Gay Activist Site Sanctity Of Marriege To Prtest Two Straigh Guys Getting Married

Gay marriage is a joke. Now you know why.
So...since marriages of convenience have been around for straights a very long will agree that Straight marriage is a joke too.

Marriage serves a purpose. Homosexual "marriage" doesn't.
Sure it does.
All the same things it does for heterosexuals.

What can a married heterosexual couple do that homosexuals can't?

Time for you do go back to basic sex ed class.
You said marriage, what does sex ed have to do with that?


Is it your contention that homosexual equals sterile?

You asked what a married couple could do that two homosexuals couldn't. Think crib, think diaper.
Yeah, homosexuals can do that too.

Homosexual doesn't mean sterile.

You are speaking of a couple when you speak in terms of a marriage. Your answer indicates you don't understand your own question.
Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Why do you need to dance around the question with riddles like a coward?


You are warped peewee
You are the idiot saying homosexuality equals sterility.

I get it , you're a clown

Here are your words.

Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Dumbass, they can not conceive a child through intercourse by the two within the couple.

There, it was spelled out for you.

Now, provide the name of a single child conceived by intercourse between two men.
Moron, I never argued that humans reproduce asexually. So there was never a human child conceived asexually. What a stupid question but then again consider the source.

Now that your retarded strawman is dealt with, on to the argument you finally managed to spell out.

Who cares if homosexuals need a third party to reproduce, it's not like heterosexuals never do that.

Now that your stupid argument is destroyed what else do you have?

What's this third party jazz. You asked what married couples could do that homosexual COUPLES couldn't. A third party is not a part of a couple.

When homosexuals employ the services of a third party to conceive the child they've now violated the human rights of the child that's been conceived. That child has a right to be raised by his mother and father, not by two men who cast away the child's mother. A child is not a commodity for you to buy and sell, to pick from a catalog.
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Why is even an issue?

Why would a single gay be upset.

They get what the want, and still get pissy about it?

Good Lord

That's because they push agendas not morals, not equality but agendas. This marriage makes a mockery of their agenda.

That was never my claim.

You challenged everyone to name one thing a heterosexual couple couple do that a homosexual couple could not. Multiple people pointed out that a heterosexual couple can have a child with each other, something that has never happened with a homosexual couple. You then danced around pretending that everyone but you is an idiot by claiming that homosexuals are not sterile, which is 100% irrelevant to the point. You lost the point, and do not want to admit it. That makes you pretty pathetic.
Some states forbid it.

What the fuck difference does that make? The couple is in New Zealand, and the laws from any state in the US do not apply. Not that I would expect logic from someone who refuses to admit that gay couples cannot conceive children together.

That was never my claim.

You challenged everyone to name one thing a heterosexual couple couple do that a homosexual couple could not. Multiple people pointed out that a heterosexual couple can have a child with each other, something that has never happened with a homosexual couple. You then danced around pretending that everyone but you is an idiot by claiming that homosexuals are not sterile, which is 100% irrelevant to the point. You lost the point, and do not want to admit it. That makes you pretty pathetic.
You are illiterate.

I never said humans reproduce asexually. Such a Strawman tends to be the only argument of somebody like you that has no argument.

Homosexuals can have children because they belong to a sexual species.

You haven't listed anything that heterosexuals can do that homosexuals can't
Gay marriage is a joke. Now you know why.
So...since marriages of convenience have been around for straights a very long will agree that Straight marriage is a joke too.

Marriage serves a purpose. Homosexual "marriage" doesn't.
Sure it does.
All the same things it does for heterosexuals.

What can a married heterosexual couple do that homosexuals can't?

Time for you do go back to basic sex ed class.
You said marriage, what does sex ed have to do with that?


Is it your contention that homosexual equals sterile?

You asked what a married couple could do that two homosexuals couldn't. Think crib, think diaper.
Yeah, homosexuals can do that too.

Homosexual doesn't mean sterile.

You are speaking of a couple when you speak in terms of a marriage. Your answer indicates you don't understand your own question.
Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Why do you need to dance around the question with riddles like a coward?


You are warped peewee
You are the idiot saying homosexuality equals sterility.

I get it , you're a clown

Here are your words.

Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Dumbass, they can not conceive a child through intercourse by the two within the couple.

There, it was spelled out for you.

