Gay Day at Disney

Now, your concern about HIV rates is commendable, but what do you propose be done to actually lower those rates?

Leper Colonies for homosexual Gift Givers and Bug Chasers - perhaps if sanity ever reigns again we can use the FEMA camps.

Of course I'm sexually obsessed...I'm married and don't get any. :lol:

Probably because you UGLY ! If you physical appearance is a reflection of your online personna , you must be one nauseating Bull Dyke.

Ambushing unsuspecting kids and families at a Childrens Theme Park with perverted agendas is WRONG !


Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

Yes UNSUSPECTING - families originally were showing up unaware that they and their Children were to be psychologically and virtually molested by Faggots , Dykes, Trannys and assorted perverts

The Florida Famiily Assn. actually had to step in and launch an expensive aerial campaign to forewarn visitors- which apparently has hurt Disneys Attendance rate.

[ame=]'Warning: Gay Day at Disney" banner flys over Orlando - YouTube[/ame]

From an article on

Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year
By Peter Werner

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach.

For the record, I’m a 42-year old gay man living in Orlando. I’ve been to Gay Days before, and thought it was a little bit over the top, but always bit my lip – especially here on the site. This year though, it just seems completely out of control, and I wanted to get this off my chest.

I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency.

Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.....

The argument is often put forth that since Christian groups congregate at Disney World, why not us? Fair enough, except that the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. ...

Then there is the issue of drugs. It is widely known throughout the gay community in Orlando that if you want good drugs and great sex, the first week of June is a great time to visit. So much so, that the Orange County Sheriff's office found it necessary to station deputies and drug sniffing dogs in the lobby of the host hotel. And before the oppression chorus starts warming up, just get real – we all know that it goes on in droves during gay week – and it’s not ‘oppression’ if it’s justified......

And before I get any emails from my gay brethren calling me a ‘self loathing aunt tom’ (someone actually called me that once), let me be clear – I’m proud of who and what I am. I just don’t feel the need to force feed it to the world in that way. Disney is a place where reality is suspended, at least for a time. It’s not a place for anyone’s political agenda – right or left. Keep Key West in Key West – and let Disney be Disney.
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..... To the question, "Why do Johnny and Janey hold hands?" do you give a technical answer or say they like each other? Well, it's the same fucking answer if Janey and Janey hold hands, or if Johnny and Bill do the same.

Only in your warped sense of reality is it like that . Homosexuality is vulgar and repulsive, it's not acceptable behavior for sane people and it's not something Children should have to deal with. For some of these Kids - this is the ONLY time they will ever get to visit Disney and its supposed to be full of Magical Memories that they will retain for the rest of their lives.

Not memories of being nauseated by Mentally diseased cretins. If their parents wanted that they'd take them to the horror house which pales in comparison to being exposed to sexual perversion b4 they even comprehend normal sexuality . "That's right Johny - you think Girls are IckY - wait till you see He-Shes and She-males."

Childhood / Growing Up is at times a difficult thing - some people never do grow up - look at the SeaHag -- they shouldn't have to deal with someone else mental illness
Defined by who? How are us heterosexuals defined?

Hey stupid, Open wide, and I'll spoon feed you:

Gay =
Lesbian =
Bisexual =
Transexual =

HOW THE FUCK else would you define people associated with "the LGBT crowd."

I'm truely amazed whenever Queers deny their deviant sexual behaviour is anything but deviant sexual behaviour. I'm not saying its a FAULT. I'm not saying its EVIL.

Its simply deviant.

So how are heteros defined? Why do you resort to name calling so easily?

HOMOSAPIEN = Heterosexual

HOMOSAPIEN Refuse = Homosexual

Does that simplify it for you any ?
So the "ignore" is off again, Beanie?

Leper Colonies, very nice. Is that just for the fags or do the HIV+ straights go there too?

Yup - Ignore is off - you're fun to beat up on, you're so easy to smack around intellectually - shall we just leave it at the fact that you are "intellectually challenged" until you are able to prove otherwise.

You’ve got to be kidding.

You’ve succeeded in only exhibiting your hatred of gay Americans and ignorance of the law that appropriately prevents you from seeking to codify your ignorance and hate.
So the "ignore" is off again, Beanie?

Leper Colonies, very nice. Is that just for the fags or do the HIV+ straights go there too?

Yup - Ignore is off - you're fun to beat up on, you're so easy to smack around intellectually - shall we just leave it at the fact that you are "intellectually challenged" until you are able to prove otherwise.

