Gang of 8 Member Marco Rubio Tell FOX He Will Not Support Mass Deportation (VIDEO)

I guess there's going to be a lot of shocked bubble heads after Trump is elected and the deportations start.

All this "it can't be done" shit will be dismissed as the defeatist leftard blather that it is. They said we couldn't put a man on the moon too, and we did.

The thing is, ALL the deportations won't have to be FORCED. After all the freebies are cut off, businesses fined for hiring illegals, E-verify made mandatory, the wall built, etc, etc, etc, there will be a mass migration of illegals out of America by free will.

It can be done and it will be done, despite all the naysayers. The vast majority of Americans want it, and Trump will do it. Those thinking it won't or can't happen better find a way to deal with it.

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I wonder, are you going to deport lots of American citizens again like in Operation Wetback?
Yes, we are calling it "We're DROWNING in Wetbacks!"
11/320 = 3.4%. Not even close to drowning.
Good, when are you ADOPTING 3-4 of them and taking them into your home, feeding and taking care of them?

They're here already and not in our homes. Retard.

So then YOU take them in, and PAY for everything they DEMAND (seems the muslims in Europe are demanding shit, won't be long before OUR INVADERS are doing much the same!) YOU pay for them, I don't want to, and refuse to!
I think you are mixing a fallacy of false equivalency with your more than usual stupidity here.
B'bye rubio. You can join AMNESTY RINO kaisich and bush in loser town.

It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
B'bye rubio. You can join AMNESTY RINO kaisich and bush in loser town.

It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
Unfortunately, it is probably 241.
Why do people insist an outcome of elections that have not yet happened? Let the chips fall where they may, and if someone against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION gets the GOP nod and loses, so be it. If he/she wins, then so be it also.

But, to insist one way or the other that a candidate can't win taking a very popular position with the electorate is kind of disingenuous, don't you think? Now I do not think they are going to deport 10 or 12 million people either. I do believe though, that a whole bunch of people who over stayed their Visas are going, plus felons in jail.

Also, the lefts argument that if we deport, we will stop our economy is a total red herring, and they know it. We have millions of people who want to come here LEGALLY. We could deport 1000 an hr, and import 2000 an hr if we so chose to do so.

The left and the establishment republicans are on the losing side of this issue. The people on here are trying everything from "the kids," to "they own their own homes" to see what works best, lol. If you buy their nonsense, then they are leading YOU around by the nos instead of YOU and the vst majority of Americans, leading them around and demanding what they want.........which is to STOP ILLEGALITY!

You DO realize what they are basically saying, don't you? That NONE Americans are MORE important than you; Americans. That enforcing the law of the land is racist, and yet they make NO attempt to change the law, which should tell you they are using a BOGUS debate point. YOUR President is so UNLAWFUL that he uses an executive order to circumvent the law, and twice now the courts have told him he can NOT do it, and yet these fools tell YOU that there is something wrong with YOU!

They KNOW you are in the vast majority, but come on here and LIE, just like Obama, Gruber, Hillary, and the rest of the left; in every attempt to get you to throw your arms in the air and give up. Don't do it, vote them out. They know it can happen easily, so they come on here and lie about that too, lol. Doubt me? Just ask them about Kentucky, lololol!
B'bye rubio. You can join AMNESTY RINO kaisich and bush in loser town.

It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.
The only Reason the GOP wins Michigan in the governor race is because it's not during a Presidential year. So Snyder ran in 2014 and 2010. Those are midterm years. Not good for Democrats. Low voter turnout those years.
The mainstream of America, including the left and establishment Republicans, will not permit mass deportation. End of story.
Why do people insist an outcome of elections that have not yet happened? Let the chips fall where they may, and if someone against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION gets the GOP nod and loses, so be it. If he/she wins, then so be it also.

But, to insist one way or the other that a candidate can't win taking a very popular position with the electorate is kind of disingenuous, don't you think? Now I do not think they are going to deport 10 or 12 million people either. I do believe though, that a whole bunch of people who over stayed their Visas are going, plus felons in jail.

Also, the lefts argument that if we deport, we will stop our economy is a total red herring, and they know it. We have millions of people who want to come here LEGALLY. We could deport 1000 an hr, and import 2000 an hr if we so chose to do so.

The left and the establishment republicans are on the losing side of this issue. The people on here are trying everything from "the kids," to "they own their own homes" to see what works best, lol. If you buy their nonsense, then they are leading YOU around by the nos instead of YOU and the vst majority of Americans, leading them around and demanding what they want.........which is to STOP ILLEGALITY!