Now, provide the name of a single child conceived by intercourse between two men.
Moron, I never argued that humans reproduce asexually. So there was never a human child conceived asexually. What a stupid question but then again consider the source.

Now that your retarded strawman is dealt with, on to the argument you finally managed to spell out.

Who cares if homosexuals need a third party to reproduce, it's not like heterosexuals never do that.

Now that your stupid argument is destroyed what else do you have?

Such a child we are dealing with here.

You answered your own feeble question. There is a difference , and you dumbass, pointed it out.

What a clown
No, the correct answer is nothing. there is nothing a heterosexual couple can do that homosexuals can not.

Other than some minor details involving crotches. So the sanctity of marriage is based on a crotch. You have no argument.

But the inevitable will occur, you will just have to sit and rotate.

Other than some minor details involving crotches.

^^^^^ your own words answer your own question.

What I nimrod

Those minor details account for human life

Your jealousy is delicious.
So you contend that homosexuals are sterile?

For your pathetic attempt at insults to have any effect, you would have to be more than an inbred idiot.
Gay marriage is a joke. Now you know why.
So...since marriages of convenience have been around for straights a very long will agree that Straight marriage is a joke too.

Marriage serves a purpose. Homosexual "marriage" doesn't.
Sure it does.
All the same things it does for heterosexuals.

What can a married heterosexual couple do that homosexuals can't?

Time for you do go back to basic sex ed class.
You said marriage, what does sex ed have to do with that?


Is it your contention that homosexual equals sterile?

You asked what a married couple could do that two homosexuals couldn't. Think crib, think diaper.
Yeah, homosexuals can do that too.

Homosexual doesn't mean sterile.

You are speaking of a couple when you speak in terms of a marriage. Your answer indicates you don't understand your own question.
Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Why do you need to dance around the question with riddles like a coward?


You are warped peewee
You are the idiot saying homosexuality equals sterility.

I get it , you're a clown

Here are your words.

Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Dumbass, they can not conceive a child through intercourse by the two within the couple.

There, it was spelled out for you.

Now, provide the name of a single child conceived by intercourse between two men.
Moron, I never argued that humans reproduce asexually. So there was never a human child conceived asexually. What a stupid question but then again consider the source.

Now that your retarded strawman is dealt with, on to the argument you finally managed to spell out.

Who cares if homosexuals need a third party to reproduce, it's not like heterosexuals never do that.

Now that your stupid argument is destroyed what else do you have?

What's this third party jazz. You asked what married couples could do that homosexual COUPLES couldn't. A third party is not a part of a couple.

When homosexuals employ the services of a third party to conceive the child they've now violated the human rights of the child that's been conceived. That child has a right to be raised by his mother and father, not by two men who cast away the child's mother. A child is not a commodity for you to buy and sell, to pick from a catalog.
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
You can't use big words like that with inbred idiots, their brains might explode
Some states forbid it.
We are talking about New Zealand, the gay community is upset that two men are getting married to win a contest..
Okay, my apologies, I was distracted by inbred morons.

I think it's ridiculous to worry with what others do.

The sanctity of a marriage has nothing to do with what others do. I don't see why anybody is upset. I find it ironic that it's the gay activists groups that are getting upset.
Hardly. One university professor, one local gay rights group, and a tabloid raving about it, a whole community doesn't make. It was hardly covered at all, and the issue didn't survive any more than a day in the paper.

Yeah, read your other post claiming it's no big deal. Several newspapers and several gay groups are upset, according to what I am reading.

We will see where it goes, but it seems to have several people upset.
Some people get upset about stupid things.
I have been anticipating this for years. When two fishing buddies decide to get the benefits gay folks have lusted after for years...without all the prancing and dancing.

Straights have been doing it for as long as we've had benefits of marriage.

If the activist is going to do whatever they want to no matter what other people say, why can't the two guys?

God bless you always!!!

Okay, my apologies, I was distracted by inbred morons.

I think it's ridiculous to worry with what others do.

The sanctity of a marriage has nothing to do with what others do. I don't see why anybody is upset. I find it ironic that it's the gay activists groups that are getting upset.

You are right, it is no ones business except the two getting married. However, they are being stupid, IMHO.
Gay marriage is a joke. Now you know why.
So...since marriages of convenience have been around for straights a very long will agree that Straight marriage is a joke too.

