Game Stop and the Biden Administration, Is There Still Any Question Who Runs This Country? LOL

The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

Define "no one". Do you mean "no one in the chat rooms"? "No one pushing conspiracy theories" is falling for this. "No one ginning up the outrage machine" is falling for this. Because I haven't talked to any of my Bay Street friends who agrees with you at all.

Because in the world of people who understand how the stock market works, and what WILL happen to Robinhood when GameStock crashes, are saying something entirely different.

Other than parrotting what these people are telling you, tell me about your portfolio. How long have YOU been in the market. I worked on Bay Street for more than 20 years. I worked in banking, finance and law for 40 years. Explain to me what it is that I got WRONG. Because other than your ranting about Robinhood's ownership, you haven't backed up your post at all.

I have Twitter, and besides a few family and friends - all of the people I follow are traders and funds. Most are nationally recognized and celebrated - highly successful traders. A couple are $billionaires.
I pay attention to them.

You are paying attention to MSNBC, HuffPo and other corporate parrots that are trying to convince you this is a bad thing. HuffPo and CNN especially telling people this "hurts the working people"... an absolute lie.
Course - you will fall for all of it.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

Define "no one". Do you mean "no one in the chat rooms"? "No one pushing conspiracy theories" is falling for this. "No one ginning up the outrage machine" is falling for this. Because I haven't talked to any of my Bay Street friends who agrees with you at all.

Because in the world of people who understand how the stock market works, and what WILL happen to Robinhood when GameStock crashes, are saying something entirely different.

Other than parrotting what these people are telling you, tell me about your portfolio. How long have YOU been in the market. I worked on Bay Street for more than 20 years. I worked in banking, finance and law for 40 years. Explain to me what it is that I got WRONG. Because other than your ranting about Robinhood's ownership, you haven't backed up your post at all.

Haha... I have been trading since the late 90's.
I am retail. You bet. Nothing wrong with that. Retail was pretty much impossible for many of those years. In fact, I was out completely from 2008 till 2014 because the market was univestable for retailers. Lucky if you pulled 4%.
As for Gamestop?.... they are immaterial. It could have been anyone with a low share value. Anyone.
I only made less than $2k because I got in late and left early... what... you think I was going to ignore what was happening?? Same with AME and dogecoin. Retail investors can't make money in the conventional bull market. That takes mega cash. Wall Street holds all of the cards.
You have to watch small stock potentials. Those little $5-$10 companies that had something happen to drive their value up.
You spend $1000 and buy 100 shares at $8, and in a couple days it is selling at $14 - you just made $600. With the big boys, you can only afford to buy 2 or 3 shares. If a stock goes from $175 to $210 on a big rally - whoohoo!!!... you made $70!!! time to retire.
It’s fascinating to see Leftists defend corrupt rich hedge fund managers.
And they don't even know it.

Hey, I'm all for more regulations on Hedge Funds and making them pay higher taxes.

I'm still trying to see who benefits here from this shit.

Not the fools who think they are being clever, they are probably going to end up taking a bath.

Not Gamestop itself.. They're still flopping around on the deck, not even realizing they are dead yet.

The Hedge funds are going to come out just fine on this.
And, once again, you are showing you live under a rock.
Literally 1,000's of regular young folks, many with less than $1000 in their accounts... cashed out and made enough money to pay off their student loans, buy cars... a guy who did an interview on CNN... he makes $35k a year. Now he is a millionaire.
Between me, my son and a fellow co-worker we netted almost $5k. I cashed out $1,800 and it is now sitting in my checking account. And there are thousands and thousands of us who cashed out.
I am not one of the playground kids that the five $100 millionaires daily on twitter telling kids to HOLD! HOLD! HOLD!...

And as for hedge funds coming out ahead... dude... they lost $19 Billion this week. Real money... GME is liquid guy. Liquid.
You don't know what you are talking about. Wall Street will be Wall Street yes. Marvin Capital received $2.5 Bn from other funds as a basic bankruptcy bailout to keep them afloat...Wall Street protects Wall Street. But make no mistake about it, $billions were transferred from rich assholes to the bank accounts of average Americans everywhere on a scale never seen before.
And here you are. Not supporting that because you think you are not supposed to.

I am applauding everything that is going on here you stupid dolt. I'm all in favour of the little guys making out like bandits. Go on them! I even considered downloading Robinhood and getting in on the fun.

