Gas Spending.

Nah. Just enjoying fresh unprocessed foods and the health benefits that accrue from not eating garbage and sitting in a vehicle all day.

But enjoy your loneliness, isolation and terrible health.
Our vehicles are a great place to escape from the noise and confusion of society. It's one of our best personal spaces.
I have a Jeep Wrangler.
Love it, but onto the subject.

I have a 4 day workweek, and I just filled up EXACTLY one week later.

Result: $62.
That is per week.

Job is 68 miles Round-trip.

4 + weeks per month, means I spend about (62 x 4.2) = $260 per month

Let's round that up to $400. (From $260) Generous.
So I spend $400 per Month on Gas.

Your Spending?
Four hundred dollars a month can be a little or alot depending on how much you make. If you're taking home 10 grand a month, 400 bucks is nothing. On the other hand, if you're working a minimum wage job, it's a lot.
Cities were designed as they are today long before the automobile.
Not really. Very few large American cities predate automobiles. Those that did were torn apart about 70 years ago to accommodate massive highway infrastructure.

Urban sprawl is a direct result of the destruction of communities to favor the far and it has been a big part of what is wrong with American culture.
Our vehicles are a great place to escape from the noise and confusion of society. It's one of our best personal spaces.
The noise comes from vehicles, so it’s self defeating.

All people do is escape society now. That’s not good.
Cities were designed as they are today long before the automobile.

Not really. Before the automobile cites were built around a "downtown" that people could easily reach and get what they needed. Today most downtowns are either rundown and empty or getting there.
Start a garden

Thanks to global warming you will have longer growing seasons
Plants need water, and the drought doesn’t help.

But yeah, the garden provides a lot of produce. It doesn’t provide everything. You don’t know what you’ve lost.
Not really. Very few large American cities predate automobiles. Those that did were torn apart about 70 years ago to accommodate massive highway infrastructure.

Urban sprawl is a direct result of the destruction of communities to favor the far and it has been a big part of what is wrong with American culture.
The great cities of the world were designed for the movement of people and materials, via horse or ox drawn wagons and carriages.
The great cities of the world were designed for the movement of people and materials, via horse or ox drawn wagons and carriages.
Yes, but in a more limited fashion. People could live, work and obtain basically everything they needed within a short walk.

Now you can’t do anything without getting into your car and driving for 15 minutes. Average commutes to and from work are an hour.
I have a Jeep Wrangler.
Love it, but onto the subject.

I have a 4 day workweek, and I just filled up EXACTLY one week later.

Result: $62.
That is per week.

Job is 68 miles Round-trip.

4 + weeks per month, means I spend about (62 x 4.2) = $260 per month

Let's round that up to $400. (From $260) Generous.
So I spend $400 per Month on Gas.

Your Spending?

I drive maybe 30 miles a week if I do not have to to do the office, which adds another 70. Twice a month to the office so about 50 a week on average.

My car gets about 32 miles to the gallon around town so I use say 2 gallons a week. I paid 3.30 last fill up. So that is maybe 7 bucks a week for gas. Maybe 50 a month.

The wife drives to work basically 14 times a month (the benefit of a 12 hour shift) with a 60 mile round trip. That car gets about 24 so 2.5 gallons per trip for maybe 40 gallons a month. That is about $150 a month.

So, unless we are travelling it is around 200 bucks a month on gas.
I lived there for several years, I was there a month ago, and would never go back to live.

You should move downtown and really experience Seattle.
Now why would I move away from my beautiful community?

I don’t need to live downtown to know what Seattle is like.
I have a Jeep Wrangler.
Love it, but onto the subject.

I have a 4 day workweek, and I just filled up EXACTLY one week later.

Result: $62.
That is per week.

Job is 68 miles Round-trip.

4 + weeks per month, means I spend about (62 x 4.2) = $260 per month

Let's round that up to $400. (From $260) Generous.
So I spend $400 per Month on Gas.

Your Spending?

Don't worry......if the democrats keep winning elections, you won't have to worry about fueling your jeep at will be taking public transportation, or using an E-bike.
Now why would I move away from my beautiful community?

I don’t need to live downtown to know what Seattle is like.
Don’t blame you for not wanting to live in Seattle, thanks for confirming what we all already know.
Don't worry......if the democrats keep winning elections, you won't have to worry about fueling your jeep at will be taking public transportation, or using an E-bike.
Why is that?
Right, and work is even farther away from Seattle.
I didn’t say you should live in Seattle. Just saying, people vastly underestimate the cost to quality of life due to long commutes.
I didn’t say you should live in Seattle. Just saying, people vastly underestimate the cost to quality of life due to long commutes.
I know that.
Your comment was fine.

I was just telling my wife this morning how much I enjoy my commute

I drive through 5 communities, nice roads, no traffic, window down, music or sports on the radio

Very relaxing
I drive a Hemi Grand Cherokee.
My commutes can range from 5-90 miles one way working residential construction. Basically a small car is useless as I need to carry a ton of tools and sometimes pull a trailer.
On the long range jobs I have easily spent $150 a week.

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