Gay Activist Site Sanctity Of Marriege To Prtest Two Straigh Guys Getting Married

The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Well...they can BOTH get married....

Hello Commander

How many hours in frame?
:lol: How much is it worth for you to know?

I already know, Commander.
So...If you want personal info on will cost. $100 to answer your first question on how many hours I flew C-130s. I will need it to be in PayPal.

Or you can just continue to lie for free. Commander.
Well...they can BOTH get married....

Hello Commander

How many hours in frame?
:lol: How much is it worth for you to know?

I already know, Commander.
So...If you want personal info on will cost. $100 to answer your first question on how many hours I flew C-130s. I will need it to be in PayPal.

Or you can just continue to lie for free. Commander.
You are a well trained puppet I see.....let's see if we can carry this on in a thread without you deflecting from the topic at hand.
Hello Commander

How many hours in frame?
:lol: How much is it worth for you to know?

I already know, Commander.
So...If you want personal info on will cost. $100 to answer your first question on how many hours I flew C-130s. I will need it to be in PayPal.

Or you can just continue to lie for free. Commander.
You are a well trained puppet I see.....let's see if we can carry this on in a thread without you deflecting from the topic at hand.

okay , in what year did you "get married" are you in a tizzy thinking about two men mocking your "gay marriage" to win a prize?
Moron, I never argued that humans reproduce asexually. So there was never a human child conceived asexually. What a stupid question but then again consider the source.

Now that your retarded strawman is dealt with, on to the argument you finally managed to spell out.

Who cares if homosexuals need a third party to reproduce, it's not like heterosexuals never do that.

Now that your stupid argument is destroyed what else do you have?

What's this third party jazz. You asked what married couples could do that homosexual COUPLES couldn't. A third party is not a part of a couple.

When homosexuals employ the services of a third party to conceive the child they've now violated the human rights of the child that's been conceived. That child has a right to be raised by his mother and father, not by two men who cast away the child's mother. A child is not a commodity for you to buy and sell, to pick from a catalog.
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Well...they can BOTH get married....

Bodey to the rescue.

At least you are big enough to see the difference.

There is a reason one group is classified as heterosexual and another homosexual.

Kudos Bodey
Yes...because of whom they love. Procreation is not needed for marriage...marriage is not needed for procreation. They are two different things that frequently overlap....but one is not necessary for the other.
I already tried to explain that to him.
What's this third party jazz. You asked what married couples could do that homosexual COUPLES couldn't. A third party is not a part of a couple.

When homosexuals employ the services of a third party to conceive the child they've now violated the human rights of the child that's been conceived. That child has a right to be raised by his mother and father, not by two men who cast away the child's mother. A child is not a commodity for you to buy and sell, to pick from a catalog.
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Well...they can BOTH get married....

Bodey to the rescue.

At least you are big enough to see the difference.

There is a reason one group is classified as heterosexual and another homosexual.

Kudos Bodey
Yes...because of whom they love. Procreation is not needed for marriage...marriage is not needed for procreation. They are two different things that frequently overlap....but one is not necessary for the other.
I already tried to explain that to him.

Procreation is necessary for you to be here to attempt to explain, deflect, and accuse others of stupidity. Procreation is ALWAYS the result of male/female couplings, and NEVER the result of same sex.

Deal with it, you might feel better
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Well...they can BOTH get married....

Bodey to the rescue.

At least you are big enough to see the difference.

There is a reason one group is classified as heterosexual and another homosexual.

Kudos Bodey
Yes...because of whom they love. Procreation is not needed for marriage...marriage is not needed for procreation. They are two different things that frequently overlap....but one is not necessary for the other.
I already tried to explain that to him.

Procreation is necessary for you to be here to attempt to explain, deflect, and accuse others of stupidity. Procreation is ALWAYS the result of male/female couplings, and NEVER the result of same sex.

