Gay Day at Disney

"Mommy, why are those two men holding hands and kissing?"

"Because they're pole-smoking faggots, little Johnny."

Yes, that's one way of putting it. Normal folks not blinded by their bigoted hatred would simply say "because they love each other like Mommy and Daddy do".
The Disney Organization , under it's current Regime is an Allie of the Gay Agenda.

They own Not only Walt Disney Productions and Theme Parks, but also own ABC Television Network and ABC News, Marvel Entertainment which includes Marvel Comics Xmen, and other fantasy fiction aimed at Youth, Touchstone Pictures, They own 50% of A&E Networks and ESPN, they are well endowed in the Music Industry as well with control of not only Walt Disney Records, Disney Music Publishing, Touchstone Pictures Music & Songs, Inc.

Touchstone Songs, Hollywood Records, Wonderland Music Company, Bueva Vista Concerts and more...

Of course, this is not the first time Disney has actively and strongly promoted homosexuality. Let us briefly consider some of these other examples:

Ellen came out of the closet to declare her lesbianism in 1996. ABC, a Disney company, achieved ratings that were much higher than normal because of the publicity surrounding this unprecedented event.

ABC is also releasing a movie that depicts two lesbian couples fighting a court battle to keep the custody of the young son of one of the women in this relationship.

Disney Children’s Book Division published two pro-homosexual books targeted for young minds. They were titled, "Lettin' It All Hang Out" and "Growing Up Gay". Growing Up Gay was authored by three homosexual comedians who aim their book at "gay youngsters who were bred by heterosexuals".

You said "well endowed". :lol:

They just can't help the homoeroticism. ;)

It's SO Freudian when they talk about gays "shoving it down their throats". :D
You nutters need to get your stories straight...half say Disney shouldn't promote it and the other half say they should. Here's a tip...don't go to Orlando in June.

This isn't about statistics. This is about exposing children to perversion which is illegal. I don't care if 95% of voters approve of exposing children to lewd sexuality. The minority voice prevails when it comes to child endangerment, physical AND psychological.

Here's Seawytch paraphrased, "well, lewd acts in front of kids are OK as long as a lot of people say it's OK and if enough money is being made off of it.."

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow WOW!! How deeply enmeshed do you have to be in San Francisco blue districts to think that way? Even the far left has a problem with that mentality. There isn't even a category for how far left that type of thinking is. I think it has just gone into "patently and unabashedly insane."

If Disney supports this type of mentality, I agree with Seawytch's tip: Don't go to Orlando in June, or ever, until "Gay Days" to the open public, stops!

Sillouette - You can't just make up things about Gay day and expect everyone else around you to believe it like you're the center of the world's attention. That's not how things work. First, you must start by presenting us with some convincing evidence that demonstrates your claim - "that gays are acting in a perverted way @ Disney" - is true.

So far you have not presented the group with anything except your own speculations about the event.

The only verifiable photos I've seen from the ACTUAL gay day at Disney is of a bunch of men and women in red shirts doing theme park stuff. That's it.
Sillouette - You can't just make up things about Gay day and expect everyone else around you to believe it like you're the center of the world's attention. That's not how things work. First, you must start by presenting us with some convincing evidence that demonstrates your claim - "that gays are acting in a perverted way @ Disney" - is true.

So far you have not presented the group with anything except your own speculations about the event.

The only verifiable photos I've seen from the ACTUAL gay day at Disney is of a bunch of men and women in red shirts doing theme park stuff. That's it.

In court, eyewitness accounts are admissable along with photos.

Here's an eyewitness account that I long ago provided here:

Authors Note: This article pertains mainly to the Saturday event during Gay Days. The rest of the week is fairly benign. My suggestion to those who wish to avoid the event is to avoid the Magic Kingdom on the first Saturday of June. During the week, a different theme park is featured for the "Gay Days" event. If you wish to avoid the crowds, I suggest that you avoid the scheduled park for that day.

The Gay Days schedule for 2014:
Thu, June 5 - Animal Kingdom
Fri, June 6 - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Sat, June 7 - Magic Kingdom
Sun, June 8 - Epcot

“Go get a room."

