Gay Day at Disney

Gay day should neitherbe cleaned up or dress codes imposed. All it needs to be is well publicized so that informed patrons can make up their own minds. Employees of the park must have the option of being allowed to adjust their schedules. Children brought by gays aren't going to be horrified by two men or two women groping down one another's pants. It isn't any different than what they see at home. Just tell everyone so there are no unpleasant surprises.
Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.


Well, if you hate all that stuff you just mentioned, be darned sure not to visit any gay pride parade in a town near you. [This one happened in the Heartland with kids around as it went down main street in the middle of the day]


And while you said that the event at Disney is "mainly" comprised of the benign red t shirt wearers, there can be zero "representin'" in any similar manner around children. Yet the article written by the man who says he's witnessed gay days for years now says that it is one and the same as a gay pride parade.

Which is unacceptable.


I've been to both...have you?

I saw no "overt sexual displays" at either event and I had my kids at the SF Pride Parade.
Me - I'd be against anyone excessively making out, wearing sexual/skimpy clothing, etc at a Gay Day at Disney. Not good stuff to have around children.

And yes, we have one eyewitness account saying it's been that way. But two things:

1.) It's one eyewitness account. Again, how do I know this guy didn't get sued by Disney or something and is enacting an inflammatory revenge post, etc? I need more evidence building the case that the sexual stuff is excessive.

2.) If Gay Day is in fact out of hand, how about we work to "clean it up" vs abolish it all together. Strict rules on excessive PDA, dress code, etc?

1. If this guy was sued, he would not go back and risk being sued again. Most lawsuits of that type would include a gag order or an agreement to remain mute. Since he is posting his experiences at Disney without being sued or having a gag in place means he wasn't sued and won't be sued because numbers of other people could be subpoened to verify his accounts as accurate..

2. How you would clean up "gay day" would be to make it a hard ticket event, publicized to the public to avoid and closed to the general public unless they wanted to expose children to the idea that sex with the colon [gay sex] is a good and healthy idea by example set at the Childrens' Theme Park. Remember, HIV has taken a sudden sharp rise in boys trying out gay sex ages 13-24. Fads by example can be deadly.
I'd provided those quotes and the link many many pages back bro. It's not my responsibility to hold your hand and help you scroll back through the thread if you are a Johnny come lately here..

Before we go forward, let me just lay out my views in case we're already in agreement..

I don't condone of skimpy outfits, speedos, heavy PDA, drugs at Gay Day at Disney. I am against all that and if it is occurring I would like to see it put to an end.

However, if gay day is mainly comprised of gay people and their families wearing red t-shirts and acting like any other average parkgoer, I have no problem with the event.

Pretty much what goes on at all the Gay Day events I've been to....but for some odd reason, some people look at gay people and think only sex, sex, and more sex. Even more than we ever do.

When you dress and act like this

what do you expect...:eek:
Pretty much what goes on at all the Gay Day events I've been to....but for some odd reason, some people look at gay people and think only sex, sex, and more sex. Even more than we ever do.

When you dress and act like this

what do you expect...:eek:

Really Jihad feller? That kind of thing makes you think about sex? Um...okay...:eusa_whistle:
If people put words into your mouth as often as you do others Seawytch, you'd throw a hissy fit. But carry on. Your avatar and apparent obsession with sex, along with your apologetic stance on exposing kids to deviant sex at Disney, or the idea that deviant sex is OK [see sharp rising in HIV in boys experimenting with anal sex just since gay becaome "cool"], paint out a clear picture of who you are and what you stand for. You said you had children, right?

Meanwhile the compelling problem exists as to what you defend:

Me - I'd be against anyone excessively making out, wearing sexual/skimpy clothing, etc at a Gay Day at Disney. Not good stuff to have around children.

And yes, we have one eyewitness account saying it's been that way. But two things:

1.) It's one eyewitness account. Again, how do I know this guy didn't get sued by Disney or something and is enacting an inflammatory revenge post, etc? I need more evidence building the case that the sexual stuff is excessive.

2.) If Gay Day is in fact out of hand, how about we work to "clean it up" vs abolish it all together. Strict rules on excessive PDA, dress code, etc?

1. If this guy was sued, he would not go back and risk being sued again. Most lawsuits of that type would include a gag order or an agreement to remain mute. Since he is posting his experiences at Disney without being sued or having a gag in place means he wasn't sued and won't be sued because numbers of other people could be subpoened to verify his accounts as accurate..

2. How you would clean up "gay day" would be to make it a hard ticket event, publicized to the public to avoid and closed to the general public unless they wanted to expose children to the idea that sex with the colon [gay sex] is a good and healthy idea by example set at the Childrens' Theme Park. Remember, HIV has taken a sudden sharp rise in boys trying out gay sex ages 13-24. Fads by example can be deadly.
I'm not going to bother to read all of the posts, but if any if my fellow conservatives are complaining about Disney's recent abandonment if family values, I have to point out that Disney has not espoused family values in a very long time. Here's what mean:

Name a Disney movie where both parents were there for a child. Most times one or both of the parents are dead. Most of the time if the father is alive, he's a dottering old fool, if the mom is alive she is either a evil step mother or just plain evil. The child usually disobeys the parents and rather than suffer the consequences, the child is victorious in the end.