But I also know how the system works, and how it works is that somebody is gonna pay for this bigtime. The price of the stock bears no relation to the value of the corporation or the equity of the shareholders, and when that happens, somebody is gonna get a hurt, as Russel Peters would say.

I have a friend who was making incredible money during the bubble. $10, $12, $15, and $20,000 per month. He had credit cards with $50K limits - several of them. For a 20 year old in college at the time, it made him giddy. He went on cruises, expensive vacations, bought his unemployed single mother a car, furniture, and generally lived like a king. The more he made, the more he spent. I told him to bank it. Build a big nest egg, to invest in his own business when he graduated. He kept spending.

When the bubble burst, he lost everything, and ended up in bankruptcy court. He was young, and he has recovered financially. But it has taken him years. Now yes, my young friend behaved foolishly, but you can't tell there aren't other people just like him involved in this scheme.

I saw a couple interviewed who had invested $35 on Robinhood, and it was now, on paper, worth $4000. If this thing goes bust, what are they out? $35, and they've certainly gotten great entertainment value for their investment. But I can see others watching this happen and literally gambling everything they own that they can make a killing before the crash. I wish them luck, but by the time this thing hit the news stories, it was already too late and too risky to be investing.

Somebody's gonna get a hurt. Bigly.
It’s fascinating to see Leftists defend corrupt rich hedge fund managers.
And they don't even know it.

Hey, I'm all for more regulations on Hedge Funds and making them pay higher taxes.

I'm still trying to see who benefits here from this shit.

Not the fools who think they are being clever, they are probably going to end up taking a bath.

Not Gamestop itself.. They're still flopping around on the deck, not even realizing they are dead yet.

The Hedge funds are going to come out just fine on this.
And, once again, you are showing you live under a rock.
Literally 1,000's of regular young folks, many with less than $1000 in their accounts... cashed out and made enough money to pay off their student loans, buy cars... a guy who did an interview on CNN... he makes $35k a year. Now he is a millionaire.
Between me, my son and a fellow co-worker we netted almost $5k. I cashed out $1,800 and it is now sitting in my checking account. And there are thousands and thousands of us who cashed out.
I am not one of the playground kids that the five $100 millionaires daily on twitter telling kids to HOLD! HOLD! HOLD!...

And as for hedge funds coming out ahead... dude... they lost $19 Billion this week. Real money... GME is liquid guy. Liquid.
You don't know what you are talking about. Wall Street will be Wall Street yes. Marvin Capital received $2.5 Bn from other funds as a basic bankruptcy bailout to keep them afloat...Wall Street protects Wall Street. But make no mistake about it, $billions were transferred from rich assholes to the bank accounts of average Americans everywhere on a scale never seen before.
And here you are. Not supporting that because you think you are not supposed to.

I am applauding everything that is going on here you stupid dolt. I'm all in favour of the little guys making out like bandits. Go on them! I even considered downloading Robinhood and getting in on the fun.

But I also know how the system works, and how it works is that somebody is gonna pay for this bigtime. The price of the stock bears no relation to the value of the corporation or the equity of the shareholders, and when that happens, somebody is gonna get a hurt, as Russel Peters would say.

I have a friend who was making incredible money during the bubble. $10, $12, $15, and $20,000 per month. He had credit cards with $50K limits - several of them. For a 20 year old in college at the time, it made him giddy. He went on cruises, expensive vacations, bought his unemployed single mother a car, furniture, and generally lived like a king. The more he made, the more he spent. I told him to bank it. Build a big nest egg, to invest in his own business when he graduated. He kept spending.

When the bubble burst, he lost everything, and ended up in bankruptcy court. He was young, and he has recovered financially. But it has taken him years. Now yes, my young friend behaved foolishly, but you can't tell there aren't other people just like him involved in this scheme.

I saw a couple interviewed who had invested $35 on Robinhood, and it was now, on paper, worth $4000. If this thing goes bust, what are they out? $35, and they've certainly gotten great entertainment value for their investment. But I can see others watching this happen and literally gambling everything they own that they can make a killing before the crash. I wish them luck, but by the time this thing hit the news stories, it was already too late and too risky to be investing.

