Games Muslims Play


Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2012
This is one of the best:

Games Muslims Play

Given Islam's violent history and the unfavorable contrast of its oppressive practices against 21st century values, Muslims are hard-pressed to repackage their faith in the modern age. Some of its leading apologists have come to rely on tricks involving semantics and half-truths that are, in turn, repeated by novices and even those outside the faith.

This is a document (which we hope to improve on and expand over time) that exposes some of these games and helps truth-seekers find their way through the maze of disingenuous (often blatantly false) claims about Islam and its history.

“If Islam were a violent religion, then all Muslims would be violent.”

“Other religions kill, too.”

Muhammad preached 'no compulsion in religion' (Qur'an: 2:256)

The Crusades

“Muhammad never killed anyone.”

The Qur'an Teaches that all Life is Sacred (Qur'an 5:32)

"Muslims only kill in self-defense.”

The million dollar wager that "Holy War" isn't in the Qur'an.

"Verses of violence are taken out of context."

"Islam must be true, because it is the world’s fastest growing religion."

"The Qur'an can only be understood in Arabic."

TheReligionofPeace - Games Muslims Play
Bad people are everywhere and in every belief system : ) we cant blame all the tomatoes because of just one rotten tomatoes .

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