Deal with it, you might feel better
Is this a thread about marriage or about procreation? The two don't have to be connected.
The third party jazz answered the question. Now I have a question.

What can a fertile heterosexual couple do that an infertile heterosexual couple cannot? (Hint: the answer is the same as the answer to your silly question).
Well...they can BOTH get married....

Bodey to the rescue.

At least you are big enough to see the difference.

There is a reason one group is classified as heterosexual and another homosexual.

Kudos Bodey
Yes...because of whom they love. Procreation is not needed for marriage...marriage is not needed for procreation. They are two different things that frequently overlap....but one is not necessary for the other.
I already tried to explain that to him.

Procreation is necessary for you to be here to attempt to explain, deflect, and accuse others of stupidity. Procreation is ALWAYS the result of male/female couplings, and NEVER the result of same sex.

Deal with it, you might feel better
This is why you are stupid. I never once said that procreation was asexual.

You don't know how to follow an argument. You must really be a parrot trained by an odd master to keep repeating such nonsense.
I never argued that.

Don't assume things.

You never challenged people to explain what a gay couple could do that a straight couple couldn't? Wouldn't that include things like procreating? Was that someone else? Did your account get hacked?

I didn't assume anything, idiot, I am using your stupid position to show how ignorant you are.
I never argued that.

Don't assume things.

You never challenged people to explain what a gay couple could do that a straight couple couldn't? Wouldn't that include things like procreating? Was that someone else? Did your account get hacked?

I didn't assume anything, idiot, I am using your stupid position to show how ignorant you are.
Gay couples can marry without having to procreate just like straight couples can marry without procreating. :D
Is this a thread about marriage or about procreation? The two don't have to be connected.

This thread is about idiots.

If you doubt that I can speak on what the thread is about take a look at the OP that appears next to every single post I made in this thread.
Is this a thread about marriage or about procreation? The two don't have to be connected.

This thread is about idiots.

If you doubt that I can speak on what the thread is about take a look at the OP that appears next to every single post I made in this thread.
Well, if you want to raise your hand and confess about the "idiot" part...far be it from me to disagree with you.
I never argued that.

Don't assume things.

You never challenged people to explain what a gay couple could do that a straight couple couldn't? Wouldn't that include things like procreating? Was that someone else? Did your account get hacked?

I didn't assume anything, idiot, I am using your stupid position to show how ignorant you are.
Gay couples can marry without having to procreate just like straight couples can marry without procreating. :D

Procreation is necessary to create those that get married.

I know that's a foreign concept to you.

And same sex coupling had never created a bride or a groom

In that essential aspect, you are little more than a freeloader

Again , deal with it
Gay couples can marry without having to procreate just like straight couples can marry without procreating. :D

Never said they couldn't, did I?

What I did say, and still maintain, is that opposite sex couples can actually procreate naturally, same sex couples cannot. For some obscure reason, probably because he is an absolute idiot, Inevitable is totally confused about that issue, and insists that everyone who points out this simple biological detail is insisting that gays are sterile. I suggest you take some time to explain to him how stupid that makes him look instead of attacking me with straw man arguments that have nothing to do with what I said.
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What does procreation have to do with legal marriage? One does not have to procreate to legally marry....nor does one have to legally marry to procreate.

See my previous post, oh she who cannot get past the fact that I never said something.
I never argued that.

Don't assume things.

You never challenged people to explain what a gay couple could do that a straight couple couldn't? Wouldn't that include things like procreating? Was that someone else? Did your account get hacked?

I didn't assume anything, idiot, I am using your stupid position to show how ignorant you are.
Gay couples can marry without having to procreate just like straight couples can marry without procreating. :D

Procreation is necessary to create those that get married.

I know that's a foreign concept to you.

And same sex coupling had never created a bride or a groom

In that essential aspect, you are little more than a freeloader

Again , deal with it
And......? Is there a shortage of those?

Oh want to deflect even more.

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