Somebody's gonna get a hurt. Bigly.
Not so much.... the average investor in GME for instance was a couple $100 buy... the most they would lose is... a few hundred dollars.
I love this quote..... "Wall Street loves 5 people with $100m in the markets, but they never had to battle 5 million people with $100. They have no leverage against them. How do you defeat them? Every single meeting in WS firms (and untold number of them were emergency meetings) for the past week and you bet this weekend is going to be all about how do we tackle this. The answer appeared to be colluding with the apps like Robin Hood who complied with them, and sure enough Wall Street got some of their money back. But the price RH may pay for doing it is quite possibly the end of them. They are taking heat from ALL sides over the past few days. Their CEO getting grilled over and over. Mega money people like Portnoy, Cuban and Musk openly threatening them... either of the three could bury them.
I don't know how this will play out. This is unprecedented. But I am exceedingly fucking glad it is happening, although overall it is creating havoc on all investors. But in the short term... Wall Street was hijacked and they were forced to write huge checks to retail little guys everywhere... to the tune of $90 Billion in the past couple months. I applaud that shit. After 2008 when Obama bailed out these guys wearing a big grin... they fucking took our money and made $billions off of OUR tax dollars.
It is someone else's turn.
Because in the world of people who understand how the stock market works, and what WILL happen to Robinhood when GameStock crashes, are saying something entirely different.

Other than parrotting what these people are telling you, tell me about your portfolio. How long have YOU been in the market. I worked on Bay Street for more than 20 years. I worked in banking, finance and law for 40 years. Explain to me what it is that I got WRONG. Because other than your ranting about Robinhood's ownership, you haven't backed up your post at all.
How does a stock market genius like you have to bounce around from job to job for 40 years? Shouldn't you have retired to some island decades ago and just be managing your brilliant portfolio?
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

That pretty much sums it up. Trading was stopped, but not before the hedge fund managers lost around 40 billion. :21:
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?

Sounds awful!! Which one?

Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only.

Almost. They only allowed closing trades.
If you were short, you could buy to close out your position.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

Define "no one". Do you mean "no one in the chat rooms"? "No one pushing conspiracy theories" is falling for this. "No one ginning up the outrage machine" is falling for this. Because I haven't talked to any of my Bay Street friends who agrees with you at all.

Because in the world of people who understand how the stock market works, and what WILL happen to Robinhood when GameStock crashes, are saying something entirely different.

Other than parrotting what these people are telling you, tell me about your portfolio. How long have YOU been in the market. I worked on Bay Street for more than 20 years. I worked in banking, finance and law for 40 years. Explain to me what it is that I got WRONG. Because other than your ranting about Robinhood's ownership, you haven't backed up your post at all.

I have Twitter, and besides a few family and friends - all of the people I follow are traders and funds. Most are nationally recognized and celebrated - highly successful traders. A couple are $billionaires.
I pay attention to them.

You are paying attention to MSNBC, HuffPo and other corporate parrots that are trying to convince you this is a bad thing. HuffPo and CNN especially telling people this "hurts the working people"... an absolute lie.
Course - you will fall for all of it.

I worked on Bay Street for 40 years. One of my neighbours in Toronto owned a brokerage firm. My office was across the street from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

None of the MSM is saying "this hurts working people" at all. Since you're not paying attention to THEM, you have no idea what they're saying. Everyone is enjoying this - immensely. Maybe not the hedge funds. But everyone else. But they are, quite wisely pointing out that stock prices which aren't based on equity, and continuing to rise, is a bubble waiting to burst.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?

Sounds awful!! Which one?

Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only.

Almost. They only allowed closing trades.
If you were short, you could buy to close out your position.

No hedge funds owns Robinhood.

Robinhood halted buying because the stock was over-subscribed. There were more buy orders than there was stock. Buying was halted to clear all orders to they could see where the stock was at. Sells were encouraged because the stock was over-subscribed and the sales would help fill outstanding orders.
The most corrupt politician in history is President and he has appointed the most corrupt cabinet, etc., hiring crooks who should be in prison. Hedge funds, the most corrupt market manipulators in history get pwnd by a website of some folks working as a free market hedge fund and the "democrat" hedge funds get fucked as they should. In response certain trading platforms stop trading to protect the corrupt hedge funds.

Okay, let's get real here. Gamestop is a dying company. Nobody goes to the game store anymore when they can play games on line. So a few amateurs playing games with their stock wasn't going to end well, but leave it to stupid people to do stupid, like they are "sticking it to the man" by artificially propping up their stock.

