Gay Cowboy Loses Everything When His Partner Dies

Kagom said:
But I am. Whether you're willing to accept that or not is your choice and your choice only.

I beg to differ. The one unwilling to accept the facts here would be YOU. Your homosexual lifestyle and/or behavior is abnormal, period.

And THAT is NOT your choice. Society dictates what is and is not accepted as "normal." Your refusal to accept society's judgement makes it no less the way it is.
GunnyL said:
I beg to differ. The one unwilling to accept the facts here would be YOU. Your homosexual lifestyle and/or behavior is abnormal, period.

And THAT is NOT your choice. Society dictates what is and is not accepted as "normal." Your refusal to accept society's judgement makes it no less the way it is.
I accept facts. I know it's considered abnormal. But it's normal for me. Do you not get that? That's what I've been saying. It feels normal to me.

And what is not my choice? You're a bit vague or I'm just slow tonight.
Kagom said:
I accept facts. I know it's considered abnormal. But it's normal for me. Do you not get that? That's what I've been saying. It feels normal to me.

And what is not my choice? You're a bit vague or I'm just slow tonight.

What you feel is 'normal' is not in the 'acceptable mainstream.' With that said, I think the 'mainstream' would leave you and yours alone-at least I hope so, if you don't shove the lifestyle in their face. That's what is causing backlash.
Kathianne said:
What you feel is 'normal' is not in the 'acceptable mainstream.' With that said, I think the 'mainstream' would leave you and yours alone-at least I hope so, if you don't shove the lifestyle in their face. That's what is causing backlash.
I'm the kind of guy who likes to keep to himself, tell people if something exciting goes on in my love life (like most teenagers I know), and I'm relatively quiet in society. However, certain issues illicit my voice and those issues are rare. Most of my kind are loud because they want more protection under the state and other rights that are only accessibly by heterosexual couples. That's my take.
Kagom said:
I'm the kind of guy who likes to keep to himself, tell people if something exciting goes on in my love life (like most teenagers I know), and I'm relatively quiet in society. However, certain issues illicit my voice and those issues are rare. Most of my kind are loud because they want more protection under the state and other rights that are only accessibly by heterosexual couples. That's my take.

I must have missed your age, if you dropped it here implicitly or explicitly. However, I do think with gay/lesbian issues, if one does not make it a 'fact, deal with it', in employment, military, etc., one can get along rather easily.

I'm a teacher. I CAN tell you, IF I was gay, which I'm NOT, I could get along fine, as long as I refrain from telling my students my sexual preferences.

I teach jr. high. I'm divorced, in a parochial school. The kids like me, two of them keep trying to fix me up with their dads. One of the dads is trying to follow up. I happen to be strait and involved with someone. I could be something else. In either case, I just act professional. To quote our weakest member, can ya dig it?
Kathianne said:
I must have missed your age, if you dropped it here implicitly or explicitly. However, I do think with gay/lesbian issues, if one does not make it a 'fact, deal with it', in employment, military, etc., one can get along rather easily.

I'm a teacher. I CAN tell you, IF I was gay, which I'm NOT, I could get along fine, as long as I refrain from telling my students my sexual preferences.

I teach jr. high. I'm divorced, in a parochial school. The kids like me, two of them keep trying to fix me up with their dads. One of the dads is trying to follow up. I happen to be strait and involved with someone. I could be something else. In either case, I just act professional. To quote our weakest member, can ya dig it?
I'm eighteen, only been mentioned maybe once or twice, so no big deal there!

I can get along easily with most people. I'm open about it, but I don't just go "HEY! I'M GAY! LOL!" It's more along the lines of if they want to know if I am or not, then they can ask and I'll be honest.

I could get along as a teacher as well. I don't feel compulsed to just talk about my life all the time.

My reply: I can dig it.
Kagom said:
I'm eighteen, only been mentioned maybe once or twice, so no big deal there!

I can get along easily with most people. I'm open about it, but I don't just go "HEY! I'M GAY! LOL!" It's more along the lines of if they want to know if I am or not, then they can ask and I'll be honest.