You DO realize what they are basically saying, don't you? That NONE Americans are MORE important than you; Americans. That enforcing the law of the land is racist, and yet they make NO attempt to change the law, which should tell you they are using a BOGUS debate point. YOUR President is so UNLAWFUL that he uses an executive order to circumvent the law, and twice now the courts have told him he can NOT do it, and yet these fools tell YOU that there is something wrong with YOU!

They KNOW you are in the vast majority, but come on here and LIE, just like Obama, Gruber, Hillary, and the rest of the left; in every attempt to get you to throw your arms in the air and give up. Don't do it, vote them out. They know it can happen easily, so they come on here and lie about that too, lol. Doubt me? Just ask them about Kentucky, lololol!
You are so stupid and brainwashed that you don't even realize your party went from pro illegal immigrants to anti illegal between 2000 and now. OMG you're so fucking dumb. The left the left the left. Fucking stupid cracker cry babies. So dumb. So intellectually dishonest.

Not that you can read or comprehend such things but here goes:

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

By the way you stupid little twit. Keep in mind this is/was the liberals position as far back as 2006. Can you find me one fucking article from 2006 that proves your party didn't like illegals back then? Please provide the god damn link.
Why do people insist an outcome of elections that have not yet happened? Let the chips fall where they may, and if someone against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION gets the GOP nod and loses, so be it. If he/she wins, then so be it also.

But, to insist one way or the other that a candidate can't win taking a very popular position with the electorate is kind of disingenuous, don't you think? Now I do not think they are going to deport 10 or 12 million people either. I do believe though, that a whole bunch of people who over stayed their Visas are going, plus felons in jail.

Also, the lefts argument that if we deport, we will stop our economy is a total red herring, and they know it. We have millions of people who want to come here LEGALLY. We could deport 1000 an hr, and import 2000 an hr if we so chose to do so.

The left and the establishment republicans are on the losing side of this issue. The people on here are trying everything from "the kids," to "they own their own homes" to see what works best, lol. If you buy their nonsense, then they are leading YOU around by the nos instead of YOU and the vst majority of Americans, leading them around and demanding what they want.........which is to STOP ILLEGALITY!

You DO realize what they are basically saying, don't you? That NONE Americans are MORE important than you; Americans. That enforcing the law of the land is racist, and yet they make NO attempt to change the law, which should tell you they are using a BOGUS debate point. YOUR President is so UNLAWFUL that he uses an executive order to circumvent the law, and twice now the courts have told him he can NOT do it, and yet these fools tell YOU that there is something wrong with YOU!

They KNOW you are in the vast majority, but come on here and LIE, just like Obama, Gruber, Hillary, and the rest of the left; in every attempt to get you to throw your arms in the air and give up. Don't do it, vote them out. They know it can happen easily, so they come on here and lie about that too, lol. Doubt me? Just ask them about Kentucky, lololol!
You are so stupid and brainwashed that you don't even realize your party went from pro illegal immigrants to anti illegal between 2000 and now. OMG you're so fucking dumb. The left the left the left. Fucking stupid cracker cry babies. So dumb. So intellectually dishonest.

Not that you can read or comprehend such things but here goes:

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

By the way you stupid little twit. Keep in mind this is/was the liberals position as far back as 2006. Can you find me one fucking article from 2006 that proves your party didn't like illegals back then? Please provide the god damn link.

Listen hear little lefty, I am not a republican, I am a conservative. As far as I am concerned, the establishment republicans are WORSE than lefties like you. At least you guys tell us what you really want, lie about what it will do, but at least tell us.

So no, I have no compelling reason to tell you anything the republicans did, or did not do in 2006. As far as I am concerned, Obama is just an extension of GW. They were almost equally awful, with the nod for superior nastiness going to Obama, because he created an entitlement for everyone, and GW only created one for old people. But rest assured, if people who wanted to succeed were starting a new nation, neither of these fools would be put in as dogcatcher, and neither would Jeb or Kasich. These are people who helped CREATE the problem.
Listen here, little conservative, you are in fact a far right reactionary out of step with the GOP. What you think won't matter at convention time.
Listen here, little conservative, you are in fact a far right reactionary out of step with the GOP. What you think won't matter at convention time.

lol, your guys are toast. The only one with a shot is Rubio, and we still have 4 or 5 left. I like the odds-)
Listen here, little conservative, you are in fact a far right reactionary out of step with the GOP. What you think won't matter at convention time.

