Gay Day at Disney

popped you RIGHT up, and you never got over the excitement, eh? Shame you didn't have anyone to talk over the dichotomy with. Arrested development is a difficult thing, but with the proper guidance, even a meat-head like you could get past this.

It's a shame that a knuckle-dragging inbred like yourself won't take advantage of one of the many free healthcare/psychological benefits packages offered through various local agencies. If you need a referral, start at an AA meeting. You'll find plenty of like-minded individuals there.

Good luck.

Un poco perra
Link Homosexuals to Pedophilia - well of course I do that - It's a common fact that Gay MEN are the most prolific molestors of Children on the planet. Gay Women are the least prolific - Gay or not they still have that maternal drive and view sex in a different light then Men. Gay Men are the most dangerous and devious predators of Children among the Human Species. - {Bring on the Red Barb, I got cans and cans full of it}

Either you know what you posted is factually incorrect and simply don't care, or you are in the company of the dumbest motherfuckers on earth, I'll let you choose, but the consequences are the same.

I back up all my claims with facts - something you can not say . Of course I know how you hate letting Facts get in the way of your opinions.

Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.

“Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture,” wrote Steve Baldwin in, “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement,” soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review....“It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture without appearing harsh,” wrote Baldwin. “However, it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization – the nuclear family.” ...........Dr. Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education and author of numerous authoritative books debunking sexual myths ....In her thesis – also written for the Regent University Law Review – Reisman cited psychologist Eugene Abel, whose research found that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls. …”

“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”

Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

ROFLMAO Regent university - THE 700 club. Pat Robertson. Okayyyy, so in the "intellectual" :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: company of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet it IS!
If that's what you believe - then so be it . But the justification for using every devious underhanded , despicable tactic you pathetic and diseased little pervs can pull out of your slimy little bag of tricks to get at other peoples Children ... to get into their heads and their pants is being exposed.. Mark my words your are being exposed - and not just on internet message boards. :eusa_hand:

Same thing I told Sil - EVERY time one of you sick, diseased, disgusting bigots attempt to tie the groups you so DESPERATELY want to stay in the closet to pedophilia, I will send red your way. I have to wait a little bit before sending you more, but it is coming.

Link Homosexuals to Pedophilia - well of course I do that - It's a common fact that Gay MEN are the most prolific molestors of Children on the planet. Gay Women are the least prolific - Gay or not they still have that maternal drive and view sex in a different light then Men. Gay Men are the most dangerous and devious predators of Children among the Human Species. - {Bring on the Red Barb, I got cans and cans full of it}

Interesting how you like to forget that one in four girls are sexually abused before they reach 18......blaming that on gay men too?

Sad to say, it is heterosexual men...and a lot of family members and family friends. What the heck kind of man abuses his children and his friend's children? Hetero men, apparently.
Strawman aside, the thread is about GAY days at Disney. Until they have Roman Polanksky days at Disney, we will focus on the topic at hand.

The topic is that a sea of LGBT redshirts descending unannounced on Disney's biggest week to shove their logo of deviant sexuality in the faces of children is one and the same as a creeper in a trench coat walking into a playground and flashing the kiddies with something that doesn't belong in their playground.

The church of LGBT doesn't belong evangelizing at Disney. Children are required by law to be protected from that.
Strawman aside, the thread is about GAY days at Disney. Until they have Roman Polanksky days at Disney, we will focus on the topic at hand.

The topic is that a sea of LGBT redshirts descending unannounced on Disney's biggest week to shove their logo of deviant sexuality in the faces of children is one and the same as a creeper in a trench coat walking into a playground and flashing the kiddies with something that doesn't belong in their playground.

The church of LGBT doesn't belong evangelizing at Disney. Children are required by law to be protected from that.

Those red shirts don't "flash" anything. A UNION day at Disney would have the same effect on the kids, who aren't registering anything but Mickey, Goofy, and the Princesses. The only ones injecting SEX into this is you degenerate bigots. The only ones with anything to explain to little kids who don't take your degenerate bigoted view (unless expressly instructed to DO SO) is YOU.

Why don't YOU go hide under a rock and lick your wound in private, and leave innocent children out of your sick and degenerate bigotry?
Strawman aside, the thread is about GAY days at Disney. Until they have Roman Polanksky days at Disney, we will focus on the topic at hand.

The topic is that a sea of LGBT redshirts descending unannounced on Disney's biggest week to shove their logo of deviant sexuality in the faces of children is one and the same as a creeper in a trench coat walking into a playground and flashing the kiddies with something that doesn't belong in their playground.

The church of LGBT doesn't belong evangelizing at Disney. Children are required by law to be protected from that.