You’ve got to be kidding.

You’ve succeeded in only exhibiting your hatred of gay Americans and ignorance of the law that appropriately prevents you from seeking to codify your ignorance and hate.

You've got to be Kidding !

As for your pretense at legal expertise - stick it up your fucking dung hole -{ yes I know you'd probably enjoy that, just because I called it a "Fucking" Dung Hole doesn't mean I condone your using it for that} In any posts I've ever read of yours, the only expertise you've ever displayed is that which a dim-witted Middle School student could glean from a copy of his 9th Grade Criminal Justice Text.
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You've got to be Kidding !

I Don' hate Gay Americans - I hate Gay Canadians, Mexicans, Frenchmen, Russians, Africans, Moslems - in fact I hate all Gays equally ! You Capice Bitch !

As for your pretense at legal expertise - stick it up your fucking dung hole -{ yes I know you'd probably enjoy that, just because I called it a "Fucking" Dung Hole doesn't mean I condone your using it for that} In any posts I've ever read of yours, the only expertise you've ever displayed is that which a dim-witted Middle School student could glean from a copy of his 9th Grade Criminal Justice Text.

Go easy on them Green Bean. They know not what they do. But we do. Attacking them how you do is playing right into their political "poor me" game. It's responses like yours that they run to the press with and get people who would otherwise look at them more sensibly, instead have a kneejerk sympathy reaction and give them whatever the ask for...or demand...

Try to tone it down a bit. You can make your points without all the vitrole.
I call em like I see em, skank.
You're probably fat too.


You got a little something coming your way for "skank," though :nono:
You've got to be Kidding !

I Don' hate Gay Americans - I hate Gay Canadians, Mexicans, Frenchmen, Russians, Africans, Moslems - in fact I hate all Gays equally ! You Capice Bitch !

As for your pretense at legal expertise - stick it up your fucking dung hole -{ yes I know you'd probably enjoy that, just because I called it a "Fucking" Dung Hole doesn't mean I condone your using it for that} In any posts I've ever read of yours, the only expertise you've ever displayed is that which a dim-witted Middle School student could glean from a copy of his 9th Grade Criminal Justice Text.

Go easy on them Green Bean. They know not what they do. But we do. Attacking them how you do is playing right into their political "poor me" game. It's responses like yours that they run to the press with and get people who would otherwise look at them more sensibly, instead have a kneejerk sympathy reaction and give them whatever the ask for...or demand...

Try to tone it down a bit. You can make your points without all the vitrole.

You're right Silhouette , I got caught by a "Low-Blow" {No pun intended} and went into overkill mode.
Not enough to counter the tens of thousands of gays that spend their disposable income there..:lol:

Once again we find Seawytch arguing that if there's enough money involved, inappropriate exposure of children to the LGBT "different sexuality" theme at their childrens' theme park is justified and valid.

That's a little disturbing there Seawytch. It almost sounds like you are arguing that a man in a trench coat can flash kids with a sexualized theme as long as the people opening the gate for him at the playground get slipped a $100 bill.

No Sil, that's YOUR ludicrous argument. Sane people know that gays going to Disney are nothing like pervs in trenchcoat flashing people.

Gays walking around holding hands is EXACTLY like straights walking around holding hands and is legal. Your friend in the trenchcoat is doing something illegal. As much as you'd like us to turn into Russia and act like your hero Putin, we aren't going to make being gay illegal.
"Mommy - why are these queers running all over a children's play-park?"

"Because they're sick…. sick people, Little Johnny. Let me show you a video…."

Mommy, why does that Warrior fellow always use such sexual innuendo when talking about gays?

Because he secretly wants to do all those things he pretends disgust him, Johnny.

Oh, so he's a typical homophobe then, Mommy?

Yes Johnny, he is.
So the "ignore" is off again, Beanie?

Leper Colonies, very nice. Is that just for the fags or do the HIV+ straights go there too?

Yup - Ignore is off - you're fun to beat up on, you're so easy to smack around intellectually - shall we just leave it at the fact that you are "intellectually challenged" until you are able to prove otherwise.'re winning like Charlie Sheen Beanie!

"Mommy - why are these queers running all over a children's play-park?"

"Because they're sick…. sick people, Little Johnny. Let me show you a video…."

Mommy, why does that Warrior fellow always use such sexual innuendo when talking about gays?

Because he secretly wants to do all those things he pretends disgust him, Johnny.

Oh, so he's a typical homophobe then, Mommy?

Yes Johnny, he is.