And then what? Yeah, all these day traders buy Gamestop and they have stock in a company that is still dying.
You missed the point entirely, as usual.
1. Some investors believe that gamestop (GME) is a viable "brick and mortar" store that owns property and hires real people to work in the store. They bought the stock as an investment.
2. Some hedge funds believe, like you, that GME is a dying company and want to help it die by selling their stock short, without actually owning the stock, making lots of money by killing GME, kinda like Mitt Romney and Bane Capital did.
3. A small band of RobinHood investors linked up on Reddit to buy GME to drive the stock up to fuck the hedge funds. Surprise, it worked. The hedge funds had to buy GME at any price to close their shorts. FANTASTIC!!
4. The small investors may not all get their money out, but they don't care. They beat the hedge funds! David beat Goliath and their bought and paid for crooked politicans.
5. When Ted Cruz and AOC both support the Reddit Raiders, this could be good! But you are clueless and on the wrong side as usual.

And you're dangerously uninformed. Gamestock is NOT a viable bricks and mortar store. People download games now, just like they download music, movies. My grandkids haven't been to the game store in years. No waiting for Mom and Dad to drive them, just use those gift cards Gramma and Grandpa give them to purchase at the Microsoft Store, or the Apple Store. X-Boxes now come with built in WIFI capability. My SIL complained that his 3 year old spent $120 at the Microsoft Store while playing video games.

Digital media companies are making it ever easier to part us from our money without every leaving the house. ALL bricks and mortor stores are suffering. Vacancies in shopping malls
Robinhood executives should be arrested immediately.

Robinhood executive have done nothing wrong. It was the Reddit Chat Room that hatched the scheme. Robinhood, and other small investor platforms were simply the vehicles the investors used.

When a stock become this volatile, halts in trading are frequent so brokerage houses can "settle their positions". Trading on GameStock was halted to "settle the trades" because there were buy orders for more stocks in this company, than there were stocks available for sale. Everybody had to settle up so they could know where they're at.

Robinhood is now in grave danger of having a LOT of getting destroyed when the bubble bursts.
Why do you reply in these threads - you know nothing. And it is super obvious.

Your "response", such that it is, has nothing to do with my post on the viability of the stores, or settling the trade. Why do YOU think they halted trading?

Obvious. You don't even need to ask. The result of the move is like a shining beacon.
One of the hedge funds that was losing BIG - OWNS Robin Hood. Did you know that?
Robin Hood did not halt trading, they halted buying only. They still allowed selling.... now gee...why do you think that is?
Thye halted buying only, which gave the Hedge funds the opportunity to bid down the shares while there was no one buying. If people were still buying - they couldn't do that. So the result? The shares fell I believe it ended up being 34%. GREAT for the funds.
Robin Hoods move saved the hedge funds... one of which owns them.
There is literally not one single market player that agrees with you. Not one. No one is falling for Robin Hood's ridiculous excuse of following procedures. No one.

Define "no one". Do you mean "no one in the chat rooms"? "No one pushing conspiracy theories" is falling for this. "No one ginning up the outrage machine" is falling for this. Because I haven't talked to any of my Bay Street friends who agrees with you at all.

Because in the world of people who understand how the stock market works, and what WILL happen to Robinhood when GameStock crashes, are saying something entirely different.

Other than parrotting what these people are telling you, tell me about your portfolio. How long have YOU been in the market. I worked on Bay Street for more than 20 years. I worked in banking, finance and law for 40 years. Explain to me what it is that I got WRONG. Because other than your ranting about Robinhood's ownership, you haven't backed up your post at all.

I have Twitter, and besides a few family and friends - all of the people I follow are traders and funds. Most are nationally recognized and celebrated - highly successful traders. A couple are $billionaires.
I pay attention to them.

You are paying attention to MSNBC, HuffPo and other corporate parrots that are trying to convince you this is a bad thing. HuffPo and CNN especially telling people this "hurts the working people"... an absolute lie.
Course - you will fall for all of it.

I worked on Bay Street for 40 years. One of my neighbours in Toronto owned a brokerage firm. My office was across the street from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

None of the MSM is saying "this hurts working people" at all. Since you're not paying attention to THEM, you have no idea what they're saying. Everyone is enjoying this - immensely. Maybe not the hedge funds. But everyone else. But they are, quite wisely pointing out that stock prices which aren't based on equity, and continuing to rise, is a bubble waiting to burst.

