Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

As much as I hate Biden and as much as I know about the oil industry I refrain from commenting on gas prices under Biden until more time goes by.

Trump benefitted from the pandemic which resulted in a huge drop in demand for gas, thus a drop in prices. If the pandemic ends and people drive again the price will go up. But that's not "because" of Biden, its because Trump presided over the drop and Biden over the recovery.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?
Dems have nothing to do with the price of gas, except in your uneducated mind.

What Determines Gas Prices? - Investopedia › Commodities › Oil

Oct 29, 2020 — The price will balance the supply of gasoline with the demand for it. The global nature of the market for gasoline assures that balance. That leaves ...
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

Gas doesn't rise or fall "under" anybody. Presidents have zero to do with gas prices. Those are set in the international trade market. By international capitalists.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?
This is Trumps fault. All the good things under Trump was because it was Obama’s economy.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

Gas doesn't rise or fall "under" anybody. Presidents have zero to do with gas prices. Those are set in the international trade market. By international capitalists.

By production and demand.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?
Those not in the Trump cult whose minds are not addled by undeserved fealty to a garbage human:

You should look up why gas prices are increasing. Hint: it's not because of what Biden had for breakfast.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

DRive more, you use more gas, prices go up. What part of econ 101 are you having trouble with is it the 1, the zero or the 1?

Are trying to tell us production has nothing to do with price?
Anyone with a brain knows that when a product,no matter what it is,becomes more scarce the price goes up.
This is simple economics.

There is a surplus of production. So , no, it has nothing to do with the increase in the gas prices at the pumps right now. You are just trolling.
I chuckle at news that something "could" do something. Oil could miraculously turn into wine.

When oil went to near $150 a barrel it had very little to do with actual realities. There was oil sitting unused in tankers during that time. It was nothing more than what we saw with GameStop. Investors just trying to run up the price to make a buck. That can and does happen despite the realities of any situation.

Now in a sane market if the economy gets back to normal it would be understandable to see prices rise some. If it was up to me no one that doesn't actually take physical control of the oil they buy would be able to buy it. It worked that way for decades with pretty stable prices. Unstable prices are a huge drag on the economy.

The price of oil has long been out of touch with the realities of oil usage.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?
Biden and the Dems hate America and have put us on the road to ruin, Can't think of one thing so far that they have done that has been a benefit to Americans
I chuckle at news that something "could" do something. Oil could miraculously turn into wine.

When oil went to near $150 a barrel it had very little to do with actual realities. There was oil sitting unused in tankers during that time. It was nothing more than what we saw with GameStop. Investors just trying to run up the price to make a buck. That can and does happen despite the realities of any situation.

Now in a sane market if the economy gets back to normal it would be understandable to see prices rise some. If it was up to me no one that doesn't actually take physical control of the oil they buy would be able to buy it. It worked that way for decades with pretty stable prices. Unstable prices are a huge drag on the economy.

The price of oil has long been out of touch with the realities of oil usage.

Gasoline is still a bargain. .It hasn't kept up housing, healthcare, education, groceries or automobiles...

Half of Iran's tanker fleet was parked and used for storage. because of sanctions NOT speculators.
Gas prices in my state went above $3 and almost to $4 at some point under both Bush and Obama. The reasons were always people drive more in the summer and supply and demands, etc, etc... However, gas prices never went above $3 under Trump in my state - never. It will be interesting to see if we pay above $3 at some point under Biden.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

has anybody blamed trump yet?
You could never do that since during Trump gas went from .97 cents a gallon in April to $1.79 in December.

link cupcake?
Were you not alive last April or December?

Only public schoolers answer a question with a question.

Sad really.

Just admit you made it up and have no data to support your wishes (like CNN and MSNBC), shut up, and move on darling.

Or prove it?
So you don't understand how links work??
Climate regulations have nothing to do with a depressed oil industry who's producers have stopped producing since last year. Prices do have everything to do with oil production being decreased by OPEC.
Your guy is fucking up big time. So fuck you for voting for him.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

DRive more, you use more gas, prices go up. What part of econ 101 are you having trouble with is it the 1, the zero or the 1?
Nope Biden's policies are driving the prices up and your party is in charge. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

has anybody blamed trump yet?
You could never do that since during Trump gas went from .97 cents a gallon in April to $1.79 in December.

link cupcake?
Were you not alive last April or December?

Only public schoolers answer a question with a question.

Sad really.

Just admit you made it up and have no data to support your wishes (like CNN and MSNBC), shut up, and move on darling.

Or prove it?
Ditto. You must live in a glass tube stuck in a kids bedroom.
Sticking up for Biden, it's going to be a long four years for you.
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

Donald Trump conspired with OPEC to get production cuts. Trump is to blame for that. Also speculation is driving prices up. The speculative bubble has spread from the stock market to the energy markets.
No your boys policies are driving the price up. You elected a moron and everyone will pay for it.
I chuckle at news that something "could" do something. Oil could miraculously turn into wine.

When oil went to near $150 a barrel it had very little to do with actual realities. There was oil sitting unused in tankers during that time. It was nothing more than what we saw with GameStop. Investors just trying to run up the price to make a buck. That can and does happen despite the realities of any situation.

Now in a sane market if the economy gets back to normal it would be understandable to see prices rise some. If it was up to me no one that doesn't actually take physical control of the oil they buy would be able to buy it. It worked that way for decades with pretty stable prices. Unstable prices are a huge drag on the economy.

The price of oil has long been out of touch with the realities of oil usage.

Gasoline is still a bargain. .It hasn't kept up housing, healthcare, education, groceries or automobiles...

Half of Iran's tanker fleet was parked and used for storage. because of sanctions NOT speculators.

I was speaking $150 barrel oil but all the same the sanctions have done nothing.
$3.55 will also go up since its all shipped by truck...isn't this a nice time to take away tax cuts and cancel the pipeline and ending drilling?...I mean since the people are already hurting what's a little more pain at the pump and in the grocery store...."come on man"...
The pipeline they were building wasn't for oil to make into fuel.

You aren't this stupid are you?
Yes he is, I'm thinking about putting him on ignore.

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