Gay Day at Disney

And you also have no business sharing a story with us about how an adult is explaining to a child how "men stick their tongues in the anuses of other people". It's fucking gross dude.

No, see, that's just the thing. Here IS the appropriate place to discuss that scenario. The first week of June at Disney, unawares, IS NOT the appropriate venue to be forced into explaining what LGBT means to a child.

But we get it. The whole point of "gay days" at Disney is to expose unsuspecting families and kids to LGBT and thereby, FORCE them to discuss what is going slip the needle under the introduce the idea of deviant sex "as acceptable" to children at a very young age..

Just like a pedophile does while he psychologically targets youngsters he intends to soften to the idea of what he's going to do to them later..
Another Gay/Pedo "Pervert Day" Observation At Disney With Little Johnny and Mom...

"Mommy, I was just in the popsicle line and that funny looking man with a pink sweater has really bad breath. Do you know why?"

"Well, Little Johnny, that's what happens when one man sticks his tongue up and in and out of another man's ass."

You really have an extraordinarily sick mind. You disapprove of two adults consensually engaging in sex while at the same time think it's perfectly ok to discuss how two men stick their tongues in each other's anus with A CHILD. Totally messed up, dude. Weird shit.

I think you fail to see the satirical intent of his post - I hope you didn't expect that he was actually advocating saying that to a kid - even YOU are not THAT naive.
And you also have no business sharing a story with us about how an adult is explaining to a child how "men stick their tongues in the anuses of other people". It's fucking gross dude.

No, see, that's just the thing. Here IS the appropriate place to discuss that scenario. The first week of June at Disney, unawares, IS NOT the appropriate venue to be forced into explaining what LGBT means to a child.

But we get it. The whole point of "gay days" at Disney is to expose unsuspecting families and kids to LGBT and thereby, FORCE them to discuss what is going slip the needle under the introduce the idea of deviant sex "as acceptable" to children at a very young age..

Just like a pedophile does while he psychologically targets youngsters he intends to soften to the idea of what he's going to do to them later..

I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid. If you have the cash to take your family on a trip to DisneyWorld (ie you're not dirt poor), then surely you most likely have the ability to schedule around that date if need be. If not, there’s Universal close by (with the Harry Potter world, for example), and about a million other touristy things to do in Florida as a third option.

I don’t understand you people. You whine, whine, whine, and whine and expect people to care about it as if you're more important than they are. You whine and would like to force adults to behave how you'd like them to behave. You whine and say "a family can't look like this" because you say so. You whine and would like to force Disney - a private company - to run it's assets how you want them to run their assets. Not because you own a significant stake in Disney, but rather because you're the most special person in the world and everyone should listen to you.

Novel idea - drop the arrogance (because you DON'T know everything) and focus on your own life, and your own children. The whining is unbecoming, frankly.
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Another Gay/Pedo "Pervert Day" Observation At Disney With Little Johnny and Mom...

"Mommy, I was just in the popsicle line and that funny looking man with a pink sweater has really bad breath. Do you know why?"

"Well, Little Johnny, that's what happens when one man sticks his tongue up and in and out of another man's ass."

You really have an extraordinarily sick mind. You disapprove of two adults consensually engaging in sex while at the same time think it's perfectly ok to discuss how two men stick their tongues in each other's anus with A CHILD. Totally messed up, dude. Weird shit.

I think you fail to see the satirical intent of his post - I hope you didn't expect that he was actually advocating saying that to a kid - even YOU are not THAT naive.

It's gross. Every time warrior posts it's about an adult telling a child about some sex act a gay person does. I'm sick of it. Adds nothing to the conversation. And every time I respond, I get neg repped by him as if that's supposed to make me upset. He needs to grow up.

I'm dealing with children here.
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And you also have no business sharing a story with us about how an adult is explaining to a child how "men stick their tongues in the anuses of other people". It's fucking gross dude.

No, see, that's just the thing. Here IS the appropriate place to discuss that scenario. The first week of June at Disney, unawares, IS NOT the appropriate venue to be forced into explaining what LGBT means to a child.

But we get it. The whole point of "gay days" at Disney is to expose unsuspecting families and kids to LGBT and thereby, FORCE them to discuss what is going slip the needle under the introduce the idea of deviant sex "as acceptable" to children at a very young age..

Just like a pedophile does while he psychologically targets youngsters he intends to soften to the idea of what he's going to do to them later..

Gay Days at Disney is only the tip of the iceberg. Gay activists are working vigorously to get at the children - both physically and psychologically.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender {LGBT} History Month where a different pervert {OOps did I say that ? I'm sorry - I meant Gay, Lesbian, bisexual or transgender} person is highlighted each day. You really needn't look far for worthy Gay heroes in History, considering one in ten {1} people are homosexual or have latent homosexual tendencies.

