GAS is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Yes that is right...........Using Liberal Logic.........................

I find Crude oil under my Property............It's there for the taking.............So I drill and get the oil out..............That's right FREE CRUDE OIL................

It didn't really cost anything to get it out of the ground............IT'S FREE................

Now I have to build a Refinery to get the Gas out of it...................but hey...........IT'S FREE PEOPLE..............

Got it out of my ground..............FOR FREE.......................

The Phrase the SUN IS FREE needs to end..............while the Sun is there everyday IT'S NOT FREE TO build and buy the equipment needed to get the power out of it....................

Solar Panels on average get only 9 Watts per square foot of space............per year............after calculating the hours a day they can produce.......cloudy days and so forth................These systems are VERY EXPENSIVE up front..................Even with the subsidies..................

A 5000 Watt Gas Generator if run 24 hours a day will produce 120 KWH's of power a day or 43,500 KWh's a year.............

A 5000 Watt Solar Grid will only get about 5 hours a day peak production..........or roughly a little over 6000 KWH's a year.......................depending on where you live............................and the angle of installation..........................

That system installed will cost you roughly $16,000 to have installed...............or more.........

This post is being presented to you from someone tired of hearing the Same old Line...........THE SUN IS FREE.............................

Because if that is the final equation................................


GAS IS FREE ALSO!!!!!!!!!!
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I think this logic is severely flawed, dude.

The sun requires an absorption and conversion mechanism and thats it. Theres no travel costs associated with it, short of maintenance, as there is with gas, and its not finite (relatively speaking to human existence/time).

Neither is free, but one is by FAR more COST PROHIBITIVE than the other and has worse side effects such as pollution and war
I think this logic is severely flawed, dude.

The sun requires an absorption and conversion mechanism and thats it. Theres no travel costs associated with it, short of maintenance, as there is with gas, and its not finite (relatively speaking to human existence/time).

Neither is free, but one is by FAR more COST PROHIBITIVE than the other and has worse side effects such as pollution and war
I will agree that the Logic is Severely Flawed dude.....................

As the Green Machine continually uses this logic to SELL FREE ENERGY FROM THE SUN................That's the whole point of the OP...................

I've looked into the COST of Producing My Own Power in Great Detail.............and how much power is produced per size of system installed..................and although the costs have come down they in NO WAY are comparable to my current cost per KWH where I live on Fossil Fuels........................

The Rhetoric of THE SUN IS FREE is a standard BATTLE CRY for those pushing for Solar and Wind................while this power system is available to all the Up Front Costs and the RETURN on the Investment is Far from Free.................

To produce 2000 Kilo Watts of Power from Solar at your home a month you would need to install around 111 Solar Panels...................with the associated equipment needed to get the power out of it....................

Tell me the cost of buying and installing all of that....................and how many square feet of space you would need to put it in................................

Then tell me how many years it would take to make up for the savings from the grid.......................

It's NOT FREE when you have to buy the produce the power.................

Under that Rhetoric..............GAS IS FREE if we IGNORE SYSTEM INSTALL COSTS.
I dont know any thinking human that calls its delivery system free. Theyre merely referring to the source itself, or are retarded and not even worth listening to/making a thread about.
I dont know any thinking human that calls its delivery system free. Theyre merely referring to the source itself, or are retarded and not even worth listening to/making a thread about.
That is a personal opinion...................Not mine...............

Tell me you don't see them always quoting THE SUN IS FREE..................trying to sell the systems........................

Merely referring to the Source itself............................Well I'm referring to the source in the ground...........crude oil.........natural gas......................

It's there right.............hiding under the ground..................

In the end, to produce useful power via the cost is the only thing that matters on whether it will save you money or not..................and with all TECH where you live and what is available make all the difference in the world................................

In the mid west.............where there are consistent could produce power from wind that would steadily produce power............even at night...................

So you buy a wind turbine................and say LETS GET THE 1600 WATT one......................when the 800 Watt one would produce the same power over time anyway....................because what they don't say when they are selling it......................

It produces that 1600 Watts of power at 28 mph.................when the average winds for that a good area are 12 mph......................

It's all about selling the product.....................not the actual cost for the benefit.........................

SO FREE ISN'T FREE...............Never has been..............and NEVER WILL BE.
Two points here. While the initial installation is not free, the energy that runs the system after that is. And if there is no gasoline to be had for your generator, you are not going to produce any electricity. Kind of hard to cut off the sunshine or wind.

No, you do not need a 28 mph wind to generate electricity. You simply need to design your windmill to take advantage of slower winds. Of course, that means less juice, but that is better than none in low wind speed areas.
Two points here. While the initial installation is not free, the energy that runs the system after that is. And if there is no gasoline to be had for your generator, you are not going to produce any electricity. Kind of hard to cut off the sunshine or wind.

No, you do not need a 28 mph wind to generate electricity. You simply need to design your windmill to take advantage of slower winds. Of course, that means less juice, but that is better than none in low wind speed areas.
My point is that it's expensive...............and that the Free Point is not the real deal..............

In the end it is bang for the buck................I'm still probably going to put a small grid in at my home this year................

But this post is to clear up that the systems are VERY EXPENSIVE...............They are..............and that the rated KW of the systems are only a small portion of the actual power produced via the KWH's................

I did this thread after continued research yet again on putting the system into my home.............

And I grow tired of the IT'S FREE RHETORIC................the system I may eventually put in will take nearly 3 decades to pay for itself compared to current prices of power I use...............but if the power bills keep going up then it will be less time....................

The going trend is that power prices will continue to go much is still in question......................

Solar Power ISN'T FREE................Just as GAS isn't FREE..............which is the point.
Green energy is taking from the poor to give to the rich who then get to charge you for the system you built for them

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