Gay Day at Disney

Should the penis go in the anus?

You straight folks seem to think so...


Along with oral sex, its what straights go to prostitutes for.
Why is anyone upset about gay day at Disneyland? Haven't they been doing this for some years now? And, it doesn't seem to have hurt Disneyland any ...

Stock buyers got going early on, reacting to better-than-expected earnings late Wednesday from The Walt Disney Co

Stock market has best day of the year; Dow up 188 -

Of course, thanks to President Obama, the stock market has been roaring along for quite a while now.
Why is anyone upset about gay day at Disneyland? Haven't they been doing this for some years now? And, it doesn't seem to have hurt Disneyland any ...

It isn't about harm to Disneyland. It's about harm to children. Gay days not getting busted is like a pedophile saying, "I don't know what all the fuss is about, this has been going on for years under the national radar.." Though, I wouldn't expect you to process this topic from the viewpoint of children, obviously...

Modeling to children at a children's theme park that anal sex is OK/condoned/accepted/get used to it/try it even.. is modeling death to them. The event isn't advertised, it is sprung upon children. And it is sprung upon children at precisely the busiest time of year that children visit the theme park. This is nothing but a version of a creepy guy in an overcoat entering a schoolyard and flashing the kiddies with his "sexual preference". Sexual themes have NO BUSINESS whatsoever at a CHILDRENS' THEME PARK!
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This right here is what you sick, twisted, hating bigots resort to when your continuous and repetitive lies, misinformation, and misrepresentation don't get you the results you were hoping for:

5-year-old actress gets death threats over her Disney show?s gay characters | The Raw Story

Talerico’s show, Good Luck Charlie, introduced the two characters, Susan and Cheryl, in an episode aired on Jan. 26. Talerico’s real-life mother, Claire, notified Disney security after someone began posting messages on the actress’ Instagram account saying, “Die Mia, F*cking Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die.”

You sick motherfuckers. Threatening a FIVE year old!


Sad - Very Sad - But irrelevant

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if that came from a Gay Activist trying to whip up sympathy and publicity - it's somewhat common

Extremely common...oddly and especially right in a flurry around when the US Supreme Court is pondering another gay marriage issue like Harvey Milk vs Utah, soon to be coming in front of them this year. I'm sure we'll be treated to a rash of "gay bullying" and "gay teen suicides" media hype just a few weeks before the Hearing as well. You can set your watches by it. Though, oddly, gays don't seem to be ranting at all about the sudden spike in HIV cases in 13-24 year old boys trying out gay sex and discovering the consequences in a blood test. Seems those "gay teen deaths" aren't worthy of coverage by the church of LGBT..
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Extremely common...oddly and especially right in a flurry around when the US Supreme Court is pondering another gay marriage issue like Harvey Milk vs Utah, soon to be coming in front of them this year. I'm sure we'll be treated to a rash of "gay bullying" and "gay teen suicides" media hype just a few weeks before the Hearing as well. You can set your watches by it. Though, oddly, gays don't seem to be ranting at all about the sudden spike in HIV cases in 13-24 year old boys trying out gay sex and discovering the consequences in a blood test. Seems those "gay teen deaths" aren't worthy of coverage by the church of LGBT..

Just need to point this out. You seem to be quite the humanitarian, as you're worried about HIV cases and protecting children.

But on the flipside, you commend Vladimir Putin and talk about how you now "like Russia" and "respect Putin" because of their anti-gay laws and homophobic society while completely ignoring the fact that the government there is run like a gang of thugs that strips its society of wealth to be redistributed amongst the elite, leaving millions in poverty and starving to death. Children are dying in Russia, but that's OK (according to you) because Putin's homophobic.

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You're coming across as not a great person.
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Why is anyone upset about gay day at Disneyland? Haven't they been doing this for some years now? And, it doesn't seem to have hurt Disneyland any ...

It isn't about harm to Disneyland. It's about harm to children. Gay days not getting busted is like a pedophile saying, "I don't know what all the fuss is about, this has been going on for years under the national radar.." Though, I wouldn't expect you to process this topic from the viewpoint of children, obviously...

Modeling to children at a children's theme park that anal sex is OK/condoned/accepted/get used to it/try it even.. is modeling death to them. The event isn't advertised, it is sprung upon children. And it is sprung upon children at precisely the busiest time of year that children visit the theme park. This is nothing but a version of a creepy guy in an overcoat entering a schoolyard and flashing the kiddies with his "sexual preference". Sexual themes have NO BUSINESS whatsoever at a CHILDRENS' THEME PARK!

Nobody is "modeling sex" at Disney World. Stop making shit up.
Dear Seawytch, modeling gay is modeling a sexual theme. And it belongs nowhere near a childrens' theme park. Quit diverting things when you're uncomfortable defending the indefensible...

Just need to point this out. You seem to be quite the humanitarian, as you're worried about HIV cases and protecting children.