Oh, and by the way. Either the GOP is going to transform, or a 3rd party is coming. You guys won't win ANYTHING if that happens, so you better wise up quickly. And if you actually believe that we have to play the lefts "group" politics, then you and your group don't deserve to win anyway. I don't see one of our people PANDERING to anyone except for Bush and Kasich. It isn't about BLACK Americans, or WHITE Americans, it is about AMERICANS.

You establishment RINOS are out of touch with the majority of America. You guys are done!
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Listen here, little conservative, you are in fact a far right reactionary out of step with the GOP. What you think won't matter at convention time.

lol, your guys are toast. The only one with a shot is Rubio, and we still have 4 or 5 left. I like the odds-)
Rubio can defeat those clowns easily, with the exception of Trump, who has proven he is a contender, even if he is a lefty Progressive Statist. Carson, Cruz, Paul do not stand a chance.
Listen here, little conservative, you are in fact a far right reactionary out of step with the GOP. What you think won't matter at convention time.

Oh, and by the way. Either the GOP is going to transform, or a 3rd party is coming. You guys won't win ANYTHING if that happens, so you better wise up quickly.
No money will back a third party, so if you try to start one, you will disappear almost as quickly.
Listen here, little conservative, you are in fact a far right reactionary out of step with the GOP. What you think won't matter at convention time.

Oh, and by the way. Either the GOP is going to transform, or a 3rd party is coming. You guys won't win ANYTHING if that happens, so you better wise up quickly.
No money will back a third party, so if you try to start one, you will disappear almost as quickly.

I know, you really believe what you say, but let me ask you this, what money does the Tea Party actually have, and yet, they win against vast amounts of money?!?!?! Not always, but enough to prove we don't need you guys, lol. You need us, far more than we need you.

Have you seen the ratings for the repub debates? Pretty impressive, don't you think? Think those people all of the sudden got interested because of Bush? Kasich? And what do you think the people who are tuning in are learning? Well it certainly isn't that Bush/Kasich is the way to go, now is it, lol!

Let me tell you something, and I am no longer going to insult you...............if you think the very issue that has 4 of the top 5 people on top, doing the OPPOSITE idea will push someone else past them, then you are really off in la-la land. Don't you understand that the reason Bush and Kasich are in such deep trouble, is because they took the stance you support? Did you EVER think for one instant, that with the majority of Americans against breaking this LAW, you MIGHT be on the wrong side of the fence on this one? I mean seriously, wake up!

Also, with all due respect; if your side is confidant that this is the way things should be, then CHANGE THE LAW LEGALLY! If you can NOT, then what you are doing is following the lefts plan, and imposing YOUR will upon the rest of us. In other words, you do not care what we think, that we are the majority, because you know better. Take away the issue that has galvanized independents and the GOP by putting up a "go along, to get along" rino, and the dems will win for sure as 30% of the people supporting the candidates, go away.

We have shown statistics that prove this ILLEGAL act affects, American wages, lack of jobs for Americans, United States deficits as a larger % of them are on the dole, and to top it all off, it is ILLEGAL!

Your comeback? Kids and they own their own homes. You have got to be kidding, seriously! So far, anyone not with a predisposition on this issue, would be laughing at the whole bunch of you with such a weak response. And that is what it is all about. Not me convincing you, because you are a lost cause. But rather, convincing people who are on the fence. Now you know EXACTLY why, your guys are going to lose in the Presidential primary. Doesn't mean our person is going to win the general, but I have a feeling, it is going to be neck and neck once it really starts.
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All of that verbiage means nothing. You need money to organize and run a party. If you can't take over the GOP, your third party won't get off the ground.
B'bye rubio. You can join AMNESTY RINO kaisich and bush in loser town.

It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.

B'bye rubio. You can join AMNESTY RINO kaisich and bush in loser town.

It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.


While I do not see it working, what we need is a third party. The hard right should break off to form a new conservative party, leaving the moderate Republicans behind, at which point many independents and moderate Dems would join the Republican Party. The far right is killing the Republican Party.

There is something oddly humorous about calling moderate Republicans RINO, because it is actually the far right who has moved away from the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon, and even Reagan and G H Bush was never this radical. When Reagan said that cutting taxes would lead to greater revenue because of growth, his argument had merit because the top tax rate was 70%. Those on the right believe because it worked under Reagan that it will always work that way, even if the rates drop down to 10% or less. They don't understand that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, but hey, it's those of us who understand things like this that are the crazy ones.

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