Name a Disney movie that promoted family values.

Disney makes more than the Princess movies you know. It's not Disney's fault all the fairy tale heroines come from tragic backgrounds.

So Princess tell us - did you come from a tragic background - did some traumatic experience happen to you in pre-adolescence ?
1. If this guy was sued, he would not go back and risk being sued again. Most lawsuits of that type would include a gag order or an agreement to remain mute. Since he is posting his experiences at Disney without being sued or having a gag in place means he wasn't sued and won't be sued because numbers of other people could be subpoened to verify his accounts as accurate..

"Sued" is a word that could be interchanged with "dispute" or "bad experience", etc. Poor choice of word on my part. Maybe Disney didn't come through on a promise they made him for the website, etc; the dispute doesn't have to be official and legal in nature.

2. How you would clean up "gay day" would be to make it a hard ticket event, publicized to the public to avoid and closed to the general public unless they wanted to expose children to the idea that sex with the colon [gay sex] is a good and healthy idea by example set at the Childrens' Theme Park. Remember, HIV has taken a sudden sharp rise in boys trying out gay sex ages 13-24. Fads by example can be deadly.

How do ya clean up Gay Day? Make a dress code and say that any violators will be thrown out without refund. Reprimand any individuals partaking in excessive PDA and threaten to throw out, etc. It wouldn't be hard. You make an example of a few people and other potential violators will be dissuaded from breaking the rules (because people come from out of town, etc, and don't want to ruin their vacation). An (appropriate) dress code is not a lot to ask for a children's theme park, so it should be easily enforceable.

When a 7 year old sees two men holding hands, does he/she immediately begin thinking of having anal sex Silhouette? Not following.
Gay day should neitherbe cleaned up or dress codes imposed. All it needs to be is well publicized so that informed patrons can make up their own minds. Employees of the park must have the option of being allowed to adjust their schedules. Children brought by gays aren't going to be horrified by two men or two women groping down one another's pants. It isn't any different than what they see at home. Just tell everyone so there are no unpleasant surprises.

I agree to treat it like Mardi Gras, where people know there is a tradition of wild drunken type orgy behavior and to keep kids away from the crowds.

However, there is an issue of safety. Crooks can take advantage of wild crowds to commit rape and make it look like it was part of the craziness.

So there needs to be respect and safety awareness. You can't just get drunk and wild in public without watching out for each other in groups. You can't just expect police to know the difference between who is clowning around and who might be committing assault.

Note: the college where I attended had an annual Night of Decadence costume party around Halloween. And it was all fun and games, dressing up and down with crazy wild drunken behavior. Until assaults happened by unwelcome visitors, and the school had to tighten security and rules for students' safety. Otherwise anyone could join the party from off campus and take advantage of the wild crowd to target some unsuspecting guest and make it look like part of the festivities going on.
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I'm not going to bother to read all of the posts, but if any if my fellow conservatives are complaining about Disney's recent abandonment if family values, I have to point out that Disney has not espoused family values in a very long time. Here's what mean:

Name a Disney movie where both parents were there for a child. Most times one or both of the parents are dead. Most of the time if the father is alive, he's a dottering old fool, if the mom is alive she is either a evil step mother or just plain evil. The child usually disobeys the parents and rather than suffer the consequences, the child is victorious in the end.

Name a Disney movie that promoted family values.

Disney makes more than the Princess movies you know. It's not Disney's fault all the fairy tale heroines come from tragic backgrounds.

So Princess tell us - did you come from a tragic background - did some traumatic experience happen to you in pre-adolescence ?

Nope. Pretty close to idyllic...and I married my Princess Charming too!
Nope. Pretty close to idyllic...and I married my Princess Charming too!

Not if you "married" in California after the two propositions passed limiting marriage [as it is written still in the CA Constitution to this day] to between a man and a woman.

When Harvey Milk vs Utah is decided and the public reminded a state's "unquestioned authority" retroactive to the founding of the country to have a consensus on gay marriage, as broad as possible, your "marriage" will be as valid as an underaged driver's license trying to get into a bar.
Nope. Pretty close to idyllic...and I married my Princess Charming too!

Not if you "married" in California after the two propositions passed limiting marriage [as it is written still in the CA Constitution to this day] to between a man and a woman.

When Harvey Milk vs Utah is decided and the public reminded a state's "unquestioned authority" retroactive to the founding of the country to have a consensus on gay marriage, as broad as possible, your "marriage" will be as valid as an underaged driver's license trying to get into a bar.

Yes, in CA I married my Princess Charming...filed joint taxes too. :eek:

You do realize we've always been able to marry in a church too, right?
Nope. Pretty close to idyllic...and I married my Princess Charming too!

Not if you "married" in California after the two propositions passed limiting marriage [as it is written still in the CA Constitution to this day] to between a man and a woman.

