Gas Powered Generators Ban in California

A new bill was recently passed in California that will ban the sale of new portable gas-powered engines. In later years, this ban will extend to include gas-powered generators.

After January of 2024, nobody will be allowed to sell or purchase new items that are equipped with gas-powered off-road engines. This mainly targets lawn and garden equipment such as leaf blowers, weed whackers, and lawnmowers.

Once the initial zero-emission standards and policies have been rolled out, they will then extend to portable gasoline-powered generators. This includes generators for recreational vehicles, boats, and homes. These generators must meet zero-emission standards by 2028.

In a state that #3 in the most power outages, what the hell are they thinking?

It's Official: Gas Powered Generators Ban Passes in California

California is the #3 state with the most power outages in the last year

If this clown is going to run for President in 24, he is really giving the opposition something to debate with when the results of this are finally made public.

It's like I've always said, you are not a true Democrat unless you are ruining things for other people. Newsom is the poster child for this.
A new bill was recently passed in California that will ban the sale of new portable gas-powered engines. In later years, this ban will extend to include gas-powered generators.

After January of 2024, nobody will be allowed to sell or purchase new items that are equipped with gas-powered off-road engines. This mainly targets lawn and garden equipment such as leaf blowers, weed whackers, and lawnmowers.

Once the initial zero-emission standards and policies have been rolled out, they will then extend to portable gasoline-powered generators. This includes generators for recreational vehicles, boats, and homes. These generators must meet zero-emission standards by 2028.

In a state that #3 in the most power outages, what the hell are they thinking?

It's Official: Gas Powered Generators Ban Passes in California

California is the #3 state with the most power outages in the last year

I will open a Home Depot in Lake Havasu and MAKE BANK!
Considering: "Plenty of sun for a solar charged battery powered generator."
I'd say not really....
It's almost always sunny in CA. It's where I live and what the OP is about.
You do know that people get by without generators in CA and have for years? I believe the only time I was without electricity for an extended time was 2 days during the Northridge earthquake, years ago. I notice it's always the RW doom and gloomers that poo poo everything on the planet. Why is that?

It's almost always sunny in CA. It's where I live and what the OP is about.
You do know that people get by without generators in CA and have for years? I believe the only time I was without electricity for an extended time was 2 days during the Northridge earthquake, years ago. I notice it's always the RW doom and gloomers that poo poo everything on the planet. Why is that?

Every time there is legislation for Prog socialist programs and agendas, and they do not get their way above inflation increases or court/law decisions we hear the millions will die mantra as Progressives start screaming at their top of their lungs, put on stupid showings of drama and at times promote and get violent.
Every time there is legislation for Prog socialist programs and agendas, and they do not get their way above inflation increases or court/law decisions we hear the millions will die mantra as Progressives start screaming at their top of their lungs, put on stupid showings of drama and at times promote and get violent.

If the Democrats didn't waste money on vote buying and pandering to their base there would be no need to raise the ceiling. But they wasted hundreds of billions on their stupid climate change agenda and tons of other pork and now crying we have to pay for their extremely terrible leadership.
California is due for another massive earthquake and tidal wave.

Natural Gas and electric grids all go down during these Natural disasters. And usually the gas powered compressors operate the jackhammer so people can be dug out of the rubble. But if there aren't any gas motors....they will remain buried.

Then their forests will burn down from a lack of one will be able to put out the fires. An electric chainsaw in the middle of a forest fire? Get real! How about bulldozers? Nope!
A new bill was recently passed in California that will ban the sale of new portable gas-powered engines. In later years, this ban will extend to include gas-powered generators.

After January of 2024, nobody will be allowed to sell or purchase new items that are equipped with gas-powered off-road engines. This mainly targets lawn and garden equipment such as leaf blowers, weed whackers, and lawnmowers.

Once the initial zero-emission standards and policies have been rolled out, they will then extend to portable gasoline-powered generators. This includes generators for recreational vehicles, boats, and homes. These generators must meet zero-emission standards by 2028.

In a state that #3 in the most power outages, what the hell are they thinking?

It's Official: Gas Powered Generators Ban Passes in California

California is the #3 state with the most power outages in the last year
Won't matter much as in my opinion, God will be sinking California into The Pacific in the next couple of decades for their brazen wickedness, and their worship of false gods.
California is due for another massive earthquake and tidal wave.

Natural Gas and electric grids all go down during these Natural disasters. And usually the gas powered compressors operate the jackhammer so people can be dug out of the rubble. But if there aren't any gas motors....they will remain buried.

Then their forests will burn down from a lack of one will be able to put out the fires. An electric chainsaw in the middle of a forest fire? Get real! How about bulldozers? Nope!
Sad picture, true but sad.
Sad picture, true but sad.
The problem is the California state constitution.
Almost any group can get a law on the ballot with enough signatures and sheister lawyers. Then a PR firm to word it so it gets approved.

This is a classic case of mob rule. And it's failing. Such a shame too. It once was such a pretty state.
Americans should counter the Democrats by proposing a ban on private jets.

What did the Democrat use for lighting before candles?

Oh no....let's not stop at private jets...let's include commercial too....and diesel trains. That way California can be an island.
In a state that #3 in the most power outages, what the hell are they thinking?
The state is run by stupid idiotic in bred Democrats so they are mostly incapable of thinking.

I wonder how all these idiotic Limousine Liberals that support the filthy Democrats are going to get their lawns properly maintained without gas powered yard tools?

Gas powered emergency generators banned in a state with the third most power outages. You can't make up stupidity like that.

They aren't saving the planet, they are fucking themselves.

Can you imagine the black market there will be in gas powered generators and lawn mowers?
The state is run by stupid idiotic in bred Democrats so they are mostly incapable of thinking.

I wonder how all these idiotic Limousine Liberals that support the filthy Democrats are going to get their lawns properly maintained without gas powered yard tools?

Gas powered emergency generators banned in a state with the third most power outages. You can't make up stupidity like that.

They aren't saving the planet, they are fucking themselves.

Can you imagine the black market there will be in gas powered generators and lawn mowers?
Why do you care so much about California? You know, and to be honest, I'm happy so many are leaving here. You know what I'm saying?

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