Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

Hobbit said:
Sorry, but subjective beauty isn't something I'm buying. I mean, you may think of gay sex as a beautiful thing, but then again, I'm sure Charles Manson and Jack the Ripper saw their work as beautiful, too. Now, while I try not to be as, to put it nicely, abrasive, as Pale, I can see gay sex as nothing short of a perversion of a beautiful gift God gave every human being as a wedding present. However, it is no more so a perversion of that gift than people who have sex more than they shake hands. I was raised to treat my body like a temple, so anybody, gay or straight, who uses it as a playground upsets me.

Bottom line: As a straight man, I find the idea of gay sex disgusting, but as a Christian, I see it as just another form of fornication, a product of lust.
I put it in as subjective beauty for the reasoning of showing that there is a group of people who will find it beautiful. I don't care if you think it is or isn't. I think sex is beautiful when expressed out of love.

I don't have the same god you do. I believe that gay sex is just sex with nothing special unless expressed out of love. I prefer not to use it as a playground, but it happens when there is a lie involved. People get used all the time, don't they?

As a gay man, I find the idea of straight sex disgusting. Can't help that. As a deist, I find straight sex to be as natural as gay sex.
Said1 said:
And you said you didn't "do" humour. :rock: :clap1:

LMAO! Yeah that mythical queer cowboy, kind of like the lost city of Atlantis or bigfoot would certainly be in for a most unpleasant verbal experience coming out to me but since he doesn't exist its all a moot point.
OCA said:
LMAO! Yeah that mythical queer cowboy, kind of like the lost city of Atlantis or bigfoot would certainly be in for a most unpleasant verbal experience coming out to me but since he doesn't exist its all a moot point.
Hey, Atlantis WAS real. It was called New Orleans first.
Kagom said:
Oh, hehe...I'm Eighteen years old.

I'll guarantee that there is probably some sort of queer student group on your campus who has disserviced you by telling you it is alright to live this alternative lifestyle, that there will be no negative consequences. DAMN I wish they would kick these pc groups off of campuses!

By the way, your mom has a legitimate and righteous reason to limit her relationship with you.
Kagom said:
Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder that can be cured.

So you are minimizing or delegitimizing the tens of thousands of people out there who say they once engaged in the queer lifestyle but are now cured and involved in hetero relationships? Thats mighty weighty of you don't ya think?
OCA said:
So you are minimizing or delegitimizing the tens of thousands of people out there who say they once engaged in the queer lifestyle but are now cured and involved in hetero relationships? Thats mighty weighty of you don't ya think?
Sir, I go to a Catholic school. Do you honestly think that they're going to have a GSA or GSEN group? No, they're not. Why don't you back off and actually try to find out information before you start assuming things.

Yes, I am minimizing and delegitimizing the "tens of thousands" of people out there that say they were once queer and are now "cured". Why? They are liars, weren't gay to begin with, or are lying to themselves. I don't count bisexual people who settle down with someone of the opposite sex because they've got the cajones to admit they're bisexual.
Kagom said:
Yes, I am minimizing and delegitimizing the "tens of thousands" of people out there that say they were once queer and are now "cured". Why? They are liars, weren't gay to begin with, or are lying to themselves.

...I wonder if you think Lance Armstrong "Never had Cancer to begin with, or was lying to himself? You've failed at finding help. Others have not.
dmp said:
...I wonder if you think Lance Armstrong "Never had Cancer to begin with, or was lying to himself? You've failed at finding help. Others have not.
You can't even compare the two, cancer and homosexuality. They are different things, with one being an illness and the other being a sexuality.

Lance Armstrong had cancer. Why would I deny that?

I failed at finding help, eh? The thing is, I'm not going to lie to myself and torture myself emotionally and even physically to try and be something that I'm not like so many people who go through the ex-gay crap do.
Kagom said:
You can't even compare the two, cancer and homosexuality. They are different things, with one being an illness and the other being a sexuality.

Lance Armstrong had cancer. Why would I deny that?

I failed at finding help, eh? The thing is, I'm not going to lie to myself and torture myself emotionally and even physically to try and be something that I'm not like so many people who go through the ex-gay crap do.

Yes cancer and homosexuality can be compared, one is a physical disease and the other is a choice brought on by a mental disease or brain shortcircuit, however you want to say it.

The cancer was treated and cured just like many mental diseases are treated and cured or at the very least controlled.

The first step with you however is to get past the denial and admit the problem, stop taking the easy road like the fatfuck couch potato who won't get up and lose the weight.
OCA said:
Yes cancer and homosexuality can be compared, one is a physical disease and the other is a choice brought on by a mental disease or brain shortcircuit, however you want to say it.

