Gang of 8 Member Marco Rubio Tell FOX He Will Not Support Mass Deportation (VIDEO)

Auditor has it right.

The far right has tried to take over the party, so somehow now the mainstream Republicans are rinos in their words.

Fuck em.
Rubio is a dirt vomit pig who loves to kiss illegal ass. he is bought and paid for by open border billionaires.
B'bye rubio. You can join AMNESTY RINO kaisich and bush in loser town.

It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.

Yea but they've gerrymander total control at the state level. Michigan is 100% red but will vote for hillary. Only gerrymandering can make that possible.
Rubio is a dirt vomit pig who loves to kiss illegal ass. he is bought and paid for by open border billionaires.
He's the GOP's secret weapon. During the primaries they'll piss Hispanics off but win them back nominating rubio. This is the GOP's only hope.
It's a funny thing when cons have moved close to the edge of the earth that they are about to fall off. Rubio on immigration is realistic and he does not support breaking up families, which would happen if we deported all illegals. People like you, who support the most draconian of things, are destroying the Republican Party. Rubio could actually win the White House, although it would not be easy. While I say Rubio could, Trump and any of the morons who support deporting all illegals will never come close. I really do hope you clowns nominate Trump or Carson, because Hillary will win in an unbelievable landslide like we have never seen in an open election year.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.


While I do not see it working, what we need is a third party. The hard right should break off to form a new conservative party, leaving the moderate Republicans behind, at which point many independents and moderate Dems would join the Republican Party. The far right is killing the Republican Party.

There is something oddly humorous about calling moderate Republicans RINO, because it is actually the far right who has moved away from the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon, and even Reagan and G H Bush was never this radical. When Reagan said that cutting taxes would lead to greater revenue because of growth, his argument had merit because the top tax rate was 70%. Those on the right believe because it worked under Reagan that it will always work that way, even if the rates drop down to 10% or less. They don't understand that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, but hey, it's those of us who understand things like this that are the crazy ones.
Why don't you moderate disenfranchise Republicans come tea bag the democratic party?

You'll never take back the GOP. It is completely owned and controlled by the rich. Even the tea party was controlled or taken over by guys like the koch brothers.
If he is against deportation..he just lost me. I was hoping for a Trump/Rubio ticket or a Trump/Cruz ticket. Not any more if Rubio is in there.
They have the problem were starting to have. The top 1% have all the money.

Turns out capitalism is corrupt able just like all the other ism's.

So these people have NO BALLS and refuse to do anything but run to US for FREE shit! Deport them all! They are NOT our people, and are NOT our concern!
I agree with you. But don't think the GOP or corporations do. They need more workers and more consumers not less. We don't have enough workers to pay for all the baby boomers social security. There are low skilled dirty jobs employers say they can't find Americans to do. Plus more workers flooding the market keeps wages down.

We even know companies like bringing in cheap high skilled workers like Indians to do things like programming because they pay them much less.

So first step is you understand the GOP doesn't want to solve this problem.

But you and I most certainly do. I think most Americans do.
They have the problem were starting to have. The top 1% have all the money.

Turns out capitalism is corrupt able just like all the other ism's.

So these people have NO BALLS and refuse to do anything but run to US for FREE shit! Deport them all! They are NOT our people, and are NOT our concern!
I agree with you. But don't think the GOP or corporations do. They need more workers and more consumers not less. We don't have enough workers to pay for all the baby boomers social security. There are low skilled dirty jobs employers say they can't find Americans to do. Plus more workers flooding the market keeps wages down.

We even know companies like bringing in cheap high skilled workers like Indians to do things like programming because they pay them much less.

So first step is you understand the GOP doesn't want to solve this problem.

But you and I most certainly do. I think most Americans do.

NEITHER PARTY wants to solve this problem, DemocRATS want NEW VOTERS, ELITIST Republicans want cheap labor.... we saw what happens when Congress's ELITIST Republican's go along with Obuma's idiotic policies! That's why the RIGHT is trying to sweep the Elitists out!
They have the problem were starting to have. The top 1% have all the money.

Turns out capitalism is corrupt able just like all the other ism's.

