Gather up your political / social policy scriptures.

Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????

Romney get 15% to the Mormon Church. And what did they do with the money?

Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage -

Some estimates place the Mormon contribution at $20,000,000.00.

What better use for charity money than try to ruin the lives of people you don't know? Now come on, tell me you approve of that use of Mormon Church Money.
Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????

Romney get 15% to the Mormon Church. And what did they do with the money?

Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage -

Some estimates place the Mormon contribution at $20,000,000.00.

What better use for charity money than try to ruin the lives of people you don't know? Now come on, tell me you approve of that use of Mormon Church Money.

Sounds like this thread that is in the Religions and Ethics section belongs in the Politics section.

At any rate I'll offer a prayer

Prayer for the Day

Dear Father, Thank you for your instructions in the Bible.' Give me the grace and humility to accept advice and correction, because I know when you instruct me, it is for my good.' Lord, I pray for all the families in our nation that have gone through divorce.' Lord, this has wounded our nation, because many of our children do not have their fathers; some do not have their mothers. ' Second marriages still carry wounds from the previous ones; Lord heal these marriages and homes.' Forgive the adultery and fornication that has led to many of these marriage breakdowns.'' Forgive our young people who are living together, as many of them do not even know it is wrong, because society has embraced this as acceptable behavior. Restore love in our families.' Heal our homes and our land. ' In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I frankly do not give a damn how much Romney gave or didn't to the Mormon church. I do care what his heart is about and it sure does not appear to have anything to do with the poor who were very much on the mind of The Saviour.
There is no suggestion in ANY of the words attributed to Jesus that suggests that it is the role of the government to care for anybody. No suggestion of 'safety nets' or any other government social program from either Jesus or any who wrote their opinions of him and/or his teachings.

In both the Old and New Testaments the commandments to show mercy and compassion to those in need are spelled out in some detail. In no case was the responsibility to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, welcome and show hospitality to strangers given to the king, aka government, but was assigned as a responsibility of the people.

From everything I've read and considered of the teachings of Jesus, he would have been quite negative to those who presumed to abdicate their responsibilities by giving those to the government or others to do. Charitable structure was set up as a matter of expediency and efficiency within the earliest Christian congregations. But in no case did that structure allow those dispensing charity to profit from doing so.

I think Jesus would be horrified at how our government pretends to do 'charity', most especially the part where elected officials and bureaucrats siphon off most of themoney to enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes. I believe he would soundly condemn that as unethical and dishonest.
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There is nothing in the words of Jesus that would indicate that He would have a problem with the government helping the poor. The totality of scripture is clear that we are to help the widow, the poor, and the orphan, and thus We the People can make the decision for all of us. Tis what tis.
Gather up your pro-welfare and anti-welfare scriptures. And any sort of political or social advocacy or responsibility scriptures. And I wouldn't mind seeing your "if you want me to take the Bible literally, then what do you make of this?" verses.

If you want to explain or defend or fit it together, cool. If you just want to lay a verse on the table, cool.

Here's one.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

What is to explain? That categorizes a very minute number of people. Most want a sense of accomplishment. To contribute. It rings very cheap to use a severe minority to castigate a wide swath that do not fit in the model.
There is no suggestion in ANY of the words attributed to Jesus that suggests that it is the role of the government to care for anybody. No suggestion of 'safety nets' or any other government social program from either Jesus or any who wrote their opinions of him and/or his teachings.

In both the Old and New Testaments the commandments to show mercy and compassion to those in need are spelled out in some detail. In no case was the responsibility to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, welcome and show hospitality to strangers given to the king, aka government, but was assigned as a responsibility of the people.

From everything I've read and considered of the teachings of Jesus, he would have been quite negative to those who presumed to abdicate their responsibilities by giving those to the government or others to do. Charitable structure was set up as a matter of expediency and efficiency within the earliest Christian congregations. But in no case did that structure allow those dispensing charity to profit from doing so.

I think Jesus would be horrified at how our government pretends to do 'charity', most especially the part where elected officials and bureaucrats siphon off most of themoney to enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes. I believe he would soundly condemn that as unethical and dishonest.

So much bullshit. You taken the right wing swill and gulped.

It's not the job of anyone to do "charity". That's not what any intelligent person ever wanted in anytime in history. It's all about helping someone, not just "giving them stuff". Sometimes, the first bit of help may be to give them something, but that's only the beginning on the road to help. Not the end. American Christians don't seem to understand that. One wonders, after reading such an ignorant post like this one, if they ever did?