The cancer was treated and cured just like many mental diseases are treated and cured or at the very least controlled.

The first step with you however is to get past the denial and admit the problem, stop taking the easy road like the fatfuck couch potato who won't get up and lose the weight.
Actually, no. No comparison can be made. The only claim to it being a mental disease is one YOU make. You have no factual evidence to prove it is and you only go on what you believe.

It's not a choice to be attracted to men or to women, it's something that just is.

First step with you is to stop being such a belligerent, thinks-he-knows-everything shmuck and start actually providing evidence to his beliefs instead of going "I say it's true and therefore it must be!" because that is an egocentric behavior that is very unbecoming.
Kagom said:
You can't even compare the two, cancer and homosexuality. They are different things, with one being an illness and the other being a sexuality.

Lance Armstrong had cancer. Why would I deny that?

I failed at finding help, eh? The thing is, I'm not going to lie to myself and torture myself emotionally and even physically to try and be something that I'm not like so many people who go through the ex-gay crap do.

So you willingly embrace a lifestyle which will take YEARS off your life, and increase your chance of being a perp or a vicitm of domestic violence?

Kagom said:
Actually, no. No comparison can be made. The only claim to it being a mental disease is one YOU make. You have no factual evidence to prove it is and you only go on what you believe.

It's not a choice to be attracted to men or to women, it's something that just is.

First step with you is to stop being such a belligerent, thinks-he-knows-everything shmuck and start actually providing evidence to his beliefs instead of going "I say it's true and therefore it must be!" because that is an egocentric behavior that is very unbecoming.

And you have no evidence, other than your feelings of frustration, to prove you were 'born this way'. I'd bet ANY serial killer, rapist, child molester etc, would claim they can't control their behaviour/attraction to their crime. They must be 'born' that way, so the rest of society should sanction their behaviour? Maybe?
Kagom said:
Actually, no. No comparison can be made. The only claim to it being a mental disease is one YOU make. You have no factual evidence to prove it is and you only go on what you believe.

It's not a choice to be attracted to men or to women, it's something that just is.

First step with you is to stop being such a belligerent, thinks-he-knows-everything shmuck and start actually providing evidence to his beliefs instead of going "I say it's true and therefore it must be!" because that is an egocentric behavior that is very unbecoming.

Jesus newbie the evidence has been posted on this board dozens if not hundreds of times, its up to you to find it since I neither have thime or the inclination to post it every time some pro fistfuck person comes online.

You know what i'll do though is i'll tell you what the evidence says, it says you guys are astronomically more likely to catch AIDS, astronomically more likely to engage in physical abuse, astronomically more likely to die(from AIDS) at a very young age and astronomically more likely to be involved in sexual child abuse(NAMBLA ring a bell?)
dmp said:
So you willingly embrace a lifestyle which will take YEARS off your life, and increase your chance of being a perp or a vicitm of domestic violence?

I'm embracing a lifestyle that feels natural to me, nothing more. I'm hurting no one and I'm not being hurt. As for increasing my chance of being a perp, that's b-s. Being gay doesn't increase a chance of that. Domestic violence seems to run higher in lesbians, last I heart (dont' hold me to that).

Feelings of frustration? None at all, my dear sir! I believe that I was born this way and I look to science to continue its research. There have been a few break-throughs to prove it isn't a choice, such as the pheromone test they tried on gay men, straight men, lesbians, and straight women.


I also tend to wonder why identical twins are, when one of the siblings is gay, turn out to be gay.
OCA said:
Jesus newbie the evidence has been posted on this board dozens if not hundreds of times, its up to you to find it since I neither have thime or the inclination to post it every time some pro fistfuck person comes online.

You know what i'll do though is i'll tell you what the evidence says, it says you guys are astronomically more likely to catch AIDS, astronomically more likely to engage in physical abuse, astronomically more likely to die(from AIDS) at a very young age and astronomically more likely to be involved in sexual child abuse(NAMBLA ring a bell?)
No, not really. You post NARTH links and ultimately biased right-wing sources to make your point and those aren't counted simply because the research is flawed from the start. Gays less likely to abuse children.

Hey, we might be more likely to get AIDs, but your kind is more likely to get some other nasty stuff like Hep A, B, C, etc. Also, where's this "astronomically" coming from? I've heard slightly higher, but never "astronomically higher".
Kagom said:
Pale Rider: You obviously have no clue about gay sex.

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! I'm NORMAL, so just the THOUGHT of another man sticking his johnson up my anus makes me want to puke.

