Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

jAZ said:
Actually as I posted earlier, I support "Civil Unions For All". I think the Gov't should get it's collective head outa business of "marriage" and leave it up to the churches. They should however continue their efforts to clearly legislate property rights with civil unions.

So you are relating "marriage" to religion? Civil marriage is NOT necessarily related to religion. For eons marriage has been the way governments everywhere establish the legal status of a couple and their responsibilities and kinship to each other. Civil unions are not the same as civil marriage and I doubt that straight couples will give up their civil marriages for civil unions. Just the opposite, it will be the gays who push for civil marriage.

But aside from the distinction between civil marriage and civil unions, what makes you think that gays should be allowed to attain either status?
ScreamingEagle said:
So you are relating "marriage" to religion? Civil marriage is NOT necessarily related to religion. For eons marriage has been the way governments everywhere establish the legal status of a couple and their responsibilities and kinship to each other. Civil unions are not the same as civil marriage and I doubt that straight couples will give up their civil marriages for civil unions.

But aside from the distinction between civil marriage and civil unions, what makes you think that gays should be allowed to attain either status?
What exactly do you mean by "what makes me think"?

It's my opinion, but I base it on a few factors. Those in question are living lives as a family already. Just like straight people. They are raising kids just like straight people. In some cases they are sharing health benefits as with straight people. They are actually reproducing through sperm donations just like straight people. They pay taxes like straight people.

They live their lives like anyone would live their lives. I don't see why they should be denied a service paid for in part by their tax dollars that anyone else paying taxes is allowed to have.
jAZ said:
What exactly do you mean by "what makes me think"?

It's my opinion, but I base it on a few factors. Those in question are living lives as a family already. Just like straight people. They are raising kids just like straight people. In some cases they are sharing health benefits as with straight people. They are actually reproducing through sperm donations just like straight people. They pay taxes like straight people.

They live their lives like anyone would live their lives. I don't see why they should be denied a service paid for in part by their tax dollars that anyone else paying taxes is allowed to have.
I think you've just said that gays can benefit from civil unions. Neither the state nor church needs to give them 'marriage' to protect their rights. Which was my point, back when.
Kathianne said:
I think you've just said that gays can benefit from civil unions. Neither the state nor church needs to give them 'marriage' to protect their rights. Which was my point, back when.
And as I've also said way back when... I am a fan of the "Civil Unions For All" plan.
jAZ said:
What exactly do you mean by "what makes me think"?

It's my opinion, but I base it on a few factors. Those in question are living lives as a family already. Just like straight people. They are raising kids just like straight people. In some cases they are sharing health benefits as with straight people. They are actually reproducing through sperm donations just like straight people. They pay taxes like straight people.

They live their lives like anyone would live their lives. I don't see why they should be denied a service paid for in part by their tax dollars that anyone else paying taxes is allowed to have.

You stated earlier that you favor civil unions. I was inquiring as to your reasons for thinking that way. What actually makes you think a certain way? Only you can answer that ;)

It appears your stance on gay marriage/civil unions is just based upon your "opinion" garnered from personal observation and not upon any perceived law or rights in favor of gay marriage/civil unions. Given your stance on free speech/hate crime law, is it a fair statement to say then that you are OK with the rest of America prohibiting gay marriage/civil unions on the basis of THEIR opinions?
jAZ said:
And as I've also said way back when... I am a fan of the "Civil Unions For All" plan.

You do not have to take away from others to give to some.
Kagom said:
I was definitely never molested or fooled around. It's just how I came out. I'm actually very much masculine in many senses of the word. Most people wouldn't know I was gay unless I told them, even then they typically don't believe me.

As for me, I've tried to get myself attracted to women. Went through prayer, God, self will, and even dating. It just didn't work for me. I don't pretend that it did or will.

Trust me, I know there's more to life than giving in to sexual urges. I reserve sex for boyfriends whom I have a deep connection with on an emotional and spiritual level. Sexual addiction in general is bad for both gays and hets alike.

Honestly, though you may feel you would know about gay because you follow the stereotypes (though that can't be helped) and you wonder what it'd be like to be a woman, that has nothing to do with being gay. It might be for some people, but not for the majority. As I said, I'm masculine. I like sports, though I'm not athletic due to many reasons. I enjoy action movies, horror movies, and mindless comedies. I make a lot of dirty jokes that I usually would never hear another gay person make (putting this in terms of a stereotypical gay male).

I'm not feminine - Nobody would accuse me of that. There's a difference tween the things I listed and being 'girly'. :)

And I know how it feels to be gay because at one time two of my very best friends in the world were gay. I know the struggles they faced. I remember clearly their pain and frustration.

