Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

manu1959 said:
that is one choice.....
One choice that is right in my opinion. I'm not going to repent for anything that hasn't harmed someone or has negative karma (for lack of a better word).
Kagom said:
One choice that is right in my opinion. I'm not going to repent for anything that hasn't harmed someone or has negative karma (for lack of a better word).

fair enough .... biologically the purpose of males and females is to mate and reproduce ..... how do you rationalize the negative karma you are amassing by not fulfilling your biological purpose .... i am a big karma beliver ....i would be concerned about "mother nature" getting pissed off
manu1959 said:
fair enough .... biologically the purpose of males and females is to mate and reproduce ..... how do you rationalize the negative karma you are amassing by not fulfilling your biological purpose .... i am a big karma beliver ....i would be concerned about "mother nature" getting pissed off
I don't feel there is negative karma by not doing what nature intended in terms of sex. I believe that nature made me this way for a purpose unknown to me. I don't believe that sex is solely for procreation, though with the majority of the time it is. I believe sex is just an act of love (or should be). I also believe it's something that is also needed to ensure we survive. But it can go both ways in my opinion.
manu1959 said:
fair enough .... biologically the purpose of males and females is to mate and reproduce ..... how do you rationalize the negative karma you are amassing by not fulfilling your biological purpose .... i am a big karma beliver ....i would be concerned about "mother nature" getting pissed off

So the people who take vows of celibacy and go their entire life without sex are amassing negative karma?
manu1959 said:
fair enough .... biologically the purpose of males and females is to mate and reproduce ..... how do you rationalize the negative karma you are amassing by not fulfilling your biological purpose .... i am a big karma beliver ....i would be concerned about "mother nature" getting pissed off

Wouldn't Mother Nature then get just as pissed off at those unable to have children for one reason or another? They're not fulfilling their biological purpose, why are they here?
MissileMan said:
So the people who take vows of celibacy and go their entire life without sex are amassing negative karma?

if your biological purpose is to mate and reporduce then yes ....but since you are refering to priests and nuns and they belive in god and they are following god and not karama then no
Shattered said:
Wouldn't Mother Nature then get just as pissed off at those unable to have children for one reason or another? They're not fulfilling their biological purpose, why are they here?

if they mate as biology and mother nature intended and can not reproduce through no fault of thier own i would think mother nature would not ding them....but being a guy, i am really only guessing here as you women can be pretty nasty if things don't go your way... :poke:
manu1959 said:
if they mate as biology and mother nature intended and can not reproduce through no fault of thier own i would think mother nature would not ding them....but being a guy, i am really only guessing here as you women can be pretty nasty if things don't go your way... :poke:

But, I'd think that with your outline of thinking (as typed previously), you're either fulfilling your "duties" as a human being, or you're not. If you are, great.. If you're deserve to be zapped..

...and we're only a little bit nasty.. :D
manu1959 said:
if your biological purpose is to mate and reporduce then yes ....but since you are refering to priests and nuns and they belive in god and they are following god and not karama then no

Ahh, so you only suffer the effects of bad karma if you believe in karma. How is this any different than the earlier statement about not believing in hell?
Damn is that like pechuli oil and flower power or is it more like Karma Gia as in VW...if the latter I would prefer the VW thank you very much...Never mind not into Karma... :thanks: :laugh:
archangel said:
Damn is that like pechuli oil and flower power or is it more like Karma Gia as in VW...if the latter I would prefer the VW thank you very much...Never mind not into Karma... :thanks: :laugh:

MissileMan said:
Ahh, so you only suffer the effects of bad karma if you believe in karma. How is this any different than the earlier statement about not believing in hell?

no that is not what i said and you know it .... you will enjoy or suffer the positive or negative effects of which ever belief turns out to be right.....not believing in something does not preclude it from existing .... if god exists and he sins and does not accept god he will go to hell ... if god does not exist he will not....

but there is no need to explain all this to you as you are only pretending to be dumb...
Some people bring bad karma wiht them from previous lives. Not being able to have children through biological defect, can actually be punishment for misdeeds in another life.....according to some....not me though. :tng:
Shattered said:
But, I'd think that with your outline of thinking (as typed previously), you're either fulfilling your "duties" as a human being, or you're not. If you are, great.. If you're deserve to be zapped..

...and we're only a little bit nasty.. :D

what? no forgiveness in your world? damn!
Boy.. Mother Nature really outta be on a roll, then. :D

I believe in Karma..but not *quite* to that extent.. I merely believe you get what's coming to you, in one way or another..
archangel said:
Damn is that like pechuli oil and flower power or is it more like Karma Gia as in VW...if the latter I would prefer the VW thank you very much...Never mind not into Karma... :thanks: :laugh:

someone has been at the cooking sherry again
manu1959 said:
what? no forgiveness in your world? damn!

...but why forgive one, and not the other? I'm just saying that there may be a multitude of reasons for not procreating...who gets to decide which ones are ok, and which are not?

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