Kagom said:
You have never experienced or watched it.

Why in the HELL would I want to WATCH it?! I can't believe you even SAID that. You ARE a sick individual.

Kagom said:
And you dont' want to and that's cool. No one is asking you to. What do you honestly know about it? It's beautiful to the individuals.

Again, there is NOTHING beautiful about homosexual sex. It's a perverted sex act that is only enjoyed by the few who chose to engage in it. Those with little or no personal restraint, that have given in to twisted and sick urges led by the devil and his legions.

Kagom said:
Why don't you go to Psychotically Wound-up Conservative chatroom and push your own sick twisted agenda in. They'll love it, I'm sure.

Take a look over at when I joined this board. I've been here a long time. Long before you were here, and I'll be here long after you're gone.

This is a majority conservative board. That's why I'm here. It's NOT your kind of board. So if you want to converse with more people that accept your sexual sickness, you may leave now. May I recommend the democratic underground.
Kagom said:
I'm embracing a lifestyle that feels natural to me, nothing more. I'm hurting no one and I'm not being hurt. As for increasing my chance of being a perp, that's b-s. Being gay doesn't increase a chance of that. Domestic violence seems to run higher in lesbians, last I heart (dont' hold me to that).

Feelings of frustration? None at all, my dear sir! I believe that I was born this way and I look to science to continue its research. There have been a few break-throughs to prove it isn't a choice, such as the pheromone test they tried on gay men, straight men, lesbians, and straight women.


I also tend to wonder why identical twins are, when one of the siblings is gay, turn out to be gay.

So you find it to be natural to use an orifice clearly designed as an exit as an entrance, huh? :smoke:

I also notice that while you question everyone else's sources, you post equally-biased ones. There ARE no unbiased sources.

As long as human beings are differentiated between other animals by their ability to reason, being gay is a choice. I don't like my neighbor. He's a trashy scumbag devaluing my neighborhood. Guess I should just give into the urge to solve the issue with violence since I was born that way.
Pale Rider said:
YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! I'm NORMAL, so just the THOUGHT of another man sticking his johnson up my anus makes me want to puke.

Why in the HELL would I want to WATCH it?! I can't believe you even SAID that. You ARE a sick individual.

Again, there is NOTHING beautiful about homosexual sex. It's a perverted sex act that is only enjoyed by the few who chose to engage in it. Those with little or no personal restraint, that have given in to twisted and sick urges led by the devil and his legions.

Take a look over at when I joined this board. I've been here a long time. Long before you were here, and I'll be here long after you're gone.

This is a majority conservative board. That's why I'm here. It's NOT your kind of board. So if you want to converse with more people that accept your sexual sickness, you may leave now. May I recommend the democratic underground.
Good for you for being normal. Do you want a medal? No? Perhaps you'd love a lollipop. Bugger off. I'm normal just like you, whether you want to believe it or not.

I said it to illustrate a point. You're the one flying off his rocker, old man.

It's beautiful to me. Why? Because it's an expression of love. I don't very much believe in YOUR devil, sir. I have no reason to. I think he's overexaggerated.

Oh whoop-de-doo! I was actually here in 2003 and just had my account deleted. I haven't visited the board in over 2 years.

I know it's a majority conservative board. I said what I said as a RETORT. Understand me? R-E-T-O-R-T. Definition of retort: Function: verb
Etymology: Latin retortus, past participle of retorquEre, literally, to twist back, hurl back, from re- + torquEre to twist -- more at TORTURE
transitive senses
1 : to pay or hurl back : RETURN <retort an insult>
2 a : to make a reply to b : to say in reply
3 : to answer (as an argument) by a counter argument
intransitive senses
1 : to answer back usually sharply
2 : to return an argument or charge
GunnyL said:
So you find it to be natural to use an orifice clearly designed as an exit as an entrance, huh? :smoke:

I also notice that while you question everyone else's sources, you post equally-biased ones. There ARE no unbiased sources.

As long as human beings are differentiated between other animals by their ability to reason, being gay is a choice. I don't like my neighbor. He's a trashy scumbag devaluing my neighborhood. Guess I should just give into the urge to solve the issue with violence since I was born that way.
I've tried to use neutral sources and APA. If something's biased, point it out and I'll apologize and go search for a neutral source because that is only fair. The only times I use a biased source is to be a prick in retaliation to a biased source posted.

Gay people are not made on an average basis (my beliefs of Natural and Social Homosexuality). Murderers are usually made on a fairly regular basis and very few are just messed up to the point of being murderers. One is more of a choice than the other.

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