Gay Day at Disney

Gay Day? Does this, truly, make Disney World the "Happiest Place On Earth?"

No, but it makes it pretty Gay. Actually, I do believe this thread is about done - stick it with a fork and turn it over - The Gay Community loses another Debate - I Love USMB - one of the few places where there is still Free Speech
Gay Day? Does this, truly, make Disney World the "Happiest Place On Earth?"

No, but it makes it pretty Gay. Actually, I do believe this thread is about done - stick it with a fork and turn it over - The Gay Community loses another Debate - I Love USMB - one of the few places where there is still Free Speech

You're conceding but the "gay community" loses? How do you figure?

Gays will still be going to Disney in June. What have we "lost"?
What have we "lost"?

You're Sanity

Don't want to be too harsh but I tend to agree. Anyone who posts in favor of and defends displaying a deviant sexual behavior known to kill children who experiment with it [gay anal sex for boys ages 13-24]...anyone who wants to visit a children's theme park and model that behavior to unsuspecting and pliable minds is really guilty of accessory to negligent homicide of children. If you really think about it, that's what's going on.

Whether they are aware that the lower digestive tract, the colon specifically, is like a superhighway to the HIV virus directly into the bloodstream, what they are teaching the kids by example is that they should "be accepting of" mainlining HIV right into a vein, essentially.

The digestive tract once you get past the small intestine is a ONE-WAY system. It was designed to expel, not receive. As such, its evolution is not prepared to diffentiate between its own vitamins and fluids and those virus laden fluids introduced into it. If people knew more about the biology of the colon, they would never stick anything in there that they didn't want to mainline with a syringe. For it is essentially the same activity.

Teach that to the kids in the first week of June. Make it "colon awareness day" at Disney. Then the theme park would be saving lives instead of setting them up to die..
Not if you "married" in California after the two propositions passed limiting marriage [as it is written still in the CA Constitution to this day] to between a man and a woman.

When Harvey Milk vs Utah is decided and the public reminded a state's "unquestioned authority" retroactive to the founding of the country to have a consensus on gay marriage, as broad as possible, your "marriage" will be as valid as an underaged driver's license trying to get into a bar.

Yes, in CA I married my Princess Charming...filed joint taxes too. :eek:

You do realize we've always been able to marry in a church too, right?

I can marry my toaster too if I want. A gal in Seattle married a building. Playing pretend is something it seems that LGBT folks are good at. They pretend, for example, that one of them is a man and one is a woman. Odd for a "gay" couple, wouldn't you say?

You can skew the truth all you want, but little kids at Disney can see what is plainly in front of their faces. If two women are walking by fondling each other, one essentially a "man with breasts" for all appearances and the other relatively feminine looking, a kid just asks, "mommy, why does that lady try to dress and act like a man with that other lady.". And mommy is at a loss for words really. It isn't really accurate to say that both women are lesbians full on is it? One of them clearly is attracted to men but just can't quite make the leap for some reason... This type of mind warp isn't what families save up a lifetime for to visit Disney just out of school in June with no warning what's coming at them. Until we have clear answers on why some lesbians are attracted to "men" and why some gays are attracted to "femmes/bottoms", we should not be parading this spectacle in front of kids at their theme park without a clear explanation to give them what's really going on...

Fondling and sexual PDA is inappropriate within a child's theme park. We all agree.

However, simply walking around peacefully with your gay partner is not inappropriate.
Fondling and sexual PDA is inappropriate within a child's theme park. We all agree.

However, simply walking around peacefully with your gay partner is not inappropriate.

Walking around peacefully with a member of your same gender is one thing. That's as long as gays can restrain themselves from acting lewd with rampant PDAs, gesticulations, innuendo to sex in their speech and mannerisms all day long. However, my experience living near the Bay Area in CA has taught me that these rare exceptions would not protect children from lewd exposure at "gay days" at Disney, purposefully calculated to fall on the busiest child-participation week AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK.

