7. drug patents shall be limited to 3 years

problem solved, cost to the taxpayer---------ZERO.

I can agree with all of these but do you think #6 would be no cost to the taxpayer?

Wouldn't the problem of those not insured, thus using the emergency room, still exist? Or does your plan include something for everyone to have a health care plan?

On edit I think, 1,2 and 6 would be added cost to the taxpayer. Maybe not through direct tax but it would increase the cost of health care, IMO.

good catch

1 and 2 might raise premiums.
6 would be a taxpayer cost, but trillions less than the cost of ACA. assume that 10 million would be getting govt paid insurance and that it cost $2000 per year -- 200 million, a drop in the bucket to the federal budget.
Ok, tell me it this is right or not, everyone is to be covered. Correct?

If the business drops hours down below 30 that only means they don't have to provide the health care. Does that then mean the person is to sign onto Obamacare? If they are only working 30 hours would that not make them low wage thus they would get subsidizes? So a place like Walmart or the other box stores, will drop people to 30 hours, pay no fine and the people will go on the government dole just like the liberals bitched about prior to Obamacare. The situation will only get worse. So what the liberals tired to fix the opposite happened once again.

exactly right, liberal programs never work, never have, never will. But I guess we have to destroy our economy in order to learn that simple lesson.

Is that why the Tea Party tried to destroy the economy? They just wanted to teach liberals a lesson?

first tell me how the 30 or 40 tea party members of the house have the power to shut down the govt, default on the debt, put barricades around monuments, and "destroy the economy".

you certainly give the small group of people a lot of power and authority.

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