Gay Day at Disney

"Mommy - what does AIDS mean?"

"It means Another Infected Dick Sucker, Little Johnnie"

Johnnie - "so heterosexual people can't be infected?"

Mommy - "no, that is absolutely impossible. Oh yea, and Unicorns are real too".

Correct...heterosexual people can't get infected, soooooo, bang away without protection.

Obviously straights can't get infected.

I got neg-repped for repeating what Warrior was saying, by Warrior.
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Johnnie - "so heterosexual people can't be infected?"

Mommy - "no, that is absolutely impossible. Oh yea, and Unicorns are real too".

Correct...heterosexual people can't get infected, soooooo, bang away without protection.

Obviously straights can't get infected.

One thing I can't understand - however - is why would he neg rep me for literally repeating something that he said?
Because Warbler really doesn't like to have gays put down...unless he does it in a fit of self-hatred....which he gets a lot of. :D
I'm not the one who posted the article, the person who posted it did so with the misconception that it was being presented to an intelligent opponent - he was mistaken.

It took me a 2 minutes to gather that info. although I had an advantage as I already know Mr. Werner in a professional capacity. If you took some effort perhaps it would have taken you 15 .... Next time try researching b4 posting - it sure beats putting your foot in your mouth.

Hey if it takes that long to gather the info, why didn't you or Silhouette do it the first 9 times I asked?

Shouldn't have had to - Debate involves researching a topic b4 you you spout off . A good trial lawyer will never ask a question he doesn't already know the answer to - you would not make a good lawyer

Now we have - what looks like a credible person saying that the gay days are a bit overtly sexual. I'll take that as a good piece of solid info. I'm legitimately trying to have a debate here.

Okay ....

Again, as I mentioned I've done some research on my end and some people (like Pete) say it can be bad, and some say "they don't even realize it's Gay Day" - which reinforces some of the G-rated pics I posted earlier from shots of the event. Should this singular piece of testimony be enough to condemn the whole of gay days? I don't think so.

The question should be - do you want your kids, or any kids for that matter exposed to it. This is a CHILDRENS THEME PARK - it should not be used as an opportunity for Gay Activists to Push their Agenda - it's basically an Ambush of the unknowing and unsuspecting families who simply went there for a FAMILY VACATION and got bushwacked by perverts.

So far as these " "they don't even realize it's Gay Day" - what are their credentials - how do we know they're not propogandists or sock puppets why aren't these "some people" held up to the same litmus test as silhouettes source ? Who are these "SOME PEOPLE" , are they as credible as Peter Werner ?? --- I find that highly unlikely .
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The question should be - do you want your kids, or any kids for that matter exposed to it. This is a CHILDRENS THEME PARK - it should not be used as an opportunity for Gay Activists to Push their Agenda - it's basically an Ambush of the unknowing and unsuspecting families who simply went there for a FAMILY VACATION and got bushwacked by perverts.

The church of LGBT knows precisely what they're doing. That's why they didn't make it a closed event. And that's why they schedule "gay days" at Disney during perhaps the busiest week of their year: the most kiddies showing up.

They have their demostration/exhibition precisely because kiddies will be showing up unawares and in the largest numbers possible.

The selection of the date and the fact that it is unannounced to the public = purposeful exposure to children of inappropriate sexuality. Which is illegal. Pardon the pun but Disney has its ass hanging out on this one. One good lawyer and some shocked kids/parents and Disney is going to court.
The question should be - do you want your kids, or any kids for that matter exposed to it. This is a CHILDRENS THEME PARK - it should not be used as an opportunity for Gay Activists to Push their Agenda - it's basically an Ambush of the unknowing and unsuspecting families who simply went there for a FAMILY VACATION and got bushwacked by perverts.

The church of LGBT knows precisely what they're doing. That's why they didn't make it a closed event. And that's why they schedule "gay days" at Disney during perhaps the busiest week of their year: the most kiddies showing up.

They have their demostration/exhibition precisely because kiddies will be showing up unawares and in the largest numbers possible.

The selection of the date and the fact that it is unannounced to the public = purposeful exposure to children of inappropriate sexuality. Which is illegal. Pardon the pun but Disney has its ass hanging out on this one. One good lawyer and some shocked kids/parents and Disney is going to court.

Listen - I definitely think there's two sides to this coin.

One side is what you folks (and myself, quite frankly) would be against which is vulgar displays of PDA, skimpy shorts, overtly sexual acts, etc, at a Children's theme park. I wouldn't want kids having to view that either, and would kick the guests out immediately if they wouldn't modify their behavior.

The other side - however - is that a lot of anti-gay folks seem to ONLY FOCUS on the gay people having sex. Sex this, sex that, they're perverts, blah blah blah. Sometimes the purpose of a Gay day is simply for a GAY FAMILY to feel accepted out in public as a family. It has nothing to do with sex.

