Game Stop and the Biden Administration, Is There Still Any Question Who Runs This Country? LOL


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

occupied, (speaking of which) you totally miss the point. The corrupt "elite" (bad word choice, they are scum) make millions off the political situations. For example, the ridiculous, corrupt Treasury Secretary Yellen appointed by the corrupt Sleepy Joe and confirmed by "stay tuned" republican douchebags and Europhobic democrats and who made millions from hedge funds all the while fucking up the US economy as Chairman of the Fed has no business in politics or economics.
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When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
The moronic useful idiots on the left haven't been told to hate us yet ...theyre working on it

My favorite is from the guardian " its like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal " its scary "

This tops the 2016 shitstorm at NRO by a mile ....holy shit does it

I can probably screen shot the warnings on the Robin hood app and then the recinding roflmao...
It keeps the messages on there ..
When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
The moronic useful idiots on the left haven't been told to hate us yet ...theyre working on it

My favorite is from the guardian " its like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal " its scary "

This tops the 2016 shitstorm at NRO by a mile ....holy shit does it

I can probably screen shot the warnings on the Robin hood app and then the rescinding roflmao...
It keeps the messages on there ..
I'm cheering the little Reddit guys on, I hope they crush the hedge funds, who have been stealing from our 401k's for decades, selling stocks short, stealing from "long" investors, and then moving on to another victim stock.

Hoping Congress does something good. When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side, this could be good.
Oh I get it now. You think that by adopting the long held progressive stance on political influence by the finance industry you can score a few hit points on the president. We'll count on your support should a bill ever come up trying to fight it.
occupied, (speaking of which) you totally miss the point. The corrupt "elite" (bad word choice, they are scum) make millions off the political situations. For example, the ridiculous, corrupt Treasury Secretary Yellen appointed by the corrupt Sleepy Joe and confirmed by "stay tuned" republican douchebags and Europhobic democrats and who made millions from hedge funds all the while fucking up the US economy as Chairman of the Fed has no business in politics or economics.
Not so. Orange man gone. Orange man bad.

Everything Ok now.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
The moronic useful idiots on the left haven't been told to hate us yet ...theyre working on it

My favorite is from the guardian " its like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal " its scary "

This tops the 2016 shitstorm at NRO by a mile ....holy shit does it

I can probably screen shot the warnings on the Robin hood app and then the rescinding roflmao...
It keeps the messages on there ..
I'm cheering the little Reddit guys on, I hope they crush the hedge funds, who have been stealing from our 401k's for decades, selling stocks short, stealing from "long" investors, and then moving on to another victim stock.

Hoping Congress does something good. When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side, this could be good.
They let me buy nakd last night I cancelled that trade at 430 am I think right after I logged off here ....a couple of the other ones I also went in on ..... I posted on another thread
it was after hours when I put the buys in ......I would of ate half on that nakd at 9:31

I got warnings on all of em

Fuck em where they live and breathe
Its to funny
Screaming like stuck pigs
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
They lost billions ....
They stuck it right up thier asses And then put a boot up it for good measure
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.

I just went there yesterday and got a game. Although I did notice they didn't have as many games as usual. I would much rather go there then go buy it online. Plus I have stopped buying from Amazon and Best Buy. Screw them.
When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
The moronic useful idiots on the left haven't been told to hate us yet ...theyre working on it

My favorite is from the guardian " its like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal " its scary "

This tops the 2016 shitstorm at NRO by a mile ....holy shit does it

I can probably screen shot the warnings on the Robin hood app and then the rescinding roflmao...
It keeps the messages on there ..
I'm cheering the little Reddit guys on, I hope they crush the hedge funds, who have been stealing from our 401k's for decades, selling stocks short, stealing from "long" investors, and then moving on to another victim stock.

Hoping Congress does something good. When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side, this could be good.
Ted Cruz would sooner cut his own throat than actually do anything that might cost rich people money or make the finance industry more accountable. Progressives are the only politicians who just might and the right will oppose them just for spite.
When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
The moronic useful idiots on the left haven't been told to hate us yet ...theyre working on it

My favorite is from the guardian " its like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal " its scary "

This tops the 2016 shitstorm at NRO by a mile ....holy shit does it

I can probably screen shot the warnings on the Robin hood app and then the rescinding roflmao...
It keeps the messages on there ..
I'm cheering the little Reddit guys on, I hope they crush the hedge funds, who have been stealing from our 401k's for decades, selling stocks short, stealing from "long" investors, and then moving on to another victim stock.

Hoping Congress does something good. When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side, this could be good.

One thing to realize. Never count on Congress to do the right thing. Their approval ratings are even lower then the mainstream medias. There is a reason they have a fence up and military now. The people are catching on to the scam being run in most things.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.
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When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
The moronic useful idiots on the left haven't been told to hate us yet ...theyre working on it

My favorite is from the guardian " its like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal " its scary "

This tops the 2016 shitstorm at NRO by a mile ....holy shit does it

I can probably screen shot the warnings on the Robin hood app and then the rescinding roflmao...
It keeps the messages on there ..
I'm cheering the little Reddit guys on, I hope they crush the hedge funds, who have been stealing from our 401k's for decades, selling stocks short, stealing from "long" investors, and then moving on to another victim stock.

Hoping Congress does something good. When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side, this could be good.
Ted Cruz would sooner cut his own throat than actually do anything that might cost rich people money or make the finance industry more accountable. Progressives are the only politicians who just might and the right will oppose them just for spite.
Ted Cruz and AOC were briefly on the same side of the GME issue, until AOC played partisan politics again.

The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

That was a great and very easy to understand way of explaining what happened. Thanks!
They lost billions ....
They stuck it right up thier asses And then put a boot up it for good measure

That's fine an all, but then what do you guys who "stuck" it to them do when you are stuck with stock in a dead company?

Selling short is a part of the corporate life cycle. Companies die. New companies take their place.

Now, if Gamestop was a healthy company that was destroyed by hedge funds looting it, like Mitt Romney (remember when you guys all thought he'd make an awesome president) did to GS Steel and AmPad, I'd be totally with you.

Gamestop isn't like a Hostess, which was looted and destroyed by hedge funds.

Sometimes, hedge funds are good for a company. They come in, they make the hard decisions about getting rid of unprofitable lines of business and finding efficiencies, and then they sell a leaner company off to other investors.

And sometimes, they are just managing the decline and the dissolution of assets of dying companies.

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