So these people have NO BALLS and refuse to do anything but run to US for FREE shit! Deport them all! They are NOT our people, and are NOT our concern!
I agree with you. But don't think the GOP or corporations do. They need more workers and more consumers not less. We don't have enough workers to pay for all the baby boomers social security. There are low skilled dirty jobs employers say they can't find Americans to do. Plus more workers flooding the market keeps wages down.

We even know companies like bringing in cheap high skilled workers like Indians to do things like programming because they pay them much less.

So first step is you understand the GOP doesn't want to solve this problem.

But you and I most certainly do. I think most Americans do.

NEITHER PARTY wants to solve this problem, DemocRATS want NEW VOTERS, ELITIST Republicans want cheap labor.... we saw what happens when Congress's ELITIST Republican's go along with Obuma's idiotic policies! That's why the RIGHT is trying to sweep the Elitists out!
You sing gonna do it to the GOP. Somebody already took over that party and they donate a lot more than you.

You may not like unions but they help labor. You I assume are a worker. So you're in the wrong party.
They have the problem were starting to have. The top 1% have all the money.

Turns out capitalism is corrupt able just like all the other ism's.

So these people have NO BALLS and refuse to do anything but run to US for FREE shit! Deport them all! They are NOT our people, and are NOT our concern!
I agree with you. But don't think the GOP or corporations do. They need more workers and more consumers not less. We don't have enough workers to pay for all the baby boomers social security. There are low skilled dirty jobs employers say they can't find Americans to do. Plus more workers flooding the market keeps wages down.

We even know companies like bringing in cheap high skilled workers like Indians to do things like programming because they pay them much less.

So first step is you understand the GOP doesn't want to solve this problem.

But you and I most certainly do. I think most Americans do.

NEITHER PARTY wants to solve this problem, DemocRATS want NEW VOTERS, ELITIST Republicans want cheap labor.... we saw what happens when Congress's ELITIST Republican's go along with Obuma's idiotic policies! That's why the RIGHT is trying to sweep the Elitists out!
You sing gonna do it to the GOP. Somebody already took over that party and they donate a lot more than you.

You may not like unions but they help labor. You I assume are a worker. So you're in the wrong party.
  1. Teamsters Delay Endorsing Hillary, Eye Trump
    Sep 29, 2015 · 'Union executive told me they want to sit down with Republicans candidates. Most notably frontrunner Donald Trump'
They have the problem were starting to have. The top 1% have all the money.

Turns out capitalism is corrupt able just like all the other ism's.

So these people have NO BALLS and refuse to do anything but run to US for FREE shit! Deport them all! They are NOT our people, and are NOT our concern!
I agree with you. But don't think the GOP or corporations do. They need more workers and more consumers not less. We don't have enough workers to pay for all the baby boomers social security. There are low skilled dirty jobs employers say they can't find Americans to do. Plus more workers flooding the market keeps wages down.

We even know companies like bringing in cheap high skilled workers like Indians to do things like programming because they pay them much less.

So first step is you understand the GOP doesn't want to solve this problem.

But you and I most certainly do. I think most Americans do.

NEITHER PARTY wants to solve this problem, DemocRATS want NEW VOTERS, ELITIST Republicans want cheap labor.... we saw what happens when Congress's ELITIST Republican's go along with Obuma's idiotic policies! That's why the RIGHT is trying to sweep the Elitists out!
You sing gonna do it to the GOP. Somebody already took over that party and they donate a lot more than you.

You may not like unions but they help labor. You I assume are a worker. So you're in the wrong party.
  1. Teamsters Delay Endorsing Hillary, Eye Trump
    Sep 29, 2015 · 'Union executive told me they want to sit down with Republicans candidates. Most notably frontrunner Donald Trump'
Exactly! They are lobbying hillary to make sure she's going to represent them. Trump is being used. I love what he's doing to the GOP. He's the Bernie Sanders of the GOP. Without him they're all Gw bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert 2001-2005 all over again.
I saw on Jeopardy the other day Reagan won every state except Minnesota and he almost won that one too.

Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.


While I do not see it working, what we need is a third party. The hard right should break off to form a new conservative party, leaving the moderate Republicans behind, at which point many independents and moderate Dems would join the Republican Party. The far right is killing the Republican Party.