That’s exactly what I feel like yelling this time every year as Gay Days descend upon Orlando. I know that during the first week in June, unsuspecting families and otherwise good and reasonable people will, at times, be confronted with images and events they would probably rather not see or experience on their family vacation. These people paid to visit Disney World, but during the first week in June, it looks a lot more like South Beach....

...I’ve watched over the years as Gay Days has grown in scope and size. What once was a small group of well-meaning gay men and lesbians has grown – and in my opinion, deformed – into what is now nothing more than a vile spectacle of self indulgence and indecency....

...Over the years I have heard about, and have witnessed, what is commonly referred to as PDA (public displays of affection) during gay days, and almost always it’s done in full view of a family, or at least children. I don’t care if you’re straight or gay, there are some things kids don’t need to see – and trust me, two queens frenching outside Cinderella castle is really high on that list.

I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing? Is it really up to any person to decide for that parent when, or if, they will have that conversation with their child?...

...I’m sure most of the free world would appreciate a visit to Disney World that did not include the vision of grown men in go-go shorts, and ads for lubricant prominently displayed throughout the host hotel. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of ‘image’ at the host hotel (this year it was the Sheraton World on International Drive)– the line of beer trucks outside the resort was a nice touch, and the liquor kiosks and condom ads every 5 feet will certainly not further the image of us as a bunch of drunken sex fiends....

...the ‘Night of Joy’ (the Christian concert that takes place at the Magic Kingdom each year) is a hard ticket event – meaning that it’s not open to the public, and requires separate admission. The Magic Kingdom is closed down to the public at a certain time, and only those people that CHOOSE to be there are allowed in. Families that come to the Magic Kingdom on Gay Days are not afforded the luxury of choice. Since Disney does not sanction the event, it’s not mentioned anywhere, or to anyone booking a reservation during that week....’s far from it. Trust me, if a religious group organized 100,000 Christians to go and ‘make yourself known’ in the Magic Kingdom one day a year – and began rubbing their lifestyles in the faces of visitors by preaching to them as they tried to ride Space Mountain – plenty of people would be up in arms Disney Gay Days - Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year
In court, eyewitness accounts are admissable along with photos.

Here's an eyewitness account that I long ago provided here:

Lol, yes - REAL eye witnesses like a security guard who was working the night of the crime, or an old lady who lives across the apt where the incident happened.

Not a random internet person who "said something once" on a forum. We don't even know if this person lives in the United States for Pete's sake! How do you know this isn't a fake testimony created by an anti-gay group in Florida? How do you know this isn't some straight old Chinese man who hasn't left his Hong Kong apt in 20 years?

That's my point - we have no way of verifying any of the info this person says. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
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"Mommy, why are those two men holding hands and kissing?"

"Because they're pole-smoking faggots, little Johnny."

Yes, that's one way of putting it. Normal folks not blinded by their bigoted hatred would simply say "because they love each other like Mommy and Daddy do".

Another way would be "Because they don't know any better , they're sick , stay away from those people" "
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a random internet person who "said something once" on a forum. We don't even know if this person lives in the United States for Pete's sake! How do you know this isn't a fake testimony created by an anti-gay group in Florida? How do you know this isn't some straight old Chinese man who hasn't left his Hong Kong apt in 20 years?

His name is Peter Werrner

You can reach him on Twitter -

He is the President of Werner Technologies
CEO of Dreams Unlimited Travel, Inc.
Webmaster of all sites in the Destination-Orlando network.

You can also reach him at [email protected]

He is a respectable Gay - not too many of those around - respectable that is

Hardly a Random Internet Person
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"Mommy, why are those two men holding hands and kissing?"

"Because they're pole-smoking faggots, little Johnny."

Yes, that's one way of putting it. Normal folks not blinded by their bigoted hatred would simply say "because they love each other like Mommy and Daddy do".

"But Mommy - didn't God proclaim that marriage is between a man and a woman?"

"Yes Johnnie - but unfortunately, God created filthy sick people for us to use as examples of what is morally wrong."
a random internet person who "said something once" on a forum. We don't even know if this person lives in the United States for Pete's sake! How do you know this isn't a fake testimony created by an anti-gay group in Florida? How do you know this isn't some straight old Chinese man who hasn't left his Hong Kong apt in 20 years?

His name is Peter Werrner

You can reach him on Twitter -

He is the President of Werner Technologies
CEO of Dreams Unlimited Travel, Inc.
Webmaster of all sites in the Destination-Orlando network.

