Gay Day at Disney

Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

One would hope so.
What parent would want to subject their children to that type of filth/perversion

I wonder how many refunds were given?

I'm sure this data is being kept very securely hidden from the general public because it would demonstrate that Queerness is not as widely accepted as the Grammy Awards would have everyone believe.
Defined by who? How are us heterosexuals defined?

Hey stupid, Open wide, and I'll spoon feed you:

Gay =
Lesbian =
Bisexual =
Transexual =

HOW THE FUCK else would you define people associated with "the LGBT crowd."

I'm truely amazed whenever Queers deny their deviant sexual behaviour is anything but deviant sexual behaviour. I'm not saying its a FAULT. I'm not saying its EVIL.

Its simply deviant.

So how are heteros defined? Why do you resort to name calling so easily?

Stupid is as Stupid Does.

If there was an acronym used to describe people who engage in heterosexual behaviour, then I'd also define them by their sexuality.

Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

No, see that's just the thing. Disney doesn't announce it. Yet they allow the church of LGBT to hand out pamphlets at the gates as throngs of unsuspecting parents and children just out of school pour through on the family vacation for the kids, only to discover a sexualized theme cult parading around in their "see, we do sex differently" T-shirts.

Not advertised at all. Disney is walking a very thin line of child endangerment on this one. There are very strict guidelines psychologists follow that say children should not be exposed to sexualized topics at given ages.

That's why there are private people paying to fly planes over Disney those days flying "gay days at Disney, don't go" and the like, so the families that saved up for a lifetime, travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to get there that weekend, will know not to go into the childrens' theme park because it has been turned into a creepy guy with a trench coat flashing the kiddies with his "sexualized theme" as they walk by.
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Hey stupid, Open wide, and I'll spoon feed you:

Gay =
Lesbian =
Bisexual =
Transexual =

HOW THE FUCK else would you define people associated with "the LGBT crowd."

I'm truely amazed whenever Queers deny their deviant sexual behaviour is anything but deviant sexual behaviour. I'm not saying its a FAULT. I'm not saying its EVIL.

Its simply deviant.

So how are heteros defined? Why do you resort to name calling so easily?

Stupid is as Stupid Does.

If there was an acronym used to describe people who engage in heterosexual behaviour, then I'd also define them by their sexuality.

So what you're saying is that you're an asshole who defines gays using one aspect of their life.

Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

No, see that's just the thing. Disney doesn't announce it. Yet they allow the church of LGBT to hand out pamphlets at the gates as throngs of unsuspecting parents and children just out of school pour through on the family vacation for the kids, only to discover a sexualized theme cult parading around in their "see, we do sex differently" T-shirts.

Not advertised at all. Disney is walking a very thin line of child endangerment on this one. There are very strict guidelines psychologists follow that say children should not be exposed to sexualized topics at given ages.

That's why there are private people paying to fly planes over Disney those days flying "gay days at Disney, don't go" and the like, so the families that saved up for a lifetime, travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to get there that weekend, will know not to go into the childrens' theme park because it has been turned into a creepy guy with a trench coat flashing the kiddies with his "sexualized theme" as they walk by.

Well, you're correct:

Seaching "Gay Day" yields no results on Disney World's website for events.

So BUYER BEWARE. At anytime, anywhere, queers will decend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour in which they engage. My solution is to develop a sence of humor and use the occassion to educate children about how they will be expected to accept freaks into their world.

Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

No, see that's just the thing. Disney doesn't announce it. Yet they allow the church of LGBT to hand out pamphlets at the gates as throngs of unsuspecting parents and children just out of school pour through on the family vacation for the kids, only to discover a sexualized theme cult parading around in their "see, we do sex differently" T-shirts.

Not advertised at all. Disney is walking a very thin line of child endangerment on this one. There are very strict guidelines psychologists follow that say children should not be exposed to sexualized topics at given ages.

That's why there are private people paying to fly planes over Disney those days flying "gay days at Disney, don't go" and the like, so the families that saved up for a lifetime, travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to get there that weekend, will know not to go into the childrens' theme park because it has been turned into a creepy guy with a trench coat flashing the kiddies with his "sexualized theme" as they walk by.

Well, you're correct:

Seaching "Gay Day" yields no results on Disney World's website for events.