The first week of June isn't Disney's biggest week.

Children are not required by law to be kept away from gay people.
It's still sex...just ask all the straights that have both anal and oral sex.

Sorry to disappoint, asswipe, but I don't know any straights who enjoy getting something shoved up their ass and consider it sex.

So you talk about these things with people you know? That explains a lot.

I'm not disappointed at all...since I'm right about you straight folks and the Hershey Highway.

20 percent of 18- and 19 year-old women have tried anal sex at least once, and 40 percent of women ages 20 to 24 have been successfully persuaded by their boyfriend to give it a whirl at some point in their lives. Not only are ladies trying it, but they're sticking with it, it seems. In 1992, only 10 percent of ladies had gotten it in the backdoor in the past year. Now 20 percent of women report they've done it in the past 12 months.
“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”

Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

What about Female gay women? Under your logic - correct me if I'm wrong - we should consider being anti-gay because of molestation rates, etc.

HOWEVER, using that same logic doesn't that mean we should be pro-gay women because they typically have the LOWEST molestation rates, LOWEST crime rates, etc across the board? It's like you're picking and choosing your arguments. You need to remain consistent.
If that's what you believe - then so be it . But the justification for using every devious underhanded , despicable tactic you pathetic and diseased little pervs can pull out of your slimy little bag of tricks to get at other peoples Children ... to get into their heads and their pants is being exposed.. Mark my words your are being exposed - and not just on internet message boards. :eusa_hand:

Same thing I told Sil - EVERY time one of you sick, diseased, disgusting bigots attempt to tie the groups you so DESPERATELY want to stay in the closet to pedophilia, I will send red your way. I have to wait a little bit before sending you more, but it is coming.

Link Homosexuals to Pedophilia - well of course I do that - It's a common fact that Gay MEN are the most prolific molestors of Children on the planet. Gay Women are the least prolific - Gay or not they still have that maternal drive and view sex in a different light then Men. Gay Men are the most dangerous and devious predators of Children among the Human Species. - {Bring on the Red Barb, I got cans and cans full of it}

Except your "fact" isn't one.
You are beginning with the premise that homosexual activity is sex - it is not.

It is SODOMY .

"Why are that man and woman kissing?"

"They love each other"

"Why are those two men kissing?"

"They sick and don't know any better - you should feel sorry for those people"

It's still sex...just ask all the straights that have both anal and oral sex.

Being gay isn't about sex. Only sex is about sex.

I just read a Post on another thread , which I believe may be somewhat relevant to your etymological disparity

As a footnote, I will say that in my totally uneducated opinion, homosexuality and lesbianism are totally different phenomena. Lesbians are not sexually attracted to other women in the same way that homosexuals are attracted to men. Most just crave affection and cannot relate to men, for one reason or another.

When I'm done here I'm going back and rep that poster because he hit the nail right on the head {No pun intended} . SeaHag -if you really are a woman - Gay or Not - chances are you don't view SEX in the same way men do. So I forgive your obvious ignorance .

He not only missed the nail, he missed the board entirely.

Women don't view sex the same way men do? Do ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan environments, Captain Obvious?
Strawman aside, the thread is about GAY days at Disney. Until they have Roman Polanksky days at Disney, we will focus on the topic at hand.

The topic is that a sea of LGBT redshirts descending unannounced on Disney's biggest week to shove their logo of deviant sexuality in the faces of children is one and the same as a creeper in a trench coat walking into a playground and flashing the kiddies with something that doesn't belong in their playground.

The church of LGBT doesn't belong evangelizing at Disney. Children are required by law to be protected from that.

Protected from what exactly? A bunch of people wearing red t-shirts? Kids don't think about people having sex, you're mistaking people like Warrior (who have sick, hypersexualized minds) with innocent children who just see PEOPLE.

Again, I don't condone of two men, or a man/woman wearing skimpy outfits, doing drugs, or engaging in radical displays of PDA @ Disney. I'm with you - we both agree on that. However, I don't understand why a child seeing two women holding hands is somehow going to be damaging to their development.
Same thing I told Sil - EVERY time one of you sick, diseased, disgusting bigots attempt to tie the groups you so DESPERATELY want to stay in the closet to pedophilia, I will send red your way. I have to wait a little bit before sending you more, but it is coming.

Link Homosexuals to Pedophilia - well of course I do that - It's a common fact that Gay MEN are the most prolific molestors of Children on the planet. Gay Women are the least prolific - Gay or not they still have that maternal drive and view sex in a different light then Men. Gay Men are the most dangerous and devious predators of Children among the Human Species. - {Bring on the Red Barb, I got cans and cans full of it}

Except your "fact" isn't one.

