Gas Prices Still Going Up Got You Down?

Cruisers? VTwins? :zzzzzz:


If you'd like marginally better-than-a-car fuel economy, but wish to stay AWAKE, Buy Japanese...

:p: :p:
fwiw - if you DO ride...don't wear one of those 'skull-cap' helmets...full-face helmet or nothing.

I have a photo I could show...


Originally posted by lilcountriegal
that's what I usually wear... are they not safe?

They are safe if you don't care about your face. :-/

I don't want to post the image, but can if ppl want it. :)
I don't want to post the image, but can if ppl want it

No thanks... I completely understand now. I never thought of it like that... guess I'll have to break out my full face helmet again.

Thanks for the tip.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
No thanks... I completely understand now. I never thought of it like that... guess I'll have to break out my full face helmet again.

Thanks for the tip.

I love the feeling of riding w/ no gear on; don't get me wrong. But it's about risk:reward factors. Last night I was putting around the neighborhood in my shorts, t-shirt and shoes. Felt awesome.

One slip on an oil-spot, however could have led to broken bones, road rash, etc.

Just try to minimize your risks, girl.

Originally posted by -=d=-
Cruisers? VTwins? :zzzzzz:


If you'd like marginally better-than-a-car fuel economy, but wish to stay AWAKE, Buy Japanese...
:p: :p:

I did the japanese bike thing when I was 23. I'm 38 now and would rather race on 4 tires at 200 mph than on 2 wheels. Bikes are better for cruising now :D
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Not at the moment. But one thing I might mention... if you'd like a Harley, "they're not cheap"....:(

I was at the store Sunday on my way home from church and saw a guy riding a Yamaha 250cc motorcycle - alomst a miniature cruiser. I figured it would be a great starter bike... then I remembered that I was broke and couldn't buy one anyway. :(
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I did the japanese bike thing when I was 23. I'm 38 now and would rather race on 4 tires at 200 mph than on 2 wheels. Bikes are better for cruising now :D

I am still a much better driver than rider. :D


Oh - and you are OLD and stuff.

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I did the japanese bike thing when I was 23. I'm 38 now and would rather race on 4 tires at 200 mph than on 2 wheels. Bikes are better for cruising now :D

That's where I'm at too DK. I want style and comfort. And if you've ever riden a sport bike, you know that the bent over, hard to hold your head up, riding position has to be the most uncomfortable position on any kind of bike. It's a racing position, but for just riding around, after a while, it kills your neck and shoulders. So if you ever wanted to go on any sort of cruise with some miles involved, FORGET IT on a sport bike, unless your into pain.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
that's what I usually wear... are they not safe?

There's a lot of them that are DOT approved, so if your state had a helmet law, they'd be legal. That's all I ever see motorcycle cops wearing.

Myself, I'm glad bikers have had such success repealing helmet laws in their states. I won't put one on unless the state I'm riding in requires one. It may not be the safest choice in somes eye's, but non the less, it "my" choice. And the last helmet I'd ever wear is a heavy full face. Think of all the inertial weight strapped to your head. What's going to happen to all that weight in the event of an impact? Right. It's going to help snap your neck off. Remember Dale Earnhardt? They accounted his death to the fact that the weight of his helmet, a full face, is what snapped his neck and killed him when he hit the wall. And not only are full face helmets heavy, but they severly limit your field of vision.

I have a helmet, but it's a just a full head, not full face.
As a newbie to these boards, I asked that a category be started for this kind of talk - as there seemed to not be one in a logical area elsewhere on the board. Haven't heard back yet.

Rider - I took my bike off :) I will replace it later

DK - the Heritage is a nice bike, mine is the silver/black 2003 Ann. Edition. However, it is not as nice or comfortable as my RK was when riding two up. I am now single so it is not an issue, but when I do have a date, you can notice the ride difference.