Wearing a red T-shirt and advertising your weird sexual tweak, that just happens to be causing a deadly epidemic in children right at this moment, is as bad as PDAs or lewd behavior. It is instilling an deadly idea in impressionable minds. It is saying to them [for they will ask and people cannot lie to a child], "anal sex is good". And that is a very, very deadly idea to impart to impressionable children just on the threshold of sexual experimentation to find their ultimate sexuality:

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC data, released today, raises new questions about how to prevent young people from contracting a disease that global advocates have been hoping they might be able to stop....

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men...

...Despite the publicity surrounding global efforts to raise awareness about the disease, like World AIDS Day, on Dec. 1, most young people surveyed said they “rarely” or “never” saw or read coverage about HIV in the past year, although a majority reported learning about the disease in school. Young gay or bisexual minority men, the group most likely to become infected, were the least likely to say they had received sex education in school.

The CDC didn’t announce new initiatives today, but last year, the department awarded $55 million over five years to 34 community-based groups to expand HIV prevention services for young gay, bisexual and transgender men of color. CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People | ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

That $55 million could be quite nicely spread out in programs teaching very young children that anal sex will most likely lead to death. All they'd have to do is call it the "colon/lower digestive tract education fund" for very young, say 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students to learn that the lower digestive tract is not set up evolutionarily for sex. That the colon is like a permeable surface leading directly to the bloodstream and any foreign fluids introduced, along with viruses, are like sticking a syringe directly into a vein and injecting that substance.

Teach them that in those grade ages and you will see as sudden of a drop in HIV in boys ages 13-24 as you have the sharp rise in just the years that things like "gay days" at Disney have been going marriage forced on the states and any other displays of "deviant anal sex is good" paraded in front of children...TV comes to mind...
What have we "lost"?

You're* Sanity

Funny, I'm not the one freaking out over red t-shirts at DisneyWorld.

Oh, and it's your*

You're welcome.

Holy Moly - do you ever even bother to read what someone else has posted b4 spouting off - apparently you ignored 90% of his post.

You are on My Ignore List - you have absolutely nothing of any substance to add to any intelligent conversation - You're simply a waste of a carcass.
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Fondling and sexual PDA is inappropriate within a child's theme park. We all agree.

However, simply walking around peacefully with your gay partner is not inappropriate.

Walking around peacefully with a member of your same gender is one thing. That's as long as gays can restrain themselves from acting lewd with rampant PDAs, gesticulations, innuendo to sex in their speech and mannerisms all day long. However, my experience living near the Bay Area in CA has taught me that these rare exceptions would not protect children from lewd exposure at "gay days" at Disney, purposefully calculated to fall on the busiest child-participation week AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK.

Wearing a red T-shirt and advertising your weird sexual tweak, that just happens to be causing a deadly epidemic in children right at this moment, is as bad as PDAs or lewd behavior. It is instilling an deadly idea in impressionable minds. It is saying to them [for they will ask and people cannot lie to a child], "anal sex is good". And that is a very, very deadly idea to impart to impressionable children just on the threshold of sexual experimentation to find their ultimate sexuality:

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC data, released today, raises new questions about how to prevent young people from contracting a disease that global advocates have been hoping they might be able to stop....

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men...

...Despite the publicity surrounding global efforts to raise awareness about the disease, like World AIDS Day, on Dec. 1, most young people surveyed said they “rarely” or “never” saw or read coverage about HIV in the past year, although a majority reported learning about the disease in school. Young gay or bisexual minority men, the group most likely to become infected, were the least likely to say they had received sex education in school.

The CDC didn’t announce new initiatives today, but last year, the department awarded $55 million over five years to 34 community-based groups to expand HIV prevention services for young gay, bisexual and transgender men of color. CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People | ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS

That $55 million could be quite nicely spread out in programs teaching very young children that anal sex will most likely lead to death. All they'd have to do is call it the "colon/lower digestive tract education fund" for very young, say 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students to learn that the lower digestive tract is not set up evolutionarily for sex. That the colon is like a permeable surface leading directly to the bloodstream and any foreign fluids introduced, along with viruses, are like sticking a syringe directly into a vein and injecting that substance.