But on the flipside, you commend Vladimir Putin and talk about how you now "like Russia" and "respect Putin" because of their anti-gay laws and homophobic society while completely ignoring the fact that the government there is run like a gang of thugs that strips its society of wealth to be redistributed amongst the elite, leaving millions in poverty and starving to death. Children are dying in Russia, but that's OK (according to you) because Putin's homophobic.

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You're coming across as not a great person.

You put a lot of words in my mouth there pal. I didn't say I approve of the entire Russian government or all of Putin's policies, only the rationally supported homophobic ones.

Remember my little lecture on justified fear/phobia when it comes to protecting kids?...

...of course you remember. But that doesn't fit with your diversionary singsong does it?
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You put a lot of words in my mouth there pal. I didn't say I approve of the entire Russian government or all of Putin's policies, only the rationally supported homophobic ones.

Remember my little lecture on justified fear/phobia when it comes to protecting kids?...

...of course you remember. But that doesn't fit with your diversionary singsong does it?

Please Silhouette, don't backtrack. You're insulting my intelligence. You loftily spoke about how you now "respect Vladimir”, and I’m simply asking the question of how you can respect a man who runs a government that has (like a thug) stolen so much from its own people. Would you ever say you “respect Hitler” for his homophobic views? It’s a dumb thing to say, and again I’m calling you out on it.

No diversions here. Just pointing out that you're (seemingly) able to overlook some atrociously bad qualities of a person and his government because he condones the practice of arresting people for "talking about LGBT issues".

That's sad, in my view.
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Why is anyone upset about gay day at Disneyland? Haven't they been doing this for some years now? And, it doesn't seem to have hurt Disneyland any ...

It isn't about harm to Disneyland. It's about harm to children. Gay days not getting busted is like a pedophile saying, "I don't know what all the fuss is about, this has been going on for years under the national radar.." Though, I wouldn't expect you to process this topic from the viewpoint of children, obviously...

Modeling to children at a children's theme park that anal sex is OK/condoned/accepted/get used to it/try it even.. is modeling death to them. The event isn't advertised, it is sprung upon children. And it is sprung upon children at precisely the busiest time of year that children visit the theme park. This is nothing but a version of a creepy guy in an overcoat entering a schoolyard and flashing the kiddies with his "sexual preference". Sexual themes have NO BUSINESS whatsoever at a CHILDRENS' THEME PARK!

Why is the first thing that homophobes think about when it comes to gays is gay sex? EVERY. TIME.
Why is anyone upset about gay day at Disneyland? Haven't they been doing this for some years now? And, it doesn't seem to have hurt Disneyland any ...

It isn't about harm to Disneyland. It's about harm to children. Gay days not getting busted is like a pedophile saying, "I don't know what all the fuss is about, this has been going on for years under the national radar.." Though, I wouldn't expect you to process this topic from the viewpoint of children, obviously...

Modeling to children at a children's theme park that anal sex is OK/condoned/accepted/get used to it/try it even.. is modeling death to them. The event isn't advertised, it is sprung upon children. And it is sprung upon children at precisely the busiest time of year that children visit the theme park. This is nothing but a version of a creepy guy in an overcoat entering a schoolyard and flashing the kiddies with his "sexual preference". Sexual themes have NO BUSINESS whatsoever at a CHILDRENS' THEME PARK!

Why is the first thing that homophobes think about when it comes to gays is gay sex? EVERY. TIME.

Do you think they do it with straight folks too?

If I were to go to dinner (theoretically, lol of course) with Sillhouette, and bring my wife along, would he/she spend the entire evening thinking (secretly) about how frequent we have sex, what sexual positions we use, which sexual positions we use the most, etc?

Or would Sillhouette talk to us like normal human beings and leave our sex lives alone because it's no one's business but our own?
It isn't about harm to Disneyland. It's about harm to children. Gay days not getting busted is like a pedophile saying, "I don't know what all the fuss is about, this has been going on for years under the national radar.." Though, I wouldn't expect you to process this topic from the viewpoint of children, obviously...

Modeling to children at a children's theme park that anal sex is OK/condoned/accepted/get used to it/try it even.. is modeling death to them. The event isn't advertised, it is sprung upon children. And it is sprung upon children at precisely the busiest time of year that children visit the theme park. This is nothing but a version of a creepy guy in an overcoat entering a schoolyard and flashing the kiddies with his "sexual preference". Sexual themes have NO BUSINESS whatsoever at a CHILDRENS' THEME PARK!

Why is the first thing that homophobes think about when it comes to gays is gay sex? EVERY. TIME.

Do you think they do it with straight folks too?

If I were to go to dinner (theoretically, lol of course) with Sillhouette, and bring my wife along, would he/she spend the entire evening thinking (secretly) about how frequent we have sex, what sexual positions we use, which sexual positions we use the most, etc?