So BUYER BEWARE. At anytime, anywhere, queers will decend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour in which they engage. My solution is to develop a sence of humor and use the occassion to educate children about how they will be expected to accept freaks into their world.

Freaks? Are you talking about the fat, tub o lard southern conservatives riding around on electric vehicles at Disney?
Now, your concern about HIV rates is commendable, but what do you propose be done to actually lower those rates?

Leper Colonies for homosexual Gift Givers and Bug Chasers - perhaps if sanity ever reigns again we can use the FEMA camps.

So the "ignore" is off again, Beanie?

Leper Colonies, very nice. Is that just for the fags or do the HIV+ straights go there too?

Of course I'm sexually obsessed...I'm married and don't get any. :lol:

Probably because you UGLY ! If you physical appearance is a reflection of your online personna , you must be one nauseating Bull Dyke.

Ah, humor challenged I see...and ad homoneim attacks too? The last bastion of the losing argument.

Ambushing unsuspecting kids and families at a Childrens Theme Park with perverted agendas is WRONG !

Translation...gays in public make Beanie "uncomfortable" and must be stopped (se he's not tempted maybe?)
Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

One would hope so.

What parent would want to subject their children to that type of filth/perversion

I wonder how many refunds were given?

I'm sure this data is being kept very securely hidden from the general public because it would demonstrate that Queerness is not as widely accepted as the Grammy Awards would have everyone believe.

Not enough to counter the tens of thousands of gays that spend their disposable income there..:lol:

Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

No, see that's just the thing. Disney doesn't announce it. Yet they allow the church of LGBT to hand out pamphlets at the gates as throngs of unsuspecting parents and children just out of school pour through on the family vacation for the kids, only to discover a sexualized theme cult parading around in their "see, we do sex differently" T-shirts.

Not advertised at all. Disney is walking a very thin line of child endangerment on this one. There are very strict guidelines psychologists follow that say children should not be exposed to sexualized topics at given ages.

That's why there are private people paying to fly planes over Disney those days flying "gay days at Disney, don't go" and the like, so the families that saved up for a lifetime, travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to get there that weekend, will know not to go into the childrens' theme park because it has been turned into a creepy guy with a trench coat flashing the kiddies with his "sexualized theme" as they walk by.

Well, you're correct:

Seaching "Gay Day" yields no results on Disney World's website for events.

So BUYER BEWARE. At anytime, anywhere, queers will decend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour in which they engage. My solution is to develop a sence of humor and use the occassion to educate children about how they will be expected to accept freaks into their world.

Do they advertise when the freaks from the Southern Baptist Convention "descend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour"?
Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:

I notice you didn't answer how the behavior of displaying a sexually-charged theme such as 'LGBT' at a childrens' theme park is or is not like a creepy guy in a trench coat flashing unwanted sexuality at a children's playground.

I'll wait for you to parse out the difference as you sideline and deflect. Maybe eventually you'll answer..

YOU can wait for as long as you can hold your head under water. YOU charged that it is something that it is NOT, you despicable hag, and it is up to YOU to prove that it is. That's how this works. Your saying so does not make it so, and YOU can type lies until your fingers bleed, it will not make it so.
"Mommy, why does that man walk funny and talk with a lisp?"

"That's because he likes to insert cocks and other things into his ass and mouth, Little Johnny."
Because LGBT is automatically labelled sexually charged by you and other homophobes but not by all of our society. Why is sex the first thing you think about when it comes to the LGBT crowd?

Just a wild guess: Because it is their SEXUAL PREFERENCE that DEFINES the LGBT crowd?

Defined by who? How are us heterosexuals defined?

Certainly NOT by our sexual preferences. :eusa_hand:

WE would not be defined by the very same behaviors those who prefer the same sex engage in. :eek:

Or any of our varied fetishes :eusa_snooty:

Isn't that right, squid man? :itsok:
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"Mommy - what do those two men do in their hotel after they've touched and fondled Mickey Mouse?"

"They push each other's stools in, Little Johnny."

Because YOU would suppose the kids would ask, and because YOU would answer it such. YOU are pure filth.
Not enough to counter the tens of thousands of gays that spend their disposable income there..:lol:

Once again we find Seawytch arguing that if there's enough money involved, inappropriate exposure of children to the LGBT "different sexuality" theme at their childrens' theme park is justified and valid.

