Game Stop and the Biden Administration, Is There Still Any Question Who Runs This Country? LOL

The WallStreetBets/Robin Hood/ AMC/Gamestop story is the biggest thing to happen to Wall Street since at least 2008.
Unprecedented. $Billions taken out of the hands of multi-$billion hedge funds into retail investors, Robin Hood colluding with Hedge Funds in an effort to screw the small players so the hedge funds could recoup.... this could change how the stock market operates for a long time.
And the White House has no comment???? "We are monitoring"??

And sorry to all of you CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

Why would CNN people not have heard of it?...that's where I first heard of it..on CNN
Actually CNN came on board yesterday once they could no longer ignore it.
Tuesday they were all "they think they are taking money from billionaires, but they are really hurting retirement funds"...which was a bald face lie, so they stopped that and joined in the rest of the media by late Wednesday
The WallStreetBets/Robin Hood/ AMC/Gamestop story is the biggest thing to happen to Wall Street since at least 2008.
Unprecedented. $Billions taken out of the hands of multi-$billion hedge funds into retail investors, Robin Hood colluding with Hedge Funds in an effort to screw the small players so the hedge funds could recoup.... this could change how the stock market operates for a long time.
And the White House has no comment???? "We are monitoring"??

And sorry to all of you CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

Why would CNN people not have heard of it?...that's where I first heard of it..on CNN
Actually CNN came on board yesterday once they could no longer ignore it.
Tuesday they were all "they think they are taking money from billionaires, but they are really hurting retirement funds"...which was a bald face lie, so they stopped that and joined in the rest of the media by late Wednesday
Sadly you're wrong. A LOT of 401s are invested in Hedge Funds. Been like that for decades
occupied, (speaking of which) you totally miss the point. The corrupt "elite" (bad word choice, they are scum) make millions off the political situations. For example, the ridiculous, corrupt Treasury Secretary Yellen appointed by the corrupt Sleepy Joe and confirmed by "stay tuned" republican douchebags and Europhobic democrats and who made millions from hedge funds all the while fucking up the US economy as Chairman of the Fed has no business in politics or economics.
Well the problem with your thesis is that the hedge fund got gamed, yet you're blaming the dems (and apparatnly not muchkin and Trump for the same)

I don't want to destroy your virginity or anything, but both parties support a free market economy. Imo both parties continue to support deregulation, but the dems are more apt to force market players to be transparent in their financial backing and market positions
“With $600 of free money to play with, several thousand “retards” can stick it to them longer than Melvin can stay solvent.” Occupy 2.0
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
It w3nt global


The occupied fags got nuttin on the right ....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

What the hell, I’m up three grand since I got in and am letting it ride.
This ain’t me but found it interesting.
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The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.
It’s fascinating to see Leftists defend corrupt rich hedge fund managers.
And they don't even know it.

Hey, I'm all for more regulations on Hedge Funds and making them pay higher taxes.

I'm still trying to see who benefits here from this shit.

Not the fools who think they are being clever, they are probably going to end up taking a bath.

Not Gamestop itself.. They're still flopping around on the deck, not even realizing they are dead yet.

The Hedge funds are going to come out just fine on this.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

Define "no one". Do you mean "no one in the chat rooms"? "No one pushing conspiracy theories" is falling for this. "No one ginning up the outrage machine" is falling for this. Because I haven't talked to any of my Bay Street friends who agrees with you at all.

Because in the world of people who understand how the stock market works, and what WILL happen to Robinhood when GameStock crashes, are saying something entirely different.

Other than parrotting what these people are telling you, tell me about your portfolio. How long have YOU been in the market. I worked on Bay Street for more than 20 years. I worked in banking, finance and law for 40 years. Explain to me what it is that I got WRONG. Because other than your ranting about Robinhood's ownership, you haven't backed up your post at all.
It’s fascinating to see Leftists defend corrupt rich hedge fund managers.
And they don't even know it.

Hey, I'm all for more regulations on Hedge Funds and making them pay higher taxes.

I'm still trying to see who benefits here from this shit.

Not the fools who think they are being clever, they are probably going to end up taking a bath.

Not Gamestop itself.. They're still flopping around on the deck, not even realizing they are dead yet.

The Hedge funds are going to come out just fine on this.
And, once again, you are showing you live under a rock.
Literally 1,000's of regular young folks, many with less than $1000 in their accounts... cashed out and made enough money to pay off their student loans, buy cars... a guy who did an interview on CNN... he makes $35k a year. Now he is a millionaire.
Between me, my son and a fellow co-worker we netted almost $5k. I cashed out $1,800 and it is now sitting in my checking account. And there are thousands and thousands of us who cashed out.
I am not one of the playground kids that the five $100 millionaires daily on twitter telling kids to HOLD! HOLD! HOLD!...

And as for hedge funds coming out ahead... dude... they lost $19 Billion this week. Real money... GME is liquid guy. Liquid.
You don't know what you are talking about. Wall Street will be Wall Street yes. Marvin Capital received $2.5 Bn from other funds as a basic bankruptcy bailout to keep them afloat...Wall Street protects Wall Street. But make no mistake about it, $billions were transferred from rich assholes to the bank accounts of average Americans everywhere on a scale never seen before.
And here you are. Not supporting that because you think you are not supposed to.

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