Gasoo Max: A Media Poison


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It should occur to us that social leaders and politicians and even race-relations diplomats expect the best behaviors among and between racial/ethnic groups while the media and movies cater to juvenile instincts for acting out on aggression, criminal instincts related to poverty-frustration, and anti-social sentiments regarding capitalism dissatisfaction.

Marketing of films such as Fight Club, The Purge: Anarchy, and Maniac Cop suggest that American audiences are as interested in the outlandish as they are in responsibility-themed films such as Colors, American History X, and Lean on Me.

So while we 'instruct' our youngsters to respect values regarding democratic responsibility, we allow them to download/watch films about anarchistic instincts! Parental-control options on cable-TV boxes are a great move in the right direction, and maybe artists and film-makers should consider reorienting their civics-storytelling to better address the modern needs of frustrated youth turning to racism and crime because of the lack of 'holistic stimulation.'

Imagine therefore that HBO Films releases a special film (featuring two well-known Hollywood actors and perhaps a lesser-known amateur actor) about an anti-capitalism crime-thrilled bank robbery performed by a trio of anti-TrumpUSA protesters (you know, the ones we saw on TV during and after Donald Trump's presidential campaign) who are determined to put forward a multiculturalism 'federalism economics' agenda to ensure this new celebrity-president (the first since Ronald Reagan) does not give rise to another form of disattached financial policies (i.e., Reaganomics -- to -- 'Trumponomics'!).

Should we expect a 'society-reflective' (and more holistic) film such as this being made by say HBO Films or some other established film-company?

This is the real discussion in this new age of media --- censorship and content-selection!

So imagine this bank-robbery trio select as their prophetic 'capitalism-mascot' a masked infant (a nephew of one of the trio) named 'Gasoo Max.' Maybe this concept is not good enough for HBO Films, but you get my suggestion...

I wonder therefore if 'society chatter' is the new 'form' of politics-cartoons. What would Thomas Nast say?



Tom, Tom, and Tom (all anti-TrumpUSA protesters from Washington) met during one of their protests and decided to form an 'alliance.' The trio decided to use the nephew of one of the Toms as a capitalism-mascot. They nicknamed the nephew-child 'Gasoo Max' (to address Trump's apparent lack of diplomacy concerns regarding the geopolitical impact of OPEC on eco-consciousness related issues such as renewable energy treaty catalyzed peace talks between Israel and Palestine. One of the Toms was from Algeria (but a U.S. citizen), the other was an Australian who recently moved to America with his wife, and the other was a natural-born American dreaming of a life in pro-democracy politics.

The trio decided to rob a large federal bank in NYC on New Year's Day dressed as 'movie-iconic' characters. One Tom dressed as a Scarecrow, the other as a Old English gang-leader, and the other as a Valkyrie WWII operative. The trio entered the bank pretending to be performing a race-relations PR-stunt endorsed by CNN and BBC. They paid off one inside-employee of the bank to claim that the PR-stunt was legitimate. They also disarmed and scrambled the computer-security and alarm systems the night before (since Scarecrow-Tom was a computer-wizard and hacker!). The entire robbery was filmed by Old English Tom, and the videotape was left for reporters to keep. The trio also left a photo of Gasoo Max.

The trio then disappeared, fleeing to some unnamed place in Switzerland. From there, they sent an anonymous race-relations related notice to the New York Times, which made Gasoo Max a 'CNN celebrity' and inspired Steven Spielberg to adapt the entire anti-TrumpUSA 'stunt' into a provocative 'modern Robin Hood' film (which capitalism-critic and film-maker Michael Moore was interested in co-producing):

"Our 'Gasoo Max Robbery' was a great success, and while it seemed like a cover for a simple 'heist,' we did indeed intend it to be a magnificent PR-stunt, one that would draw attention to the fact that American kids are not exposed enough to the raw reality that daring crimes and anti-federalism 'stunts' such as the 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots are as much an effect of governance-dissatisfaction of 'capitalism-practice' (e.g., Enron scandal) as they are of 'anarchism urges'!"



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