Gay Day at Disney

do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Only Silhouette can sexualize a red t-shirt...


That get anyone hot and bothered?
Only Silhouette can sexualize a red t-shirt...

That get anyone hot and bothered?

Apparently where you live, reading comprehension isn't big on the education list...


Especially since the sharp rise in HIV in boys ages 13-24 as the church of LGBT expands its ranks from the new generations..

It is one and the same as entering a playground with a trench coat to unsuspecting kids and flashing them inappropriately with a topic that does not belong at a childrens' park.

You are the only one who sees "turn ons" everywhere you look. You seem to be the one sexually obsessed, given your avatar and your constant innuendo.
Extremely common...oddly and especially right in a flurry around when the US Supreme Court is pondering another gay marriage issue like Harvey Milk vs Utah, soon to be coming in front of them this year. I'm sure we'll be treated to a rash of "gay bullying" and "gay teen suicides" media hype just a few weeks before the Hearing as well. You can set your watches by it. Though, oddly, gays don't seem to be ranting at all about the sudden spike in HIV cases in 13-24 year old boys trying out gay sex and discovering the consequences in a blood test. Seems those "gay teen deaths" aren't worthy of coverage by the church of LGBT..

Just need to point this out. You seem to be quite the humanitarian, as you're worried about HIV cases and protecting children.

But on the flipside, you commend Vladimir Putin and talk about how you now "like Russia" and "respect Putin" because of their anti-gay laws and homophobic society while completely ignoring the fact that the government there is run like a gang of thugs that strips its society of wealth to be redistributed amongst the elite, leaving millions in poverty and starving to death. Children are dying in Russia, but that's OK (according to you) because Putin's homophobic.

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You're coming across as not a great person.

Children would still be starving in Russia with or without the anti-gay laws. :eusa_boohoo:

It's Irrelevant to the Topic at Hand !

OT: After over half Century of Leftist Liberal Progressive dictatorship they never had the opp. to develop a sustainable economy. We had one and thanks to the Same Leftist Liberal Progressive Jack-Asses its evaporating. The same oxymoronic illogical machine that is promoting the Gay Agenda.

My point is it's silly to say you "respect" someone who has done so much harm to so many people. I don't care if their homophobia is particularly impressive to you, it's a silly thing to say.
do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Only Silhouette can sexualize a red t-shirt...


That get anyone hot and bothered?

Good. Wear the uniform so decent people know who to avoid. What bothered so many individuals was when an unsuspecting father unknowingly wore a red t-shirt and got endlessly hit on in front of his children.
Of course gays would be having violent protests if Disneyland said "The dress code for all Disney Parks is that homosexuals wear an identifying article of clothing such as a red t-shirt".
She'll never stop making shit up - she'll simply add it to the heap of shit she spews in every post. It's formulaic.

Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:
Just need to point this out. You seem to be quite the humanitarian, as you're worried about HIV cases and protecting children.

But on the flipside, you commend Vladimir Putin and talk about how you now "like Russia" and "respect Putin" because of their anti-gay laws and homophobic society while completely ignoring the fact that the government there is run like a gang of thugs that strips its society of wealth to be redistributed amongst the elite, leaving millions in poverty and starving to death. Children are dying in Russia, but that's OK (according to you) because Putin's homophobic.

What is wrong with you? Seriously? You're coming across as not a great person.

Children would still be starving in Russia with or without the anti-gay laws. :eusa_boohoo:

It's Irrelevant to the Topic at Hand !

OT: After over half Century of Leftist Liberal Progressive dictatorship they never had the opp. to develop a sustainable economy. We had one and thanks to the Same Leftist Liberal Progressive Jack-Asses its evaporating. The same oxymoronic illogical machine that is promoting the Gay Agenda.

My point is it's silly to say you "respect" someone who has done so much harm to so many people. I don't care if their homophobia is particularly impressive to you, it's a silly thing to say.

Where did I say to respect Putin. Or his Communist Party ?

If the Gulag was going full force and exterminating thousands a day - you probably wouldnt give a rats ass - so long as they leave the queers alone -right.

And I would hardly call forcing homosexuals to stay away from Children an extremely oppressive or ridiculous stance. You gay agendaites are the ones getting outright ludicrous.
Only Silhouette can sexualize a red t-shirt...

That get anyone hot and bothered?

Apparently where you live, reading comprehension isn't big on the education list...


Gays are a "sexualized theme"? You really, really, really need to stop thinking about gay sex so much. Being gay doesn't "sexualize" not being able to stop thinking about sex if someone is gay is where the "sexualizing" comes in.

Especially since the sharp rise in HIV in boys ages 13-24 as the church of LGBT expands its ranks from the new generations.

There is no relation between gays at Disney and the HIV rate among young men. Why do you keep trying to make one?

Now, your concern about HIV rates is commendable, but what do you propose be done to actually lower those rates?

It is one and the same as entering a playground with a trench coat to unsuspecting kids and flashing them inappropriately with a topic that does not belong at a childrens' park.

No, it's not even close. Gays holding hands and kissing at Disney is not like a creep in a park flashing kids. Not legally, not morally, not ethically, not logically.

You are the only one who sees "turn ons" everywhere you look. You seem to be the one sexually obsessed, given your avatar and your constant innuendo.

Of course I'm sexually obsessed...I'm married and don't get any. :lol:
Now, your concern about HIV rates is commendable, but what do you propose be done to actually lower those rates?

Leper Colonies for homosexual Gift Givers and Bug Chasers - perhaps if sanity ever reigns again we can use the FEMA camps.

Of course I'm sexually obsessed...I'm married and don't get any. :lol:

Probably because you UGLY ! If you physical appearance is a reflection of your online personna , you must be one nauseating Bull Dyke.