When Harvey Milk vs Utah is decided and the public reminded a state's "unquestioned authority" retroactive to the founding of the country to have a consensus on gay marriage, as broad as possible, your "marriage" will be as valid as an underaged driver's license trying to get into a bar.

Yes, in CA I married my Princess Charming...filed joint taxes too. :eek:

You do realize we've always been able to marry in a church too, right?

I can marry my toaster too if I want. A gal in Seattle married a building. Playing pretend is something it seems that LGBT folks are good at. They pretend, for example, that one of them is a man and one is a woman. Odd for a "gay" couple, wouldn't you say?

You can skew the truth all you want, but little kids at Disney can see what is plainly in front of their faces. If two women are walking by fondling each other, one essentially a "man with breasts" for all appearances and the other relatively feminine looking, a kid just asks, "mommy, why does that lady try to dress and act like a man with that other lady.". And mommy is at a loss for words really. It isn't really accurate to say that both women are lesbians full on is it? One of them clearly is attracted to men but just can't quite make the leap for some reason... This type of mind warp isn't what families save up a lifetime for to visit Disney just out of school in June with no warning what's coming at them. Until we have clear answers on why some lesbians are attracted to "men" and why some gays are attracted to "femmes/bottoms", we should not be parading this spectacle in front of kids at their theme park without a clear explanation to give them what's really going on...
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Not if you "married" in California after the two propositions passed limiting marriage [as it is written still in the CA Constitution to this day] to between a man and a woman.

When Harvey Milk vs Utah is decided and the public reminded a state's "unquestioned authority" retroactive to the founding of the country to have a consensus on gay marriage, as broad as possible, your "marriage" will be as valid as an underaged driver's license trying to get into a bar.

Yes, in CA I married my Princess Charming...filed joint taxes too. :eek:

You do realize we've always been able to marry in a church too, right?

I can marry my toaster too if I want. A gal in Seattle married a building. Playing pretend is something it seems that LGBT folks are good at. They pretend, for example, that one of them is a man and one is a woman. Odd for a "gay" couple, wouldn't you say?

You can't take your toaster into the ID card office and get a dependent ID.
My legal spouse just got one. :eusa_whistle:

You can skew the truth all you want, but little kids at Disney can see what is plainly in front of their faces. If two women are walking by fondling each other, one essentially a "man with breasts" for all appearances and the other relatively feminine looking, a kid just asks, "mommy, why does that lady try to dress and act like a man with that other lady.". And mommy is at a loss for words really. It isn't really accurate to say that both women are lesbians full on is it? One of them clearly is attracted to men but just can't quite make the leap for some reason... This type of mind warp isn't what families save up a lifetime for to visit Disney just out of school in June with no warning what's coming at them. Until we have clear answers on why some lesbians are attracted to "men" and why some gays are attracted to "femmes/bottoms", we should not be parading this spectacle in front of kids at their theme park without a clear explanation to give them what's really going on...

You really need to get out more. I suggest Disney World in June...get an eyewitness account. :dev3:
Not if you "married" in California after the two propositions passed limiting marriage [as it is written still in the CA Constitution to this day] to between a man and a woman.

When Harvey Milk vs Utah is decided and the public reminded a state's "unquestioned authority" retroactive to the founding of the country to have a consensus on gay marriage, as broad as possible, your "marriage" will be as valid as an underaged driver's license trying to get into a bar.

Yes, in CA I married my Princess Charming...filed joint taxes too. :eek:

You do realize we've always been able to marry in a church too, right?

I can marry my toaster too if I want. A gal in Seattle married a building. Playing pretend is something it seems that LGBT folks are good at. They pretend, for example, that one of them is a man and one is a woman. Odd for a "gay" couple, wouldn't you say?

You can skew the truth all you want, but little kids at Disney can see what is plainly in front of their faces. If two women are walking by fondling each other, one essentially a "man with breasts" for all appearances and the other relatively feminine looking, a kid just asks, "mommy, why does that lady try to dress and act like a man with that other lady.". And mommy is at a loss for words really. It isn't really accurate to say that both women are lesbians full on is it? One of them clearly is attracted to men but just can't quite make the leap for some reason... This type of mind warp isn't what families save up a lifetime for to visit Disney just out of school in June with no warning what's coming at them. Until we have clear answers on why some lesbians are attracted to "men" and why some gays are attracted to "femmes/bottoms", we should not be parading this spectacle in front of kids at their theme park without a clear explanation to give them what's really going on...

Your hate will not impede progress.
Pretty much what goes on at all the Gay Day events I've been to....but for some odd reason, some people look at gay people and think only sex, sex, and more sex. Even more than we ever do.

When you dress and act like this

what do you expect...:eek:

Really Jihad feller? That kind of thing makes you think about sex? Um...okay...:eusa_whistle:

Great spin...:eusa_angel:


Maybe some day you can take "It" to iran for vacation...:bye1:
Gay Day? Does this, truly, make Disney World the "Happiest Place On Earth?"

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