I've been to my gay sister in laws house maybe 60 times, and have never witnessed her and her partner have sex, talk about sex, conduct lewd acts, etc. They're just a regular family.

In short:
1.) Lewd acts, overtly sexual behavior bad @ Disney (for gay/straight)
2.) Walking around as a family, behaving appropriately is OK @ Disney (for gay/straight)
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The question should be - do you want your kids, or any kids for that matter exposed to it. This is a CHILDRENS THEME PARK - it should not be used as an opportunity for Gay Activists to Push their Agenda - it's basically an Ambush of the unknowing and unsuspecting families who simply went there for a FAMILY VACATION and got bushwacked by perverts.

The church of LGBT knows precisely what they're doing. That's why they didn't make it a closed event. And that's why they schedule "gay days" at Disney during perhaps the busiest week of their year: the most kiddies showing up.

They have their demostration/exhibition precisely because kiddies will be showing up unawares and in the largest numbers possible.

The selection of the date and the fact that it is unannounced to the public = purposeful exposure to children of inappropriate sexuality. Which is illegal. Pardon the pun but Disney has its ass hanging out on this one. One good lawyer and some shocked kids/parents and Disney is going to court.

Listen - I definitely think there's two sides to this coin.

One side is what you folks (and myself, quite frankly) would be against which is vulgar displays of PDA, skimpy shorts, overtly sexual acts, etc, at a Children's theme park. I wouldn't want kids having to view that either, and would kick the guests out immediately if they wouldn't modify their behavior.

The other side - however - is that a lot of anti-gay folks seem to ONLY FOCUS on the gay people having sex. Sex this, sex that, they're perverts, blah blah blah. Sometimes the purpose of a Gay day is simply for a GAY FAMILY to feel accepted out in public as a family. It has nothing to do with sex.

I've been to my gay sister in laws house maybe 60 times, and have never witnessed her and her partner have sex, talk about sex, conduct lewd acts, etc. They're just a regular family.

In short:
1.) Lewd acts, overtly sexual behavior bad @ Disney (for gay/straight)
2.) Walking around as a family, behaving appropriately is OK @ Disney (for gay/straight)

1.} The type of behavior referred to is generally not an activity women engage in -Lesbian or not

2.} She is Family - even if she were that kind of person - I'm sure she would show restraint when you're there.

The primary problem in this aspect of Homosexuality is not so much females it's the males.
Straight folks can and do get HIV/AIDS...from drug use through veins and through unprotected sex...

Hey, you want to talk about AIDS right? What do you think about the sudden and sharp rise in "gay" boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV from anal sex? If gays are "born that way", why the sudden rise just in the same years all the advertising of "gay is OK" to youth through media and now marriage? Could it be a case of monkey-see, monkey-do?

Among men who have sex with men those 13–24 years of age had the greatest percentage increase (53%) in diagnoses of HIV infection from 2006 through 2009...

...Recognizing these troubling trends, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) notes that to achieve the goal of reducing new HIV infections, it is important that all Americans have access to a common baseline of information about the current HIV epidemic. This includes knowing how HIV is transmitted and prevented, and knowing which behaviors place individuals at greatest risk for infection. The NHAS calls for providing and promoting appropriate HIV and STI infection prevention education for all Americans to effectively encourage people across the age span to take steps to reduce their risk for infection. The Strategy specifically affirms that “educating young people about HIV before they begin engaging in behaviors that place them at risk for HIV infection should be a priority” and acknowledges roles for both parents and schools in providing this education. - See more at: ? New National Resource Center to Prevent HIV/AIDS among Adolescents

Guess what behavior placing boys at highest risk for HIV? Anal sex.

Guess what age group needs to be targeted to reduce HIV before anal sex begins? Young kids.

Guess what behaviors therefore, would be in appropriate to parade in front of kids as "acceptable, normal, OK"? Gayness, and via gayness, the suggestion implied of anal sex.

Guess which place would be the worst place on earth to have an ambush on children depicting "gayness" as "normal"? At a theme park called "Disney" dedicated to children...the epitome of the magic of childhood actually.


The colon is the lower part of the digestive tract. It evolved over millions of years to absorb fluids and large dissolved particles back into the blood stream in times of famine or drought. It is nature's recycler and protector of life. But it comes with a issue for gay men...

..That issue is its resorptive properties. Depositing things in the anus is like drinking them right into your bloodstream. The colon has no way of deciphering between large dissolved vitamins on their way out and HIV infected semen on its way in. The colon is a one way organ. Gays turning it into a 2-way organ means they are doing the equivalent of mainlining directly into a vein, HIV infected semen. Viruses tend to be larger on a molecular level but the colon allows larger things to be resorbed. So the colon is like a wide open door with a "welcome" mat for the HIV virus. This is why anal sex carries the highest risk of all sex for transmission of HIV.