I do think you're fooling yourself a bit when it comes to 'You're proud and happy you've chosen a gay lifestyle'. I pray one day you'll see it, too.
Kathianne said:
You do not have to take away from others to give to some.
You might legally have to given the princples of equal protection and and "seperate being equal". Ethically, IMO, you do have to "take it away" from one in order to give it to both.

In the end, I believe we are merely talking about a non-existant distiction in reality between civil union and marriage as far as the legal benefits go if you are offering civil unions. However, as long as one term is applied to one group and a different term is applied to another group, I think there becomes a problem (legally).
jAZ said:
You might legally have to given the princples of equal protection and and "seperate being equal". Ethically, IMO, you do have to "take it away" from one in order to give it to both.

In the end, I believe we are merely talking about a non-existant distiction in reality between civil union and marriage as far as the legal benefits go if you are offering civil unions. However, as long as one term is applied to one group and a different term is applied to another group, I think there becomes a problem (legally).

I disagree. Marriage is for the sake of the couple, their progeny, and ultimately the state.
dmp said:
I'm not feminine - Nobody would accuse me of that. There's a difference tween the things I listed and being 'girly'. :)

And I know how it feels to be gay because at one time two of my very best friends in the world were gay. I know the struggles they faced. I remember clearly their pain and frustration.

I do think you're fooling yourself a bit when it comes to 'You're proud and happy you've chosen a gay lifestyle'. I pray one day you'll see it, too.
I will say it again: I didn't choose the lifestyle. I got into it because I was sexually and physically attracted to males instead of females.

I'll give you some credit for having gay friends and knowing their struggles, but to be gay has more struggle in it than you think. Not to say you don't know, or anything, but it's just that I am saying.

Instead of praying for me to see things the way you see them, put your prayer to something more useful. No offense, or anything, but I don't like people to pray for something I feel is wrong in some way, shape, or form.
Kagom said:
I will say it again: I didn't choose the lifestyle. I got into it because I was sexually and physically attracted to males instead of females.

Excuse me Kagom, but YES - YOU - DID - CHOOSE the lifestyle.

When you found out you had these urges, you had the "choice" of either getting help, (which is what you should have done), or "giving in to them". You "choose" to "give in to them". It is TOTALLY a CHOICE. Unfortunately for you, you've made the wrong choice. But, it's never too late. You can still get help. It's right around the corner. Just admit you have a problem, and you'll be on your way to recovery from this vile and morally corrupt affliction.
Pale Rider said:
Excuse me Kagom, but YES - YOU - DID - CHOOSE the lifestyle.

When you found out you had these urges, you had the "choice" of either getting help, (which is what you should have done), or "giving in to them". You "choose" to "give in to them". It is TOTALLY a CHOICE. Unfortunately for you, you've made the wrong choice. But, it's never too late. You can still get help. It's right around the corner. Just admit you have a problem, and you'll be on your way to recovery from this vile and morally corrupt affliction.
Okay, I've explained it before: it's not something you can just cure and get help for. I have posted links from APA and Wikipedia. But you disregard them because they do NOT coincide with your beliefs or style of thinking. I don't feel that I have a problem. I feel completely normal and I feel that the only person who has any corrupt affliction is you. Why? Because you incessantly try to impose that your beliefs are right and mine are wrong with no evidence, no real point, and with militant ushering.

Honestly, there is just no point in trying to do this with you. You want so desperately to be right that you ignore what I have said. It isn't a choice to be sexually attracted to males instead of females. I may have chosen to go with what I feel is most natural to me, but the attraction is something I didn't choose. Is what I'm saying going through to your head, because I honestly feel that it is worthless to waste my time, energy, and resources to try and disprove your false sentiments that it is a disease that can be "cured".
Kagom said:
Okay, I've explained it before: it's not something you can just cure and get help for. I have posted links from APA and Wikipedia. But you disregard them because they do NOT coincide with your beliefs or style of thinking. I don't feel that I have a problem. I feel completely normal and I feel that the only person who has any corrupt affliction is you. Why? Because you incessantly try to impose that your beliefs are right and mine are wrong with no evidence, no real point, and with militant ushering.

Honestly, there is just no point in trying to do this with you. You want so desperately to be right that you ignore what I have said. It isn't a choice to be sexually attracted to males instead of females. I may have chosen to go with what I feel is most natural to me, but the attraction is something I didn't choose. Is what I'm saying going through to your head, because I honestly feel that it is worthless to waste my time, energy, and resources to try and disprove your false sentiments that it is a disease that can be "cured".

