Gary Johnson Blithering Idiot in NBC Interview

What will Johnson do for an encore? Eat his own boogers and rub balls of shit in his hair?

What a moron. Will quote Miss Brittany Spears: "Whoops I did it again..."

Wow -- you guys really yucked that one up --- didn't you? Pretty tough crowd.

Humble Gary having fun at his OWN expense.. Not like these arrogant egomaniacs.. My turn...

How embarrassing.. Am i RIGHT?? Must be their advanced age or some kind of intoxication....


Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..

Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

What a moron. Will quote Miss Brittany Spears: "Whoops I did it again..."

Wow -- you guys really yucked that one up --- didn't you? Pretty tough crowd.

Humble Gary having fun at his OWN expense.. Not like these arrogant egomaniacs.. My turn...

How embarrassing.. Am i RIGHT?? Must be their advanced age or some kind of intoxication....


Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..

Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

Did you just apply the word "sanity" to Johnson?

What a moron. Will quote Miss Brittany Spears: "Whoops I did it again..."

Wow -- you guys really yucked that one up --- didn't you? Pretty tough crowd.

Humble Gary having fun at his OWN expense.. Not like these arrogant egomaniacs.. My turn...

How embarrassing.. Am i RIGHT?? Must be their advanced age or some kind of intoxication....


Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..

Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

Except Johnson is off his cracker.
Wow -- you guys really yucked that one up --- didn't you? Pretty tough crowd.

Humble Gary having fun at his OWN expense.. Not like these arrogant egomaniacs.. My turn...

How embarrassing.. Am i RIGHT?? Must be their advanced age or some kind of intoxication....


Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..

Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

Except Johnson is off his cracker.

Gary Johnson campaigning at the local fair.
Wow -- you guys really yucked that one up --- didn't you? Pretty tough crowd.

Humble Gary having fun at his OWN expense.. Not like these arrogant egomaniacs.. My turn...

How embarrassing.. Am i RIGHT?? Must be their advanced age or some kind of intoxication....


Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..

Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

Did you just apply the word "sanity" to Johnson?

Yeppers I did. Sanity is NOT what your 2 old tired parties are plugging in this campaign. It's not bombing 5 different Arab countries a year. It's not putting all Americans under the surveillance of the world's greatest spy agency. It's not busting the budget, Trump saying that the US should be in MORE debt, and pandering entitlements for votes.

That's all pretty insane is it not?
Wow -- you guys really yucked that one up --- didn't you? Pretty tough crowd.

Humble Gary having fun at his OWN expense.. Not like these arrogant egomaniacs.. My turn...

How embarrassing.. Am i RIGHT?? Must be their advanced age or some kind of intoxication....


Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..

Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

Except Johnson is off his cracker.

He's humble and human. That's very refreshing compared to the arrogant power whores who are the front runners. One is spray painted orange because of focus group preferences. And the other is a dottering old wannabee queen who believes she improved Libya.

That's insanity to me. Bark like a dog or go full spastic retard at THEIR rallies and I SUSPECT they might be smoking something good too..
Gary Johnson is an idiot. You can't fix this and run cover for your dork assed candidate.

What was your candidate smoking?

I am disappointed that he choose to express his disdain about being excluded from the debates in this matter.

BUT ----

When you're on the ballot in all 50 states and the partisan hacks in charge of debate commission won't let you participate, you MOCK them.. That's his excuse.. What was Trump's excuse.

The debates are being treated as THEIR DIVINE right and property. And with any luck, the parties will simply CANCEL some or all of the remaining opportunities for the public to weigh their candidates side by side. I'd be pissed and mocking the process also.

Because APPARENTLY --- that's what America craves.. And THAT'S HOW you get the press to notice you..
Agree to a limit. Two party system has allowed for stability in the United States as opposed to socialist nations of Europe. But if you have a clear message that resonates by all means be heard. He clouds his message with his public performance.

The 2 parties are rotting from the inside, mean NOTHING in terms of principles, only CARE about power, and are being ABANDONED by increasing numbers of citizens. You take a look at the party enrollments vs people like me who have bailed from the stink and dysfunction. In a year or so -- WE will be a larger voting bloc than BOTH your parties put together. Might as well end the GOP this election.

Because Trump ain't no Conservative.. He's no Reagan. He LOVES big govt and debt and handing new entitlements. The choices NOW are --- which entitlements and broken promises are you voting for.

The mediation team of Johnson/Weld is the ONLY choice that's dedicated to fiscal sanity, smaller efficient govt and Civil Liberty protection..

Except Johnson is off his cracker.

He's humble and human. That's very refreshing compared to the arrogant power whores who are the front runners. One is spray painted orange because of focus group preferences. And the other is a dottering old wannabee queen who believes she improved Libya.

That's insanity to me. Bark like a dog or go full spastic retard at THEIR rallies and I SUSPECT they might be smoking something good too..

It's been a different election cycle...and America is going to get screwed no matter who wins this time.

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