Gay men need to learn the basic biology of the colon to understand why AIDS is such a pernicious problem in the inducted ranks: including the newly inducted 13-24 year old "gay" boys..
Hey if it takes that long to gather the info, why didn't you or Silhouette do it the first 9 times I asked?

I'd provided those quotes and the link many many pages back bro. It's not my responsibility to hold your hand and help you scroll back through the thread if you are a Johnny come lately here..

If you want information, here's some more:

Straight folks can and do get HIV/AIDS...from drug use through veins and through unprotected sex...

Hey, you want to talk about AIDS right? What do you think about the sudden and sharp rise in "gay" boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV from anal sex? If gays are "born that way", why the sudden rise just in the same years all the advertising of "gay is OK" to youth through media and now marriage? Could it be a case of monkey-see, monkey-do?

Among men who have sex with men those 13–24 years of age had the greatest percentage increase (53%) in diagnoses of HIV infection from 2006 through 2009...

...Recognizing these troubling trends, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) notes that to achieve the goal of reducing new HIV infections, it is important that all Americans have access to a common baseline of information about the current HIV epidemic. This includes knowing how HIV is transmitted and prevented, and knowing which behaviors place individuals at greatest risk for infection. The NHAS calls for providing and promoting appropriate HIV and STI infection prevention education for all Americans to effectively encourage people across the age span to take steps to reduce their risk for infection. The Strategy specifically affirms that “educating young people about HIV before they begin engaging in behaviors that place them at risk for HIV infection should be a priority” and acknowledges roles for both parents and schools in providing this education. - See more at: ? New National Resource Center to Prevent HIV/AIDS among Adolescents

Guess what behavior placing boys at highest risk for HIV? Anal sex.

Guess what age group needs to be targeted to reduce HIV before anal sex begins? Young kids.

Guess what behaviors therefore, would be in appropriate to parade in front of kids as "acceptable, normal, OK"? Gayness, and via gayness, the suggestion implied of anal sex.

Guess which place would be the worst place on earth to have an ambush on children depicting "gayness" as "normal"? At a theme park called "Disney" dedicated to children...the epitome of the magic of childhood actually.


The colon is the lower part of the digestive tract. It evolved over millions of years to absorb fluids and large dissolved particles back into the blood stream in times of famine or drought. It is nature's recycler and protector of life. But it comes with a issue for gay men...

..That issue is its resorptive properties. Depositing things in the anus is like drinking them right into your bloodstream. [Think of coffee enemas that were popular some time back for some reason?: the person felt the caffeine right away] The colon has no way of deciphering between large dissolved vitamins on their way out and HIV infected semen on its way in. The colon is a one way organ. Gays turning it into a 2-way organ means they are doing the equivalent of mainlining directly into a vein, HIV infected semen. Viruses tend to be larger on a molecular level but the colon allows larger things to be resorbed. So the colon is like a wide open door with a "welcome" mat for the HIV virus. This is why anal sex carries the highest risk of all sex for transmission of HIV.

Gay men need to learn the basic biology of the colon to understand why AIDS is such a pernicious problem in the inducted ranks: including the newly inducted 13-24 year old "gay" boys..
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I'd provided those quotes and the link many many pages back bro. It's not my responsibility to hold your hand and help you scroll back through the thread if you are a Johnny come lately here..

Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.

I'd provided those quotes and the link many many pages back bro. It's not my responsibility to hold your hand and help you scroll back through the thread if you are a Johnny come lately here..

Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.

Pretty much what goes on at all the Gay Day events I've been to....but for some odd reason, some people look at gay people and think only sex, sex, and more sex. Even more than we ever do.
Pretty much what goes on at all the Gay Day events I've been to....but for some odd reason, some people look at gay people and think only sex, sex, and more sex. Even more than we ever do.

I think this is the heart of the conversation.

I think most people - gay and straight - would be against excessive PDA, skimpy sexualized clothing, drugs, etc at a Children's theme park. No fault there.

However, if you're upset that a person is simply wearing a red t-shirt, is gay, and "at gay day" at Disney they you've got your own set of problems...
I'm not going to bother to read all of the posts, but if any if my fellow conservatives are complaining about Disney's recent abandonment if family values, I have to point out that Disney has not espoused family values in a very long time. Here's what mean:

Name a Disney movie where both parents were there for a child. Most times one or both of the parents are dead. Most of the time if the father is alive, he's a dottering old fool, if the mom is alive she is either a evil step mother or just plain evil. The child usually disobeys the parents and rather than suffer the consequences, the child is victorious in the end.