That's a little disturbing there Seawytch. It almost sounds like you are arguing that a man in a trench coat can flash kids with a sexualized theme as long as the people opening the gate for him at the playground get slipped a $100 bill.


Because YOU would suppose the kids would ask, and because YOU would answer it such. YOU are pure filth.

Children are some of the most curious creatures on earth. And when they see a sea of red t-shirts saying "LGBT rights!" or some such similar sexualize theme at Disney, of course they're going to ask their parents what that means. And the answer has to be "those are people who try to reproduce with each other"...because maybe a parent doesn't want to go into lurid graphics of adult human sexuality to their 4 year old. Then the tot will ask, "but mommy, you told me that our girl doggie could only have puppies when a boy doggie got married to her"...

...and so the trouble beings. You either lie to the child to protect the denial system of the church of LGBT, or you change the subject. Either way the child's mind will still strive to undertsand why two people of the same gender are trying to reproduce. Maybe that's the end goal of the presence of the LGBT church at Disney? To introduce that dissonance in a child's mind to soften its logic to the idea of "experimentation outside the box"...?? Actually, I've seen the similarities for so long now between the church of LGBT, its messiah [see my signature] and the grooming behaviors of pedophiles to know that this is most likely the reason LGBTers are present, without warning, at a childrens' theme park at their busiest time of year to "expose" kids to the idea of their tweak as "normal/condoned/ok"...
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"Mommy - why are these queers running all over a children's play-park?"

"Because they're sick…. sick people, Little Johnny. Let me show you a video…."

Not enough to counter the tens of thousands of gays that spend their disposable income there..:lol:

Once again we find Seawytch arguing that if there's enough money involved, inappropriate exposure of children to the LGBT "different sexuality" theme at their childrens' theme park is justified and valid.

That's a little disturbing there Seawytch. It almost sounds like you are arguing that a man in a trench coat can flash kids with a sexualized theme as long as the people opening the gate for him at the playground get slipped a $100 bill.


Because YOU would suppose the kids would ask, and because YOU would answer it such. YOU are pure filth.

Children are some of the most curious creatures on earth. And when they see a sea of red t-shirts saying "LGBT rights!" or some such similar sexualize theme at Disney, of course they're going to ask their parents what that means. And the answer has to be "those are people who try to reproduce with each other"...because maybe a parent doesn't want to go into lurid graphics of adult human sexuality to their 4 year old. Then the tot will ask, "but mommy, you told me that our girl doggie could only have puppies when a boy doggie got married to her"...

...and so the trouble beings. You either lie to the child to protect the denial system of the church of LGBT, or you change the subject. Either way the child's mind will still strive to undertsand why two people of the same gender are trying to reproduce. Maybe that's the end goal of the presence of the LGBT church at Disney? To introduce that dissonance in a child's mind to soften its logic to the idea of "experimentation outside the box"...?? Actually, I've seen the similarities for so long now between the church of LGBT, its messiah [see my signature] and the grooming behaviors of pedophiles to know that this is most likely the reason LGBTers are present, without warning, at a childrens' theme park at their busiest time of year to "expose" kids to the idea of their tweak as "normal/condoned/ok"...
And the answer has to be "those are people who try to reproduce with each other".

No, only in your sick, twisted, exclusionary, privileged mind (mind loosely defined) does it have to be that. To the question, "Why do Johnny and Janey hold hands?" do you give a technical answer or say they like each other? Well, it's the same fucking answer if Janey and Janey hold hands, or if Johnny and Bill do the same.
To the question, "Why do Johnny and Janey hold hands?" do you give a technical answer or say they like each other? Well, it's the same fucking answer if Janey and Janey hold hands, or if Johnny and Bill do the same.

It's obvious you're a foul-mouthed racist bigot.
So the "ignore" is off again, Beanie?

Leper Colonies, very nice. Is that just for the fags or do the HIV+ straights go there too?

Yup - Ignore is off - you're fun to beat up on, you're so easy to smack around intellectually - shall we just leave it at the fact that you are "intellectually challenged" until you are able to prove otherwise.

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