I could get along as a teacher as well. I don't feel compulsed to just talk about my life all the time.

My reply: I can dig it.

Ok, here's my take. For sanity's sake, if you or anyone outside of 'normal' can come out to friends or loved ones, that should be ok and probably healthy. We need those we love to accept us.

On the other hand, heterosexuality is considered 'normal.' Thus, knowing that, as well as it's really bad form for a heterosexual to discuss his/her exploits to all available audiences, not to mention considered beyond weird, same goes for those of different persuasions.

Now you ARE young, so fast forward as much as possible. 10 years from now, you have an adopted 12 year old and a 'partner.' Your 10 year old comes home from school and tells you that her teacher was out the night before with a really cool person and that they had a great party with another really cool person. You, being the swift and cool person, recognize that your 10 year old daughter has been told by her teacher that a threesome is cool. Disregarding gender, is THAT something you would want going down as an OK value on your child?
Kathianne said:
Ok, here's my take. For sanity's sake, if you or anyone outside of 'normal' can come out to friends or loved ones, that should be ok and probably healthy. We need those we love to accept us.

On the other hand, heterosexuality is considered 'normal.' Thus, knowing that, as well as it's really bad form for a heterosexual to discuss his/her exploits to all available audiences, not to mention considered beyond weird, same goes for those of different persuasions.

Now you ARE young, so fast forward as much as possible. 10 years from now, you have an adopted 12 year old and a 'partner.' Your 10 year old comes home from school and tells you that her teacher was out the night before with a really cool person and that they had a great party with another really cool person. You, being the swift and cool person, recognize that your 10 year old daughter has been told by her teacher that a threesome is cool. Disregarding gender, is THAT something you would want going down as an OK value on your child?
I agree it's bad to discuss exploits, no matter the sexuality. I tend to keep those to myself for decency's sake. I might say "I went out on a date with so-and-so" or "I had my ex over", but I tend to not get into details.

I'd probably be very upset. I don't think teachers should talk about their sexual experiences with children. I'd probably have a talk-to with the teacher and explain how it bothers me that they could even talk about a threesome, even if they were trying to disguise it.
Kagom said:
I agree it's bad to discuss exploits, no matter the sexuality. I tend to keep those to myself for decency's sake. I might say "I went out on a date with so-and-so" or "I had my ex over", but I tend to not get into details.

I'd probably be very upset. I don't think teachers should talk about their sexual experiences with children. I'd probably have a talk-to with the teacher and explain how it bothers me that they could even talk about a threesome, even if they were trying to disguise it.
Ah, though I did a poor job of relating the scenario, IF it was your child, one you loved, you would be madder than a wet hornet! For good cause. It IS ok if I like threesomes, foursomes, gay or not. It is NOT ok, for me to spout of in any way to my students.

I would argue that it's also NOT ok for me as a married heterosexual teacher to discuss that my husband and I were celebrating our anniversary and went to a 'special restaurant, hired a babysitter, and other details that would allow the students to build a mental picture. Truth is, especially at the middle school/early high school years, what the teachers 'choose' to share is very important. The wrong THING should get one fired!
Kathianne said:
Ah, though I did a poor job of relating the scenario, IF it was your child, one you loved, you would be madder than a wet hornet! For good cause. It IS ok if I like threesomes, foursomes, gay or not. It is NOT ok, for me to spout of in any way to my students.

I would argue that it's also NOT ok for me as a married heterosexual teacher to discuss that my husband and I were celebrating our anniversary and went to a 'special restaurant, hired a babysitter, and other details that would allow the students to build a mental picture. Truth is, especially at the middle school/early high school years, what the teachers 'choose' to share is very important. The wrong THING should get one fired!
Mmf...I don't think it'd be bad to just say "We celebrated our anniversery and went to a restaurant". Any details beyond that is really just asking for the overactive imagination to pop in.

But I agree, it isn't right to really share things like that.
Kagom said:
Mmf...I don't think it'd be bad to just say "We celebrated our anniversery and went to a restaurant". Any details beyond that is really just asking for the overactive imagination to pop in.