Or would Sillhouette talk to us like normal human beings and leave our sex lives alone because it's no one's business but our own?

Definitely the latter.

We're talking about someone who thinks gays holding hands is sexualized behavior. There is an obvious double standard with the poster we are speaking of.
Why is anyone upset about gay day at Disneyland? Haven't they been doing this for some years now? And, it doesn't seem to have hurt Disneyland any ...

It isn't about harm to Disneyland. It's about harm to children. Gay days not getting busted is like a pedophile saying, "I don't know what all the fuss is about, this has been going on for years under the national radar.." Though, I wouldn't expect you to process this topic from the viewpoint of children, obviously...

Modeling to children at a children's theme park that anal sex is OK/condoned/accepted/get used to it/try it even.. is modeling death to them. The event isn't advertised, it is sprung upon children. And it is sprung upon children at precisely the busiest time of year that children visit the theme park. This is nothing but a version of a creepy guy in an overcoat entering a schoolyard and flashing the kiddies with his "sexual preference". Sexual themes have NO BUSINESS whatsoever at a CHILDRENS' THEME PARK!

Nobody is "modeling sex" at Disney World. Stop making shit up.

She'll never stop making shit up - she'll simply add it to the heap of shit she spews in every post. It's formulaic.
You put a lot of words in my mouth there pal. I didn't say I approve of the entire Russian government or all of Putin's policies, only the rationally supported homophobic ones.

Remember my little lecture on justified fear/phobia when it comes to protecting kids?...

...of course you remember. But that doesn't fit with your diversionary singsong does it?

Please Silhouette, don't backtrack. You're insulting my intelligence. You loftily spoke about how you now "respect Vladimir”, and I’m simply asking the question of how you can respect a man who runs a government that has (like a thug) stolen so much from its own people. Would you ever say you “respect Hitler” for his homophobic views? It’s a dumb thing to say, and again I’m calling you out on it.

No diversions here. Just pointing out that you're (seemingly) able to overlook some atrociously bad qualities of a person and his government because he condones the practice of arresting people for "talking about LGBT issues".

That's sad, in my view.

Quote me where I said I worshipped the guy or all of his policies. Quote me or shut up.
She'll never stop making shit up - she'll simply add it to the heap of shit she spews in every post. It's formulaic.

Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?
Extremely common...oddly and especially right in a flurry around when the US Supreme Court is pondering another gay marriage issue like Harvey Milk vs Utah, soon to be coming in front of them this year. I'm sure we'll be treated to a rash of "gay bullying" and "gay teen suicides" media hype just a few weeks before the Hearing as well. You can set your watches by it. Though, oddly, gays don't seem to be ranting at all about the sudden spike in HIV cases in 13-24 year old boys trying out gay sex and discovering the consequences in a blood test. Seems those "gay teen deaths" aren't worthy of coverage by the church of LGBT..

Just need to point this out. You seem to be quite the humanitarian, as you're worried about HIV cases and protecting children.

But on the flipside, you commend Vladimir Putin and talk about how you now "like Russia" and "respect Putin" because of their anti-gay laws and homophobic society while completely ignoring the fact that the government there is run like a gang of thugs that strips its society of wealth to be redistributed amongst the elite, leaving millions in poverty and starving to death. Children are dying in Russia, but that's OK (according to you) because Putin's homophobic.

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You're coming across as not a great person.

Children would still be starving in Russia with or without the anti-gay laws. :eusa_boohoo:

It's Irrelevant to the Topic at Hand !

OT: After over half Century of Leftist Liberal Progressive dictatorship they never had the opp. to develop a sustainable economy. We had one and thanks to the Same Leftist Liberal Progressive Jack-Asses its evaporating. The same oxymoronic illogical machine that is promoting the Gay Agenda.
She'll never stop making shit up - she'll simply add it to the heap of shit she spews in every post. It's formulaic.

Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

He's not going to answer - he knows you're right and that there is no defendable answer to that
Why is the first thing that homophobes think about when it comes to gays is gay sex? EVERY. TIME.

Do you think they do it with straight folks too?

If I were to go to dinner (theoretically, lol of course) with Sillhouette, and bring my wife along, would he/she spend the entire evening thinking (secretly) about how frequent we have sex, what sexual positions we use, which sexual positions we use the most, etc?

Or would Sillhouette talk to us like normal human beings and leave our sex lives alone because it's no one's business but our own?

Definitely the latter.

We're talking about someone who thinks gays holding hands is sexualized behavior. There is an obvious double standard with the poster we are speaking of.

When I was a Kid I remember seeing two mongrel dogs stuck together yelping by my Bus Stop - all the kids at the bus stop were dumbfounded - It was disgusting. The sight of two perverts engaged in a liplock of other queer behavior is basically the same thing.

With the dogs they used a garden hose to get them apart :eusa_whistle:

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