You can also reach him at [email protected]

He is a respectable Gay - not too many of those around - respectable that is

Hardly a Random Internet Person

Pete Werner

Well there we go! Now we're getting somewhere. Was that so hard?
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"But Mommy - didn't God proclaim that marriage is between a man and a woman?"

"Yes Johnnie - but unfortunately, God created filthy sick people for us to use as examples of what is morally wrong."

God proclaimed that? When?

I thought the Bible was physically written (and edited) by men.
I thought the Bible was physically written (and edited) by men.

Don't think asswipe.

I'm not trying to discredit the Bible or anything; I too believe in a lot of things of the spiritual nature that cannot be "proven true" by visual evidence or mathematics.

I'm just challenging your notion that this is indeed the thing that God himself directly said. It may have been a thing that some guy who was contributing the bible said.
Anybody who has ever worked at Disney knows that there is no perversion at Disney. It is well understood that you "don't f__k with the mouse".

However, I have always suspected that something suspicious is going on with Donald and his "nephews". For one thing, they should start wearing pants.
I thought the Bible was physically written (and edited) by men.

Don't think asswipe.

I'm not trying to discredit the Bible or anything; I too believe in a lot of things of the spiritual nature that cannot be "proven true" by visual evidence or mathematics.

I'm just challenging your notion that this is indeed the thing that God himself directly said. It may have been a thing that some guy who was contributing the bible said.

This is a Jesus quote: "‘Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one’?"

Get on your knees and ask him where the fuck he heard it.
a random internet person who "said something once" on a forum. We don't even know if this person lives in the United States for Pete's sake! How do you know this isn't a fake testimony created by an anti-gay group in Florida? How do you know this isn't some straight old Chinese man who hasn't left his Hong Kong apt in 20 years?

His name is Peter Werrner

You can reach him on Twitter -

He is the President of Werner Technologies
CEO of Dreams Unlimited Travel, Inc.
Webmaster of all sites in the Destination-Orlando network.

You can also reach him at [email protected]

He is a respectable Gay - not too many of those around - respectable that is

Hardly a Random Internet Person

Pete Werner

Well there we go! Now we're getting somewhere. Was that so hard?

I'm not the one who posted the article, the person who posted it did so with the misconception that it was being presented to an intelligent opponent - he was mistaken.

It took me a 2 minutes to gather that info. although I had an advantage as I already know Mr. Werner in a professional capacity. If you took some effort perhaps it would have taken you 15 .... Next time try researching b4 posting - it sure beats putting your foot in your mouth.
"But Mommy - didn't God proclaim that marriage is between a man and a woman?"

"Yes Johnnie - but unfortunately, God created filthy sick people for us to use as examples of what is morally wrong."

God proclaimed that? When?

I thought the Bible was physically written (and edited) by men.

New Testament Yes
But the Old Testament , or the First Five Books anyway , are believed by many experts to have been written by a female {Not Moses as Religious Authorities claim}
I'm not the one who posted the article, the person who posted it did so with the misconception that it was being presented to an intelligent opponent - he was mistaken.

It took me a 2 minutes to gather that info. although I had an advantage as I already know Mr. Werner in a professional capacity. If you took some effort perhaps it would have taken you 15 .... Next time try researching b4 posting - it sure beats putting your foot in your mouth.

Hey if it takes that long to gather the info, why didn't you or Silhouette do it the first 9 times I asked?

Now we have - what looks like a credible person saying that the gay days are a bit overtly sexual. I'll take that as a good piece of solid info. I'm legitimately trying to have a debate here.

Again, as I mentioned I've done some research on my end and some people (like Pete) say it can be bad, and some say "they don't even realize it's Gay Day" - which reinforces some of the G-rated pics I posted earlier from shots of the event. Should this singular piece of testimony be enough to condemn the whole of gay days? I don't think so.
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"But Mommy - didn't God proclaim that marriage is between a man and a woman?"

"Yes Johnnie - but unfortunately, God created filthy sick people for us to use as examples of what is morally wrong."

God proclaimed that? When?

I thought the Bible was physically written (and edited) by men.

New Testament Yes
But the Old Testament , or the First Five Books anyway , are believed by many experts to have been written by a female {Not Moses as Religious Authorities claim}

Interesting info.

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