One such person was Edward Araujo {a/k/a Gwen Araujo} Edward was undergoing hormone therapy, basically he was a man masquerading as a woman. At a party he tricked a number of heterosexual men into having a gay old time with him, both Oral and Anal. He was brutally beaten and murdered when it was discovered that he wasn't female . I don't condone this type of violence against anyone , but this is certainly not a Hero for school children to emulate, no more than the victims of his charade are.

If parents see homosexuality as immoral, how is a child to interpret contradictory messages coming from a highly respected authority figure - the recipient of all those apples, the teacher? A seed has been sewn designed to rip a chasm between the childs two worlds: home and school; as the rebellious years of adolescence approach a doubt has been raised in the childs mind about whether or not their parents are wrong.

Mat Staver leader of Liberty Counsel states that educating students about LGBT , LGBT History Month robs '[t]he innocence of our children' and places them 'under assault'

The Kid's Guide to Social Action by Barbara Lewis, although most of the book is acceptable and well done, excerpts clearly demonstrate that she, at times, is subtlety coaching kids to defy and rebel against their parents and family values. Statements such as 'Are you tired of adults making most of the big decisions in your life?' and 'Now, some adults might disagree and say that your parents represent you'

Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, recently assigned the pornographic book Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes to students 14 and up as required reading. There is an episode where a gay man in the midst of humping another gay man finds that ha has a broken condom. The humpee screams Keep it going. Infect me. I dont care. I dont care. { The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that four percent of the male population is homosexual or bisexual yet they account for 78 percent of new HIV infections }

In another excerpt a gay man states that his nose is a sex organ and reaches for another mans pants to offer a demonstration.

suck my dick, Mother Teresa can also be found among the sticky pages

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

They - the Gay Agendaites - need to be Shut out of the Education System and Childrens entertainment .

Kevin Western: I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

They can do that any day of the year, even homo-haters like myself are very tolerable of families , even gay families who conduct themselves in an otherwise respectable fashion. The disdain arises from disrespectful perverts with an axe to grind and an Agenda to push. Try grinding that Axe near my family and they might discover that the Axe they are grinding works as well as any penis for anal intercourse.

Kevin Western: re:warrior posts - yes we are Talking ABOUT Children - but not TO Children. I do believe the level of disgust he is displaying is reflecting the level of disgust he feels when Sexual Degenerates psychologically molest/assault Children .
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And you also have no business sharing a story with us about how an adult is explaining to a child how "men stick their tongues in the anuses of other people". It's fucking gross dude.

No, see, that's just the thing. Here IS the appropriate place to discuss that scenario. The first week of June at Disney, unawares, IS NOT the appropriate venue to be forced into explaining what LGBT means to a child.

But we get it. The whole point of "gay days" at Disney is to expose unsuspecting families and kids to LGBT and thereby, FORCE them to discuss what is going slip the needle under the introduce the idea of deviant sex "as acceptable" to children at a very young age..

Just like a pedophile does while he psychologically targets youngsters he intends to soften to the idea of what he's going to do to them later..

Gay Days at Disney is only the tip of the iceberg. Gay activists are working vigorously to get at the children - both physically and psychologically.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender {LGBT} History Month where a different pervert {OOps did I say that ? I'm sorry - I meant Gay, Lesbian, bisexual or transgender} person is highlighted each day. You really needn't look far for worthy Gay heroes in History, considering one in ten {1} people are homosexual or have latent homosexual tendencies.

One such person was Edward Araujo {a/k/a Gwen Araujo} Edward was undergoing hormone therapy, basically he was a man masquerading as a woman. At a party he tricked a number of heterosexual men into having a gay old time with him, both Oral and Anal. He was brutally beaten and murdered when it was discovered that he wasn't female . I don't condone this type of violence against anyone , but this is certainly not a Hero for school children to emulate, no more than the victims of his charade are.

If parents see homosexuality as immoral, how is a child to interpret contradictory messages coming from a highly respected authority figure - the recipient of all those apples, the teacher? A seed has been sewn designed to rip a chasm between the childs two worlds: home and school; as the rebellious years of adolescence approach a doubt has been raised in the childs mind about whether or not their parents are wrong.