But I agree, it isn't right to really share things like that.
Exactly, gay or strait. What's the difference in any other scenario?
Kagom said:
I accept facts. I know it's considered abnormal. But it's normal for me. Do you not get that? That's what I've been saying. It feels normal to me.

And what is not my choice? You're a bit vague or I'm just slow tonight.

hmm, interesting that you "choose" to call it "normal" even though you know the greater world considers it abnormal. I thought it was not a "choice". Why not just accept it as the abnormal thing it is?

To say it is "normal" FOR YOU is to be living in your own "little world"....which in itself is pretty abnormal...

If you had cancer, would you consider it "normal" for you?
ScreamingEagle said:
hmm, interesting that you "choose" to call it "normal" even though you know the greater world considers it abnormal. I thought it was not a "choice". Why not just accept it as the abnormal thing it is?

To say it is "normal" FOR YOU is to be living in your own "little world"....which in itself is pretty abnormal...

If you had cancer, would you consider it "normal" for you?
It isn't a choice. It's abnormal to many people in the world, but the thing is, a good number of people consider it normal, at least people I know (and no, I"m not talking about other gay people)

Not living in my own little world. I believe it's normal and I have friends who agree with me. I confront them to see if it's really what they believe or if they're just being nice and they do believe it, even the religious ones.

Cancer is abnormal because it's lethal.
Kagom said:
It isn't a choice. It's abnormal to many people in the world, but the thing is, a good number of people consider it normal, at least people I know (and no, I"m not talking about other gay people)

Not living in my own little world. I believe it's normal and I have friends who agree with me. I confront them to see if it's really what they believe or if they're just being nice and they do believe it, even the religious ones.

Cancer is abnormal because it's lethal.

Homosexuality is lethal to mankind.
Kagom said:
It isn't a choice. It's abnormal to many people in the world, but the thing is, a good number of people consider it normal, at least people I know (and no, I"m not talking about other gay people)

Not living in my own little world. I believe it's normal and I have friends who agree with me. I confront them to see if it's really what they believe or if they're just being nice and they do believe it, even the religious ones.

Cancer is abnormal because it's lethal.

80+% of Americans consider it abnormal -- so "a good number" is exaggerating the facts.

It i snot normal behavior, and has only been accepted as somewhat normal in a select few, ancient civilizations.
GunnyL said:
80+% of Americans consider it abnormal -- so "a good number" is exaggerating the facts.

It i snot normal behavior, and has only been accepted as somewhat normal in a select few, ancient civilizations.
You didn't read what I wrote. I said "among people I know". Also, I think 80+% is a very high number. I challenge that.

ScreamingEagle: Homosexuality is not lethal to mankind. If you even try to pull up some b-s about AIDs, don't bother. It's found among all sexualities. In the more "civilized" countries, it seems higher among homosexuals, but other countries to seems more prevalant among heterosexuals (mainly third world countries). If you try to argue it prevents children from being born, how many people are gay? It's not the biggest percentage on earth, but it does help curve the overpopulation problem, though extremely minutely.
Kagom said:
You didn't read what I wrote. I said "among people I know". Also, I think 80+% is a very high number. I challenge that.

ScreamingEagle: Homosexuality is not lethal to mankind. If you even try to pull up some b-s about AIDs, don't bother. It's found among all sexualities. In the more "civilized" countries, it seems higher among homosexuals, but other countries to seems more prevalant among heterosexuals (mainly third world countries). If you try to argue it prevents children from being born, how many people are gay? It's not the biggest percentage on earth, but it does help curve the overpopulation problem, though extremely minutely.

Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, it is in the interest of mankind to limit their number in order to carry on the population. Who's to say that the numbers of gays wouldn't increase to the point where it would harm mankind? Especially since now gays are reproducing through artificial insemination.

Also, I do not think your argument that you are "normal" - just because you and some others think so - is valid. As you are claiming, only a small percentage is homosexual, and by that very definition of size compared to the rest of the population, it is abnormal.

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