There is something oddly humorous about calling moderate Republicans RINO, because it is actually the far right who has moved away from the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon, and even Reagan and G H Bush was never this radical. When Reagan said that cutting taxes would lead to greater revenue because of growth, his argument had merit because the top tax rate was 70%. Those on the right believe because it worked under Reagan that it will always work that way, even if the rates drop down to 10% or less. They don't understand that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, but hey, it's those of us who understand things like this that are the crazy ones.
Why don't you moderate disenfranchise Republicans come tea bag the democratic party?

You'll never take back the GOP. It is completely owned and controlled by the rich. Even the tea party was controlled or taken over by guys like the koch brothers.

I switched parties about five years ago. If you paid attention you would have known this by now.
Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.


While I do not see it working, what we need is a third party. The hard right should break off to form a new conservative party, leaving the moderate Republicans behind, at which point many independents and moderate Dems would join the Republican Party. The far right is killing the Republican Party.

There is something oddly humorous about calling moderate Republicans RINO, because it is actually the far right who has moved away from the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon, and even Reagan and G H Bush was never this radical. When Reagan said that cutting taxes would lead to greater revenue because of growth, his argument had merit because the top tax rate was 70%. Those on the right believe because it worked under Reagan that it will always work that way, even if the rates drop down to 10% or less. They don't understand that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, but hey, it's those of us who understand things like this that are the crazy ones.
Why don't you moderate disenfranchise Republicans come tea bag the democratic party?

You'll never take back the GOP. It is completely owned and controlled by the rich. Even the tea party was controlled or taken over by guys like the koch brothers.

I switched parties about five years ago. If you paid attention you would have known this by now.
You should have stayed the course and been more involved. Instead you sold out. Another Ben carson. Lol
No one will. It'd be political suicide. The visual of buses and deportation camps? No one's that retarded.
I think you are seriously misunderestimating the stupidity and xenophobia of the far right. This country doesn't have a problem with illegal immigration so much as it has with illegal employers. We don't need a stupid wall or mass deportations. Put a stop to illegal hiring and these people will go elsewhere.
listened either to Levin or Savage on I think Tuesday? and a lady caller said she has been following Rubio since day one and you can't trust him; not only with amnesty but he has a silver tongue and tells voters what they want to hear. He's establishment.
Well, his electorate was 88% white...2016 will be around 70% white. Republicans will never win Califorina, Oregon, washington, VT, Maine, CT, Michigan, Wi, Ill, Pa, New york, delware, RI, and even Nev ever again with a loserterian mindset.

Democrats start out with over 230 electoral without doing shit.
It's funny the way the GOP gerrymandered Michigan they control both houses and the Governors mansion but they can't turn the state Red.

Have Republicans managed to gerrymander themselves into a semi-permanent majority?

So they proposed changing the rules so that instead of giving whoever wins Michigan (CLINTON & OBAMA) all of Michigan's electoral votes, they wanted to try to split them. So Obama would have won lets say 16 of Michigans 26 electoral votes and Romney would have picked up 10.

WTF--Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are 46 million and Independents are the LARGEST representing 40% of the electorate.

The only thing that is getting smaller in fact, is the Republican party. This is due to REICH wing activity continually chasing off large voting blocks, like women in 2012, and now Latino's in 2016. The Republican party is eventually going to be a mini midget conglomeration of Tea Party left overs--and blabbering rino/establishment groupies.


While I do not see it working, what we need is a third party. The hard right should break off to form a new conservative party, leaving the moderate Republicans behind, at which point many independents and moderate Dems would join the Republican Party. The far right is killing the Republican Party.

There is something oddly humorous about calling moderate Republicans RINO, because it is actually the far right who has moved away from the Republican Party. The Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon, and even Reagan and G H Bush was never this radical. When Reagan said that cutting taxes would lead to greater revenue because of growth, his argument had merit because the top tax rate was 70%. Those on the right believe because it worked under Reagan that it will always work that way, even if the rates drop down to 10% or less. They don't understand that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, but hey, it's those of us who understand things like this that are the crazy ones.
Why don't you moderate disenfranchise Republicans come tea bag the democratic party?

You'll never take back the GOP. It is completely owned and controlled by the rich. Even the tea party was controlled or taken over by guys like the koch brothers.

I switched parties about five years ago. If you paid attention you would have known this by now.

That's because no one gives a good damn.

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