Gavin Newsom Warns Immigration System is ‘About to Break’ Unless Dems ‘Take Some Responsibility and Ownership’


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
God how I would love to get my hands around the throat of Joe Biden!!

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) visited the southern border on Monday and afterward offered some stern words of caution to his fellow Democrats making federal immigration policy.
Newsom released a clip on social media following his visit and insisted that the U.S. must prepare for a post-Title 42 reality.

“Just got back from Mexicali, which is on the other side of the border. While I had the opportunity to meet with the governor and meet with some international humanitarian leaders, as well as many migrants from Haiti, from Guatemala, and from parts of Mexico that are waiting for their asylum processing right here at the border,” Newsom begins, adding:

So we’re here now on the other side in Calexico. And here just to get an understanding and deep understanding of what the world looks like pre-Title 42. It likely is going to look like in a few weeks post-Title 42.

This was the moment that Joe Biden single-handedly destroyed America.

Fact Check: Did Biden Tell Immigrants to Surge The Border? [Video]​

There is a surge of migrants in the Southwestern border of the US and Republicans are blaming President Joe Biden for causing the surge. However, has Biden told immigrants to surge the border? Here is a fact check.

In an interview with George Stephanopolous, Biden said that he had not sent any wrong message on immigration. He also refuted claims of children being held in cells and clearly said, "don't come" referring to migrants. "There was a surge the last two years in '19 and '20, there was a surge as well," he added.

The Republicans will have control of the House. They can introduce mandatory e-verify in everything they pass. Nothing is stopping them other than millions and millions in campaign donations.
God how I would love to get my hands around the throat of Joe Biden!!

What is Newsom's problem? The immigration system has been broken since before the turn of century and not working right, going back to the 80's at least, with not one administration Democrat or Republican taking or showing any responsibility in it. Gavin Newsome is an idiot, and not too noted for any sense of responsibility. Just look at California, with its sanctuary cities and homeless people shitting in the street, while he deals with making all trucks, electric truck at the California border, and figuring the reparation he owes to great, great grandkids of slaves, before a war 230 plus years ago, mostly on the other side of the continent.

He is just a lame asshole, wanting to run for President.
What credibility does Gavin Newsom think he can possibly ever have on this topic?

This traitorous piece of shit has been just as guilty as Joe Biden of selling out his country and his fellow Americans to the same foreign invaders.

Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden should hang from the same gallows, for treason.
The last gasp of the border will be when the border patrol, en masse, quits walks off leaving the border completely undefended.
Newsom is more worried about the shit hitting the fan in CA and by default his future chances for a run at the presidency.
You know things are fucked up when newsomm is going against what the liber/democrat/progressive party has been pushing for.

ALL the illegals should be booted from the country, trump's policies reinstated and the wall finished and the new motto should be "we welcome all people from allover the world to America when you go through the immigration system to become a legal citizen. Anyone else, don't bother".

We also need to stop calling illegals immigrants because they are not. Immigrants were people who came to America as citizens by going through the citizenship program. Illegals just walk in the country.

We also need to adopt Switzerlands immigration method where you can't become a citizen till you speak the language fluently, understand the customs, and pay your financial dues.
It's 'broken', but it's about to get worse, and Dimocrats own this mess.

Look how they've encouraged more and more to flood our border. Every single one of the Dimocrats running for president in 2020, sent out the message to the world, that they all favored GIVING them healthcare even if they are illegal!

Raise your hand if you favor giving healthcare to illegal immigrants:


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