Teach them that in those grade ages and you will see as sudden of a drop in HIV in boys ages 13-24 as you have the sharp rise in just the years that things like "gay days" at Disney have been going marriage forced on the states and any other displays of "deviant anal sex is good" paraded in front of children...TV comes to mind...

The anus was designed to hold in feces. The anus is surrounded with a ring-like muscle, called the anal sphincter, which tightens after we defecate. When the muscle is tight, anal penetration can be painful and difficult. Repetitive anal sex may lead to weakening of the anal sphincter, making it difficult to hold in feces until you can get to the toilet. Perhaps that would explain why the Homosexuals on this thread keep spewing their shit all over the place.
Gays are not prohibited from Disneyland except for gay days. They go all the time, quite peacefully too.
Gays are not prohibited from Disneyland except for gay days. They go all the time, quite peacefully too.

As long as nobody knows they are gay there is no harm done to the children. The minute they start advertising their gayness is when the problem begins. Children shouldn't be taught that deviant and dangerous sex is "OK, fine, condoned by society". It's not. Kids are getting HIV at record rates these days. The cure is to shut down the fad.
Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.

Pretty much what goes on at all the Gay Day events I've been to....but for some odd reason, some people look at gay people and think only sex, sex, and more sex. Even more than we ever do.

When you dress and act like this

what do you expect...:eek:

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence! I love those guys! they're hawt

Meanwhile, very bad photoshop
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This right here is what you sick, twisted, hating bigots resort to when your continuous and repetitive lies, misinformation, and misrepresentation don't get you the results you were hoping for:

5-year-old actress gets death threats over her Disney show?s gay characters | The Raw Story

Talerico’s show, Good Luck Charlie, introduced the two characters, Susan and Cheryl, in an episode aired on Jan. 26. Talerico’s real-life mother, Claire, notified Disney security after someone began posting messages on the actress’ Instagram account saying, “Die Mia, F*cking Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die.”

You sick motherfuckers. Threatening a FIVE year old!

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You're* Sanity

Funny, I'm not the one freaking out over red t-shirts at DisneyWorld.

Oh, and it's your*

You're welcome.

Holy Moly - do you ever even bother to read what someone else has posted b4 spouting off - apparently you ignored 90% of his post.

You are on My Ignore List - you have absolutely nothing of any substance to add to any intelligent conversation - You're simply a waste of a carcass.


Once confronted with the fact of your ignorance and hate you close your mind to that fact.
Gays are not prohibited from Disneyland except for gay days. They go all the time, quite peacefully too.

As long as nobody knows they are gay there is no harm done to the children. The minute they start advertising their gayness is when the problem begins. Children shouldn't be taught that deviant and dangerous sex is "OK, fine, condoned by society". It's not. Kids are getting HIV at record rates these days. The cure is to shut down the fad.

Sorry Sil, we're not going back in the closet so you don't have to feel all "icky" (if that's really what you're feeling) when you see gays holding hands in public.

If "kids" are getting HIV at record rates, what needs to be shut down is sex education programs that don't include comprehensive education on condom use and application.
Should the penis go in the anus?

You straight folks seem to think so...

This right here is what you sick, twisted, hating bigots resort to when your continuous and repetitive lies, misinformation, and misrepresentation don't get you the results you were hoping for:

5-year-old actress gets death threats over her Disney show?s gay characters | The Raw Story

Talerico’s show, Good Luck Charlie, introduced the two characters, Susan and Cheryl, in an episode aired on Jan. 26. Talerico’s real-life mother, Claire, notified Disney security after someone began posting messages on the actress’ Instagram account saying, “Die Mia, F*cking Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die.”

You sick motherfuckers. Threatening a FIVE year old!


Sad - Very Sad - But irrelevant

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if that came from a Gay Activist trying to whip up sympathy and publicity - it's somewhat common

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