Girls, if all you are interested in is the vibrations, save yourself about 20K and...well...never mind :dev3:

One last comment about comraderie - I agree, when I am on a ride, it is amazing how political, religious and economical barriers seem non-existence. All that seems to matter is the common love of the road and the bikes.

I move that cars be banned and everyone rides bikes!
Originally posted by Pale Rider
That's where I'm at too DK. I want style and comfort. And if you've ever riden a sport bike, you know that the bent over, hard to hold your head up, riding position has to be the most uncomfortable position on any kind of bike. It's a racing position, but for just riding around, after a while, it kills your neck and shoulders. So if you ever wanted to go on any sort of cruise with some miles involved, FORGET IT on a sport bike, unless your into pain.

I disagree with 100% of those comments. I find my bike quite comfortable; it took about 500-1000miles before my body adapted to the position however, but now, I find the 'sitting straight up, feet out front' position of a cruiser to be un-nerving.

well, the bike I had when I was a marine was the Honda Nighthawk S. looks like this -

quick as hell and turn on a dime.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
There's a lot of them that are DOT approved, so if your state had a helmet law, they'd be legal. That's all I ever see motorcycle cops wearing.

Myself, I'm glad bikers have had such success repealing helmet laws in their states. I won't put one on unless the state I'm riding in requires one. It may not be the safest choice in somes eye's, but non the less, it "my" choice. And the last helmet I'd ever wear is a heavy full face. Think of all the inertial weight strapped to your head. What's going to happen to all that weight in the event of an impact? Right. It's going to help snap your neck off. Remember Dale Earnhardt? They accounted his death to the fact that the weight of his helmet, a full face, is what snapped his neck and killed him when he hit the wall. And not only are full face helmets heavy, but they severly limit your field of vision.

I have a helmet, but it's a just a full head, not full face.

wow. To say Dale Earnhardt died because he wore a 2? 3?lbs helmet is ludicrous. :(

Full face helmets do NOT limit fields of vision; that is another urban legend. Today's full face helmets offer perhiphreal vision equal to 'not wearing' a helmet.

What full-faced helmets PREVENT is the following:

GRAPHIC PHOTO - I wouldn't let my kids see this; it'll give them nightmares. Don't look if you are squeamish. Contains image of man with severe face trauma
Originally posted by -=d=-
wow. To say Dale Earnhardt died because he wore a 2? 3?lbs helmet is ludicrous. :(

Full face helmets do NOT limit fields of vision; that is another urban legend. Today's full face helmets offer perhiphreal vision equal to 'not wearing' a helmet.

What full-faced helmets PREVENT is the following:

GRAPHIC PHOTO - I wouldn't let my kids see this; it'll give them nightmares. Don't look if you are squeamish. Contains image of man with severe face trauma

Dale Earnhardt always wore an open face helmet. His helmet was not attributed to his death.
I think motorcycles are fun to ride (I've dated many guys who owned them and married one) but I don't prefer them over what I currently drive. I just find being surrounded by my vehicle more secure and comfortable. That and I love to blast my music while I drive (windows up of course as to not offend passing vehicles :D ). Plus, I find that motorcycles, at least for me, do not offer what I look for in a vehicle. I don't even think a dirt bike does...
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
Our state (Pennsylvania) just repealed the helmet laws and now its pretty much up to the rider. I prefer to wear it, even tho it makes my hair look like shit :D

The bugs I can definitely do without, but I dont really take the brunt of it because I'm riding behind... I get splattered in the arms mostly. I do need to get some leather/chaps. The first time I went for a ride I showed up in shorts.. I can see now why that is a no-no. At least now I wear jeans.

That me reminds my of the bike my ex-husband had years ago. It was a Ninja something or other, and he used to bitch at me for wearing shorts and such when I was on the back. Well, needless to say, I was wearing a skirt one time(I know, how tacky can you get) and I burnt my leg on the exhaust pipe. I never went on that bike without jeans on again - I still have the scar.

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