Right now there are too many majors that got involved in buying GME for it too fall anytime soon. Which is why folks like Melvin are still on their knees with a tin cup. More than one asshole with a Bentley is drinking a few more single malt shots than before.
Retail apps, Twitter and other platforms have given retailers like me tools we never had before... INFORMATION. Information that used to only reside in big rooms with a lot of leather chairs. Those leather chairs welcomed our "little folk" money in the form of 401ks that they still had complete control of... they don't like any of that control in our hands. It changes the playing field.
My biggest worry is the Biden admin, especially with someone like Yellen in the room, will find a way to regulate the apps from being able to trade freely. In fact, I half expect it. And not because Biden is a corporate Democrat, I would say the same if it was a Republican.
Yellen may not be as corrupt and a fucking wasp like Larry Summers - but she is not far from it.
And as for hedge funds coming out ahead... dude... they lost $19 Billion this week. Real money... GME is liquid guy. Liquid.
You don't know what you are talking about. Wall Street will be Wall Street yes. Marvin Capital received $2.5 Bn from other funds as a basic bankruptcy bailout to keep them afloat...Wall Street protects Wall Street. But make no mistake about it, $billions were transferred from rich assholes to the bank accounts of average Americans everywhere on a scale never seen before.
And here you are. Not supporting that because you think you are not supposed to.

Again, I remember when you clowns all said we needed to elect the Weird Mormon Robot because he was a Hedge Fund guy, and they are so much smarter than the rest of us.

Can't really see how propping up the stock of a dying company to make a quick buck is a good thing. Will it save one job at Game Stop? Nope.
Right now there are too many majors that got involved in buying GME for it too fall anytime soon. Which is why folks like Melvin are still on their knees with a tin cup. More than one asshole with a Bentley is drinking a few more single malt shots than before.
Retail apps, Twitter and other platforms have given retailers like me tools we never had before... INFORMATION. Information that used to only reside in big rooms with a lot of leather chairs. Those leather chairs welcomed our "little folk" money in the form of 401ks that they still had complete control of... they don't like any of that control in our hands. It changes the playing field.
My biggest worry is the Biden admin, especially with someone like Yellen in the room, will find a way to regulate the apps from being able to trade freely. In fact, I half expect it. And not because Biden is a corporate Democrat, I would say the same if it was a Republican.
Yellen may not be as corrupt and a fucking wasp like Larry Summers - but she is not far from it.

The problem is, much like any other social media, there's a much greater potential for MIS-information.

Some people will make money off this Robin Hood app, and some people are going to lose their shirts.
It’s fascinating to see Leftists defend corrupt rich hedge fund managers.
And they don't even know it.

Hey, I'm all for more regulations on Hedge Funds and making them pay higher taxes.

I'm still trying to see who benefits here from this shit.

Not the fools who think they are being clever, they are probably going to end up taking a bath.

Not Gamestop itself.. They're still flopping around on the deck, not even realizing they are dead yet.

The Hedge funds are going to come out just fine on this.
And, once again, you are showing you live under a rock.
Literally 1,000's of regular young folks, many with less than $1000 in their accounts... cashed out and made enough money to pay off their student loans, buy cars... a guy who did an interview on CNN... he makes $35k a year. Now he is a millionaire.
Between me, my son and a fellow co-worker we netted almost $5k. I cashed out $1,800 and it is now sitting in my checking account. And there are thousands and thousands of us who cashed out.
I am not one of the playground kids that the five $100 millionaires daily on twitter telling kids to HOLD! HOLD! HOLD!...

And as for hedge funds coming out ahead... dude... they lost $19 Billion this week. Real money... GME is liquid guy. Liquid.
You don't know what you are talking about. Wall Street will be Wall Street yes. Marvin Capital received $2.5 Bn from other funds as a basic bankruptcy bailout to keep them afloat...Wall Street protects Wall Street. But make no mistake about it, $billions were transferred from rich assholes to the bank accounts of average Americans everywhere on a scale never seen before.
And here you are. Not supporting that because you think you are not supposed to.

I am applauding everything that is going on here you stupid dolt. I'm all in favour of the little guys making out like bandits. Go on them! I even considered downloading Robinhood and getting in on the fun.

But I also know how the system works, and how it works is that somebody is gonna pay for this bigtime. The price of the stock bears no relation to the value of the corporation or the equity of the shareholders, and when that happens, somebody is gonna get a hurt, as Russel Peters would say.