Ambushing unsuspecting kids and families at a Childrens Theme Park with perverted agendas is WRONG !
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She'll never stop making shit up - she'll simply add it to the heap of shit she spews in every post. It's formulaic.

Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:

I fail to see where Silhouette lied in the slightest bit - care to point out un-truths in his statement ?
She'll never stop making shit up - she'll simply add it to the heap of shit she spews in every post. It's formulaic.

Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:

I notice you didn't answer how the behavior of displaying a sexually-charged theme such as 'LGBT' at a childrens' theme park is or is not like a creepy guy in a trench coat flashing unwanted sexuality at a children's playground.

I'll wait for you to parse out the difference as you sideline and deflect. Maybe eventually you'll answer..
Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:

I notice you didn't answer how the behavior of displaying a sexually-charged theme such as 'LGBT' at a childrens' theme park is or is not like a creepy guy in a trench coat flashing unwanted sexuality at a children's playground.

I'll wait for you to parse out the difference as you sideline and deflect. Maybe eventually you'll answer..

I Doubt it will ever happen - that's a sure sign they've lost. When Debunked their reflex action is to deflect and evade.
Simple question Barb, do you believe that a sexually-charged theme group should be at a childrens' theme park pushing the idea of a sexually-charged theme by all wearing t-shirts of that theme in front of unsuspecting kids. Or worse, demostrating lewd behavior that reflects the theme in front of those kids?

Does that or doesn't that belong AT A CHILDRENS' THEME PARK...without them being pre-warned to stay away.


How is that behavior around kids different from a creeper in a trench coat entering a playground and flashing his "sexual preference" to unsuspecting kids there to do what kids do: play and innocently escape the dysfunction of the adult world imposing itself on them?

None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:

I notice you didn't answer how the behavior of displaying a sexually-charged theme such as 'LGBT' at a childrens' theme park is or is not like a creepy guy in a trench coat flashing unwanted sexuality at a children's playground.

I'll wait for you to parse out the difference as you sideline and deflect. Maybe eventually you'll answer..

Because LGBT is automatically labelled sexually charged by you and other homophobes but not by all of our society. Why is sex the first thing you think about when it comes to the LGBT crowd?
"Mommy - what do those two men do in their hotel after they've touched and fondled Mickey Mouse?"

"They push each other's stools in, Little Johnny."
None of what you've insinuated into the situation is in any actual fact part OF the situation. You lie, and shamelessly, in more ways than I've ever seen done. :eusa_liar:

I notice you didn't answer how the behavior of displaying a sexually-charged theme such as 'LGBT' at a childrens' theme park is or is not like a creepy guy in a trench coat flashing unwanted sexuality at a children's playground.

I'll wait for you to parse out the difference as you sideline and deflect. Maybe eventually you'll answer..

Because LGBT is automatically labelled sexually charged by you and other homophobes but not by all of our society. Why is sex the first thing you think about when it comes to the LGBT crowd?

Just a wild guess: Because it is their SEXUAL PREFERENCE that DEFINES the LGBT crowd?
Now, your concern about HIV rates is commendable, but what do you propose be done to actually lower those rates?

Leper Colonies for homosexual Gift Givers and Bug Chasers - perhaps if sanity ever reigns again we can use the FEMA camps.

Of course I'm sexually obsessed...I'm married and don't get any. :lol:

Probably because you UGLY ! If you physical appearance is a reflection of your online personna , you must be one nauseating Bull Dyke.

Ambushing unsuspecting kids and families at a Childrens Theme Park with perverted agendas is WRONG !


Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?
Wasn't the day for queers announced and publicised specifically so patrons to Disney that did not wish to be entertained by the freak-show could make alternative arrangements?

One would hope so.
What parent would want to subject their children to that type of filth/perversion
I notice you didn't answer how the behavior of displaying a sexually-charged theme such as 'LGBT' at a childrens' theme park is or is not like a creepy guy in a trench coat flashing unwanted sexuality at a children's playground.

I'll wait for you to parse out the difference as you sideline and deflect. Maybe eventually you'll answer..

Because LGBT is automatically labelled sexually charged by you and other homophobes but not by all of our society. Why is sex the first thing you think about when it comes to the LGBT crowd?

Just a wild guess: Because it is their SEXUAL PREFERENCE that DEFINES the LGBT crowd?

Defined by who? How are us heterosexuals defined?
Because LGBT is automatically labelled sexually charged by you and other homophobes but not by all of our society. Why is sex the first thing you think about when it comes to the LGBT crowd?

Just a wild guess: Because it is their SEXUAL PREFERENCE that DEFINES the LGBT crowd?

Defined by who? How are us heterosexuals defined?

Hey stupid, Open wide, and I'll spoon feed you:

Gay =
Lesbian =
Bisexual =
Transexual =

HOW THE FUCK else would you define people associated with "the LGBT crowd."

I'm truely amazed whenever Queers deny their deviant sexual behaviour is anything but deviant sexual behaviour. I'm not saying its a FAULT. I'm not saying its EVIL.

Its simply deviant.
Just a wild guess: Because it is their SEXUAL PREFERENCE that DEFINES the LGBT crowd?

Defined by who? How are us heterosexuals defined?

Hey stupid, Open wide, and I'll spoon feed you:

Gay =
Lesbian =
Bisexual =
Transexual =

HOW THE FUCK else would you define people associated with "the LGBT crowd."

I'm truely amazed whenever Queers deny their deviant sexual behaviour is anything but deviant sexual behaviour. I'm not saying its a FAULT. I'm not saying its EVIL.

Its simply deviant.

So how are heteros defined? Why do you resort to name calling so easily?

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