Mat Staver leader of Liberty Counsel states that educating students about LGBT , LGBT History Month robs '[t]he innocence of our children' and places them 'under assault'

The Kid's Guide to Social Action by Barbara Lewis, although most of the book is acceptable and well done, excerpts clearly demonstrate that she, at times, is subtlety coaching kids to defy and rebel against their parents and family values. Statements such as 'Are you tired of adults making most of the big decisions in your life?' and 'Now, some adults might disagree and say that your parents represent you'

Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Illinois, recently assigned the pornographic book Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes to students 14 and up as required reading. There is an episode where a gay man in the midst of humping another gay man finds that ha has a broken condom. The humpee screams Keep it going. Infect me. I dont care. I dont care. { The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that four percent of the male population is homosexual or bisexual yet they account for 78 percent of new HIV infections }

In another excerpt a gay man states that his nose is a sex organ and reaches for another mans pants to offer a demonstration.

suck my dick, Mother Teresa can also be found among the sticky pages

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

They - the Gay Agendaites - need to be Shut out of the Education System and Childrens entertainment .

The gays have an agenda, but are you claiming that you don't? That's bullshit.
I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid.

Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"
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I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid.

Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"

Today's perverts don't need to hide in a trench coat. They can openly proclaim their sickness.
I don't have to put up with it.
One of those pole-smoking perverts get close to me and my kids, he gets his fucking teeth kicked in.
I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid.

Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"

But you are whining and whining.

At the end of the day you are telling (1) Disney how to run the parks it owns and (2) adults how to live their lives and build their own families. What makes you so special Sillhouette? Are you some sort of giant-brained alien with a conscious that is light years ahead of any living being on this planet? Your position is one of arrogance and authority; you want everyone to behave and act just as you do, despite the fact the people you’re judging are fully grown adults with a completely different set of experiences than you.

Let me lay it bluntly; you're no more special than anyone else, so quit living your life like that's not the case.

My position is as long as no one is forcing me or my family to do things we don’t want to, I’m going to live and let others do the same.
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I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid.

Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"

But you are whining and whining.

At the end of the day you are telling (1) Disney how to run the parks it owns and (2) adults how to live their lives and build their own families. What makes you so special Sillhouette? Are you some sort of giant-brained alien with a conscious that is light years ahead of any living being on this planet? Your position is one of arrogance and authority; you want everyone to behave and act just as you do, despite the fact the people you’re judging are fully grown adults with a completely different set of experiences than you.

Let me lay it bluntly; you're no more special than anyone else, so quit living your life like that's not the case.

My position is as long as no one is forcing me or my family to do things we don’t want to, I’m going to live and let others do the same.

I agree. You having your boyfriend pack your fudge is of no business of mine
I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid.

Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"

Today's perverts don't need to hide in a trench coat. They can openly proclaim their sickness.
I don't have to put up with it.
One of those pole-smoking perverts get close to me and my kids, he gets his fucking teeth kicked in.

The only perv here is the guy sharing stories about adults explicitly explaining sex acts to children. Fucking gross, dude.
I said straight up I don’t condone of sexualized activity, skimpy clothing, and heavy PDA at a theme park. However, just for one second try to imagine how a gay family generally has to hide who they are out in public (because of people like you and warrior) and that for JUST A FEW DAYS at Disney they can feel safe, extroverted, and enjoy the park with other families in the same boat.

And by the way, no one is forcing you to go to Gay Day. It’s a heavily publicized event, with dates announced 1-2 years ahead of time, so it’s really easy to avoid.

Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"

Today's perverts don't need to hide in a trench coat. They can openly proclaim their sickness.
I don't have to put up with it.
One of those pole-smoking perverts get close to me and my kids, he gets his fucking teeth kicked in.

You have kids? Poor things.
Two women walking along with children don't have to hide anything. Two men walking along with children don't have to hide anything. They are just cruising along enjoying the park without comment.

A sea of red-t shirts spouting "LGBT' is another thing altogether, isn't it? RED t-shirts....yet another "look over here! Look at this! Look at what this means!!! [deviant sexuality] a childrens' theme park.. It's advertising a sexual tweak around kids and nothing less of that. It's pushing it in their faces. And that's why I can accurately compare "gay days" at Disney to a creep in a trench coat entering a playground with the intent of flashing children with something they don't want to see and ought not to see or even be forced to think about while they are at play.

No, this is different. And by the way, this thread is the first I'd ever head that a sea of gays wearing red t-shirts take over Disney each year on the busiest week for child attendance without advertising. I have never seen any advertising for gay days and another poster here said that the Disney website offers no such announcement either. Hence the reason people in Florida, at their own expense, have to hire planes to fly banners over Disney to alert unsuspecting parents and children. The banners read, in effect, "Hey, there's a bunch of creeps in trench coats flashing kids today at Disney"

Today's perverts don't need to hide in a trench coat. They can openly proclaim their sickness.
I don't have to put up with it.
One of those pole-smoking perverts get close to me and my kids, he gets his fucking teeth kicked in.

The only perv here is the guy sharing stories about adults explicitly explaining sex acts to children. Fucking gross, dude.

He likes to talk about gay sex more than any gay person I've ever known.

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