Name a Disney movie that promoted family values.
I'm not going to bother to read all of the posts, but if any if my fellow conservatives are complaining about Disney's recent abandonment if family values, I have to point out that Disney has not espoused family values in a very long time. Here's what mean:

Name a Disney movie where both parents were there for a child. Most times one or both of the parents are dead. Most of the time if the father is alive, he's a dottering old fool, if the mom is alive she is either a evil step mother or just plain evil. The child usually disobeys the parents and rather than suffer the consequences, the child is victorious in the end.

Name a Disney movie that promoted family values.

Disney makes more than the Princess movies you know. It's not Disney's fault all the fairy tale heroines come from tragic backgrounds.
Straight folks can and do get HIV/AIDS...from drug use through veins and through unprotected sex...

Hey, you want to talk about AIDS right? What do you think about the sudden and sharp rise in "gay" boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV from anal sex? If gays are "born that way", why the sudden rise just in the same years all the advertising of "gay is OK" to youth through media and now marriage? Could it be a case of monkey-see, monkey-do?

Among men who have sex with men those 13–24 years of age had the greatest percentage increase (53%) in diagnoses of HIV infection from 2006 through 2009...

...Recognizing these troubling trends, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) notes that to achieve the goal of reducing new HIV infections, it is important that all Americans have access to a common baseline of information about the current HIV epidemic. This includes knowing how HIV is transmitted and prevented, and knowing which behaviors place individuals at greatest risk for infection. The NHAS calls for providing and promoting appropriate HIV and STI infection prevention education for all Americans to effectively encourage people across the age span to take steps to reduce their risk for infection. The Strategy specifically affirms that “educating young people about HIV before they begin engaging in behaviors that place them at risk for HIV infection should be a priority” and acknowledges roles for both parents and schools in providing this education. - See more at: ? New National Resource Center to Prevent HIV/AIDS among Adolescents

Guess what behavior placing boys at highest risk for HIV? Anal sex.

Guess what age group needs to be targeted to reduce HIV before anal sex begins? Young kids.

Guess what behaviors therefore, would be in appropriate to parade in front of kids as "acceptable, normal, OK"? Gayness, and via gayness, the suggestion implied of anal sex.

Guess which place would be the worst place on earth to have an ambush on children depicting "gayness" as "normal"? At a theme park called "Disney" dedicated to children...the epitome of the magic of childhood actually.


The colon is the lower part of the digestive tract. It evolved over millions of years to absorb fluids and large dissolved particles back into the blood stream in times of famine or drought. It is nature's recycler and protector of life. But it comes with a issue for gay men...

..That issue is its resorptive properties. Depositing things in the anus is like drinking them right into your bloodstream. The colon has no way of deciphering between large dissolved vitamins on their way out and HIV infected semen on its way in. The colon is a one way organ. Gays turning it into a 2-way organ means they are doing the equivalent of mainlining directly into a vein, HIV infected semen. Viruses tend to be larger on a molecular level but the colon allows larger things to be resorbed. So the colon is like a wide open door with a "welcome" mat for the HIV virus. This is why anal sex carries the highest risk of all sex for transmission of HIV.

Gay men need to learn the basic biology of the colon to understand why AIDS is such a pernicious problem in the inducted ranks: including the newly inducted 13-24 year old "gay" boys..

Do you support then, as I do, comprehensive sex education, including teaching about condom use for all forms of sexual activity?
Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.


Well, if you hate all that stuff you just mentioned, be darned sure not to visit any gay pride parade in a town near you. [This one happened in the Heartland with kids around as it went down main street in the middle of the day]


And while you said that the event at Disney is "mainly" comprised of the benign red t shirt wearers, there can be zero "representin'" in any similar manner around children. Yet the article written by the man who says he's witnessed gay days for years now says that it is one and the same as a gay pride parade.

Which is unacceptable.

Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.


Well, if you hate all that stuff you just mentioned, be darned sure not to visit any gay pride parade in a town near you. [This one happened in the Heartland with kids around as it went down main street in the middle of the day]


And while you said that the event at Disney is "mainly" comprised of the benign red t shirt wearers, there can be zero "representin'" in any similar manner around children. Yet the article written by the man who says he's witnessed gay days for years now says that it is one and the same as a gay pride parade.

Which is unacceptable.

Me - I'd be against anyone excessively making out, wearing sexual/skimpy clothing, etc at a Gay Day at Disney. Not good stuff to have around children.

And yes, we have one eyewitness account saying it's been that way. But two things:

1.) It's one eyewitness account. Again, how do I know this guy didn't get sued by Disney or something and is enacting an inflammatory revenge post, etc? I need more evidence building the case that the sexual stuff is excessive.

2.) If Gay Day is in fact out of hand, how about we work to "clean it up" vs abolish it all together. Strict rules on excessive PDA, dress code, etc?

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