Six Misconceptions About Pedophiles : Discovery News

Nice Try - but not good enough. This is what your link has to say ...

Gay men are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexual men.
While that myth was proved wrong by the American Psychological Association...
The state of Florida cited this myth in banning gay adoptions, ...

The APA has no credibility - they are not a scientific organization and haven't been one for quite some time - they are a politicized one.

The link also delves into the possibility of Pedophilia being relative to head trauma, but points out it is only a theory and does not have any pop based studies to back it up.
Link Homosexuals to Pedophilia - well of course I do that - It's a common fact that Gay MEN are the most prolific molestors of Children on the planet. Gay Women are the least prolific - Gay or not they still have that maternal drive and view sex in a different light then Men. Gay Men are the most dangerous and devious predators of Children among the Human Species. - {Bring on the Red Barb, I got cans and cans full of it}

Except your "fact" isn't one.

Six Misconceptions About Pedophiles : Discovery News

Nice Try - but not good enough. This is what your link has to say ...

Gay men are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexual men.
While that myth was proved wrong by the American Psychological Association...
The state of Florida cited this myth in banning gay adoptions, ...

The APA has no credibility - they are not a scientific organization and haven't been one for quite some time - they are a politicized one.

The link also delves into the possibility of Pedophilia being relative to head trauma, but points out it is only a theory and does not have any pop based studies to back it up.

So are we just going to discourage men from being gay? Are gay women OK?
“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”

Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

What about Female gay women? Under your logic - correct me if I'm wrong - we should consider being anti-gay because of molestation rates, etc.

HOWEVER, using that same logic doesn't that mean we should be pro-gay women because they typically have the LOWEST molestation rates, LOWEST crime rates, etc across the board? It's like you're picking and choosing your arguments. You need to remain consistent.

I Do Not invent facts to suit my needs . Lesbians do not molest Children - I probably couldn't find a single case if I tried.

As far as being Pro-Gay women- I thought you already were - lol? Come on Kevin - you can tell Beanie - you getting some nooky on the side from a pair of Dykes {Wink wink}

Getting back to business ... You want to know about Lesbians and Kids - take a look at the Girl Scouts , and what goes on in that organization.


Women role models the Girl Scouts list in their Journey books. These are the women that young girls are supposed to look up to as Role Models, to emulate and strive to be like. Of the more than 50 women listed as role models for girls in the Girl Scout Journey books, why are there only two non leftist non feminist non lesbians (Sojourner Truth, and Mother Teresa)?
Girl Scouts Lesbian Infiltration
“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”

Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

What about Female gay women? Under your logic - correct me if I'm wrong - we should consider being anti-gay because of molestation rates, etc.

HOWEVER, using that same logic doesn't that mean we should be pro-gay women because they typically have the LOWEST molestation rates, LOWEST crime rates, etc across the board? It's like you're picking and choosing your arguments. You need to remain consistent.

I Do Not invent facts to suit my needs . Lesbians do not molest Children - I probably couldn't find a single case if I tried.

As far as being Pro-Gay women- I thought you already were - lol? Come on Kevin - you can tell Beanie - you getting some nooky on the side from a pair of Dykes {Wink wink}

Getting back to business ... You want to know about Lesbians and Kids - take a look at the Girl Scouts , and what goes on in that organization.


Women role models the Girl Scouts list in their Journey books. These are the women that young girls are supposed to look up to as Role Models, to emulate and strive to be like. Of the more than 50 women listed as role models for girls in the Girl Scout Journey books, why are there only two non leftist non feminist non lesbians (Sojourner Truth, and Mother Teresa)?
Girl Scouts Lesbian Infiltration

No offense Greenbean but I didn't get much out of that response of yours. And I'm not going to read or trust any information from ""; just not going to go there, sorry.

My question is, if you're going to use molestation rates to make the case against gay men, wouldn't it be only fair to also use those same rates to make the case for gay women? Don't you see the double standard developing here?
Link Homosexuals to Pedophilia - well of course I do that - It's a common fact that Gay MEN are the most prolific molestors of Children on the planet. Gay Women are the least prolific - Gay or not they still have that maternal drive and view sex in a different light then Men. Gay Men are the most dangerous and devious predators of Children among the Human Species. - {Bring on the Red Barb, I got cans and cans full of it}

Except your "fact" isn't one.

Six Misconceptions About Pedophiles : Discovery News

Nice Try - but not good enough. This is what your link has to say ...

Gay men are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexual men.
While that myth was proved wrong by the American Psychological Association...
The state of Florida cited this myth in banning gay adoptions, ...

The APA has no credibility - they are not a scientific organization and haven't been one for quite some time - they are a politicized one.