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Of course, from a political party that believes education is bad, this may not be obvious.
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Jesus also thought compassion and charity to those in need.
Diligence is an important aspect and yes sloth is harmful which is why their needs to be regulations that make sure the people who rely on those services actually need them and aren't just taking a free ride.
At the same time I know people who need them who the government wont give them to.

If you think your burdens shouldn't be placed on any one elses shoulders, then denounce your covenant with Jesus Christ for he holds your greatest burden your Sin.
Take up your own cross carry your own burdens live as a Jew would or do you feel like neglecting your responsibilities and burdening another with them.

The idea that business isn't compassionate or charitable is false. Wealth is created by providing others with goods and services they need.

What service does wall-street provide?
They seem pretty useless and rich to me!

Yes they provide services which need to be paid for. Ever stop to think about the people who constantly look for work but can't find any and so they can't PAY for those services with out help.
I am sure if you rolled up to the people whom you pay for your electric bill and said oops I don't got the money could you show me some compassion, they would laugh at you and turn your power off.
After all America is built upon one of the greatest evils, Social Darwinism.

If I have to explain what service Wall Street provides you will not understand the answer. There are only two ways to make money, provide something someone else wants, or steal it. since people actively hand people in Wall Street money, and get more money back in return, they are not stealing it, unlike the government.
fleecing the rich? that is an odd term...they have already fleeced the poor...

yes rich is a subjective term.....

i was raised a southern baptist......i was taught as a child ...that when you are approached by someone asking for something to remember that bible verse....what you do to the least of my breather you do to me.....think about that....if a begger approaches.....would you turn away jesus....

yes i have left the church.....and i am no longer a christian.....but i think there is a moral to the story...instead of asking what would jesus do....perhaps we should ask...what would we do if jesus ask for something from us?

Nobody fleeces the poor, it is a waste of time. Con men always go after people with money.
Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????

didnt mittens give that to the mormon church in the form of tithes ?

i dont think i would consider the mormon church a charity

Funny thing, only about half the money Romney gives to charity goes to the Mormon church, which is less that the 10% supposedly required of Mormons. The rest of it is distributed mostly through a charitable foundation he started.

By the way, the Mormon church has a number of food pantries. You might not consider that charity work, but you would definitely be in the minority there.
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At least 10% of RM's donations went to the LDS church, which requires that amount in order for their members to go to the temples to secret rites and rituals.

I am voting for RM, but I have no doubt that he out earns the Obamas by good twenty to twenty-five times the income annually.

You need to work on your math, and your assumptions. Romney gave less than 7% of his earnings to the Mormon church last year.
Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????

Romney get 15% to the Mormon Church. And what did they do with the money?

Mormons Tipped Scale in Ban on Gay Marriage -

Some estimates place the Mormon contribution at $20,000,000.00.

What better use for charity money than try to ruin the lives of people you don't know? Now come on, tell me you approve of that use of Mormon Church Money.

Why does everyone think Romney gave all his money to one place? Are they all too stupid to check facts before they post?

By the way, no one knows how much money Romney gave to the church in 2008 because he did not release his returns for that year. That makes tow assumptions in one sentence, pretty amazing for anyone who is not named rdean.
There is nothing in the words of Jesus that would indicate that He would have a problem with the government helping the poor. The totality of scripture is clear that we are to help the widow, the poor, and the orphan, and thus We the People can make the decision for all of us. Tis what tis.

I thought you opposed theocracy, is that something that is actually conditional, and not really a principle?
There is no suggestion in ANY of the words attributed to Jesus that suggests that it is the role of the government to care for anybody. No suggestion of 'safety nets' or any other government social program from either Jesus or any who wrote their opinions of him and/or his teachings.

In both the Old and New Testaments the commandments to show mercy and compassion to those in need are spelled out in some detail. In no case was the responsibility to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, welcome and show hospitality to strangers given to the king, aka government, but was assigned as a responsibility of the people.

From everything I've read and considered of the teachings of Jesus, he would have been quite negative to those who presumed to abdicate their responsibilities by giving those to the government or others to do. Charitable structure was set up as a matter of expediency and efficiency within the earliest Christian congregations. But in no case did that structure allow those dispensing charity to profit from doing so.

