Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

with senile old joe depressed production means higher prices
Wow that's deep. Only one problem: you dont know what the hell you are talking about. You people think you can take a sentence from chapter one of a high school economics textbook and understand the oil industry. You can't.

Did you know the Trump administration spent the last year+ trying to increase oil prices? I am sure you did not.
So tell us idiot how does one achieve electric cars if gas is $1 buck a gallon?

Easy answer. The cost of the Gas Cars is quickly going up. The Materiels to build it are going up fast. The cost of the material to build the Cat Converters have risen from hundreds of dollars an ounce to more than 3000 to up to 30,000 dollars an ounce. The cost of the gauges have gone up because the supply is limited. Now, unless they can figure out replacement materials that can to the same job or a better job, Gas Cars and Trucks are going to go through the roof.

And don't look for gas to ever go back to a buck a gallon again. 2 bucks maybe but that's about it. But look for the cost of electric generation to continue to go down and the supply to continue to go up.

Of course, as more and more electrics take to the roads, another problem comes to mind that is built into the Gas Tax for Road and Bridge maintenance. That will have to be paid no matter what by some method or another.
Easy answer. The cost of the Gas Cars is quickly going up. The Materiels to build it are going up fast. The cost of the material to build the Cat Converters have risen from hundreds of dollars an ounce to more than 3000 to up to 30,000 dollars an ounce. The cost of the gauges have gone up because the supply is limited. Now, unless they can figure out replacement materials that can to the same job or a better job, Gas Cars and Trucks are going to go through the roof.
If so then strong-arm tactics by greenies in washington are not necessary

such as mandating electric cars by a certain drop-dead daye as they have done in california

in fact you are not really afraid that the cost of conventional cars is going up too much

but rather that that they wont rise fast enough to make your electric cars more attractive in a free market
Pretty soon you'll pay as much as the rest of the world...while earning 4 X the salary per hour. OTOH your health care is $$$$
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?

Since you guys love using your crystal ball, could it also go under 2.00?
Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Biden

11 Feb 021 ~~ By Paul Bedard

By the time America gets back to work, and traffic jams, gas prices under the Biden administration could be heading back to $4 thanks to new climate regulations, the president’s shutdown of energy mining on federal lands, and overseas production cuts.
Industry experts believe that as the coronavirus vaccine becomes widely available, offices will start to fill up, as will gas stations.
But the supply may not be there because of production cutbacks, Biden’s new rules, and moves overseas to slow production to match low usage.

Are you better off now than you were 4 weeks ago?
Jan 1, 20212 Regular gasoline $1.899/gal ---- Feb 11, 2021 Regular gasoline $2,299/gal
More job losses, higher prices on everything, runaway inflation, illegals pouring over the borders in mass waves, more restrictions on travel ............... what’s not for a Dem to love?
Not in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

It's the rest of the nation that's going to pay for this shit.

Thank you, Biden voters. You're making us richer.

In what way did trump try to increase gasoline prices and for what reason?
Go look it up, if you are interested. Foreign negotiations and because, if oil prices are too low for too long, people will stop selling it and stop pulling it out of the ground.
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If true (and little in the Examiner IS true) then instead of spending 30 bucks to fill your tank, you'll spend $35?
  • Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.
Democrats hate the poor.

Gas prices have slowly been increasing since the November general election, but a leading analyst says the reasons aren’t all political.

Along with expected cuts to oil production worldwide, there’s optimism that the coronavirus vaccines will strengthen the demand for oil, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

“Expectations of economic recovery associated with the approval and production of a number of COVID-19 vaccines is perhaps the most significant demand-side factor in crude oil price changes,” the federal administration said in a report earlier this month. “Vaccine efforts have contributed to a broad increase in prices across most asset classes and commodities, reflecting market expectations for economic growth.”

However, the demand for gas is still fairly low, AAA reported Tuesday.

“The higher price of crude is outweighing sustained low gasoline demand and a build in gasoline supply,” said AAA spokesperson Jeanette Casselano McGee. “Motorists can expect gas prices to continue to climb through at least the end of the month.”

An increase in gas prices following a presidential election isn’t new. Prices increased 26 cents from Nov. 28, 2016, to Jan. 8, 2017 — 12 days before Trump took office, according to Gas Buddy analyst Patrick De Haan.

It is around $2.55/gal here in Michigan. It was only $2.04/gal on Trump's last day in office. But under Trump, gas wasn't as high as it is now. Supply and demand now?
Yeah, because of the COVID-19 Crisis, these refineries were hurting. They weren't making any money, and they were laying off workers. Back in March of 2020, almost a year now, gas prices were very cheap worldwide. In the US, it was in some places - only 99 cents. In some parts of Michigan, it was just that. But in some way, it wasn't good. I mean, it was good for the customers. But it wasn't good for the oil refineries and their workers. A lot of the oil refineries had to shut down. The Oil Industry took a hit. I remember when the Stock Market hit an all-time low, as it sank 2,100 points in just one day!
......just like Dem California prices= HIGH --wages will be low = he's letting in MORE idiot workers......that's one of the reasons Cali is a shithole = expensive to live there and high poverty
Democrats hate the poor.

Do you know who is responsible for the oil prices?
Who cares if energy costs skyrocket and the American people suffer. As long as the party is in control, nothing else matters!


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