I have a friend who was making incredible money during the bubble. $10, $12, $15, and $20,000 per month. He had credit cards with $50K limits - several of them. For a 20 year old in college at the time, it made him giddy. He went on cruises, expensive vacations, bought his unemployed single mother a car, furniture, and generally lived like a king. The more he made, the more he spent. I told him to bank it. Build a big nest egg, to invest in his own business when he graduated. He kept spending.

When the bubble burst, he lost everything, and ended up in bankruptcy court. He was young, and he has recovered financially. But it has taken him years. Now yes, my young friend behaved foolishly, but you can't tell there aren't other people just like him involved in this scheme.

I saw a couple interviewed who had invested $35 on Robinhood, and it was now, on paper, worth $4000. If this thing goes bust, what are they out? $35, and they've certainly gotten great entertainment value for their investment. But I can see others watching this happen and literally gambling everything they own that they can make a killing before the crash. I wish them luck, but by the time this thing hit the news stories, it was already too late and too risky to be investing.

Somebody's gonna get a hurt. Bigly.
Not so much.... the average investor in GME for instance was a couple $100 buy... the most they would lose is... a few hundred dollars.
I love this quote..... "Wall Street loves 5 people with $100m in the markets, but they never had to battle 5 million people with $100. They have no leverage against them. How do you defeat them? Every single meeting in WS firms (and untold number of them were emergency meetings) for the past week and you bet this weekend is going to be all about how do we tackle this. The answer appeared to be colluding with the apps like Robin Hood who complied with them, and sure enough Wall Street got some of their money back. But the price RH may pay for doing it is quite possibly the end of them. They are taking heat from ALL sides over the past few days. Their CEO getting grilled over and over. Mega money people like Portnoy, Cuban and Musk openly threatening them... either of the three could bury them.
I don't know how this will play out. This is unprecedented. But I am exceedingly fucking glad it is happening, although overall it is creating havoc on all investors. But in the short term... Wall Street was hijacked and they were forced to write huge checks to retail little guys everywhere... to the tune of $90 Billion in the past couple months. I applaud that shit. After 2008 when Obama bailed out these guys wearing a big grin... they fucking took our money and made $billions off of OUR tax dollars.
It is someone else's turn.

I'm getting really sick of "private profits, public losses". Wall Street banks and brokers who crash the economy and then claim they're "too big to fail", and then go out and do it all over again, once the Republicans bail them out.

Would that Republicans were as keen to bail out working people, but Republicans seem to think the poor shouldn't have cash.
I'm getting really sick of "private profits, public losses". Wall Street banks and brokers who crash the economy and then claim they're "too big to fail", and then go out and do it all over again, once the Republicans bail them out.

Would that Republicans were as keen to bail out working people, but Republicans seem to think the poor shouldn't have cash.
OMG!!!.... obviously I plead temporary insanity for taking you serious today.... and then you come along and spout something like this.
Jesus Christ.
So it was the Republicans that bailed out the "too big to fail" eh? Really?? You bet Bush II started that trend for sure, but Obama took that to stratospheric levels 2009 - 2014. Providing interest free taxpayer supplied funds to the tune of $70 billion PER MONTH.
Where the hell were you those years? Living in the Mariana trench? You realize 2009 was a record profit making year for most Wall Street firms right??
Did Obama stop giving them interest free money??? Fuck no. He doubled down and gave them more!!
Ever hear of Larry Summers??? No?? Arguably one of the most corrupt officials in Washington. Even committed Democrats know the man is a bastard. And what did Obama want to do with him? Other than use him in an advisory role as chair on his economic panel.... he wanted to make him his Secy Treasury!!! If it wasn't for fellow Democrats protesting that idiotic move - he would have done it!!!

FFS... when are people going to ever learn both parties are the same??
Oh... and I wish Facebook wasn't so expensive... they have been trending down for 3 weeks straight... however their ad revenue per user has actually risen... they keep trending down much longer and they could be a good buy
When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
It became a political happening when JoKKKers hedgefund buddies had their asses handed to them and they went crying to the JoKKKer in the white house.
When you blame non-political happenings on politicians you are supposed to connect the dots.
It became a political happening when JoKKKers hedgefund buddies had their asses handed to them and they went crying to the JoKKKer in the white house.
It's almost like you have totally forgotten who spent the last fifty years destroying any kind of say-so the government actually has over the finance industry. Welcome to life under capitalism.

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