Marriage serves a purpose. Homosexual "marriage" doesn't.
Sure it does.
All the same things it does for heterosexuals.

What can a married heterosexual couple do that homosexuals can't?

Time for you do go back to basic sex ed class.
You said marriage, what does sex ed have to do with that?


Is it your contention that homosexual equals sterile?

You asked what a married couple could do that two homosexuals couldn't. Think crib, think diaper.
Yeah, homosexuals can do that too.

Homosexual doesn't mean sterile.

You are speaking of a couple when you speak in terms of a marriage. Your answer indicates you don't understand your own question.
Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Why do you need to dance around the question with riddles like a coward?


You are warped peewee
You are the idiot saying homosexuality equals sterility.

I get it , you're a clown

Here are your words.

Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Dumbass, they can not conceive a child through intercourse by the two within the couple.

There, it was spelled out for you.

Now, provide the name of a single child conceived by intercourse between two men.
Moron, I never argued that humans reproduce asexually. So there was never a human child conceived asexually. What a stupid question but then again consider the source.

Now that your retarded strawman is dealt with, on to the argument you finally managed to spell out.

Who cares if homosexuals need a third party to reproduce, it's not like heterosexuals never do that.

Now that your stupid argument is destroyed what else do you have?

Such a child we are dealing with here.

You answered your own feeble question. There is a difference , and you dumbass, pointed it out.

What a clown
No, the correct answer is nothing. there is nothing a heterosexual couple can do that homosexuals can not.

Other than some minor details involving crotches. So the sanctity of marriage is based on a crotch. You have no argument.

But the inevitable will occur, you will just have to sit and rotate.

Other than some minor details involving crotches.

^^^^^ your own words answer your own question.

What I nimrod

Those minor details account for human life

Your jealousy is delicious.
So you contend that homosexuals are sterile?

For your pathetic attempt at insults to have any effect, you would have to be more than an inbred idiot.

You are pathetic

You had a specific question, then , because you see how wrong you are, you change the goal post.

Go cry elsewhere you pathetic hack
Some states forbid it.
We are talking about New Zealand, the gay community is upset that two men are getting married to win a contest..
Okay, my apologies, I was distracted by inbred morons.

I think it's ridiculous to worry with what others do.

The sanctity of a marriage has nothing to do with what others do. I don't see why anybody is upset. I find it ironic that it's the gay activists groups that are getting upset.

He was looking in a mirror

Forgive the douche.
Gay marriage is a joke. Now you know why.
So...since marriages of convenience have been around for straights a very long will agree that Straight marriage is a joke too.

Marriage serves a purpose. Homosexual "marriage" doesn't.
Sure it does.
All the same things it does for heterosexuals.

What can a married heterosexual couple do that homosexuals can't?

Time for you do go back to basic sex ed class.
You said marriage, what does sex ed have to do with that?


Is it your contention that homosexual equals sterile?

You asked what a married couple could do that two homosexuals couldn't. Think crib, think diaper.
Yeah, homosexuals can do that too.

Homosexual doesn't mean sterile.

You are speaking of a couple when you speak in terms of a marriage. Your answer indicates you don't understand your own question.
Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Why do you need to dance around the question with riddles like a coward?


You are warped peewee
You are the idiot saying homosexuality equals sterility.

I get it , you're a clown

Here are your words.

Just say what a heterosexual couple can do that homosexual couples can't.

Dumbass, they can not conceive a child through intercourse by the two within the couple.

There, it was spelled out for you.

Now, provide the name of a single child conceived by intercourse between two men.
Moron, I never argued that humans reproduce asexually. So there was never a human child conceived asexually. What a stupid question but then again consider the source.

Now that your retarded strawman is dealt with, on to the argument you finally managed to spell out.

Who cares if homosexuals need a third party to reproduce, it's not like heterosexuals never do that.

Now that your stupid argument is destroyed what else do you have?

What's this third party jazz. You asked what married couples could do that homosexual COUPLES couldn't. A third party is not a part of a couple.

When homosexuals employ the services of a third party to conceive the child they've now violated the human rights of the child that's been conceived. That child has a right to be raised by his mother and father, not by two men who cast away the child's mother. A child is not a commodity for you to buy and sell, to pick from a catalog.
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Well...they can BOTH get married....

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