Little Johnny goes up to his mother and asks, "Is God male or female?"

After thinking for a moment, his mother responds, "Well, honey, God is both male and female."

This confuses Little Johnny, so he asks, "Is God black or white?"

"Well, God is both black and white."

This further confuses him so he asks, "Is God gay or straight?"

At this the mother is getting concerned, but answers nonetheless, "Honey, God is both gay and straight."

At this Little Johnny's face lights up with understanding and he triumphantly asks, "Mom, is God Michael Jackson?"

Point of the Joke being - you can't , and shouldn't have to explain deviant sexuality to a kid who doesn't even comprehend normal sexuality . Keep your Gay Agendas away from Children is the entire argument - is it that difficult to understand ?

re: Charlie Shean - keep posting - you highlight your intellectual inferiority with every new post
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you can't , and shouldn't have to explain deviant sexuality to a kid who doesn't even comprehend normal sexuality . Keep your Gay Agendas away from Children is the entire argument - is it that difficult to understand ?

You aren't explaining sexuality.

"Why are that man and woman kissing?"

"They love each other"

"Why are those two men kissing?"

"They love each other"

See that? No sexualization involved. That YOU want to sexualize it tells us more about you than anything else.

Trust me, kids get it just fine.

[ame=""]Little Boy Understands Gay Marriage In 43 Seconds[/ame]
Another Gay/Pedo "Pervert Day" Observation At Disney With Little Johnny and Mom...

"Mommy, I was just in the popsicle line and that funny looking man with a pink sweater has really bad breath. Do you know why?"

"Well, Little Johnny, that's what happens when one man sticks his tongue up and in and out of another man's ass."
you can't , and shouldn't have to explain deviant sexuality to a kid who doesn't even comprehend normal sexuality . Keep your Gay Agendas away from Children is the entire argument - is it that difficult to understand ?

You aren't explaining sexuality.

"Why are that man and woman kissing?"

"They love each other"

"Why are those two men kissing?"

"They love each other"

See that? No sexualization involved. That YOU want to sexualize it tells us more about you than anything else.

Trust me, kids get it just fine.

[ame=""]Little Boy Understands Gay Marriage In 43 Seconds[/ame]

You are beginning with the premise that homosexual activity is sex - it is not.
It is SODOMY .

"Why are that man and woman kissing?"

"They love each other"

"Why are those two men kissing?"

"They sick and don't know any better - you should feel sorry for those people"
Another Gay/Pedo "Pervert Day" Observation At Disney With Little Johnny and Mom...

"Mommy, I was just in the popsicle line and that funny looking man with a pink sweater has really bad breath. Do you know why?"

"Well, Little Johnny, that's what happens when one man sticks his tongue up and in and out of another man's ass."

You really have an extraordinarily sick mind. You disapprove of two adults consensually engaging in sex while at the same time think it's perfectly ok to discuss how two men stick their tongues in each other's anus with A CHILD. Totally messed up, dude. Weird shit.
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Another Gay/Pedo "Pervert Day" Observation At Disney With Little Johnny and Mom...

"Mommy, I was just in the popsicle line and that funny looking man with a pink sweater has really bad breath. Do you know why?"

"Well, Little Johnny, that's what happens when one man sticks his tongue up and in and out of another man's ass."

You really have an extraordinarily sick mind. You disapprove of two adults consensually engaging in sex while at the same time think it's perfectly ok to discuss how two men stick their tongues in each other's anus with A CHILD. Totally messed up, dude. Weird shit.

I'm trying to illustrate a point, peckerhead - that queers and sick people of your fucking ilk have no business in a children's venue.
The best way to handle it is to publicize gay days heavily so individuals can decide whether they want their children to be exposed to abnormal behavior or not.
Another Gay/Pedo "Pervert Day" Observation At Disney With Little Johnny and Mom...

"Mommy, I was just in the popsicle line and that funny looking man with a pink sweater has really bad breath. Do you know why?"

"Well, Little Johnny, that's what happens when one man sticks his tongue up and in and out of another man's ass."

You really have an extraordinarily sick mind. You disapprove of two adults consensually engaging in sex while at the same time think it's perfectly ok to discuss how two men stick their tongues in each other's anus with A CHILD. Totally messed up, dude. Weird shit.

I'm trying to illustrate a point, peckerhead - that queers and sick people of your fucking ilk have no business in a children's venue.

And you also have no business sharing a story with us about how an adult is explaining to a child how "men stick their tongues in the anuses of other people". It's fucking gross dude.

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