Ahem, jumping in. Pale thinks you are twisted, you think normal. Let's all back off and let everyone do what they think is right for them, no answers given, no questions asked.
Kathianne said:
Ahem, jumping in. Pale thinks you are twisted, you think normal. Let's all back off and let everyone do what they think is right for them, no answers given, no questions asked.
I like that idea very much, but life isn't so generous, is it? I'm more than willing to back off, though.
Kagom said:
Why would I hide it? So I don't get made fun of, so I don't have people beat me, so I don't have to lose friends and family. But I'm not afraid to show it. I kinda figure that if people really want to treat me as an outcast, then they aren't worth my time.

I don't worry about being accepted. I've always had acceptance problems. But some people want acceptance so they can live life normally like any straight couple.

But the thing is, society demands that it has to approve of certain things. That reason fuels most of what we do.

Sorry to go way back here ^ but my interest in this topic is different than the others. I don't think you can change nor do I expect you to. I claim ignorance on how how you ended up to be a homosexual and think its presumtuous for anyone to claim it was a conscious decision OR that you were born that way. I just question your thought process.
You say you hid your behavior because you were afraid to be hurt. Now that you have "come out" do you feel any safer? Did all the things that you were afraid of happening to you really happen? Why do you suddenly feel proud to be gay when you were ashamed of your feelings for so long?
dilloduck said:
Sorry to go way back here ^ but my interest in this topic is different than the others. I don't think you can change nor do I expect you to. I claim ignorance on how how you ended up to be a homosexual and think its presumtuous for anyone to claim it was a conscious decision OR that you were born that way. I just question your thought process.
You say you hid your behavior because you were afraid to be hurt. Now that you have "come out" do you feel any safer? Did all the things that you were afraid of happening to you really happen? Why do you suddenly feel proud to be gay when you were ashamed of your feelings for so long?
Very good questions to ask!

I do feel safer, honestly. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it's because now I can be more "me" around people.

Some of them have (my relationship with my mom deteriorated more). Some of them haven't (because I haven't completely come out to my family, just my mom).

I'm proud to be gay because I'm now being who I am and I'm not hiding it. With my family, I'm not around them enough to just go "Hey, I like guys. So, when's our next family dinner?" I think I am going to come out to my family when I feel the time is right (I'm thinking a little bit after I get into college).
Kagom said:
Very good questions to ask!

I do feel safer, honestly. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it's because now I can be more "me" around people.

Some of them have (my relationship with my mom deteriorated more). Some of them haven't (because I haven't completely come out to my family, just my mom).

I'm proud to be gay because I'm now being who I am and I'm not hiding it. With my family, I'm not around them enough to just go "Hey, I like guys. So, when's our next family dinner?" I think I am going to come out to my family when I feel the time is right (I'm thinking a little bit after I get into college).

Damn, how old are ¥ou? I really wish the newbies, at least those under 25 would state so.

You must realize that this forum may very well be an ugly microcosm of what you will deal with. A voice here and there in support. Some more or less neutral and some will hate you.
Kagom said:
Okay, I've explained it before: it's not something you can just cure and get help for. I have posted links from APA and Wikipedia. But you disregard them because they do NOT coincide with your beliefs or style of thinking. I don't feel that I have a problem. I feel completely normal and I feel that the only person who has any corrupt affliction is you. Why? Because you incessantly try to impose that your beliefs are right and mine are wrong with no evidence, no real point, and with militant ushering.

Honestly, there is just no point in trying to do this with you. You want so desperately to be right that you ignore what I have said. It isn't a choice to be sexually attracted to males instead of females. I may have chosen to go with what I feel is most natural to me, but the attraction is something I didn't choose. Is what I'm saying going through to your head, because I honestly feel that it is worthless to waste my time, energy, and resources to try and disprove your false sentiments that it is a disease that can be "cured".

Listen Kagom, I'm not trying to piss you off, or say hurtfull things to you. All I'm trying to do is reason with you.

You say you "don't have a problem". Well son, you do. That's the simple truth. Wanting to suck another man's dick, or bury your johnson up his crap hole is WRONG! It's SICK... in the HEAD! Somewhere along the line some wires got crossed in your head. Nature has made a mistake. But just like if you were born with three arms, you could get one arm cut off as a cure, so can you get mental help to cure you from homosexuality. You have to first admit you're sick! Stop the denial.

You are at this point completely ignoring the fact the homosexuality is wrong. A practice that is in complete opposite with nature. It's freakish behavior. There is NOTHING NORMAL about it, and don't tell me it is.

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