The link also delves into the possibility of Pedophilia being relative to head trauma, but points out it is only a theory and does not have any pop based studies to back it up.

The APA has no credibility? :lol: ouch...irony poisoning!
No, see that's just the thing. Disney doesn't announce it. Yet they allow the church of LGBT to hand out pamphlets at the gates as throngs of unsuspecting parents and children just out of school pour through on the family vacation for the kids, only to discover a sexualized theme cult parading around in their "see, we do sex differently" T-shirts.

Not advertised at all. Disney is walking a very thin line of child endangerment on this one. There are very strict guidelines psychologists follow that say children should not be exposed to sexualized topics at given ages.

That's why there are private people paying to fly planes over Disney those days flying "gay days at Disney, don't go" and the like, so the families that saved up for a lifetime, travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to get there that weekend, will know not to go into the childrens' theme park because it has been turned into a creepy guy with a trench coat flashing the kiddies with his "sexualized theme" as they walk by.

Well, you're correct:

Seaching "Gay Day" yields no results on Disney World's website for events.

So BUYER BEWARE. At anytime, anywhere, queers will decend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour in which they engage. My solution is to develop a sence of humor and use the occassion to educate children about how they will be expected to accept freaks into their world.

Do they advertise when the freaks from the Southern Baptist Convention "descend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour"?

To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.
To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.

LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...

The point is that none of it, no sexualized theme or advertisement of any type belongs at Disney. Particularly unannounced like "gay days" are..

Again, the inappropriate exposure of a sexualized topic at Disney is exactly like the creepy guy with the trench coat showing up at the playground and flashing the kids.

Nice Try - but not good enough. This is what your link has to say ...

Gay men are more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexual men.
While that myth was proved wrong by the American Psychological Association...
The state of Florida cited this myth in banning gay adoptions, ...

The APA has no credibility - they are not a scientific organization and haven't been one for quite some time - they are a politicized one.

The link also delves into the possibility of Pedophilia being relative to head trauma, but points out it is only a theory and does not have any pop based studies to back it up.

The APA has no credibility? :lol: ouch...irony poisoning!

Put Up or Shut Up Bitch ! Yeah that's right you Bitch -and get your friggin finger out of your twat . You wanna play with the Big Boys - stop masturbating all over the damn keyboard , put the fuckin crack pipe down and start Googling - maybe you'll learn something although I highly doubt it.

You got a point to prove ?- then work at it - if all you can do is send dumb ass little snide comments across the internet , you're accomplishing not a fucking thing ! You're just another Dumb Dyke sitting at the keyboard.

Your asinine little barbs and fantasy families have no effect whatsoever on the larger scheme of things.
What about Female gay women? Under your logic - correct me if I'm wrong - we should consider being anti-gay because of molestation rates, etc.

HOWEVER, using that same logic doesn't that mean we should be pro-gay women because they typically have the LOWEST molestation rates, LOWEST crime rates, etc across the board? It's like you're picking and choosing your arguments. You need to remain consistent.

I Do Not invent facts to suit my needs . Lesbians do not molest Children - I probably couldn't find a single case if I tried.

As far as being Pro-Gay women- I thought you already were - lol? Come on Kevin - you can tell Beanie - you getting some nooky on the side from a pair of Dykes {Wink wink}

Getting back to business ... You want to know about Lesbians and Kids - take a look at the Girl Scouts , and what goes on in that organization.


Women role models the Girl Scouts list in their Journey books. These are the women that young girls are supposed to look up to as Role Models, to emulate and strive to be like. Of the more than 50 women listed as role models for girls in the Girl Scout Journey books, why are there only two non leftist non feminist non lesbians (Sojourner Truth, and Mother Teresa)?
Girl Scouts Lesbian Infiltration

No offense Greenbean but I didn't get much out of that response of yours. And I'm not going to read or trust any information from ""; just not going to go there, sorry.

My question is, if you're going to use molestation rates to make the case against gay men, wouldn't it be only fair to also use those same rates to make the case for gay women? Don't you see the double standard developing here?

Yes Kevin, you do have a valid point , Child Molestation is exclusively a Gay Male issue and does not apply to Lesbians . The purpose of the Girl Scout link was to demonstrate the devious aspects of Gay Feminism - which is well documented - I'm sorry you don't like the name of the link I provided - but tough noogies- that's what the site is called .

If you are going to attempt to debunk something, do it based on the content . If debunking were as simple as that - the Party of Jack-Asses {Democrats} would have been out of business a long time ago.

SEAHAG: If you'll notice I treat Kevin with the respect he deserves - he makes a sound debate and does his research , unlike many others who simply post nonsense and parrot whatever the Lords of political correctness dictate.

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