I think Jesus would be horrified at how our government pretends to do 'charity', most especially the part where elected officials and bureaucrats siphon off most of themoney to enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes. I believe he would soundly condemn that as unethical and dishonest.

So much bullshit. You taken the right wing swill and gulped.

It's not the job of anyone to do "charity". That's not what any intelligent person ever wanted in anytime in history. It's all about helping someone, not just "giving them stuff". Sometimes, the first bit of help may be to give them something, but that's only the beginning on the road to help. Not the end. American Christians don't seem to understand that. One wonders, after reading such an ignorant post like this one, if they ever did?

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Of course, from a political party that believes education is bad, this may not be obvious.

The government does not teach people to fish, they hand them out after making you wait for a while and subjecting you to verbal and emotional abuse. If you really believed the stuff you posted you would be calling for an end to government programs that do not come with job training.
There is nothing in the words of Jesus that would indicate that He would have a problem with the government helping the poor. The totality of scripture is clear that we are to help the widow, the poor, and the orphan, and thus We the People can make the decision for all of us. Tis what tis.

I thought you opposed theocracy, is that something that is actually conditional, and not really a principle?

Theocracy equals fusion of church and state, QWB. Religious and spiritual value infuse most Christians' understanding of duty to others in the entire community. We the People do that. Such is not theocracy.
There is nothing in the words of Jesus that would indicate that He would have a problem with the government helping the poor. The totality of scripture is clear that we are to help the widow, the poor, and the orphan, and thus We the People can make the decision for all of us. Tis what tis.

I thought you opposed theocracy, is that something that is actually conditional, and not really a principle?

Theocracy equals fusion of church and state, QWB. Religious and spiritual value infuse most Christians' understanding of duty to others in the entire community. We the People do that. Such is not theocracy.

Only in its narrowest sense.

government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided

Theocracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Obama is claiming divine guidance for his social policies, and everything else he does. Supporting him while he makes that claim is supporting theocracy, just like supporting Bush when he made the same claim is. You cannot have it both ways even if you prefer one result to the other unless you do not have principles.
Only in a weirdo's strange head does that make sense.

Only those who will not willingly step in and help the poor, the widow, the orphan, the ill, the elderly, the dying ~~ those without principles won't.
There is no suggestion in ANY of the words attributed to Jesus that suggests that it is the role of the government to care for anybody. No suggestion of 'safety nets' or any other government social program from either Jesus or any who wrote their opinions of him and/or his teachings.

In both the Old and New Testaments the commandments to show mercy and compassion to those in need are spelled out in some detail. In no case was the responsibility to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, welcome and show hospitality to strangers given to the king, aka government, but was assigned as a responsibility of the people.

From everything I've read and considered of the teachings of Jesus, he would have been quite negative to those who presumed to abdicate their responsibilities by giving those to the government or others to do. Charitable structure was set up as a matter of expediency and efficiency within the earliest Christian congregations. But in no case did that structure allow those dispensing charity to profit from doing so.

I think Jesus would be horrified at how our government pretends to do 'charity', most especially the part where elected officials and bureaucrats siphon off most of themoney to enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes. I believe he would soundly condemn that as unethical and dishonest.

So much bullshit. You taken the right wing swill and gulped.

It's not the job of anyone to do "charity". That's not what any intelligent person ever wanted in anytime in history. It's all about helping someone, not just "giving them stuff". Sometimes, the first bit of help may be to give them something, but that's only the beginning on the road to help. Not the end. American Christians don't seem to understand that. One wonders, after reading such an ignorant post like this one, if they ever did?

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Of course, from a political party that believes education is bad, this may not be obvious.

You must have a very different definition of charity than I do. To me charity is helping people. Throwing money at problems is not charity but is rather payola and/or conscience salving. Jesus did not consider such to be charity nor do I.

And in all the ignorance you assign to me, it seems clear that given your most recently statedopinion of what government should be about, you would absolutely despise the U.S. government and all its social programs now. And yet you ardently defend them. I think Jesus would consider your remarks therefore rather hypocvritical.

(P.S. I don't really expect you to understand a word of that. But there are others here who do.)
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Only in a weirdo's strange head does that make sense.

That does explain why you are the only one that "gets" it.

Only those who will not willingly step in and help the poor, the widow, the orphan, the ill, the elderly, the dying ~~ those without principles won't.

I have no problem with people helping the poor, I do it myself when I can. I have a problem with the government telling me God said I should help the poor.

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