Game Stop and the Biden Administration, Is There Still Any Question Who Runs This Country? LOL

Some one needs to explain this GAME STOP deal to me. The video company has been losing money for years as game sales have moved to the internet. So what is all this stock buying doing for those investing? Is this just a market manipulation to make a point? will the little guy end up losing in the end? Is this a Robin Hood allusion? way above my pay grade.
Hedge funds have manipulated the markets with impunity to advantage of retail investors forever. This is a case where retail came together to make some money off the headgear funds. At first they did it because they love GameStop, but that was stupid because secondary market transactions have no effect on the issuer. In any case the retail investors used their buying power to squeeze out the shorts and we’re making money in the process.
I see. So you got caught up in this.

Well I advise you to get the hell out quick.

You haven't made ANY money until you sell and that stock HAS to fall.
Right. It's a bubble. A really stupid bubble.
I am surprised you are taking this stance.
There has been no bubble like this before. Ever.
As there has never been an instance in market history where a bunch of little guys won. And won big. BIG.
Happened again with AMC. Then Bed Bath & Beyond... which BBY alone handed a $800,000,000 loss to a hedge fund group that shorted them.
Like I said... go ahead and tell me a time in market history where little guys beat the tar out of the big guns, so much so it created a 3 day panic with losses well into the $billions. Gamestop alone cost hedge funds $19 Billion.
You are not one of these tards posting here.... just not sure why you are shrugging this off.
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Hedge funds have manipulated the markets with impunity to advantage of retail investors forever. This is a case where retail came together to make some money off the headgear funds. At first they did it because they love GameStop, but that was stupid because secondary market transactions have no effect on the issuer. In any case the retail investors used their buying power to squeeze out the shorts and we’re making money in the process.
I see. So you got caught up in this.

Well I advise you to get the hell out quick.

You haven't made ANY money until you sell and that stock HAS to fall.
Untold kids paid off their college loans from the money they made.
A LOT of folks cashed out.

Yeah stock is up over 1000% and is as liquid as the ocean
It was a fucking farce and everyone doing it knew it was. A friend of mine worked for Bank of America, and he said the financial guys joked about it and knew it would fail someday.
Since that's a specific example.
1) Want more regulation
2) Want less regulation
3) The situation was perfectly regulated.
Some one needs to explain this GAME STOP deal to me. The video company has been losing money for years as game sales have moved to the internet. So what is all this stock buying doing for those investing? Is this just a market manipulation to make a point? will the little guy end up losing in the end? Is this a Robin Hood allusion? way above my pay grade.
Sorry... it would take 4 or 5 paragraphs to explain it.

Google these terms:
What is a short sale?
What is a short ladder attack?
That will get you a start.
The company is a dog with flees, however it could go to 2000. Who knows? We’ve never seen this type of situation before.

We keep seeing it over and over. From Tulips, to land in florida in the 1920's.

I mean this a bubble like anything else, but do to unique circumstances who knows when the bubble will burst? I’m not rush to buy puts.
You guys see what is happening with dogecoin?
Robin Hood is doing it again.
Fucking crazy today.... up 380%. So Robin Hood froze crypto buying.

Meanwhile Webull is on fire... 100,000s of Robin Hood accounts moving to them.
I mean this a bubble like anything else, but do to unique circumstances who knows when the bubble will burst? I’m not rush to buy puts.

If you're hearing about putting money into it NOW, it means it's too late. They're just asking the suckers to get in now, in order to support stock prices so they can bail out.

A stock has no intrinsic value. They can't sell it at the market, if there isn't anybody willing to buy it at the market.
The Whitehouse has no comment because their staff is on the take with robinhood.
You laugh, but I think there is something to this. Yellen, right? $800,000? Why was she given that money? Enquiring minds want to know.

Drain the Swamp.
The Whitehouse has no comment because their staff is on the take with robinhood.
You laugh, but I think there is something to this. Yellen, right? $800,000? Why was she given that money? Enquiring minds want to know.

Drain the Swamp.
Just how the hell does someone get paid $800,000 for speaking fees? That is more than DOUBLE the highest ever paid to Obama!! Who is now among the highest paid speakers in the world.
You expect people to believe this lady got paid that much??
The Whitehouse has no comment because their staff is on the take with robinhood.
You laugh, but I think there is something to this. Yellen, right? $800,000? Why was she given that money? Enquiring minds want to know.

Drain the Swamp.
The SEC is in charge of this, not Treasury.

The Secretary of the Treasury is responsible for formulating and recommending domestic and international financial, economic, and tax policy, participating in the formulation of broad fiscal policies that have general significance for the economy, and managing the public debt.

The U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a three-part mission: Protect investors. Maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets. Facilitate capital formation
Just how the hell does someone get paid $800,000 for speaking fees? That is more than DOUBLE the highest ever paid to Obama!! Who is now among the highest paid speakers in the world.
You expect people to believe this lady got paid that much??
You are uninformed, and falling for the TROLL.
Yellin made that amount as an agrigate total over several years, making about $200,000 for a series of speeches each year.

This came from her financial disclosure forms.
Democrats are already all over this, and they are the ones planning on holding a hearing and bringing Robinhood to the hearing. Biden has other pressing issues, like fixing the smoking wreckage left behind from the last guy.

It's trump's fault :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg::TH_WAY~113::Boom2:
The WallStreetBets/Robin Hood/ AMC/Gamestop story is the biggest thing to happen to Wall Street since at least 2008.
Unprecedented. $Billions taken out of the hands of multi-$billion hedge funds into retail investors, Robin Hood colluding with Hedge Funds in an effort to screw the small players so the hedge funds could recoup.... this could change how the stock market operates for a long time.
And the White House has no comment???? "We are monitoring"??

And sorry to all of you CNN people - you probably never heard of any of this.

Chris Cuomo did a great job of grilling Robinhood’s CEO

Not bad actually... but I wish it would have been someone other than Cuomo, as in someone who knows how to argue against what he said. I would have liked to have seen Cavuto maybe.
Guess what those nasty hedge funds are gonna do with that $480 over valued stock?

Yea...they're gonna short it and make a bigger fortune

Gamers had their fun...

Is any of this "right"? It's capitalism in the US.

No they’re not. There’s no telling when the buying frenzy stops

To real investors GME is pure poison, same with AMC and KOSS.

They're a fool's game being played by rank amateurs
Just how the hell does someone get paid $800,000 for speaking fees? That is more than DOUBLE the highest ever paid to Obama!! Who is now among the highest paid speakers in the world.
You expect people to believe this lady got paid that much??
You are uninformed, and falling for the TROLL.
Yellin made that amount as an agrigate total over several years, making about $200,000 for a series of speeches each year.

This came from her financial disclosure forms.
Yeah :lol:
I know it is a combination... but $800k from one firm?? Yeah.... not buying it. I don't give a fuck how many times she spoke... $800,000!!??
She should immediately recuse herself from any involvement. That is a mighty tall conflict of interest by any standards.
Now we know why the Biden admin is so quiet. How the hell are they supposed to say much of anything when the Treasury Secretary got paid so much money from one of leading firms in the scandal???

THis is hilarious. And, like I say, if this was Trumps admin - you guys would be saying something very-very different
Guess what those nasty hedge funds are gonna do with that $480 over valued stock?

Yea...they're gonna short it and make a bigger fortune

Gamers had their fun...

Is any of this "right"? It's capitalism in the US.

No they’re not. There’s no telling when the buying frenzy stops

To real investors GME is pure poison, same with AMC and KOSS.

They're a fool's game being played by rank amateurs
Yeah... those amateurs made $19,000,000,000 in the past 5 days. Liquid money.

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